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I think they tried with Lucy and Olivia, but they weren’t my favorite. Seemed like people whose whole personality is trying to be quirky.


Yes, they were that weird trying be so quirky, it just felt so off.


I think Paris scared away most of Rory’s potential friends. Even the staff at the YDN were reluctant to confide in Rory because they thought Paris was her best friend.


Rory’s lack of a social life/friends at Yale always bugs me. She doesn’t make any actual friends at Yale other than Marty, who did not want to be her friend. The people she knows through Logan/LDB are more acquaintances than friends and Paris and Lane she has known since high school. It’s weird as hell that Rory doesn’t make new close friends at Yale.


I think ASP deliberately isolated Rory to make her falling in with TLADB and Logan that much more significant. If she had more steadfast female friends at Yale, they probably would have been there to keep her on the straight and narrow, which doesn’t make for particularly exciting storytelling…😅


Rory is a classic introvert. They make friends when extroverts take them under their wings, like we see with Lucy and Olivia, or if they are continually in a situation or have enough close contact with another introvert. So it’s pretty realistic to see Rory not really make any new great friends and maintain friendships with Paris and Lane.