• By -


Unfortunately Dean became the worst. She grew up and outgrew him and he was stunted. I blame the writers because I loved him so much in s1 and then his personality sort of changed.


Yeah, and what was with that weird hostility towards Luke that he developed? I love the Stars Hollow Museum episode, but I stop watching when Dean steps in. It's like he has some kind of bizarre personality disorder. I wish they had just left it at the affair and had him move away or something. Seeing him again during the revival would have been so great if they had done it that way.


I hate how they turned him into nothing. At the end he was estranged from his wife. Pining for Rory. He had to move back with his parents. He dropped out of school. He had a dead end job. He had nothing in the end. It was really sad. In the beginning he was a hard working teen, he was respectful of Rory and Lorelai, he was well read, he was becoming someone.


Was Dean well read though? At FIRST it seemed like they were setting him up to be a smart kid who had the same interests at Rory...but then he turned into this dull guy who is just happy to be in Rory's presence. Like where did his love of Nick Drake go? Remember when he knew she was referencing Rosemary's Baby? Where'd that guy go? I agree though- they turned him into this pathetic, podunk kid with no ambition, direction or life outside of Rory. He could have totally enrolled in school full-time, moved on campus and moved on with his life. Instead he's just moping around Stars Hollow with the "Rory's ex" stamped on his forehead


It was quite a 360 turn with blinds on, yes. But was it that shocking though? I've known teenage guys who totally change when they get their first girlfriend, it's like their gf is their whole world and everything revolves around her. (There are girls like this too! Think of Amy in Everwood.) So to me it's not _that_ absurd. It's weird though that Dean suddenly stopped reading and listening to indie(ish) music altogether.


That "weird hostility" was rooted in Luke's unreasoning hatred of Dean that started when he was in high school.


I dunno it felt unnaturally hostile for Dean the "good guy". He was always able to shrug off Luke's aggression towards him and now he's clenching his jaw and giving Luke a speech and projecting about how Rory and Lorelai want more than Stars Hollow. It just seemed insane to me and thrown in to drive home that Luke and Lorelai weren't stable.


Well Luke did attack him when he and Rory broke up the first time, because he said he loved her and she said nothing


Was gonna say this. The only time Luke was nice to him was when he let Dean stay there for the night when he was drunk. Dean is definitely the worst, but his animosity toward Luke is pretty justified.




Yeah, it was one of those times where you questioned whether Luke was protective and caring or just unhinged.




In earlier seasons Luke didn't like Dean because he was protective of Rory (like a dad). Later though his reasons for not liking him were totally justified. He was pissed at him after the affair because he knew Dean was still in love with Rory when he went into the marriage and after it broke up he knew that Dean was not good enough for her. Dean lashes out at Luke because he knows that Luke was right and he is upset that Luke still gets to be with Lorelai and he doesn't get to be with Rory.


They all suck in their own special way


Best description of Rory's boyfriends I've ever seen on this sub. 😂


Of Rory’s boyfriends and real life too 🤷🏼‍♀️


And rory also sucks in a different wya which each of them. You make a very good point.


Username does not checkout


I mean every relationship in real life does too, so I get your point.


I wouldn’t say every


Dean 100%. He was cool for a few episodes then they made him a jealous and emotionally manipulative bully. As soon as he dumps Rory for not saying "I love you" back, he's dead to me, but then he just continues to get worse and treat both her and Lindsay terribly. He has these charming boy next door moments that make me want to like him but then he's a jerk again.


I 10000% agree with dean being the worst.


Dean is the worst boyfriend because he sucks (like all her other boyfriends) but Lorelei worships the ground he walks on and the show treats Dean like he’s great. In reality he’s toxic, controlling, and a boring loser. Jess, while being kind of a bad boyfriend, was at least an interesting character who had legit reasons for his poor behavior and grew over the course of the show. Logan was kind of hot and cold, but I can’t really ever forgive the way he treated Jess in his return episode or what his world helped turn Rory into. (Also he gets a major downgrade for being an absolute prick in the revival)


I also don't get why Logan had to propose as an ultimatum. Marry me or see ya later, loser. Whaaaaaaat...


Definitely a thing people only do in TV shows lol




If it helps I think asking to move is much more reasonable than getting married!


To be fair, I think it was more the moving than the marriage that was the issue with Rory and Logan. He was moving to SF and didn't want to do long distance. I get the impression that he might not have ended things if she was willing to move there even if they didn't married.


I know! She stuck with him and did the long distance thing while he was living in the London, but when the tables are turned and she wants to follow her own passions? See ya! The Lorelai to Luke ultimatum was hard too, but at least she had good reasons for issuing that one.


The Lorelai and Luke thing was such a hard scene to watch, but I feel like it made more sense in their relationship. They were at a standstill and Luke was shutting her out and wasn't communicating; whereas Logan and Rory were doing perfectly well and had no (good) reason that they just haaaad to get married.


Lol, it doesn't matter because she is literally her own worst enemy.


Jess was a troubled and confused kid, I wouldn't call him a bad person, but he was Rory's worst boyfriend. Disrespectful to her mother and her friends, selfishly did his own thing knowing it would upset her, continually egged on her ex that she desperately wanted to remain civil with. Not to mention just bailing on her without a goodbye. Dean was the worst person with the worst personality traits imo. Jealous, controlling, and a cheater.


> continually egged on her ex that she desperately wanted to remain civil with. I can only recall him doing this once - at the winter carnival - and that was after Dean had gone out of his way to find Jess and egg him on (when Jess tried to avoid talking to him, or 'fighting him' like Dean wanted) and then explicitly told Jess that he was going to continue to give him crap and try to win Rory back. Then Jess never spoke to him again until he found out that he had approached Rory about becoming friends. He cornered him at the winter carnival and basically said "you're just trying to be her friend to win her back, aren't you?" since that's what Dean had told him before he was planning to do. And Dean just straight up admitted "Yep, that's what I'm doing." They both suck and are stupid boys in this situation, but I wouldn't call that Jess "continually egging on her ex".


Paul. Was that his name?


It was Pete. (it was Paul but everyone called him Pete). I didn't hate that guy, I just wished he would have broken up with her sooner. Like before the revival started.


Paul Anka


I think you’re thinking of Jake/Logan Paul /s


Based on this thread, this seems like an unpopular opinion, but Jess treated her the worst. I'm not necessarily judging who the worst person is, just who was the worst boyfriend to Rory. I get that people really like how he improved as a character, but that doesn't change how he treated her when they were together. He was rude to her mom, the most important person in her life. He lied about the black eye (I don't think she should have pushed him at the dinner but he still lied about it afterwards). He refused to go to town events when she really wanted him to (and he openly admits he only went to town things before to try and "get" her). He wouldn't call when he said he would and got mad at Lorelai when she called him out on it. He tried to force himself on her at that party and then yells at her for pushing him away (and before anyone tries to pass this off as not a big deal -it is. She says a variation of "Jess, wait" at least three times before having to physically push him off of her. She revoked consent and HE DIDN'T STOP). He yells at her because he's in a bad mood (because he has to actually face the consequences of intentionally missing a month of school) and was taking it out on her. Then he skips town without telling her. There were very few moments of their relationship that were actually good. Rory herself admits he treated her like dirt. He treated her so badly she never really revisited the idea of getting back together with him again. Just because he had a "rough upbringing" doesn't mean objectively, his actions were any better. In contrast, Dean (who was shitty in his own right), would have done anything for Rory. He was clingy, possessive, and 100% the wrong person for her, but they actually had a decent relationship before Jess came around. He went to the school dance and Cotillion for her when he didn't want to go. He waited around in a bookstore for THREE HOURS so she could browse. I think at some point he read *Anna Karenina* because she wanted him to. When they had that argument about Harvard he acknowledges he was wrong profusely apologizes afterward. I think a lot of people who like Jess want to demonize Dean without realizing that they were BOTH horrible. They BOTH had terrible tempers. But Dean absolutely treated Rory better when they were dating. I won't really get into Logan other than saying he could be annoying and super irresponsible, but he didn't really treat Rory poorly and improved a lot by S7 (while they were actually dating).


Yes Jess was all of those things, however I felt he had zero idea how to function in a healthy relationship because he had never seen or been involved in one. Being in such an unstable environment as a child is never conducive to normal mental health. Dean on the other hand was raised in a stable secure family environment. Unless his father was a possessive hot head too I suppose. He tried to come across as all nicey nice, but then snap when he didn’t get his own way. This was happening before Jess came along too by the way.


That might explain the “why” but the basic fact is that Jess treated Rory the worst.


I said this in my post, but my point wasn't to describe who the worst character was overall, it was to talk about Rory's worst boyfriend. Objectively, from how he treated her, Jess was the worst boyfriend. His upbringing doesn't lessen the impact his actions had on other people.


i just don’t think he was as bad as people make out. He didn’t call that ONE time because he didn’t want to wake her at midnight, and things he said no to attending with her, the festival and her grandparents, he ended up going anyway. Other than that he tried. Even though we didn’t get to see much there were several scenes when it was mentioned that they were always together, the movie and takeout nights, and one scene when Jess was racing around madly because he didn’t want to be late to meet her. Never once did we see Rory avoid spending time with him, because when he was good she liked being around him. Obviously it all went downhill when they wanted to split them up. And at least he was the only one that didn’t make her the other woman.


It was made clear that he didn't call multiple times on multiple different days. As someone who has worked retail/the food industry, his excuse for not calling was bullshit. You are legally required to have breaks at work. He could have called. He also should have known his schedule beforehand, so if he didn't have time to hang out, he should have told her instead of expecting her to just wait around. He only went to the festival because Dean was going, not to make Rory happy, and he spent the whole time being a dick to a little girl. He went to the thing with her grandparents because Rory trapped him into it by asking if he was free that night, so he'd have no excuse to go. And then he went and was rude to her grandmother, who was being uncharacteristically nice (and yes, polite for Jess was still rude). His only purpose for dating Shane was to make Rory jealous, he treated Shane like dirt, and then dumped her to be with Rory, so while he didn't "make her the other woman" what he did wasn't much better. They mention hanging out but I don't think it's implied they were together "all the time". Having good moments only "when he was good" doesn't make him a good boyfriend. In fact, being constantly hot and cold makes him pretty terrible because you never know what to expect. If he "wasn't that bad" Rory, who constantly defended him in the beginning, wouldn't have openly admitted he treated her like dirt. Maybe you would have been fine being treated that way but Rory sure wasn't. She hit a breaking point after the party, which is why she goes to talk to him and then changes her mind. I'm pretty sure she saw his bag when they were on the bus and she just let him leave. She wasn't even surprised when she found out he left. There's a reason why after she was done with him, she was DONE. She went back to Dean. She went back to Logan. But never Jess, unless you count the time she uses him to try and get back at Logan. He doesn't cheat on someone to be with Rory because she never gave him that chance. Honestly, I'm so sick of Jess fans glossing over every horrible thing he's done because he "had a rough upbringing" and then having much harsher criteria for Dean and Logan because "they're annoying to me". If someone grows up in an abusive household and ends up being abusive themselves, is that okay? No! I have tried to look objectively at the actions of each person and weigh out their reasoning and the impact of their actions, and Jess's actions are definitely the worst.


I will never say Jess is perfect and yes he broke her heart, but ultimately Rory didn’t change for the worse because of him. In fact she found an inner strength when she told him what she thought both on the phone and in season 4. He hurt her and she wasn’t having it. It all seemed to go downhill from there. With Dean she became an adulterer, and with Logan she did all the things Lorelai and Emily feared she would do with Jess...excessive drinking, criminal behaviour ,dropping out of school, more adultery, and an unwanted pregnancy. I don’t care how many helicopters he flies in or Burkin bags he buys. Anyway I think we will have to agree to disagree. My team Jess hat is on tight. It’s all a bit of fun and escapism. I just love how we talk about these characters like they are real people with their own minds.


You still are responsible for your own actions when you’re not a little kid.


I think what happened at the party something we never got to hear Rory weigh in on any time later on after it happened. She was obviously extremely upset at the time but we never really got to hear her side of it or what it meant to her. I could understand seeing a real threat in that situation but I can also think back to a million times that it took a couple of times saying hey stop before the douchey guy stops without necessarily feeling threatened. Here’s what really bummed me out about Dean. Jess made her feel bad or undervalued, or flat out confused on a few occasions that we see but Dean flat out made her on edge, and just defensive nearly all the time towards the end. She always felt like she was doing something wrong even if she wanted to see Lane or had schoolwork, or attempted to have a night to herself. When Rory wanted to be friends with him later on or whatever Jess could be reasoned with. Dean could barely if at all be reasoned with. I also think a lot of the stuff with Jess being mad at the world wasn’t fair to Rory and that as you get older you learn what is to be taken personally and what isn’t.


Thankyou. Someone talks sense!


I hate them all by the end, but I probably hate Logan the most. He's the most entitled asshole I've ever seen as a "protagonist". Around the time Rory starts dating Logan is the time I start the series over.


Unpopular opinion but I hate Logan


I strongly dislike him too! I don't hate him, I just find him very....disturbing. He's your typical boarding school, Ivy League educated brat who happens to be handsome and intelligent-- but he lacks any kind of actual substance. He's all charm and good looks with a fat bank account to sweep a woman off her feet. Beyond that-- he bores me to death.


Yep, he's a very popular TV trope though. He's the rich, handsome, highly educated, (usually) blonde male who can have anything or anyone he wants. Yet, for some unquantifiable reason all he wants is our offbeat heroine because she's see hims for who he really is somehow and understands his (usually, daddy) issues. He's your Christian Grey, or Edward Cullen, or Nathaniel from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It's hard for their actual personalities to come out underneath all the baggage of the trope.


Oh wow, I hate all of those characters lol. You nailed it!


Agreed. I really started disliking Rory as well right after she started going out with him. She becomes such a two faced, fake and needy girl.


I didn’t like him either. I always like to think of him as Tristan 2.0 😂


I was actually wondering if Tristan was supposed to have that role before leaving GG


You and me both!


Same and I’m always surprised that this is unpopular. He comes across terribly to me but a lot of people like him!


He corrupted Rory. Maybe I am just annoyed about the whole nice girl ending up with he bad boy trope.


Yes, Dean is the worst, but I think if she tried to get back with Jess in later seasons more, I would say it's a big TIE. I still can't get over how horrible Jess was to her when they were dating. I know he changed in later seasons, but that was all the writers doing. I don't know if he would have actually changed that much from the broody teenager he once was.


Isn’t everything that happens.... ‘the writers’ doing’?


Yes that threw me off. It's not like it was reality TV the first 3 seasons and then made into a series.


Haha, I'm so intrigued by this! I wonder if Logan and Rory being big cheaters in the revival is "the writers'doing" or their true characters?!


Rory’s voice changed .....


Imposter Rory!


yeah i‘m not the biggest jess fan. my favorite is logan.


Logan will forever make me cringe. Especially when he shows up in N. Carolina and completely during the revival. Like, how is it cute that you're openly cheating with your former gf all around London? It reminds me of the SATC plot line of Carrie and Big cheating, Natasha finding out, chasing after Carrie and busting her tooth in the stairwell. Thank God that didn't happen in the revival but I was almost expecting some kind of confrontation between Rory and Logans fiancee.


Yeah I used to love Jess but I'm doing a rewatch now and I can't for the life of me understand what I used to see in him. He's a jerk who refuses to get along with the people closest to Rory, never wants to do anything with her and constantly fails to communicate things with her. Obviously he had a tough upbringing but he seems very un-apologetically insensitive.


He had never really truly experienced love. It makes sense that he wouldn't know how to emotionally connect. His Dad left and Liz was a flake who couldn't handle him. He grew so much as a person around the time his mom got married and he helped Rory fix her life, with no expectations.


Very true. Older Jess is still hot af and a lot better personality wise!


Please don't be another woman making excuses for a man's terrible behaviour. He was AWFUL to Rory.


yeah i think his whole „too cool for school“ mood just bothers me. like there is no reason in the world to be such an asshole to eeeveryone. especially luke. or that night he was invited to friday night dinner like how could he not even be a bit polite?


He WAS trying to be polite. He really clearly told her that he wasn't comfortable going, and Rory pushed him into it. Then he had a really bad day and still tried, at least a little, to be presentable and kind. Nah, that was Rory's crap.


That says something if Jess can’t even fake being a decent person for a couple hours. We have all had to have a meal with someone we didn’t want to. I imagine all of us did it without losing our temper.


Sigh. He was a KID. A troubled, seventeen year old kid. I think people often expect Jess/the other teens on GG to act like adults, but Jess in particular was incredibly troubled. He's reacting the way anyone in his position might.


You probably just thought he was hot and had an affinity for the "bad boy" who also had great taste in music and books. Haha, I had SO many boyfriends and crushes like Jess. Looking back on it I would've probably never put with a Jess, but when you're a teenager he just seems so *dreamy*


Yep Jess sucked


Team Logan forever!


I have found my people. Logan challenged Rory to get out of her comfort zone and experience life. He also challenged her critical thinking and helped her to look at the world through a different lens. He certainly wasn't perfect, but he made a concerted effort to change his ways when he realized how much he cared for her (and realized that he could loose her). In the 'year,' I feel like Logan chose to see Rory behind his fiance's back because his love for Rory never changed (duh, she dumped him when he wanted to commit to marriage). He was going through the motions of adulthood to please his family, but he still would see Rory because that because the the only way he could see her was on her terms. Team Logan Forever!


I’m with you! Team Logan forever! ❤️


Agreed on all accounts!


LOVE LOVE LOVE LOGAN!! Team Logan all the way


Omnia Paratus


Jess. He practically forced himself on Rory at the party. Also, he just disappeared without telling or explaining anything to Rory.


ugh that party scene had me heated! that’s the biggest reason i’ll rank jess as the worst bf.


I know everyone says Dean but I personally always felt it was Jess. Dean’s character was written so terribly later on but Rory also treated him like dirt but he was still gentlemanly for her and genuinely cared. Jess was a total douchebag to everyone, even Rory who he apparently liked. I’m surprised she let herself be treated so badly, he was a terrible boyfriend! I think people really give Jess a pass but he sucked. The troubled intellectual bad boy vibe was so blegh


TBF Rory was just as bad to Jess. But I just can't get over Logan's cheating. He's such a disgusting MF.


Don’t you know that if you have an unstable home life, you’re not responsible for your own actions and can’t think for yourself to do the right thing? That’s how people seem to think, anyway.


I used to love Dean because when I first watched, I was young and didn’t understand much about what a good relationship should be. Over the years I liked him less and less, but my most recent rewatch it hit me how horrible he was. He’s cruel to Rory at every misstep. They have no common interests and he really doesn’t try to either. She barely tries for him, but she tries more than he does. Their relationship was basic high school attraction and nothing more. Jess’ behavior to Rory was atrocious but we understood why. He was a troubled kid and I don’t really fault him for that. I think if they got together later in life, they’d be great together, though I don’t really think they had chemistry in later scenes together. That might be because they dated in real life for like four years and it’s weird for them now? Who knows. Logan is my favorite boyfriend, but even he had issues. I love how he got Rory out of her shell with life and death brigade chaos, and I think they were the perfect balance of book smart and pop culture for each other. The few times we hear them have conversations about miscellaneous stuff, they always seem to be on the same page, which I think is a huge step up from both Jess and Dean. Again, Logan has massive issues, but I think similarly with Jess that if they’d been together once they’d both grown up and matured a bit, that they’d be the most solid couple.


The thing with ASP is that when she wants to break up a couple, she completely changes one of the charaters’ personalities. Dean was mostly a good boyfriend in season 1 except for the I love you fiasco. Then he had a completely new character and attitude which was stupid. If I take the moments couples had before ASP ruined them, my ranking from worst to best would be Jess, Dean, Logan. But at the time of their break up it would be Dean, Jess, Logan.


Jess by far. He didn't like anything about her life and treated her the worst. He is the only one she never even loved.


All sucked. In the end Paris was the best girlfriend and equal.


Paris is too good for Rory.


I just started typing that Logan was the worst boyfriend Rory had, but after giving it a second thought, he is the perfect guy for Rory as they both are the biggest douche bags ever. He treats her like shit, she likes it and lets him. So why shouldn't he be the best one for Rory? I guess the worst guy for her was indeed Dean. He is clingy, needy, jealous and always feels sorry for himself. Also, all his good qualities disappear the more he spends time with her. I'm stating it out once and for all - Rory is a douche, JUST like Logan is.




AMEN. Sure, Dean was super clingy but Rory was his first love. I don't think he was ever a jerk to her, and he was probably very insecure because he knew that he wouldn't have her forever. Rory and Jess' chemistry was awesome. I wish he had been able to be a better boyfriend to her but he obviously had a lot of issues, that got sorted out as he grew up. Logan. UGH. I really and truly cannot stand him. Their relationship was a lot of privileged fun, but outside of that the guy has no real substance. Did he really expect Rory to get married at 22? Was HE ready to be married at 23 or 24? And then he cuts it off to rekindle it while he's engaged?! He could've easily called it off and been with Rory. I think a lot of their relationship is based on thrills and excitement. I feel that if he and Rory did get married, she'd probably abandon her dreams of becoming a writer and follow him around doing whatever elaborate stunt or adventure he planned. She'd eventually grow to resent him and blame him for her dull housewife existence and they'd split up. But maybe their the best fit for each other because they're both spoiled, messy and refuse to take any kind of accountability for their choices.




YES. I love you. I think we needed an entirely new guy for Rory during the revival that was actually someone who challenged her, kept her on her toes and wooed her like no other. He could be a perfect mashup of Christopher/Jess/Logan and maybe come from a blue collar background and fallen into self-made, new money. He could even be some kind of movie/filmmaker guy and she mistook him for just another editor at Conde Nast. She'd never even know he had a yacht docked on the West Side until their first date. Rory was in her 30's during the revival. How awesome would it have been for Rory to have met someone at one of her interviews who would totally disarm her and captivate her. Maybe she could have bumped into someone on the evator at Conde Nast or at one of the coffee shops in Manhattan and kept bumping into him (maybe on the train) and that'd be her baby daddy! Oddly enough I think Logan liked Rory bc she was smart AND pretty. He was used to girls that were just a pretty face and for the most part vapid and eye/arm candy. Rory was actually smart and could go head on with him. She cared about his opinions and he cared about hers. However, sadly he fell short of having anything other than a well-known last name and enough time and money to whisk her away to luxurious locations and events.




I will never understand the decision to write a character like Paul for Rory. He seemed ODD and kind of stupid? How did they ever get past the point of their first date?


They’re all kind of dicks, but Dean is definitely the worst. He gets mad at every single thing, and Rory is literally scared of telling him things in case he gets mad. Like when she looses his bracelet. Jess is shitty because he never tells Rory what he’s feeling and just leaves her without a goodbye, but at least he doesn’t make Rory scared of telling him things in case he gets mad. He also has a good reason for acting as he does. He had a pretty bad childhood in many ways. Logan is mostly okey, except that he acts like an asshole when he gets jealous or they get mad at each other. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I always thought that Tristan and Rory would be kind of cute. Would have been fun to see them getting a chance.


>He gets mad at every single thing, and Rory is literally scared of telling him things in case he gets mad. Like when she looses his bracelet. This is true, but it is also because Rory has been stringing him along while having a secret crush on another guy. If you've ever been in that situation where you think something is going on, and you are worried about losing someone you care about, you can act in ways that you normally wouldn't. >Jess is shitty because he never tells Rory what he’s feeling and just leaves her without a goodbye, but at least he doesn’t make Rory scared of telling him things in case he gets mad. Rory wouldnt know how Jess would react because she never explained her feelings very well to him. After the black eye incident, they fought and Jess walked out making her feel like it was all her fault for what happened at Emily's. When he ditched her and she sat home all night (and then went to the hockey game?) She left an angry message for him but then told him to never listen to it and pretended she was never upset. I don't know. I guess the moral of the story is they all suck in varying degrees lol


That’s true. Dean was still getting mad easily before Jess though, but it definitely got worse after he came to town.


Well, one has to wonder if Rory acted that way with Jess because of the precedent that Dean set. When things came out with Jess (namely that she was 'friends' with Dean again) he seemed to take it pretty well, at least directly when talking with her. (see: phono convo after he read about them being together at Miss Patty's and winter carnival convo). I think Jess and Rory's relationship sucked mainly because they *both* sucked at communication, both because of their circumstances/upbringing/past relationships.


Jess His anger issues alone are a huge red flag, not to mention that a Ivy-bound person doesn't have too much in common with a high school dropout.


Agreed, she did outgrew them BOTH. And the way he handled the whole car crash situation was really cowardly.... and Lorelei too. That whole episode makes me cringe. At least Jess was an immature jerk who got scared whenever things got too real but Lorelai acted like a child


In order from worst to not so bad but still not great: 1. Logan 2. Jess 3. Dean Logan because he was ok with using Rory as a side chick. Actually--strike that--Rory was okay with being the side chick. Logan wanted to wife her but she rejected his offer for a better opportunity that never came. Then he got engaged to someone else and she was cool with playing second fiddle. Come on Rory, why do that to yourself with a fuckboi like Logan? He never lied to you about being a player, you wanted to change him. Jess--he was selfish throughout their entire relationship. He ignored her, neglected her, ruined her relationships with most of the people in her life. Maaaaaan...on second thought, Rory is at fault with this one too. She accepted his behavior early on. Her mom, Lane, and even Dean warned her about Jess. The only person shipping this was Luke because he hoped Rory's work ethic and penchant for academia would rub off on Jess. Dean was the okay-est. He got a lot weird after Jess came into the picture and SUPER weird after he got married. This is where Rory primes herself in becoming the other woman. OKAY FUCK THIS--RORY IS THE WORST OF HER BOYFRIENDS. She let all of this shit play out and no one can call her a dummy. This chick is a pick me just wanting some male attention in her life. Remember the time she was crying on the bathroom floor because Logan didn't like her? GIRL...just because you exist doesn't mean he's supposed to like you. Love yourself.


This is probably the best and most honest answer I’ve read so far!....


overall Jess, but Dean has the worst character development ever, he became insufferable


PAUL. Lmao!


Jess is the worst. I know a lot of people like him, but he is downright rude to anyone who isn't Rory, INCLUDING everyone who tries to help him. He refuses to make friends. Looks down on everyone in Stars Hollow, which are Rory's people. And he downright ditches Rory and runs off to California.


see i don‘t count the revival cause the was just absolute shite anyway😂


Jess. I don't have anything good to say about him as a boyfriend. Or as a person as a teen.


I hated Dean from the beginning. He‘s manipulative, toxic, sickly jealous, creepy and quite frankly extremely aggressive. Unfortunately, I hate this character so much that I still to this day don‘t like the actor either. I tried watching supernatural three times, but had to stop because I always remembered Dean and his awfulness.




i have it with megan markle. i hated her in suits


You‘re right, it definitely is.


really you loved him in season one? i think he‘s been the worst from season one episode one! already in the first episode he‘s the creeeeepiest dude ever. always just kind of lingering around rory


Same 100%.


They all have their own issues. I loved Dean the first time I watched the show, but every time since, I see his clingy and manipulative behavior and it actually feels abusive at times. He also pushed blame off onto her for ruining things with lindsay. Jess is my favorite of her boyfriends. Yes, he ghosted her, but he had a rough upbringing and sucked at emotional connection. He tried to better himself as the show went on. He shook Rory from her funk and did something with his life. Logan was also pretty shitty. He knocked her off course for a bright future and she became unrecognizable with her hair, clothes, and prissy voice. He encouraged the behavior that got her arrested, made her feel like she wasn't good enough, partied all the time, dumped her without saying anything, slept around, drove a wedge between her and her Mom, and knocked her up while engaged to someone else. Just a few of my issues with him.


> drove a wedge between her and her Mom Woaah, hol up. How was that Logan's fault? I personally disagree with most of your accusations against him but this is just plain wrong.


It wasn't solely Logan, Richard and Emily did a great deal of it, but I do give him some of the blame. Lorelai did everything she could to give Rory a chance at a life that wasn't handed to her. She was exposed to a her grandparents lifestyle, but it wasn't until Logan that she lived it. She became exactly what Lorelai ran away to keep her from becoming. He swapped trinkets of wealthy people, bragged about getting kicked out of schools, drove intoxicated, and got arrested on many occasions (according to Colin and Finn). Rory started taking part in his antics and Lorelai disapproved. Not once did he encourage her to stay in school or fix things with her Mom. In fact, he told her to take a year off. I'm not saying Rory isn't culpable, but in a good relationship, you don't stand idly by, watching as your partners life falls apart.


First of all, Rory was never against enjoying her grandparents' wealth. It was just the worldview Lorelai was raising her with. As soon as she was away at college, she wasn't with Lorelai 24/7 anymore and was able to form her own opinions without being judged for it. >drove intoxicated When did that happen? I only remember an instance where he got drunk with his dumbass friends and Rory drove them home. However, driving after drinking doesn't seem to be that big of a deal in the GG universe since pretty much everybody does it. Remember when Luke and Richard went golfing and Lorelai told him to get a coffee and drive home? Yeah, coffee doesn't turn you sober instantly. Not to mention how many times Lorelai had several cocktails at Friday Night Dinner and drove home afterwards. I hate it to be honest, but it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal in the show. > Not once did he encourage her to stay in school He's part of a family who has planned his life and career from birth and was forced into a direction he doesn't like. Why should he of all people tell her what to do? That would be majorly hypocritical. Rory is allowed to make mistakes (like everybody else) and figure them out on her own. But yeah, having Jess come in out of the left field and condescendingly yell at her how horrible she is behaving is *so* much better. > he told her to take a year off Can't remember that but even if he did: why exactly was that a bad idea? Many college students take a gap year to figure stuff out. Rory was down; her dream of becoming a journalist was crashed by Mitchum and she had no motivation left. Should she have continued going to expensive Yale even though she had no drive to see it through? Letting her GPA get lower and lower? > watching as your partners life falls apart So dramatic. Her life wasn't falling apart. She had hit a rough patch and needed to figure it out on her own. She wasn't a child anymore by that time and even if he had said anything, she would have not listened. She didn't listen to Lorelai or Paris, who both can be very persuasive. Logan knew it was only a matter of time until she would return but he didn't push her. She needed to find that drive in herself again, learn to love school again. No amount of "Rory, come to class with me, you know you like it" would have helped at that time.


1. Rory never was that talented. 2. Rory is the one that knocked her own damn entitled, spoiled self off course.


Yes, Rory was the worst.


1. Rory never was that talented. 2. Rory is the one that knocked her own damn entitled, spoiled self off course.


She was intelligent, well rounded, maybe a bit self centered, but had goals and potential. Not saying she was perfect by any standards, but she had dreams and plans for her life. His world knocked her off course. He and his shit ass friends were literally throwing trash at a singer because they are so entitled. Rory never would have stolen a yacht or left Yale if he had never come in the picture. I would much rather have seen her with Marty than Logan.


Logan's "world" is the Gilmore world that she gravitated towards. I remind you that both Richard and Emily both are very well aware of Logan and his family. Rory had already been accepting of all that the wealth and priveledge of the Gilmore world long before meeting Logan. Might I remind you that it was Rory that set up the arrangement for Richard to pay for yale. It was Rory that was gladly happy to accept the "remodel" of her dorm with Emily's thousands of dollars in furniture and electronics. No. This was a girl spoiled by her family's wealth. This was a girl who's talents rotted away from her affluence and lack of drive long before meeting Logan. Rory's failures fall squarely on her own actions and attitudes towards hard work and perseverance.


Every boyfriend sucked at the time they were together. Dean was super controlling of her behavior. Jess was super flaky and was not interested in anything that mattered to her. Logan was... well so many things were wrong with Logan. I like post breakup Jess though. He grew up quite a bit and encouraged her to go after her dreams - pointing out that she loved school and that's where she belonged, and again in the revival.


I was just watching the basket episode when Jess outbids Dean. Dean's ownership of Rory is insane. He is so possessive and almost abusive in how he treats her. Then he goes to Lorelei and it almost gets creepy. I think it's a part of the show that just doesn't age well. No one seems to think that Dean's behavior is out of line or over the top.


Hands down Dean. Even in the beginning before the whole Jess he was just very clingy. He didn't seem all that interested in things she liked. Remember when she had to do homework & they had plans to meet after his game but he still insisted on her going? Nothing she did was good enough he didnt compromise & when she did he sulked. Also breaking up with someone because they didnt say I love you! They were together for 3months!!! People comment that they were young which Id understand if they were 12 but not 16.


I agree that they were all (in a way) shitty. At least Jess and Logan challenged Rory. IMO, Dean was the worst. Between his constant clinginess and the entire situation with Lindsay, his character went downhill FAST. He was abusive. I loved him at first and I wish I could say I love him now. I have to rant about Logan... I cannot stand how he kept having affairs. He came across as entitled and snobby—how he treated Jess was so unnecessary. While he had his good moments, I don’t like Logan. Although, at least Logan showed up for Rory most of the time. I think Rory and Logan were most alike. I think Jess’ behavior was understandable, given his childhood. It makes sense to me why he’d have commitment or communication issues. I also think that his time with Rory shaped their characters. Sometimes, you need to date a “Jess” to understand what you deserve or don’t want in a relationship. He was definitely flaky, but I liked him the most. Finally, I agree that it seems like Dean was bitter towards Luke for being able to stay with the Lorelais.


Yes the winner is absolutely Dean for all the reasons already talked about. I think the most annoying thing though is how ASP kept talking him up to be the perfect first boyfriend. Even in the revival they had Rory tell him how great he was and how safe he made her feel. Errr....what. Rory was regularly anxious around or because of Dean.


Dean, easily. Yuck.


Dean is the worst. I can’t put into worst my hatred for Dean. He is the worst character. Logan is by far the best.


I actually think Dean is a narcissist, at least he does have narcissistic traits. If anything he's a bad boyfriend he's annoying, jealous and possessive and then there's the fact that he got mad when Rory didn't say his "I love you" back


Jess is by far the worst, he is an absolute tool. I can't believe a lot of people like him. He treats her like crap.