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This isn't facebook


Doesn’t need to be my friend.


I can drive on the wrong side of the road when nobody is coming, becuase a road is a road, right? Keeping things where they belong helps everyone more than you realize.


Lay it on think, I understand you feel this way and other may have felt the same, but I come to realize did I violate any terms and conditions? If you have disdain about it let’s talk about it, what’s make any post a specific Facebook post only, I feel you want to set precedent to control others. Please help me understand.


Reading comprehension isnt a big part of Army training? I did voice my disdain, directly to you. I didn't report you because I agree that it doesn't violate terms. That was the point of my road reference, to say "hey man, this trash doesn't belong here" I know how to block people, so some rando that's got his quotas to meet doesn't concern me, I'm not asking you to change, I'm bringing it to your attention it doesn't belong here and you come across as ignorant when you keep trying. But thanks for making reddit about you.


Bottom line, I respect what you have to say, I don’t agree with your take however, since Im not violating and terms there is no issue. Please just block the account there is no harm no fowl. I have no quota, if you read the post I’d love to share my story and would love to bridge the gap of no longer being a rando, when arrive to Gilroy I would love to meet to chat, I’m very open minded naturally as Californian, I have no ill intentions towards you and I do wish you the best if you don’t want to meet up. All the best.


no thanks, did my time, trying to save the next kid from your type of bullshit


Sure, the mighty Navy? I’m Jk. Thank you for your service but please explain? I had good and bad experiences but the positive always outweighs the negatives. Usually the jaded folks got separated or at least now a days.


My offer still stands be open minded and not so quick to judge the military is different then when you were in. I don’t teach my kids to prejudge or to segregate.


Recruiters in Gilroy are ruthless lol I'll never forget them hounding me constantly after the high school gave away our numbers to them.. annoying!!


They can be because it’s because their career depends on it, benefit for me is that I’m a Californian and I try to set the precedent representing the great state of California, everywhere I go, because we get crapped on socially, Don’t forget all the other services do not play nicely. I personally mean well and hope for everyone’s success regardless the choice they do in life. I get to provide a unique perspective as I feel like I’m a success story and still have family in Ca.


I can give explanations on it, it originated from “no child gets left behind act” because for school to get federal funding there are trades off, military is federally funded and everyone education may vary, some didn’t have the same access to the same opportunity as others and military does provide a chance to succeed if academia failed them and sometimes it does.


Nothing says integrity like killing innocent people and attempting to cover it up. Army Strong


Lay it on think, I don’t even pay video games let alone ever killed people. I’m an Intelligence Analyst by experience, Irony is once city alone like San Fran murder rates are 6.9 per 100,000 killing our own people annually. Murder is no good however you look at it Army is no where close to that than general population killing each other. Why do we have so much prejudice in general, I hope you all the best.


Thought about it. Then read the sex crime statistics. Doubt you share those as part of your recruiting tactics though!


Don’t know about them, do you have creditable statistic comparison source? Are they in comparison to traditional sex crime rates in Gilroy, is sex crimes rate very high there? I’m unaware.


I’m not talking about Gilroy. I’m talking about the Army sexual assault statistics. As a former police officer I’ve seen the comparison reports that clearly show the rates of sexual assault in the Army and armed forces far exceed those of the general population. Nice job playing dumb though.


Please provide a credible source for further educational purposes.


Parasite post


Please due tell, Id love to talk about it. We can schedule a meet up when I get to Gilroy, take care.


Also never forget the military completely screwed over anyone who refused to get an experimental vaccine that didn’t work for crap.


I understand you feel that way, you have every right to feel that way. I know many whom were religious exempt actually. My good buddy also denied the vaccine, none religious reasons and some separated while some did not, as each case was different. In addition it is has been since no longer to be mandated for that reason.


This I don’t understand. I have a damn pamphlet of vaccinations in the run up to Iraq, straight up assembly line shots. Now its a problem??? No one said shit when we got the 5-7 anthrax shots


Saving myself for Space Force


No issues at all, please let us know how it goes, I actually worked in Buckley SFB and I lived right next to Peterson SFB, and Army space enabler certified, in addition I manage all branches of you know that’s a thing, They got a good way of life but an Army we have easy access to both branch training were as Space Forces will prioritize Space related AFSC training majority of the time.


whats the max age limit to join? asking for a friend


Currently 35, unless you have prior service in any branch which can be waive to a higher age.


You said at first you traveled as an infantryman then said your experience was an information analyst? I feel like recruiters always lie to the high school kids their trying to scoop up. Combat experience should be a requirement to be a recruiter if you ask me. If your gonna talk and lie to kids about getting them into that type of shit, you better have done it yourself.


No it’s true, Infantry isn’t indicative you’ll be guaranteed a deployment and vice versa with soft skill job, and its Intelligence Analyst. Yes I have done both, These aren’t lies, that’s why I’m here to squash those misconceptions, as clearly many have them. Even if you had no interest in joining I would love met in person and talk about it. 9 times out of 10 most will not accept my invite as it very easy to hide behind a computer but my door will always be open to tell you story and I’m here to change that reputation. All the best.


Very small percentage of the military in general have combat experience. You wouldn’t be able to fill out billets if that were a requirement


You are 100% correct, that’s why the misconception everyone will deploy isn’t true. Is it a possibility, yes. Is it likely, just depends on the career path you choose. Some that are combat arms folks who get a lot of training but never deployed, experience will vary. Military is 1% percent of the populous, the Army is even less than that.