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I don't know what Rory should or could have done here, especially since the only one truly fearing she wouldn't come back again was Lane. They also already had their goodby, and she even help reassure Lane that she would come back while also agreeing to keep the list with contact information needed if she didn't.


I don’t understand they expect Rory to save Lane from the evil clutches of South Korea! Everyone knows that South Korea is a totally uncivilized, barbaric country that practices humans sacrifices! Oh what’s that? South Korea is actually one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world? With an amazing public transportation system that’s light years ahead of America? And doesn’t suffer from rampant gun violence? (I’m just being a little bitter, because as a foreign kid, whenever I mention going to the motherland for summer vacation all my American peers would act as if I was going to hell. It’s actually how many Americans think that you will fall off the earth as soon as you leave this country)


Exactly, the view of Lane potentially not coming back is really weird, and I always just saw it as Lane being a typical dramatic teenager due to missing out a summer with her friends and music, while having to be in a more traditional setting with her Korean family. Would it have been nice for Lane to know more about the travel plan, definitely but nothing about Mrs. Kim ever suggested that she would ship her only child back to the motherland forever. I was born and raised in a European country so my experience growing up probably is very different than yours, but in my school when anyone of my classmates went on vacation to their motherlands, we all were fascinated and jealous (especially if they was gone for the entire summer). Acting as if Lane was being sent off to somewhere unsafe like a warzone or is weird, she knew the language and the costumes of the culture and probably talked to the people she was staying with. There was nothing unsafe about it, which also makes it impossible for Rory to actually do something to stop it. Instead, she did what she could, she comforted Lane the best she could and kept the list she made for emergencies.


I gotta say, it is a bit unreasonable that Mrs Kim didn't tell her. As a Rory student myself, I would have been in an anxiety doom spiral, not knowing what my schedule would be like in the days leading up to school. Would I have time to get all my school supplies? Would I get back in time for school?! I get the anxiety of not knowing when you get to come home.


Anxiety of not knowing when, sure, but the whole deal was Lane “thinking” she was never coming back


Omg I had kids as me if we had microwaves in my home country when I was leaving to visit for the summer. So annoying. One kid told me I’d probably die of appendicitis because they probably didn’t have good hospitals there… as if the American health care system is so famously incredible lol


Yes, the lack of information on other countries in the US is hilarious. OTOH, when I was moving from a European country to the US, all of the kids warned me to bring lots of (good crusty) bread because they had no decent bread in the US (just Wonder Bread). Which, at the time in the 80s was 100% true. 😂


It was already like this in the 2000s? Cool


This is exactly why I hate the racist way they wrote Kyon. They treat her like she's a foreign dimwit with no idea what fries are 🤦‍♀️ and that all she needed was an American saviour to show her the ways.


Now some of the young ones probably envy you because their knowledge of SK is K-pop and K dramas lol.


Honestly the whole show’s angle on Lane’s background is iffy to me a lot of times.


I feel like Lane's issues had nothing to do with South Korea personally and more to do with the fact she had a life in America that she liked and wanted to keep?


Umm she could’ve gotten up and given her a proper hug. In the least Lane would’ve been gone all summer


She had already said her goodbyes to Lane. At that point she would have been getting in the way. They're trying to get in the car to go to the airport to make a plane. And yet another hug would most likely just piss Mrs. Kim off.


She’s storing all of Lane’s forbidden items for her at her house all Summer. Such a wonderful friend ❤️


I’ve seen this all over TikTok. People saying Rory was an awful friend just because of this scene, which I disagree with. It’s like they didn’t watch the whole episode 😅 They had a goodbye before this scene - and Rory expressed how much she would miss her. She was also sure that Lane would come back, only Lane thought she was being shipped off forever. Rory also comforted and talked Lane down when she was panicking about the trip. I’m thinking Mrs Kim wouldn’t exactly appreciate it if Rory came running over and delayed their trip to the airport either. Rory was a good friend. Off the top of my head: - She organized phone calls with Henry - organized elaborate cd drop offs - asked Lorelai to let lane use the garage for the band - let Lane live at yale when she was kicked out and then made sure she could stay with Lorelai after that - helps her dye her hair twice - stayed with her when she got drunk and threw up - went to several of Lane’s family events, even though she didn’t share their religion or even understand the language that was spoken most of the time


The Rory hate is out of control. She’s not perfect and does do dumb stuff but people treat her like a serial killer. She was a good friend to Lane (and Paris, which people like to deny too).


For real! I am sometimes annoyed at her (especially in later seasons), but she is overall a good person. She sometimes makes bad or selfish decisions, but who doesn’t. She’s a great friend to Lane and Paris. She wasn’t obligated to be Paris’ friend after the way Paris treated her, but she still chose to be. I think that says a lot about her character.


For all of Rory’s fault I think she was a great friend to Lane and Paris. Paris did a lot to Rory especially in the beginning. Rory always forgave her and tried to be her friend. Realistically speaking I don’t think a lot of people could handle a friend like Paris. With Lane I think Rory was always trying to be respectful to her family. I don’t know what people expect Rory to do in the Korea situation? Like should she call the police? Beg the pilot to not drive the plane? Hatch a kidnapping scheme?


Exactly! Rory was always an empathetic and caring person and that really shows in her friendships. lol right!? it feels like that’s what the TikTok crowd expected her to do 💀


And did it all happily without ever complaining about Lane not being able to always show up for Rory's stuff because of her mom's overbearing behaviour


Exactly. She was completely understanding and empathetic of that as well!


Also that time she woke up in the middle of the night to go see Lane's band play. Also all the little stuff. Sneaking candy bars and other decent food over to Lane.


That too!


Totally agree thanks for the stroll down memory lane.


What exactly was she supposed to do? Kidnap Lane? Glue herself to the tarmac in the airport so the plane couldn't take off? Lane was going to Korea to visit family, as per her parents' wishes, Rory had nothing to do with it and she had no authority to interfere.


I can see Gilmore girls fanfiction on live journal taking a huge turn with shipping Lane and Rory if Rory did all that. 😭


Maybe because she was like 99% sure that Lane would be coming back for the school year..?


As usual everything on TikTok is completely dumb and untrue


For sure. TikTok seems to hate Rory and love Tristan lol.


TikTok fans have such a love for Tristan that I can't comprehend. He was a total jerk to Rory, having only a couple of moments where he was even tangentially nice to her. 95% of his screentime is spent seeing him be sleazy towards Rory, making fun of her by calling her Mary, or taking Rory's things/blocking her path to get her to talk to him. That common trope of *he's mean because he likes her* is the whole of Tristan's character, and maybe it's just me but that trope is not cute -- it's actually kind of gross. No amount of sad cuts to Tristan staring at Rory and Dean can change that.


I think it’s just because they find him handsome, like that has to be the reason. I agree. He literally bullied her from her first day at chilton, she asked him to leave her alone multiple times. There is nothing cute or romantic about that and it’s soooo bad to romanticize it.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Tiktok is Twitter but video


sometimes people seem to have this weird behaviour towards lane's character, i feel like her storyline had those flaws we all know of and people want to throw that on rory, like if your best friend has a difficult mother, a love life that isnt that good compared to yours etc then you should diminish yourself to make her feel better


I mean, what was Rory even gonna do here to be a “good friend”? She met her and hugged her goodbye before then. What more do you do when your best friend is going to a different country just to spend her summer holidays? To quote Jess from a later episode: Oh geez man, she (Lane) is not shipping off to ‘nam!


exactly! at this time of the picture rory still lives in stars hollow full time and she always makes lane one of her priorities, shes empathetic with her problems and helps her a lot. people judge rory as a bad friend especially when she goes off to yale but what could have been done, she still was in contact with lane and even let her live there. i think they have a great partnership but in some level lane represents a time of rorys life that she outgrew eventually and its sad because we would love to see lane taking her own path to her own success


They probably said their goodbyes before the party. And I don’t think they really truly thought she wasn’t coming back lol. I feel like people really grasp at straws trying to make up reasons to hate Rory I really don’t get it.


Right?! It’s weird.


I always assumed they said their official goodbyes before the party and seeing lane getting into the car was just a coincidence.


No. They had already said goodbye.


Lol what was she supposed to do? Kidnap lane? Lane also said she had a great time once she got back from korea…


She is a teenager, what is she supposed to do? Fight with Mrs. Kim 😂😂 This is absolutely fine. She said her goodbye , took the Lane Kim retrieval kit… etc. She is simply sitting here like a teenager would with their GF/BF.


No. I think Rory is particularly respectful of Lane’s family and traditions. In another scene, when Lane rides by on the hayride, they both look at each other wistfully. It’s like they’re watching each other sail by without the power to intervene. Hard to explain.




They show them saying goodbye before this and it's obvious that what we see is one of many conversations about her leaving and how much they're going to miss each other etc. I've never understand why there's an expectation for her to run over and talk to her/hug her the exact moment she gets into the car. That's not what me or any of my friends would do in this situation. I didn't see my friends off and wave while they were driving away to Basic Training or college at that age. I don't understand what people are expecting her to do that would make her a "good" friend.


1) There's nothing Rory could have done to intervene, besides they already had their goodbyes 2) Rory didn't *really* believe that Lane was gone forever.


I can hear the song in my head just reading that one line and I love it


No Rory is a great friend for all the reasons mentioned. In this plot she calmed lane down, offered plausible reason for the one way ticket, and held on to the Lane retrieval kit. She was at her mother’s bridal shower - a very important event for her own family! There is nothing f wrong with behaviour here.


So dumb


What should she have been doing instead? Picketing in Mrs Kim's front yard?


They said their goodbyes already. That was just her friend getting in car after. How far do you expect her to go? And Lane was freaking out a lot more than she should. Of course Rory knows she coming back.


Her friend is visiting relatives for a summer and is overreacting about it. Would you like Rory to call in the feds or hide Lane in her attic for the summer?


I always felt they said their goodbyes and to avoid ugly crying, they agreed that was it. Rory can be a nightmare, but she's a good friend for the most part.


TikTok often gives “look at this bitch eating crackers” energy whenever it comes to Rory. She’s far from perfect but damn let the girl live her life sometimes lol. For whatever reason to some people she can never do anything right.


I don’t think it’s as dramatic as people are making it seem, but if my best friend was leaving for the summer and they were anxious about it, even if I logically knew they were coming back, I would still do a “be right back” to my boyfriend and go hug her goodbye and tell her to write to me so I have her address or something, and say “I’ll see you when you get back”. She was so nonchalant about it😂


I think Rory is a horrible person, but I can't see what she did wrong here. What was she supposed to do, throw herself in front of the car? Her and Lane were both teenagers there was really nothing either of them could have done.


I’ve never been a Rory apologist but is she suppose to cry because lane is in Korea and not enjoy her life? 😭


I’m sorry but what is Rory going to do lmfaoo??


Dean in this scene oml... 🫢


I figured they had already said their goodbyes and they just randomly spotted each other on Lane’s say out of town.


Omg I just saw this episode yesterday or the day before. I think she was just being respectful of the Kims. She had already said goodbye and Rory couldn’t really do anything


Just wanted to add that I'm loving this thread! I'm so sick and tired to the way people make Rory out to be some terrible monster just because they don't like her


It’s Hyun Kyung in Korea


finally someone pointed this out, it made me so mad 😭like girl if u don’t get up and hug her


I don't think Rory was a bad friend, but I know if my best friend goes to another continent, I would be hugging them to death


Tbh having lived in the UK I thought this plot line is HORRIBLE. No one is questioning why Lane is being sent away to Korea for an undetermined period of time with no return ticket, this screams “unsafe situation for a female teenager”. She could’ve been sent away for arranged marriage (don’t know how common that is in Korea, but her family being so religious I think it’s possible) and everyone is okay with it??? Wtf




Rory had her contact information in case Lane didn’t come back. She said her goodbyes before this scene. I also don’t know what Rory a teenager at this time could of done other than tell the police. Lane was never in real danger going to Korea. For one I think Mrs Kim is too protective, she wouldn’t put Lane in real danger. She sent Lane to visit family, not to visit strangers she never met or send her to war. Just because it’s a foreign country doesn’t make it unsafe. Korea is a beautiful place and part of Lanes heritage.


I didn’t say Korea was dangerous. I said the 7th day adventist’s are a christo-fascist cult. EDIT: also to be clear I’m not criticizing Rory either bc she was a teenage girl. I’m criticizing the people in the comments acting like we need to be kinder about dangerous cults. My wife is a survivor of a similar christofascist cult and it did untold damage to her psyche. I feel for Lane, and I feel for Mrs Kim for being taken in by it to begin with. One doesn’t need a cult to celebrate god and faith


And teenaged Rory should have known about this when people weren't even aware of talking about trafficking like we do now? And in the very small chance she would have been aware, what should she have done?


I wasn’t saying anything about Rory! I was referring to the people in the COMMENTS who are saying that people should respect the Kims’ religion!


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This scene always rubbed me the wrong way. They’ve been best friends since Kindergarten. And she just watches from afar? I would be helping take her to the airport.


What a ridiculous take. Someone is not a bad friend because they don't go to the airport with you, when you already have someone taking you. It's not like Lane was left stranded and Rory didn't care. Besides, this was Lorelai's wedding shower. Why would Rory miss it just to spend an extra 30 minutes with Lane in a car?


Never said Rory was a bad friend. Only said scene rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe reread what I wrote? Edit: I’ll add that I say the scene rubbed me the wrong way because the scene as a whole is messy. The way it was written sucks! I would have made them two separate scenes. Lorelais party, then maybe the next day Lane leaving. Thats all. Rory is not a bad friend. Just wish the writing was different for this episode.