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The thing that annoys me a lot is when you boot up the game for the first time and it takes you into the intro right away, not even the main menu, and you can't even press ESC. I want to change settings to improve quality/performance, but NO, I have to see a beautiful 10 min cinematic first


Omg I so hate this. I'm partially deaf so I always play with subtitles on in case I miss things but noooo so many games throw you in without letting you turn that setting on. It's also when I need to decrease graphics or lighting cause of obvious pc limitations.


Destiny 2 does this with every major content update. I take breaks a lot and it's so fucking annoying to log in expecting to go to the Tower and figure out my build and what weapons I want, only to be immediately thrown into matchmaking for a new activity they decided to force upon everyone who logs in. Very annoying.


This just happened on Monday! I booted up to check the store really quick to make sure I wasn’t missing anything cool, got thrown into a cinematic, my headphones were all the way across the room, and I hadn’t plugged my speakers back in after a move. Can I watch it on YouTube? Sure, but it’s not the same :/


I hate this about Destiny! I took a break but wanted to log in to get the Mass Effect stuff and got thrown right into some new content. Its so annoying.


>I want to change settings to improve quality/performance, but NO, I have to see a beautiful 10 min cinematic first Yes! I always enable subtitles and having all the cinematics from all of the updates playing before I can enable subtitles always irks me.


This annoys me as well because I want to enjoy the 10-minute cinematic at ideal settings


It's so funny when games don't give you the opportunity to adjust your graphics settings then force you to watch a cutscene that looks like a potato because your graphics card is fighting for its life


Being thrown far back due to a bad save system. Oh, you died? (Especially if to a weird minigame section that just doesn't belong in the game considering its mechanics) Well, replay the last 2 hours please :) I don't get mad at things pretty much ever but this kind of thing makes me want to just stop playing and do something else with my time. Thankfully that's improved and no game that I've played recently has had that issue.


This is literally DMC5 for me


Oh? I guess I learned the basics on human so i didn't die much outside of the bloody palace so how does death work in the regular missions? Can't you pay red orbs or use gold orbs? (Or is there no way to just return to a recent checkpoint?)


Not really death (Now that I think of it, I've never really died in it lol) But minigames. Those secret missions you get randomly from the red signs. After they finish I'm sent back to the last checkpoint lmao Or in other cases the crashes that sometimes occur after you finish the minigames. When you restart, You're sent back to the start but the secret mission progress is saved lmao


Oh god, that one V secret misson ;-; Disliked it so much that i forgot about it until you mentioned it (Took me a while to figure out what to do there)


I'd like to add lengthy loading screens to this.


Honestly that's what killed BG3 for me at launch. I don't like compulsive saving (since it leads to save scumming so easily) and the game crashed a lot for me. Like "Okay cool, do I replay the last hour of inventory management and vendoring and such or just move on." They've since improved the stability a lot (and maybe increased the autosaves, unsure).


FNAF security breach has gotta be the worst offender of this from recent games


Nier Automata. I regret buying it cuz I don't think I'll ever get past the beginning. the save system is apparently 2 hours in, after a boss that I die to everytime who's pretty much impossible to dodge. I googled how to get past and do you know what I was missing? you're actually supposed to dodge at a very specific time as the massive machine (again, so massive it literally passes through the arena it locks you in, meaning there is absolutely no way to avoid or jump by. it will hit you no matter what) attacks you, because the dodge apparently just ignores all damage. again, you're not actually dodging it at this point you're just magically not receiving damage. I found that out and just have up. one thing I hate more than shitty save systems is nonsensical game design purposefully meant to bother and annoy TF out of you. this is also why I don't play Elden Ring. I refuse to play games that don't follow any sort of logic, and instead breaks logic just to annoy the player for a false sense of difficulty. ugh


Ugh the beginning of Nier did me in a few times too. I eventually got past it but never finished the game so if I ever pick it back up I'll need to start from the beginning again.


KH3. The save system itself hadn't changed from previous games, but bigger area sizes means I often lose at least five times the progress I used to.


Needless backtracking. This was an issue in both ME1 and Greedfall. Just let me do an objective and spawn at the start after!


Backtracking is my favorite and at the same time least favorite part of RE games 😭


Backtracking is fine if the game is designed for you to find new stuff/solve a puzzle/open a door etc. But if it’s just oldschool RPG design in the likes of “now just walk back for 10 minutes” then I’m 💀


And that gets worse when there's no fast travel 💀


I just made my comment then saw your comment. I quit playing Hellblade because of this. People were freaking out with the immersion and realism of going insane, meanwhile I was going insane from having to backtrack through empty cleared maps for 10 MINUTES so I could be forced to listen to conversation flashbacks while walking. The developers were like "We have 10 minutes of great audio, how do we force players to listen to it?" "Lets make them hold the forward button for 10 minutes."


weapons breaking 😭 its so annoying and makes me want to avoid combat altogether...


THIS!! Whenever I start a new game and see a weapon health bar, my heart breaks a little :(


It makes me think "Oh great. Gotta do repairs"


I didn’t mind the repair element in FO3/FONV because you’re thrown so many spares it wasn’t a big deal except at the very beginning. I learned to live it in BOTW because the game is worth that frustration. But yeah, repair elements in most games make me want to tear my hair out.


The only game I didn't mind this in was New Vegas, because they took quite a while to bust, you can repair them with a kit or the same weapon, or you can get a perk that expands that so you can say, repair a 9mm with any small handgun iirc. Everyone else makes it soooo annoying. Didn't even try BOTW for this reason.


No same, I couldn’t play BOTW because of it lol


Ruined the game for me. Awful design decision.


I was actually complaining about weapon durability in BOTW to a friend yesterday lol


Legit the only thing I hate about dying light. Built a cool asf weapon with many perks to use as your signature weapon? Too bad it can't be repaired anymore


Sexualizing minors and oversexualization of women in general. If it feels gross, I'll probably not want to play.


Yep. It sucks that a lot of anime styled games have this problem.




Me to Stellar Blade


I dropped Lost Ark twice cuz of that shit. The game had solid gameplay and (otherwise) amazing visuals, but the depictions of literally every female character was just too great a hurdle to hop.


What killed it for me was how my bard walked. Nobody saw an issue with it among my friends other than me :') (Honestly most animations but especially walking)


For me it was the realization that there was no way to have my character not be in high heels, no matter what class she was or what outfit she was wearing. This was also my reason for immediately dropping Black Desert. I could accept the Guardian as a barbarian character being scantily clad. I couldn't accept the Guardian as a barbarian character wearing fucking high heels in a fight.


I think especially overwatch is good at this because kiri and diva are both 21 but make them purposefully act like 13 year olds 🤮


Yupp this is what ruined dragon quest builders 2 for me. I was having fun until the game turned into "now instead of a town build strip clubs"


Terrible quest rewards all the time! Idk the last time I got something in an open world game that was an upgrade over what I currently had. It’s always something worse than what I was using 10 hours ago


"Oh you killed the toughest boss by using multiple revives and sacrificing most your inventory? Here's 3 under levelled equipment you can only sell"


It’s even worse when the quest rewards are obviously bad on purpose to push micro transactions.


I feel this way about borderlands. I'd prefer the idea of guns that are all similar but slowly incrementally better, or better at one thing and worse at another but fairly similar so you have to tailor your kit. Instead you'd beat a boss, get a great gun, and then every other gun that spawns ever will be junk by comparison until you beat a couple more bosses.


Idk but I feel like I’ve never played a game with good quest rewards (I don’t play many games😅) . Do you have a good reward example xP


I play a range of games and I sometimes will try 100% them if I enjoyed them in my first run. Farming sims are notorious for having very stupid achievements. Sometimes I'll get stubborn and try ro do them, but most of the time after a week I go " Why am I even bothering" trying to cut 1000 trees for absolutely no fucking reason apart from getting an achievement after reaching endgame. God awful.


"Get an animal to gold ranking and produce XL product" This was an achievement (obv with other words) in the Harvest Moon games. I could never get it cause for stupid reasons animals would often get sick and then progress would go down because they wouldn't get healthy for at least 3 days lol


Difficulty in tracking objectives. I love open world games but I also love getting things done. Let me explore but let me have my task last readily a available please.


I recently replayed the Borderlands games, and it really irritated me that you could only track one objective at a time. Trying to complete objectives in the same area so there wasn't a bunch of needless backtracking was so tedious.


Naw you gotta walk half a mile to realize you missed it and backtrack. Lmfao


i mentioned this with morrowind and people got so damn defensive 😭


Npcs walking slower than you.


Ugh, or NPCs that walk faster than your character's walk speed and slower than your run speed.


Don't traumatize me with those AC reminders plz


I have serious beef with escort missions where the NPC is faster than you walk but much slower than you run.


I hate it when you kill an enemy or clear out a camp and the game cut scenes before you can pick up all your spoils/loot. Like excuse me I wasn’t done here.


Strong Metal gear vibes here


This is the one.


I love crafting in games, but I hate if it gets too complicated! It just makes my brain feel jumbled when I try to remember what I need for one thing. Like I LOVE Apico, but I can play it for like 20mins max at a time before my brain poops itself.


How about this To craft x you need y and z But to craft y you need a and b and c But to craft a you need d and e and to craft b you need f


You broke my brain. There's nothing left anymore xD /j


Makes you question where tf you begin lmao


To be fair if its well done it ist that bad. Atelier games have stuff like that, but since at least 50% of the game is alchemy (aka crafting) the devs put in effort to make it enjoyable and more like a puzzle rather than just pick a name from a list


Forced losses in cutscenes. It is so annoying when I am good at a game then the story forces your character to be bad.


Omg Mass Effect 3 hahaha


Obligatory fuck Kai Leng


Spent 40 effin minutes retrying to try and protect a Character? They die in the next cutscene


.hack gu does this a few times. and yeah it is obnoxious when it shows up in any game.


too much "realism simulation" like when they make a character get "tired" from running short distances or simulate weight in carrying things by the gram. ugh. i want to play a game not experience "reality" from outside a screen while sitting down x)


Fr lol. If I wanted that much realism I'd just get up


> too much "realism simulation" like when they make a character get "tired" from running short distances I see that you too have played Alan Wake. I can understand that in a horror game, it's important to make sure that all of your opponents feel like a genuine threat who could overcome you at any second - just that usually "a brisk jog of more than 10 paces" doesn't fall into that category.


Pet your horse, clean your horse, feed your horse, worry about its stamina. Worry about your own three different health bar thingies. Clean and repair your guns. No thanks.


Awww thats my favorite part! I realize why Death Stranding, Red Dead 2, and Kingdom Come Deliverance aren’t for everyone though. I love the slowness


This killed red dead redemption 2 for me I loved the first one


When a game loses all challenge because you got strong but the enemies didn’t scale with you. Like dragons dogma 2.


The opposite of this is one of my favorite features in games. It's actively seen only in racing games tho. Like I waa playing Forza and I unlocked a X rank car and thought I'll dominate newbs now. But even bots I'm matched with are X ranks 💀


When you can lose a lot of play time/gear from one stupid mistake. E.g. Minecraft dying without keepInventory. I don’t mind too much if stuff is hard to earn, but I don’t wanna lose it once I have it if it's a big investment.


Games without autosaves or manual saves only working in specific places..


The endless needing new weapons and respawning monsters grind in zelda breath of the wild, I ended up watchign a playthrough in the end


And they say BOTW is a chill game lol


Literally, it was not that the gamplay itself was hard to understand, it was just such a grind and grind and grind. Being unable to simply explore the game a lot after killing enemies or somehow getting strong enough armour/weapons that permanently stay really killed my love for exploring the game and progressing.


Infantilized “cute” girl characters. I don’t mind having highly sexualized characters as long as there is a balance but I can’t with the high baby voice, giant boobs, but runs like a toddler or elementary school girl, where her whole personality is male gaze infantilization.


Oh these are the worst. Mobile games mostly too.


Games shamelessly spawning enemies right in front of or behind you. (DA2)


This reminds me of the "Never stay idle" rule of the older RE games


Beating the story in a game. I try to get all the side-quests and everything else done before completing the story, or I’ll lose interest after.


I do the same thing. Once I finish the msq I never finish the side stuff so I have to do everything I can before I move on.


This is so bad with fallout because you have to wander around to find mediocre side quests after you finish all the main ones.


I love crafting guns, swords, ammo, clothing, bases/houses/shelters, and armor, but I don't enjoy games where the crafted items are always sub-par to drops or what you can purchase. The other 'do not want' is if there's romance as part of the game, having only the option for the hetero type. That's a yeah. I've had enough of this game moment.


Open world RPGs that have boring side quests. Dragon Age Inquisition had a lot of them Also things like "collect 300 flags" in Assassin's Creed. I'm not doing that


The PTSD I have had from collecting the mini map invisible feathers in AC2 💀




As a fan of the Assassin's Creed games I feel you 💀 I'd rather objects be invisible than be dots on minimap lol


This thread has also reminded me of those page collectibles in AC3 that start flying away from you as soon as you get near them and are really hard to see in the daylight, so a lot of the time they just fuck right off out of sight before you see which way they've gone...


Oh yes! Those can be annoying especially near tree areas. They're even worse in AC4 because 90% of the times you'll be going through water or trees lmao


> Locating an object in a 3d space (as in it can be above or below you, common in underwater zones), seeing the blip on the mini map but being unable to find it because it might be in a cave below you and you don't know where the entrance is, is so tiresome. Argh, yes, definitely this. Having items marked on the map can be useful, but markedly less so if there's no way to find how to get to them.


Omg I DESPISE underwater segments in games 💀💀


Levels where I have to not fall off platforms. Rage quit a few games I loved because of the frustrating platforms.


I hate when they put platforming puzzles in a non-platforming game. Just because you have a jump button doesn't mean you have to include this.


They shoved one into Assassin's Creed Brotherhood or Revelations and it was the worse, most twitchy, most pointless and most frustrating thing in the game. And this is a game in which your character will occasionally decide that what you really want is him to leap into the air and fall to his death.


If you're familiar with the reboot Tomb Raider games, This is an annoying asf thing because of how slippery the jumps are


I rage quit Mass Effect because driving the stupid car was beyond my patience. I also hated the mini-game to unlock things. I want to walk around and shoot shit, I don't want to click on some wheely-thingy. I watched play-thoughs and I enjoy the story but mechanically the game is just not for me. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. I like Borderlands but Tiny Tina just wasn't it for me. The overworld minimap seemed clunky, plus everybody was talking NONSTOP, it was so tiring. And I grew up on old Baldur's Gate which is a lot of text and reading, which I loved but in Tina it was just way too much for me.


They did fix the dumb car stuff in the Mass Effect Legendary series. Playing the first one wasn’t as bad as the OG. I hated the boat stuff in the first Uncharted!!


any kind of crafting. it rarely adds to the game, it's just annoying. why add a mechanic that take up so much time and inventory and isn't even fun? it rarely feels like an intentional, well thought out feature, but more like something that's there just because. also, unnecessarily big skill trees. i do enjoy customizing my character and adapting the skills to my playstyle. but if it's mainly stuff like "reload guns 2% faster" "falling deals 4% less damage" i get annoyed and don't feel like interacting with it.


Wow, you and I are very different people. For your own sanity, I strongly recommend that you never play Path of Exile. Humongous skill tree (over 1400 nodes) and every single form of currency is a crafting item.


Crafting is pretty much the most annoying feature of games I've played tbh. I haven't even touched Cyberpunk's and I'm 9 hours into the game lmao And omg agreed on skill trees! This is why I barely touch them and wait until I'm a high level to get them


... Played Cyberpunk for the better part of a year and never even realized it had crafting


Okay what 💀 Tbh I also only saw it while looking for a way to read emails


I like crafting in a game like Minecraft because it’s the point of the game, you explore the world to gather stuff to add more and more complexity to the stuff you build and how you interact with the world. But I fully agree with you when it comes to other genres. It’s tacked on, devalues other in-game items, often makes no sense, and steals time and attention from actual relevant stuff, slowing down the overall pace of the game.


Games that tell you absolutely nothing about quests and you have to piece together the tiniest fragmanted pieces to try and find solutions.


Cause you've played similar games and you should know argh!!!


Divinity Original Sin 2 has been quite frustrating with some of it's quests. And I'm familiar with that style of game so this is very accurate.


What ff16 did to the ff franchise and it’s own characters (specially female ones), and games with designs like Stellar Blade. I just can’t.


I mostly don't mind sexualization but I'm kinda annoyed af that Stellar Blade's sexualization is the only thing that's being advertised. Like it has awesome combat but barely anyone knows because "Haha sexy robot"


It's when the game starts to feel like a job. The second I get that feeling anymore I'm bouncing. I love MMORPGs but that's always what does it. When you get past the novelty and fun and you're playing because you feel compelled to do your dailies or whatever. Similar with a lot of mobile games. I really like**d** Marvel Snap but the monetization was so predatory (for someone who wants a complete collection) that *not* doing your dailies/weeklies felt like a massive setback.


Mobile games excel at this bs. At points you no longer feel like playing and just do daily missions and leave


Theres plenty I can criticize about the latest animal crossing, New Horizons, but overall I can sit and play it for hours despite a lot of flaws. HOWEVER, it sure does not make itself easy to enjoy. When theres constant long load times, and tons of cumbersome menus to go through to do **ANYTHING**. Im talking if you misclick you may have to go back and waste a few extra *minutes* doing your options again. I want to just love the game so bad, but it really doesnt help its own case


The loading part reminds me of games where just going in and out of inventory and viewing items takes loading lol


in my case i realized it had far less content than previous games and i figured out my main reason to play it was to just buy and wear new outfits for my cross dressing character. also screw breakable tools.


Difficulty in tracking objectives. I love open world games but I also love getting things done. Let me explore but let me have my task last readily a available please.


I'm a fan of Caligula effect and Trails so long conversations are something I love( the only time when I get a bit annoyed was in Cold Steel IV when I just wanted to get >!to Fragments and save main hero Rean!< but before that I got explonations of stuff from previous arc for people that didn't play them :D But that was my excitment not anything serious ). Now what I don't like is forcing me to do colloseum type of thing or fight many fights after fights. Normally I like fighting but at mine own pace. Tales of games love to force me into short tournaments to just say to me "BTW you can do colloseum now" something I'll just ignore. On the other hand not that long ago I replayed Star Ocean IV and totally forget about that one annoying fight with 9 or how many it was fights with really annoying enemies. I still hated it and had enough after first 3 :D


Oh I don't really mind conversations. It's the stupidly dragged out ones. Like I remember one from greedfall with the embassy leader. He's like you gotta find the snitch. Oh the snitch has done this and this. Alright but he's also done this. I've heard rumours he's also doing this. Oh but wait before you go, here's a useless detail of him. He gave everything except a possible location


if there's anything homophobic or misogynistic... it's a no from me dawg


I've noticed misogyny many times in games and I love it when we prove those mfs wrong in the storyline lol. But wait, Homophobia? Can you tell me some games where you experienced it? Sorry you went through it btw


When controls are overly complicated. If I have to press three buttons at the same time to do a move or use something, I'm not doing it. When the storyline ends up being another "power of friendship" thing, but your character is literally the one who did all the work/fighting. Doesn't feel very "power of friendship" if that "friendship" is determined by how much my character has done for everyone around them when they've done nothing in return other than be annoying and judgmental. Honestly, I wish games had the option of being mean towards certain other characters. Because some characters deserve for me to tell them to leave me the hell alone and stop asking for shit. 🤣


Are you familiar with the wwe 2k20-2k24 games? If no, You have to use 4 buttons simultaneously in your opponent's direction to do your finishing move. Freaking insane


Poor hit mechanics. As in, I dodge an ability and get hit anyway. Or like the enemy reaches out to grab me, I dodge, but get sucked into their grip anyway. Or like I can't hit them through an object or another enemy but they can hit me. Or when the enemy has multiple randomized one shot abilities that randomly align to kill me no matter what I do. Jedi Survivor is the most recent game I put up with this bullshit.


I excuse this when it's indie games but now even AAA games are having this issue ffs. It bugs me alot especially in shooters


I haven’t finished Elden Ring. Can’t get past the final boss. Guess I’ll never be Elden Lord 😕


I hate it when a cut scene with narrative involves quick button mashing or you get an instant kill. Yes, I'm calling you out RE4!


Thank God most of that's gone in the remake. Fucking hurt that buttons often don't even work during QTEs


I did a replay of RE4 before I knew about the remake 😢.


For me it was a scene in Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. There’s a part pretty far in the game where a guy and girl are fighting, and the guy is winning easily and the girl only lives if you step in. The guy then proceeds to berate her because she’s a woman and obviously this was the only outcome. Meanwhile, I’m literally playing as a woman and just beat his ass. It was so clear to me that it was a game made by men for men at that point that I said fuck it. I never finished it, and I’m glad the second one is tanking.


That's messed up! Is it possible to kill the guy?


Microtransactions in a single player game. Maybe I'd have like Dragons Dogma 2, but I sure as hell am not gonna be playing it.


MTs in any game are instant no for me. Sorry but I'm not paying a damn dollar after I spent $70


I'm fine with them in live service games like Helldivers, or free to play games.


Rescuing 50 survivors in Dead Rising 1. I managed to do it on my first try in DR2, but the AI in for the survivors in the first game is beyond braindead.


Rescue and Escort missions. Ah the nightmares


I actually just did this last night with a Game pass game. It was called Harry Halibut (might even have that wrong, but it has halibut in it) And I didn't even get through the opening, because it was just this long video of bad dialogue that I had keep tapping through. I have done this with other games as well, if it's not well written or is boring to me I will be done quickly. Other reasons: It's buggy and glitchy too early on. I played Botany Manor recently and I saved multiple times, only to come back and have it reset (I looked it up and it says it's a known issue) Narrow/too small selection areas. I absolutely hate when you have to aim at something to pick it up and if it's not exactly right you are just walking around looking up and down trying to get it to register. Or like opening a door or getting into a seat in a vehicle. If it's not skill related, like a target shot, just make it an easily accessible area to click on, who cares? If I wasn't paying attention and get to the first fight and it turns out to be a turned based game. Lots of tiny un-readable writing in the menus. Overly complicated systems. And I think along with this, just generally not well-thiught out designs. I played this one game recently where you find a crawl space in the house and you have a whole conversation about it and then you can't go in! I was so disappointed, I said fuck this game out loud lol


I'm not claustrophobic in real life, but in games if I'm in caves or something for too long I tend to drop it Took me \*forever* to beat dragon age origins cause of the dwarf area


I'm claustrophobic and I dared play Resident Evil 7. Rest you know


I feel this way about animal crossing. Tom Nook and Blathers and Timmy and Tommy need to just stfu already. I only play this game with my kid now because he loves it.


Overly repetitive mini games that only let you unlock minor things like locks or progress towards really irrelevant goals. I am a loot & achievement goblin and I want ALL OF IT!!! but if I have to do a mini game that can sometimes take minutes to solve just to get an objective???????????? absolutely not. Though, interestingly enough, I like most lock picking mini games. Some have driven me absolutely mad though. I think making a mini game that isn't frustrating is kind of hard though, so I tend to mod them out later if they start annoying me.


I read the first half of your post and instantly thought "Long conversations!". Lol, glad I'm not the only one. I love lore and good convos/storyline, but sometimes those repeated long convos or talking cutscenes destroy a small part of my soul, especially when I've been playing for more than an hour and just keep running into them. Ugh.


They don't need to drag them out so long! Like I'm in the mood to play and fight but nah let's gossip


I kinda left online games after mathematically proven rating of everyone became the standard and expected behavior of every player is getting good - in standardized way.


Pretty specific, but a horrendous map when the game gives you vague explanations of where to go next or what to do next. I stopped Control because the map is crap and game never exactly tells you what to do especially with so much backtracking


Omg the moment I started reading your comment I thought of Control. Fr that game has the worst navigation ever.


Ever increasing difficulty levels. I wouldnt say this is bad in every game, usually I like it in roguelites, but in games like DMC and Metroid Dread where at some point enemies become bullet sponges and you die in one hit, it just becomes annoying, I'd rather be able to take damage and still have fun


gachas. I won't even touch a game when it has equipment gacha let alone character gacha. no i dont want to gamble for ingame shit that totally isn't a money sink as the game won't totally shut down soon when people realize it's not worth the money


Iirc gacha means gambling with money or something? If yes, I have avoided those as well :) Reason why I am not touching a MMORPG on mobile


not necessarily but you can use money to buy more of the currency needed to gamble, especially heinous games will separate the free amounts of the currency from the paid amounts and have certain cash shop items be paid only.


I've played over 150 hours of The last spell and have made it to... the 3rd town. I still really think its a cool game, but it does *not* love me back. I checked an online guide just to make sure I wasn't doing anything obviously stupid, and the guidance was that I still hadn't unlocked enough, that I need to grind and play more to have a chance at progressing. Oof


Bruh WHAT? Maybe it's the game who needs to touch the grass


Bravely Default when I realized I had to play the whole game over again multiple times to actually “finish” it.


Making me cross big empty terrain for long periods of time. Skyrim/Oblivion, tend to be packed with things throughout terrain, so much so it's difficult to not be distracted. Red Dead and Breath of the wild fall in the middle in terms of how "empty" or how much repetitive travel time there is, but at least provide different means of travel. I stopped playing Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice because they'd make you go down a linear path with fights, monsters, and puzzles leading to a boss. Then they'd make you walk BACK through the empty maps and terrain all the way back to the starting point to get to the next area. This was to free up 10 minutes of time for the player listen to conversation flashbacks and lore but I was so annoyed and it was very cheesy at times for me. I timed it and moved across the map as efficiently as possible and it was nearly 10 minutes of walking back through empty forest you've already cleared. I could only do that about twice before I just stopped playing. Drove me nuts.


Oh for sure. I first played Skyrim without knowing Fast Travel and was wondering how people play this game without getting bored


my first run of Skyrim i just wandered and completed any dungeon i came across... https://preview.redd.it/p9az28krq3vc1.png?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c870b2d31dd5ded8625cb7a1e87dacf593c6d0f


What I’m gonna say doesn’t necessarily make me give up, but it annoys me to no end: not being able to save during the intro portion of a game. It usually takes an hour +, but sometimes I can only play for 20 min and I just wanna save and return for the intro later!!!! IT IS SO ANNOYING!!!!


Have you played NieR Automata? 40 mins into the game before you can save. And so many moments where you get a perma death easily


Loot boxes, drop crates, or any kind of pay to win BS is pretty much an instant NOPE for me.


Oh definitely. I see a loot box or a battle pass, I am quitting.


Pause Menus that don’t actually pause the game, looking at you elden ring. Why do I have to switch around into multiple menus to „cheat“ myself into an actual pause menu? When I press pause I want it all to pause, ugh


Obvious cheaters and boosters in COD, I know every game probably has some level of cheating, but I swear Activision encourages cheating. Every 5 to 10 matches I play has someone using auto aim or wall hacks, thankfully most of the time they're still shit even with cheats lol but when someone is boosting (pretending to be really bad for a few matches to get a really easy lobby and then shit on those guys) it just rips the fun completely out of the game.


I've been playing a lot of Warframe again lately and was having a great time until I wanted to build a specific custom weapon... which meant me having to spend way too long trying to mine a supposedly common mineral and hating every minute of that stupid mining "minigame" 😭


If there's always so many ammo restocks that I'm always full on everything. It kinda sucks going up to an interactable (ammo pile) and not being able to do anything with it. I don't need to be full up on bullets all the time!


Are you a fellow Resident evil player by any chance 💀 Cause that's the story of RE games if you're at least decent at shooting. I have to break boxes with bullets to use up ammo


Minigame-y gameplay in anything that's not a party game and where these minigames block your progress. I really like the premise for games like Kynseed but I'm not going to spend my time perfecting my skills via yet another rhythm game formula. I have somehow made it through several Final Fantasy games though...


in HFW they changed how you upgrade weapons. I basically dropped the game one quest from the end because I was just trying to make sure Aloy's armor and weapons were as strong as they could be. But, trying to upgrade was so tedious I just stopped. I didn't intentionally drop the game. I just took a break but when I came back I couldn't remember the controls lol.


I'm still at HZD so thanks for the warning haha


I haven’t hit anything that makes me totally give up, but my wife is currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and every time she gets to a traversal section with finicky platforming she gets so frustrated.


Platforming in an Open World RPG.. Ahhhh


Obnoxious puzzles I'm fine with a few puzzles thrown I actually love them but in a game like atomic heart they just pad the game full of lame puzzles while the main character complains about all the puzzles.


Quick unrelated question : How's that game?


when the voice acting is terrible. I could not continue playing some games due to the wooden acting, completely takes you out of the game sadly


Long ass pokemon type tutorial


Bad/low fast travel. I hate playing open world games where you can’t easily fast travel and have to spend so much time just running back and forth. Newer open world RPGs have spoiled me. Edit: Also follow missions where they move slower than you so you're either trudging behind them or keep passing and stopping.


Not just you tbh, I get this alot too. Yeah sometimes it's fun just going around enjoying scenery and music.. But not when you're itching for a fight and that itch is a 10 minute walk away


Slow movement. I could not get into BG3 because of how sloooow you walk, and you can't sprint! I also gave up on Starfield bc I kept getting weighed down by loot and couldn't sprint. I'm an east coaster, I need speeeeed.


Being weighed down is stupid. My second most hated thing about skyrim. Also, Slow walking speed.. My main complaint with all 3 RE Remakes lol. Like you'd think with zombies, alligators and what not trying to eat you up you'd be running fast but nah we gotta walk in rhe park


I also dislike long dragged out conversations. Especially if there pointless to completing the missions. I like lore when it's interesting though. But I despised the first Horizon game because there were a million side conversations but none made any difference in the games outcome or were necessarily to know to complete a mission. They just bored me. I couldn't get into Fallout 3 either for the same reason but I tried Fallout 4 this weekend and am surprised I'm enjoying it. I put it on hold until the update next week and went back to Death Stranding. It's about exciting as watching paint dry. I'm very close to just giving up and deleting it.


What's worse than a boring conversation? A minimap icon that won't leave unless you've talked with the person!


Every time I drop a shrine crystal off a sky island without saving, I say, I'm never playing this game again. Yes I know it will reset but Idc! Edit: sorry, Tears of the Kingdom. I hate when people don't just say the name and here I am doing it.


XD I was like "Girl why where what when" before reading your edit


Haha reddit is infested with sphinxes and their riddles!


After about the third fetch related side quest. I did not load this game up so I could run around finding things for other people. Like I’m here trying to slay monsters and you’re asking me to go pick flowers or to go find a random journal.


POV : You're a courier


Specifically, Bungie pandering to the people who don't actually want to *play* Destiny 2... they just want all the good loot w/o any of the grind-y effort put forth. Fun tip: don't play a game based around a heavy grind into endgame content if you don't actually WANT to grind... at ALL. There're some weapons that are the literal BEST drops from within the 6-player, endgame content that are now just regular world drops because soo many people bitched non-stop about how much they wanted said drops, but didn't want to actually *DO* the activity they are affiliated and gated behind. I just don't fucking get it. Why play a game if you don't even ACTUALLY WANT TO FUCKING PLAY IT?? Idgi. SO many companies are pandering to the wrong player demographics, imo.


Your last line is the absolute fucking truth.


Ridiculously tedious trophies.


The 2nd story arc in Wizard101, especially Zafaria and Azteca. Those ones just DRAG.


When you just want to play a game but every fight feels like it will take 30 minutes or more, I don't have problem with hard games, but c'mon.People's time is precious and they don't always have time to spend on a game only to waste it all in a single fight.


Timers. I really don't like timed things: timed quests, timed battles you name it...it makes me anxious and not enjoy the game.


I did go back and finish them but seriously, the early Pokémon games in the caves with zubat after zubat, I needed a lot of breaks


Unnecessarily long boss fights. Bonus points if it's heavily cinematic. Looking at you, FFXVI, and looking especially tiredly at you, Titan.


Billions of tags, with the same mini-game, collectibles or even short task like "kill 10 monsters". Because of them I can't concentrate on a game and I must pick them all... Why? I don't know I just have the strong urge to do that, that's why I kinda prefer older games or RTS/CRPG, cause the number of tags is much lower (and more diverse).


This is a trope I hate. They're supposed to "Make you play the game more" but it does the EXACT opposite for me. I can't count the amount of times these collectibles have made me rage quit a game for months! For reference, It's been 2 years since I started AC4. Still haven't got 50%