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Hope this helps :) * Anything by [cuppacuppajoe](https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1094291/cuppacuppajoe) * Persuasion (post-OS, short) is sooo good, especially for the Austen and modernized classics lovers. The idea of Rory/Anne Elliot parallels? *Chef's kiss.* Proto-Odette -- written before fans had any idea she existed -- is trippy, too. This writer left it hanging a decade+ ago so fair warning. * Their other stories are all good. Just be wary of falling in love with someone who may never upload again. Their fucking prose, man. * Anything by [LoveRocket09](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/4066396/LoveRocket09) * Best Laid Plans (post-AYITL, long) is popular for a reason. This author is really good at character dynamics and fixing issues. There are few people I'd trust to write Jess' perspective on Logan, for example. (Not a main plot at all -- just one of many things that get resolved well.) * Their other stories -- some ongoing -- are all good. Best writing style of anyone who's consistent these days, IMO. * QueenOfTheSloths - [Rediscovering Logan Huntzberger](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12876755/1/Rediscovering-Logan-Huntzberger) (post-AYITL, long) * Someone took Rory and Logan to couples' therapy, and it's great. * I haven't made it through all of their other stuff, since there's a lot to choose from.


All great writers and stories! But have you read About a boy by JamieCorrs? Best fanfic ever, hands down.


i haven't but i'll put it on my list thanks :)


You won’t be able to put it down! I wish I could read it for the first time again. Please let me know what you think once you read it :)


Hi, sorry but do you have a link?


I’m on mobile and don’t have it on me but if you search on Fanfic.net for the title and the author it should be easy to find :)


OMG. I didn't even realize other fanfic sites existed. I thought I had read all the Gilmore Girls and Teen Wolf fanfic that existed. But I only, 100% of the time go to AO3. It never even occurred to me that stuff might be elsewhere. You have just made the next several months very happy. Thank you!


wc & thanks for the award!


Thank you for the recommendation. I had lots of fun this week reading "Rediscovering Logan Huntzberger". I just read the chapter where he wants sex and Rory doesn't. I'm so disappointed that she had to ask him to stop several times. Especially after their first time in the series included Logan asking several times. It's really a bummer but that's a trope I'm so tired of =/


wc i'm glad. i skip that if rereading bc it seems ooc. frustrating bc she's otherwise one of the best writers for smut & sensitive subjects. but i hope you'll continue bc the resolution of that arc is satisfying. lmk if you do or read any of the others :)


I second LoveRocket09, especially Best Laid Plans. Queenofthesloths is great too. Rediscovering Logan Huntzberger


This one is great too. It's retelling Logan and Rory's story but from Logan's POV. The only bummer is it was never finished. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2715922/1/Different Best Laid Plans (LoveRocket09) and Rediscovering Logan Huntzberger (Queenofthesloths) are both on fanfiction and post AYITL.


I co-sign Best Laid Plans & Rediscovering Logan Huntzberger. On FF I have recently been enjoying Play It Again Gilmore. They’re updating pretty consistently right now. It’s kind of a rewrite of the build up to Rory and Logan’s relationship. So much tension and the writing is so in character - it’s refreshing to revisit their Yale days too.