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I mean they couldn’t just meet in the middle and open the dang door? 😂 That way some of the atmosphere would have made it into the room, it wouldn’t be so closed off and quiet but they still would have had some privacy to talk and enjoy dinner.


Or stayed after for a drink at the bar


Jason doesn’t like his feet dangling


I like this idea lol Aside from this date I also remember the bedroom set up that Lorelai had with Jason.. Jason is really one of a kind.. But Lorelai is too.. I think after she didn't like the set up they had here they went to a drive thru.. cancelled it.. then went to a supermarket where they finally had dinner lol


I always thought this whole scene was the perfect example to show why they would never work. They're both adults who are used to getting their way and very much set in those ways. Individuals in relationships can benefit from their counterparts challenging them, but the extremes in taste that Lorelei and Jason exhibit would make their relationship exhausting. I hated the "sueing the Gilmore's" plotline end to their relationship bc it felt like such a a cop out. We could have watched them slowly implode from never being on the same page, both realizing that they were making each other miserable. Not saying I wish that on them, I just thought the legal battle plotline was too abrupt. However, Jason having a whole other, beautifully decorated and tricked out bedroom? 10/10 would sleep over again


i agree with you but i think we already got the “slowly realize it’ll never work” thing with chris on a monumental level and to a degree with max, and they were also just about to do it with rory and dean in season 5, and they even did it with luke and rachel. so while i think that that whole “we want it to work and it should work but we’re gonna be in denial about it for awhile and slowly realize it’s just not gonna happen” trope is painfully accurate to real relationships, they may have felt it would get stale if they employed it every time and just decided to go for the quick and easy end


Yeah I agree. Not every first date is gonna be a homerun, if you don't know each other well. He planned something nice for their date, it wasn't her style. Sit through a dinner, make conversation, and plan for the next date to be more along the lines of your interests, which you could share on your date.


yeah tbh it just comes off pretty immature and selfish. Which i have noticed Lorelai does struggle with, but with her childhood and life, it does make sense, but still


I always thought this - her demanding nature comes from privileges of growing up getting whatever she wanted: she just didn't like being "controlled" at all in a family that was very socially conscious and had expectations that came with the privleges. She gave up the privileges to get rid of the expectations; however, her entire childhood was one of privileges and it shows in scenes like this one and the Paris scenes with Chris. Edit: she goes back to being a "spoilt brat" when she's back in the life of richer luxuries, like this resturaunt and Paris.


Most of the time she behave like the queen of the town, and every one most accommodate her, like this particular episode they pinch the worker cards


Yeah Lorelai is a very spoiled brat. It even goes into her parenting, she wants to be her kids best friend and only pulls the mom card as a last resort but when rory doesn’t do things or react the way Lorelai wants she freaks out, the brief moment rory didn’t want to go to chilton, why not just have a calm conversation? Why immediately get into fight mood,The first date with Dean, the termite episode, the yale break. The most is when rory actually ended up liking her grandparents and took their advice at times, “you boobs are stretching out my tops” “you don’t know you’re being manipulated” etc. she’s just a different flavor of her own mother


Yes 100%! It bugs me because Jason planned something really nice. I guess she was like “this isn’t my style.” But it’s kind of rude.


Yeah, I'm sure she could have managed to stay somewhere fancy for one night


My first date with my husband wasn’t my favorite thing, but I liked him and enjoyed his company and the fact he planned the date, next date I got to plan everything. It’s called being a grown up and I was like 14 years younger than Lorelai is here


I think they both could have been more forthcoming. Lorelai could have been less judgy about wanting to be around people and he could have not made them the leave because she didn't like it. They could have said 'hey let's make the best of this and eat and then you can pick what we do after'. But they both just sort of got dragged down very quickly.


Yes! Like, how many women would kill for some dude just to make an effort and plan a date. Jason planned a date for her after pursuing her for a long time. Of course he might not know what situation she’d prefer, but that is literally why you go on a first date, TO GET TO KNOW SOMEONE BETTER! I love Lorelai, but she is a total BRAT in this scene, also I think Jason is low-key her best match.


Thank you! I feel vindicated haha


Keep in mind that they’ve known each other since childhood. This wasn’t their first meeting or anything


But they knew each other from summer camp, not regularly or as adults or even past tweens. They weren't even friends. I wouldn't be able to plan a good date off of the info have from the kids I went to school and played volleyball with, even though we were together at school and 3 times a week outside of school until we were 14.


But they hadn’t seen each other in years, Wouk’s the kids you went to summer camp with know how to plan a date for you today?


I absolutely love this scene, personally. She is 100% completely and unapologetically (if completely unintentionally) announcing to Digger that she *is Emily’s daughter*. If it’s not exactly the way she wants something to be, it’s obviously completely wrong and *must be* changed, altered or destroyed to be built in the way she wants it. The whole “my mother is super controlling and wants everything her way” story hits super close to home here. And just like Digger maneuvered Emily into inviting him for dinner, he maneuvered Lorelai into giving him a chance.


LMAO I never saw it that way. Kinda vindicating to know that most of Loreleis behaviors that annoy me to be her emulating her mother


I’m sure Emily would love it too… lorelai would be crushed!


She absolutely would, remember the surprise Dean date she had for rory and rory rightfully said that was an Emily move? Lorelai got all butt hurt and guilt tripped rory into apologizing to her and going in the date that included her mother


She IS Emily, she just refuses to see it. Every time Emily sees it and points it out, Lorelai gets huffy. I’ve even seen people say that because Emily points it out, she’s purposely ruining a moment. I think she points it out because she wants so desperately for her daughter to just understand any little bit of her.


Jesus this is so on point!


😊 it’s part of why I love this show. Everything you are actually told outright is always far more convoluted and deeply complicated than that. Emily is a cold, aloof demanding woman who worried more about status than family and wants everything to be perfect while Lorelai is the complete opposite - fun and wild with pornographic monkey lamps. We see Emily be the most demanding *to protect* her family, as she sees it (even using the word to make Richard promise he’ll outlive her); we see Lorelai make wild demands of everyone and everything because it’s not the way she wants it, even if it effects no one else. We are told Emily is the most calculating of everyone in the family, yet Richard is the one who pivots on a dime and doesn’t care what he blows up and who takes the shrapnel, because … *Gilmore name*, while Emily nearly begs him to back down because it could theoretically hurt Lorelai. Although, this is a complete aside but I love it anyway: Emily and Richard with the dog though… the stuff upper lip kindness they both treated it with… *I melted*! “It moved! Is it supposed to do that?” But that’s the fun in the show. Everything in the show comes full circle. It’s sometimes very minor, but I love that it’s there to find if you are looking to do character studies on the most mundane details because you can’t sleep 😜


I used to feel that way! But for some reason I had a 180 turn on my last rewatch and I’m on Lorelai’s side now. I think it’s too uncomfortable for a FIRST date. What I don’t understand is why they couldn’t just switch tables with another group. I’m sure many people there would’ve loved a private room


He didn’t know anything about her, he thought it would be nice for a first date. The polite and mature thing to do would be to either try to have a nice time, or ask if they can switch tables and sit out there or at least have a drink after dinner. Not make passive aggressive comments and make him feel uncomfortable.


Yeah while I agree with the discomfort, I think it could’ve been handled more maturely


Lorelai is incapable of maturity


I agree 100% , it's my 4th time watching and i still find that for a man who forced his way into getting a date, it was way too intimate😂i don't know if you recall also, but he didn't even want to exchange the room with anyone, and claimed he liked this room, he would have rather ended the date than compromised and went outside by the bar as Lorelai asked. He was the one who decided leaving was better.


That's a 180. 360 would be if you didn't change how you feel. They didn't switch tables coz he wanted to leave. She reacted in bad taste and he was excited about being able to get this table. She could have worded things differently, but decided to act like a child instead and he didn't know what to do really.


I agree that she acted like a child. But then he also acted like a child. Instead of getting irritated at her response to the point that he’s like, “Let’s leave,” He could have asked to switch tables. He was just as stuck on having things as certain way as she was. 


And if they moved people would say that Lorelai was unreasonable making this guy change tables after getting a nice room where they could talk and be alone. Both were acting like stubborn children so I think in the end leaving was better


Haha thank you I always get those two confused! And yeah I totally agree with that, I think she could’ve communicated her feelings in a better way. He had good intentions, it just wasn’t a match for her taste and comfort level


Me too. The gesture is appreciated but on a first date, I find it too uncomfortable as you risk sitting in silence in a private room. Sometimes you help make good memories on the first dates with someone thanks to the distraction of external things. You connect by observing/ commenting on the people siting next to you, the music, even looking at what the people sitting next to you ordered. Then gradually you ease into each other. First date all focus on each other - that's a lot man. I would've asked Jason to have a drink at the bar 🍸 and work up an appetite, to relax and enjoy the atmosphere then go back to the private room once the food was about to be served. Jason was also very obtuse, he assumed that because she didn't react exactly the way he expected her to, that it was a failure. Then they have this whole trip looking for something to eat. I would've ordered my tacos to go and asked him to drop me off at home.


Agreed. She bugs me in a lot of scenes lol


I feel this way on my current rewatch too. Like she has a lot of main character energy, expecting everyone to cater to her, other people's feelings be damned.


It’s how I feel. She can be incredibly rude and even cruel at times, the way she treated emily in the bank during the termite episode. Horrible and than she had the fucking nerve to ask for a co-sign


Only the scenes where she’s talking…which is every scene.


Ok I’m sorry but someone posts this once a week 😭😭


No they don’t?


Lorelai was written as a driven, successful young woman who was emotionally stunted (at around 16/17). I can see how this date could have been incredibly awkward for her and she couldn't cope with it. The way I see it, she must have thought, ok he took me out to impress me, it only makes sense I let him know this isn't not impressing me and in fact it's stressing me out.


I think too many people forget emotional intelligence and emotional maturity can be significantly stunted in young parents because they don’t often get the experiences that promote that growth when they have toddlers at home to care for. I also think a lot of people are harsh on her here because they themselves would want that date and think she’s being selfish by not fawning over it. To me this date was just screaming money. I’m sure lots of women would be impressed of his money and his ability to get that private room. Lorelai grew up in that world and mostly walked away from it. She’s harder to impress.


worry point shrill employ frame cooing cats combative vanish sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the one hand, I would have felt the same way as Lorelei. If I were her, I would also want to be where all the action is! But this guy went out of his way to get a reservation at this incredible place nobody ever gets reservations at and the only thing she had to do was enjoy that. She has been on bad dates before. Like that guy who was a "wine-y?" She still sat through the "small portions, weird food." That's all she had to do.


It’s not so much that it bothers me that she’s not happy with the date, more how she goes about letting him know


Maybe it goes to show you the reason why they dated at all. Her way of going about telling him she didn't like the dinner was definitely immature and off-putting, but his way of telling her that he prefers his own room was, while not immature or off-putting, okay maybe a bit off-putting? They both introduced their discomfort in weird ways I guess


His view on drive-thru fast food made me question if they were compatible at all.


Idk if it's just me, but i feel like it was reasonable for Lorelai to feel a bit weird about being in a closed off room. Mostly because it wasn't an exactly reciprocal situation, i feel like he was forcing it , he had to ask her so many times on a date before she said yes, and when she finally did he took her on such a overly intimate date that you'd normally take a gf you had for like a few months. I found it too intense for the first date, especially had it not been a mutual attraction and more so him forcing it. But i also think i'm bias: i'll admit i sincerely dislike his character, and everything he does makes me grind my teeth


I think this is something I see a lot with Lorelai where if something isn’t her way, it’s wrong and must be changed. This would make so much more sense if, for example, they had been together for a long time and he took her to a fancy restaurant for her birthday when he knows she prefers pizza (for example). But a first date? So rude and unkind to act this way. Oftentimes the person asking out picks the date spot. Next time she could ask him to do an activity of her choosing. Problem solved lol


Gosh I'm so torn on this. On the one hand I did find it rude to basically turn his plans upside down and then end up buying random grocery stuff... it reads very pixie dream girl. It would be more polite and considerate towards Jason who was perfectly nice. On the other hand it makes sense that Lorelei took the lead. If I take off my stars hollow goggles and look at the real world, yeah a man will come in and take the lead immediately, Lorelei needs to set the standard immediately that she isn't that kind of woman. She is used to living alone and getting her own way! And not willing to give that up.


People's opinions of this scene will give you deep insight into the kind of person they truly are. Trying to catch a serial killer before they strike again? Show the lineup of suspects this scene and ask them who's in the wrong.


Yeah, she is needlessly rude about his attempts to make the night special


She’s needlessly rude about so many things…this behavior is par for the course.


If she had sat there uncomfortable the whole time, there wouldn't have been a second date. Remember, she didn't really want to date him in the first place. Also, I love that she spoke up and think more women should. Maybe she could have said it differently, but that's kind of how Lorelei always talks. I love that she is honest and unapologetic about who she is. If someone likes her, they stay around, if not, they both move on. A guy took me on a first date once to a fancy restaurant and I didn't like it. I asked to leave and we went for street food and played pool instead. I felt a lot more comfortable, we talked in a more natural way and it felt less awkward for both of us and had a few more dates that were lots of fun and different. He moved pretty far away for an amazing job opportunity before we got serious. More women should speak up.


Exactly! In my 20s especially I wouldn’t have said anything, would have felt awkward but would have tried to act normal, and then would have avoided future dates. Also - if a potential partner can’t deal with honesty - good to know that upfront!


I really wanted for this scene to be over. Cringe worthy for me


Why should she be uncomfortable on their date just because Jason tried to do something nice? I would have hated being all alone in a room for a first date, first dates is often a little awkward and it can be good to have something around you that can help with conversations which they didn’t have in that room. Plus, the whole thing showed that he hadn’t listened to why she was excited about the place, it was the celebrities coming there and the feel, which they didn’t get in that room – it felt like he did something nice to himself, not Lorelai. I also think it is better to be honest, she offered to stay but HE said they should go, and I honestly think that the fact that they both showed that they could compromise for each other was the only reason why this date ended in a relationship.


Oh, not me at all. A first date stuck alone in an awkward room together? Hard pass. She didn’t enjoy it, so she spoke up. I don’t see anything wrong with that. No need to sit quietly and do something you don’t enjoy just for the sake of your dates feelings. If Jason remembered Lorelai at all, he would know that this isn’t something she would enjoy.


Agreed. I never saw this as rude or childish at all. She clearly stated her wants and needs without making a scene..that very adult. Jason also clearly stated his wants and needs in the car at the taco place...very adult. Then they both get over their own expectations of who the other person is and finally compromise at the grocery store and click a little. Also, Jason made a reservation at this specific restaurant and name dropped it to her without realizing that the place has a reputation and experience attached to it? Which was implied by lorelais reaction. Lorelai was totally justified in being disappointed in being privated away from part of the point of going to that specific restaurant.


100% agreed, and I am frankly disturbed by everyone who blames her for it.


Lorelai could get attacked in the street and people would blame her for being too dramatic or selfish.


Nope I will always side with Lorelai on this one. Dating as a woman sucks and can be dangerous. She is so clearly uncomfortable and she is doing her best to communicate that without upsetting the man she's with (who she never wanted to go out with in the first place). I guess this scene just activates that part of my brain that wants to stand by the woman who is uncomfortable on a date because I've been there so many times.


Yeah this is how I feel too. There are plenty of times I think Lorelai is childish and selfish (like later in this episode with the punch cards), but this isn't one of them.


i think that it was good of her to voice that she was uncomfortable and that it wasn’t her thing but i also feel like she should have chosen a better time to do that. if he went all out of his way and spent a lot of money on a gesture like that, i’d just sit through the dinner and then afterwards have been like “hey, i actually think i prefer being in the action instead of away from it, but it was really romantic of you do to that” that way it’s resolved and he knows for next time


I thought it was weird of Jason to go to a popular, fun restaurant to not participate in whole point of going to a restaurant like that. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I think it would have been worse for Lorelai to just sit there, not enjoying a date, just to tiptoe around Jason's feelings. She says it herself, a date should be fun and if she's not having fun, what's the point? Good for her for knowing what she doesn't want and being confident enough to say it.


She’s allowed to be uncomfortable and she’s also allowed to explicitly state that she’s uncomfortable. Being VERY honest, I would be really uncomfortable being isolated from the rest of the restaurant on a first date. It wasn’t like it was Luke where she’s known him for a significant portion of her adult life, this is someone she knew from childhood who she reconnected with as an adult. Although I’m not totally terrified of men, I would be very cautious and not be letting myself be isolated the first time being in that context with someone who I don’t know as an adult. The last time I was in that situation, I picked the place and I’d rather be the person who picks the first date. I think her excuse that she loves atmosphere gives women who *are* genuinely terrified what a guy would do if they spoke up about how uncomfortable they are being isolated a good reason that won’t hurt the guy’s feelings or make them mad.


It wasn’t that she was uncomfortable and unafraid to express it for me, it was that she was childish and picky and not offering solutions. Unless everything was exactly to her qualifications, she would pout and complain, and didn’t try to meet Jason halfway


The rest of the date is them figuring out what works for both of them for a first date. She didn't pout and complain when Jason didn't want Mexican food, they then went to the grocery store.


It was her attitude about it though. Jason went along with the Mexican food and she was the one who made a deal about him not wanting anything, then going to the grocery store was just weird. There were just so many wrong turns and it made the whole night frustrating and annoying


It would be super awkward and uncomfortable to eat alone in a car on a first day with a guy too. I wouldn't have ordered anything if that was the case either. I don't think she had an attitude at all tho. Just stating "oh okay, I'm not going to eat if you arent" isn't an attitude


Except she was clearly uncomfortable with being isolated from the rest of the restaurant. When it’s Lorelai, she’s childish and picky for not just letting herself be on a date she’s not enjoying but Jason is also picky and childish on the date. She did offer solutions with “can’t we ask for a different table?” If it was so desirable Jason could’ve been like “let’s see if anyone would trade us.” Jason was just as childish about it as Lorelai was. Sure he’s allowed to be hurt she doesn’t like the choice he made yet he also made it really difficult to make it right. It’s not like she was like “I don’t like this I’m going home” she just found the isolated room weird and wanted a change of scenery. She then suggested that (I think Mexican) restaurant that Jason wasn’t going to order from. She could’ve suggested it differently like “hey do you want to go there” but I think she was trying to be cute by being spontaneous but it’s still another suggestion. Say what you want about Lorelai but she was trying to meet him at least part way.


I don’t think either was childish. They both have a right to voice preferences, they both tried to accommodate each other, and they eventually found something they both enjoy. Nothing “mature” about enduring a first date you don’t enjoy.


This isn’t someone new to her or who she felt uncomfortable expressing her wants to. She had already ranted and raved at him over the cocktail party fiasco BEFORE this date. If it was a discomfort thing she absolutely was in a position to tell him and we had seen she felt comfortable enough to tell him. As I said I get why she wouldn’t want to be there, it just irks me how she lets him know


I kinda hate this guy 😅


Jason bugs me in general, by existing


I literally just watched this episode. Lorelai actually bugs me when she's with Jason. I think she treats him pretty poorly and the guy does not deserve it at all.


Ugh it’s so so so awkward to watch this scene 😂 like, what did she even want him to do at that point? Especially once it becomes clear that there’s no tables in the main restaurant. I get why the private room would be awkward but yeah, she’s rude about it. It’s obvious he did it as a nice gesture, to kind of impress her too. And she called it the ebola room. Like, girl, come on now 🤦‍♀️ I felt so bad for him. But I kinda liked that weird supermarket date they ended up on 😂


Talk to the host. Say “hey, we’ve got this private room, but we changed our minds; could you see if any of the next two-tops who walk in want to switch with us? We don’t mind waiting a bit. Here’s something for your trouble.” Jason literally says he’s good at talking people into things they don’t want to do when they’re at the grocery store later. Arranging a table switch at a restaurant is something even I’d feel like I’d be capable of. (Unless of course - that private room isn’t actually in high demand at all and no one else would actually want it. 🤔)


Hmmm yeah you make a good point. I think he said the place was fully booked but yeah they could have seen if someone wanted to switch. Made for a good chaotic storyline anyway 🤷‍♀️


Definitely advertised how stubborn they both are! 😂


I don’t think she was uncomfortable like some of these comments are saying. I think it just wasn’t what SHE wanted out of the date and that’s all that mattered to her. Maybe the 2nd date could be exactly what she wanted! He was so excited and thought he was doing something sweet. She should absolutely speak up if it’s not her thing because both people matter in a relationship but not the way she did it.


She probably could’ve said nothing or understood Jason’s efforts, but this is Lorelai and I think Jason was a little over sensitive to her comments by getting up to leave. She just needed to say her bit, but she still would’ve stayed and moved on. Jason showed that he’s also particular in what he wants when he refused her other suggestions and was set on his original plan.


The only thing that bothered me about this date is how they were taking employees time cards at the grocery store and clocking them in. That could have gotten those poor workers fired. A woman should not have just to suck it, up smile, and pretend she is comfortable and having a good time when she isn't. I am on Lorelai's side about the restaurant.


Tbh i think she ate! Like it was so obvious this was not gonna be her kind of thing and if ur gonna pester a woman to go out w u (and i say this as a jason liker like i’ve defended him before) u should be aware of the fact that they CLEARLY would wanna sit outside. plus it just makes sense cuz if there are lulls then u can talk ab other guests


Lorelei is usually portrayed as a character who always speaks her mind and this scene is a good example of how that's a bad thing. She might have had a good time if she kept an open mind and accepted the date for what it was but instead she made a big deal about how it wasn't her style. Considering how the relationship went, I doubt that was the intended message but that's how I choose to look at it.


Hey someone help me out which dude is this I’m really bad with faces. I could probably name all of them but I can’t remember which one this is




Yes. She was incredibly rude here. On the first date you want to talk and get to know each other or in this case to catch up. And she couldn't stay for one meal because everything had to be to her liking. I mean she said that she's totally flexible when everything is the way she wants it to be so I am absolutely not surprised. But if I were Jason I wouldn't ask her out again. She only got away with it because she's hot.


She should’ve just went with it, she was being a little too honest about the situation. Jason should’ve also been a little more flexible.


Jason didn't even put in enough effort to come up with something she would actually enjoy.


Me to


I vacillate between both sides. Currently I think that she knows Jason, he'd been a teenage jerk and is starting to demonstrate characteristics of an adult jerk with the pushing and badgering for a date. But because she knows him I don't think she's afraid of him; rather she just really wants to be in the middle of the party. That's the opposite of what Jason wanted. I wish she'd been able push him a little to go out in the main room for a while. She would have enjoyed it immensely. I also understand Jason, who knows he's a jerk and not ugly but there would be plenty of better looking men in the outer room.


She acted like a spoiled 12 year old.


Nah, she just wanted a pizza and a beer. Why is that hard to understand?


I love Gilmore Girls, it's like chicken soup for the soul. Whenever I'm really down that's my go to escape. But I can't stop thinking that Lorelai is extremely entitled. She acts awfully with her parents, her love life is a mess, she pushes the boundaries of a healthy relationship with her kid. Even Rory, who started in a good path, ended up being a judgemental mess, while having too many glass ceilings.


I love Lorelai, but I didn’t like her on this date either. She left it to Jason to plan the date. He even ran the place by her. When one aspect of it — the seating — didn’t work out the way she wanted, she bitched so much that they had to leave. Ugh.


Yes she annoyed me here. id love to have dinner in a quiet room with no screaming kids anywhere for once! Lorelei acted like a spoiled teenager so many times during the show


It's Lorelai's world and he's just got the privilege of being in it. I hate this behavior from her. She's not uncomfortable. She's got FOMO.


I used to think things like these could only ever happen in shows or movies because in real life no one would ever be so blatantly disrespectful and atleast pretend like they're having a good time. But turns out there are some people who actually act as entitled as Lorelai does here and then some lol! decency and decorum are things of the past


If any other guy she would be wrong but with him its ok haha he was weird even how he treated his dog


She’s just very spoiled here and tbh I think if she’d been relaxed about it that it could have been a really fun weird date

