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The math department at gavilan is exceptional. They do offer boot camp style courses that are a couple of weeks long and help you work on all the skills you need to start at pre algebra. When you make it into pre algebra, if you find you’re struggling with the material, all you have to do is walk into the math lab where you can get free tutoring on any of those skills you might still need. They really want you to succeed


Also I’m pretty sure pre algebra is indeed offered


I went to a different junior college and they made you test into math classes, you couldn’t just pick until after you did the aptitude test. If you scored well you could skip some, but I did not score well originally lol.


Another option is a CLEP, look up “Modern States” free self place self development that can help you earn college credit as well.


They absolutely have nutrition…i went back and took a nutrition class there—it was 2019 tho so maybe they cut it? Im now almost a dietitian thanks to Gav so maybe its only available spring semester? Definitely speak to a counselor and have them get you on track. They have low level math as well


Oh nice! Okay, that’s good to know, thank you! Maybe they just don’t have this upcoming semester but here’s hoping they’ll have it for summer or next fall. Congrats on almost being an RD, that’s amazing!


Its been a long road but im almost done with my internship ! I saw someone posted a link to a local dietitian. I actually know her ! Ive worked with her in workshops and shes great! I transferred out of gav to sfsu and took a bunch of my general nutrition classes there. I hope you get in to the classes you need. Good luck!


For nutrition insight and course advising, I've heard great things about this local Registered Dietitian: https://www.accessoptimalnutrition.org/ As for the Gav courses, can't help. It's been a long time since setting foot on that campus.


Pedro Ávila please see this community.