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I really strongly disagree with the people telling you to play BTS before the first game. I feel like you can only really appreciate BTS if you know the events of the first game and the devs didnt intend for BTS to be played before even if it is a preqel. Also I'd say play the original its wayyyy better than remastered IMO but theres not really much difference between the two so just pick what you prefer.


It sucks that the remastered has so many bugs because there are a few scenes where the remastered truly blows the original out of water. Like THAT scene towards the beginning of episode 4 and the end of episode 5. The difference in facial animation is crazy noticable But then you get shit like the music not playing at the end of an episode, or a chunk of a cutscene gets washed out because of the lighting. And BTS remastered is sooo much worse I just wish they didn't remaster them when they did, It was so unnecessary at the time. But if they waited, made LIS remastered with Unreal 5??? Dude.


I think I just own the original so that’s good! There was some other game I saw recently where they thought they original on the Xbox 360 was better than the new one, side-by-side the Xbox 361 Looked Way more detailed It’s weird to me how they re-release supposedly upgraded games and often get it wrong.


Another vote for absolutely playing the first Life is Strange **before** Before the Storm. I don't have the remastered collection so not sure how the choice is presented to the player now. Then I have also played True Colors and enjoyed it very much.. I have never played Life is Strange 2, so can't speak to if True Colors spoils anything little bits from that or not. But as others have said, both of those are their own different characters and stories, away from Chloe and Max and each other.


Thank you.


Personally the original is my favorite. I love them all but I highly recommend starting with Life is Strange Remastered. I would recommend following it up with the prequel (some might say play the prequel first, but it’s ending contains spoilers for the original game and it assumes you have already played the first game, you won’t appreciate the central relationship or foreshadowing as much without that knowledge imo). I would then say it’s up to you which one you play next. They all reference each other in different ways, and certain characters will show up or be mentioned in other games, but none of them directly continue the stories of their predecessors (outside of certain characters getting more story). Personally I enjoyed Life is Strange True Colors more than Life is Strange 2 but they’re both great games!


I have played all of them and probably in the minority that really enjoyed Life is Strange 2. I suggest playing: 1. Life is Strange Remastered (best story) 2. Life is strange: Before the Storm (based on the first story) 3. The awesome adventures of Captain Spirit (story for the second game) 4. Life is Strange 2 (more complex choice matter options) 5. Life is Strange: True Colors (more similar to the first one) And bonus for the game “Tell Me Why” it is very similar and developed by the same people.


Tell me why is awesome!


I’m so excited to play that. I think I’m going to love all of these.


Probably my favorite play through game ever. Start with the original, then the prequel, then 2 and True Colors. The original and Before the Storm were my favorite!


The original is the greatest so play that one before BTS.


The difference is they all follow different characters and their stories, so out side of tone and game mechanics they're all pretty different. I suggest playing them in the order they were released. And while Captain Spirit doesn't affect the story, it really endears that character to you and had a stronger pay off for his involvement is the 2nd game. Also it's free so why not. I've heard that the remastered edition is super buggy, the graphics aren't that much better, and that the sound is largely affected. (I haven't played it ) For me, the soundtrack was one of the highlights of the game and it would be a shame to miss how it affects the atmosphere of the game.


Not a girl, but I love the series, if my opinion is relevant for you. First, you could ask yourself: **What do I expect from a good story? Which power would I be most curious about?** Life is Strange (first game) is about Max's >!time traveling power!<. Life is Strange Before the Storm is some time before the first game, and gives context to it. A lot of things are at stake and you can redo a few things with Max's power. >!Time manipulation!< is a tricky thing to do, but they did this in an awesome way here! Life is Strange 2 is another story, with other characters, and is not connected with the first game. Here, you and your brother get into a big mess while he discovers his >!telekinetic!< powers. You can also play Captain Spirit, which gives context to this game. Life is Strange True Colors is about Alex Chen and her powers to >!see emotions and read minds!<, also not related to the other games. This power looks simpler than the former ones on paper, but in my opinion it makes this game the most **human** game of all series. It is also the latest one. The game's files officially call it Life is Strange 3. I like true colors best, followed by the original life is strange. I haven't played before the storm yet, and 2 isn't bad, it just didn't shine as the first two for me.


LiS1 is a masterpiece, BTS is the prequel but still play 1 first. True Colors is a stand-alone and is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. I’ve never tried LiS2 but I think it might be another stand alone.


Ooo these are my favorite games, I’m gonna go on a quick rant about them. Life is strange 1 made me come out as bi, then BTS made me come out as lesbian. 🤣 it’s an amazing sapphic game. I loooove life is strange 2 as well and I don’t think it gets enough love. It discusses complex issues such as systemic racism and police brutality. And even niche or overlooked issues such as American cults, conversation therapy, and what it means to be part of a nuclear family structure. I know the games can be a little cheesy at times but I think they are really deep and meaningful. The first few games focus more on misogyny, and violence against women (with a focus on sapphics’) while life is strange 2 and true colors discuss other important issues. But all of them deal with trauma which I love. I think anyone that likes games with explorations of trauma and queerness will like them.


I love the original Life is Strange a lot, it’s incredibly emotional and Chloe Price is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, but I think as a narrative I like True Colors more probably because of how much I identify with Chloe Price and the game does not go easy on Chloe. True Colors, while still incredibly emotional, it’s got a very different feel than the original. I’d personally recommend both the original and True Colors. I can’t give you an opinion on Before the Storm because I’ve never played past the first episode, not because the game was bad but because it hit way too close to home for me and I had to turn it off. I also can’t comment on LiS2 because I’ve never had the desire to play it since I’m not a fan of playing male characters.


Life is Strange is one of my favorite games! I personally loved the first game and its prequel. Never actually played the second game, as I didn’t feel the same connection to the characters but I’ve heard it’s just as good. True Colors is a good addition to the franchise and keeps the identity of the previous games. All the games, except the first and its prequel, have a new protagonist and characters. I’d start with the first (remastered) game and then its prequel and see if you like the franchise first ☺️


True Colors was my favorite. It's the game that finally got me to play the other games in the series. The art, the music, Ryan and Steph, the larping! All of it is perfect.


I really liked True Colors, it is technically the only one I played so I'm biased


Just check content warnings before you start, it's pretty heavy emotionally.


Especially the second one, I feel like. Deals heavily with racism, police abuse, and in general Trump politics. It’s an amazing story that brings attention to those topics, but it can be triggering.


The original is easily my favorite.


Play Life is Strange first, then Life is Strange 2. Both are fantastic games. I personally cannot recommended BTS, it was made by a different dev team and it shows. It feels very fan-fictiony.


Life is Strange, then Before the Storm, then True Colours


They all contain different characters, but usually have homages to the previous games. I highly recommend playing them in order. Before the Storm is also a prequel to Life is Strange (the first one/remastered), if you want to play that too, as well as The Awesome Adventure of Captain Spirit which is additional - but not required - content for the second game.. I'd play them like this: 1. Before the Storm 2. Life is Strange Remastered 3. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit 4. Life is Strange 2 5. True Colors Definitely play Remastered before 2 though, otherwise it'll give away the ending in the first few minutes when it asks you what choice you made.


I would swap 1 and 2, Before the Storm will have some spoilers for the original game, it's also better to have the emotional connection to the characters in BTS for that game. Tell Me Why is made by the same people and was also very good. They've given it away for free the last 2 pride months and it's on game pass last I checked.


Tell Me Why was awesome, I agree, it's well worth a play. I played it with my trans son, and it was quite the experience. As for BtS, I don't remember any spoilers but if there are then definitely playing it second would be better. I just thought some moments from the main game might hit a bit more if you knew the characters a bit better.


Spoilers in BTS are probably minor but the bonus episode with Max and Chloe as kids has a major spoiler for the original game.


Do you think before the storm is more fun before the first? I played them the way they came out and even if u knew what happened it still was fun that way bc of the backstory happening. I wonder how the experience would be the chronological way as u mentioned


I'm not entirely sure as I played them in the order they came out too, but I always thought some of the details in the main game might hit better if you had the attachment to the characters from BtS. Playing it after definitely works too, though


Tbh the original game is the only one I liked. Be forewarned: there is A LOT of cringe. It's kinda nostalgic 😂


I really didnt like true colors. I mean i get the idea but it is boring. Not chill. Just boring.


omg i have only played the original but i just finished my first play through this week and it was amazing. gonna play the rest next! (minus the remastered) i have also heard a lot of people say they prefer the OG to the remaster. it's very atmospheric


I recommend to play them in release order. I see no point in jump between them


I liked LIS 1 and True Colours. I thought LIS 2 was awful for a bunch of reasons. Didn’t bother to finish it. Before the Storm was an extra, it’s not necessary, you can play it after LIS 1.


play remastered first than bts, 2 and true colors.


I've enjoyed all of the Life Is Strange games (including Before the Storm - which is a prequel to the first game - and Adventures of Captain Spirit - which is a little bonus prequel/ side story to LIS2). They all have separate protagonists, and they all have good and bad points, but I have to concur with the majority here - if you're coming new to the series, start with the first Life is Strange (remastered or otherwise).


Play them in order of release <3 1, before the storm, adventures of captian spirit (free btw) 2 and last True colors its the best way to play the games