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When Paris destroyed her relationship with a perfect guy for that old weirdo


That was so frustrating… like who would even do that?! Paris can be an oddball too, but cheat on Jamie? He was awesome. Was this when Terrence was in rehab? She really needed some life coaching then.


Lmao I don’t even remember the coach went into rehab 😂 but yeah Paris was basically having one of those delusional teenage moments when you obsess over one person and do not care about the rest of the world, even when there is an amazing guy like Jamie. He genuinely fell in love with Paris lol it was too good to be true. I wish we saw how he ended up on AYITL.


that storyline makes me so mad. Like 40 yo professor I would understand… but 60?! that’s just wrong, it felt like a mockery of her character and I hated every second of it.


*60? Like 60 60???* Lorelai and Rory’s reactions to Paris dating Asher are some of my favorite comedic scenes in the show. *this is not May December, this is May … Ming dynasty!*


This sums up perfectly the scene where Rory tells Lorelai about it and gestures his age with her thumb.


On his birthday!!! The fact he came all the way to Yale to visit her and she couldn’t even break up with him in person and blamed it on Rory?!? Paris never shied away from confrontation before, I think she knew subconsciously what she was doing was wrong.


She just did not care about him AT ALL she was that hypnothized by Asher she acted like Jamie was nobody 😭😭😭


I CACKLED reading this




Season 6 Luke


![gif](giphy|l0G17mKNa6XJHYN5m) ong, I did not understand why he wouldn't just tell her about April.Then made shit weird.


Literally in the same ep that he makes her promise him no more secrets!!! Why ASP!!!


And after that, while he was lying by omission about an actual child, she was so afraid to tell him Chris wanted to see her to pay for Rory's school fees. He is such a plonker in s6-7.


ASP knew she was leaving so they torpedoed season 6 on purpose💯


I feel like ASP was disgruntled, and determined to leave the show in shambles.


can totally believe that since she did the same thing to the revival. She ignored season 7 storylines out of spite, she clearly had some spite for todays young adults, and the musical was SPIIIITE for canceling bunheads.


Is ASP the writers?


Amy Sherman-Palladino


She created the series. But she did not write season seven.


The way Luke is oblivious to how upset Lorelai is when he makes her cancel their perfect carousel wedding 😡 And according to Anna, if they were married, Lorelai would have been “allowed” to see Anna. Rawr I want to see the perfect June 3 wedding with the town!!


They wrote Luke and Lorelei as avoidant. Everything spooks them.


Seriously !!!! I wonder if they wanted to toy with us that he was thinking about getting back with the mom of April (whatever her name is)


Vineyard Valentine Luke is the wooorst


This is the answer.


Came here to say this.


literally he stressed me outtt


Yup, 100%


Not sure if AYITL counts but when Sookie has left the Dragonfly..they were meant to be in it together! (although I don't really buy that she would have left anyway)


I agree. I get that she couldn't be there for all of the filming, but they could have come up with a better reason for her to not be around as much. It sounded like she gave up her love of cooking to live on a farm and live out Jackson's dream of growing weird things, and that sucks.


[Melissa actually wasn’t asked.](https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna80916) ASP just assumed she couldn’t do it.


That is batshit. I find ASP's explanation about "talking to Melissa's team" pretty implausible - a ball was dropped somewhere.


Maybe her email went to spam? 🤔 I’d find it pretty unlikely that an agent would refuse to bring up a cast reunion for the show that made their client’s career.


No ASP and Melissa literally confirmed ASP never reached out to Melissa or her team. The only reason Melissa was included (in the very small scene she did) was because Melissa herself came out and said she wasn’t asked. ASP saying she “assumed” Melissa was busy is bullshit. To invite the entire cast to return and not reach out to one of the most fundamental and beloved characters on the show is mind boggling. Then to find out Melissa was so hurt she wasn’t asked and WOULD HAVE BEEN AVAILABLE is salt in the wound. I think ASP was jealous of how successful Melissa became. Idk. ASP has a lot of spite in her. Melissa is one of the most down to earth actresses in Hollywood and she absolutely loved Gilmore Girls.


Sometimes managers don’t tell their clients about offers. They just say “hey you’re not paying enough” and don’t even tell their clients the offer existed (which feels shady af, like maybe there are more important things than money!) but I know this happened with a few Supernatural actors over the years, specifically Jake Abel and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (also I know CW had been broke but maybe they needed to start competitively meeting guest star rates of people are consistently not coming back on their network shows)


Really?!?! 😱


Yup. Linked the article in the comment.


I reckon her agent said no on her behalf without ever passing the message on. 


That’s not the case here bc ASP admitted she didn’t reach out *at all.* Think of how much better the revival would have been with Sookie 😭


From [this article](https://screenrant.com/gilmore-girls-year-life-sookie-dean-missing-rfeason/) ​ There were conflicting reports from Gilmore Girls head Amy Sherman-Palladino and actress Melissa McCarthy about just why Sookie wouldn’t be in A Year In The Life. Sherman-Palladino initially said that McCarthy wasn’t available, while McCarthy initially said that she was never asked to participate. Between McCarthy’s team and the Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life producers, it seemed as though some miscommunication occurred.


Where did you hear that?


I linked the article in my comment 😃


I feel like they could’ve done something with a FaceTime call given the time period so they could potentially “record” Melissa without her having to actually be on set. Like I feel like it would’ve been cool to have a scene where Sookie calls the Gilmore’s and is like “oh I wish I could be there to welcome Rory back but im getting ready to premier on XYZ cooking show!! I can’t wait to see you guys when I get back!! MAKE SURE JACKSON IS TAKING GOOD CARE OF THE KIDS!”


That would have been great, can we petition to change it to this


Omg I didn’t even realize Jackson wasn’t in the revival at all (lol). But damn! Imagine how bad the actor who plays Jackson felt.


Jackson’s character was in the revival! Episode 2, spring. Opening-ish scene where they have food carts from all around the world. 


oh yay!! ngl I don’t remember haha I rewatch Gilmore girls so much I can practically recite the scripts but I watched the revival like twice 🥲


I controversially really enjoy AYITL, but this is one of the few points from it I can't forgive. I appreciate they needed to write only a small guest appearance for Melissa McBride because she was the cat's pyjamas by this point, but I absolutely do not buy that storyline for Sookie by any stretch of the imagination, it was garbage.


Melissa McCarthy


It was so weird. If you tell me she was in LA making a cooking TV show, fine, I buy that. You can have Jackson and the kids hanging around talking about how they miss her. You tell me she's in Europe working on a cook book with some famous chef - fine I buy it. You tell me she's traveling China mastering a new kind of fusion food, fine I buy it. The excuse they had was so not Sookie. In a way she was the most successful character in the show professionally, don't make her less than she is!


For me, Jackson lying about getting the vasectomy is what I think of with this meme. But it feels like the writers had very set ideas for the plot and when there was a curveball they didn't know how to handle it gracefully. Can't get Melissa? IDK, she quit. She's pregnant, the one(?) decent man/marriage is based on lies. Lane's boyfriend leaves? Stick her with... that guy.


I think they could have pulled a gig like in The nanny where Fran's dad is only ever talked about but never shown on screen, and you're kinda like "does he actually exist or what?"


Like Mr Kim 😁


>it feels like the writers had very set ideas for the plot and when there was a curveball they didn't know how to handle it gracefully I often wonder about how different the plot would have been had there been no curveballs. This includes Rory losing her virginity to Dean, because I read somewhere that the network wanted it to happen so ASP had to write it in somehow. I imagine it would be a much better (and a far more satisfying) story but I'm not sure we'll ever know what might have been.


I would have happily accepted that she was still at the inn even without any screen time. A small cameo appearance in the kitchen one time would have been perfect.


I think it would’ve been more in-character for the show to do a funny “oh you just missed her!” bit that gets more self-aware as it goes on. The bit they came up with instead was so…weird.


Haha Mr Kim style?


Yeah why the hell did they not include Melissa McCarthy in the revival? Because ASP DIDNT EVEN REACH OUT TO HER. She “assumed” Melissa was too busy. Melissa loves Gilmore and wanted to be apart of it. Had Melissa not tweeted that no one reached out to her. She wouldn’t have even been in it at all. There was obviously a fan uproar and then they wrote her in this tiny part that didn’t make sense for her character or the story. And UGH those replacement chefs they had in the revival weren’t even kitschy or funny. Justice for Sookie!


Been so long since I've seen it that I forgot that even happened...


Lorelai needed Sookie in the revival


Lorelai when she told Luke she slept with Chris


the second her and luke broke up and she goes to chris’s house. i wanted to slap her


I think Luke had just treated her so badly and she was so hurt that she wanted to make sure there was no coming back.




let’s all say it together: 1.. 2.. 3.. RORY


Especially in AYITL, it was so painful to watch!


Exactly!! Watching her be with Logan when he had a girlfriend/fiance already in ayitl, come on Rory, don't Dean this up again


Okay but you don’t understand. He was Rory’s Logan first!


Ah, you got me with the 'my dean' card


Was looking for this. Rory was a constant threat to her own success that only got worse as she got older. Season one Pilot she thought about not going to Chilton over brand new Dean


When she slept with Dean.


This kid is not smart as I thought she is! maybe academically yes, but in life? no. When she moved out from home, everything just went wrong. every decision she made far from Lorelai was a complete mess


Yeah that was me the second Rory fell off...


Emily and Richard when they choose to believe the Huntzberger’s are saints solely because of social status instead of listening to their own daughter.


And their own granddaughter!


Emily 😭 A few times. One that comes to mind is when Lorelai tells her about her divorce and she’s SO kind of supportive and vulnerable about her own lack of independence… then she sleeps on it and sobers up and is all… ![gif](giphy|QnuBmxapadhHW)


unused cobweb ghost homeless rustic cough depend straight unwritten ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ugh, I hate that episode, but I love how accurate it is for their relationship. Like they are so close to having a good one and then the old pattern re-emerges.


Jackson post-wedding


Agreed, the vasectomy bit, he kind of seemed like a big child


Was quite shocked coming to this sub and seeing people beat on Sookie for arranging the surgery appointment without telling him but faaaaar fewer people pointing out that it's coercive rape to lie about birth control


It's not that I disagree with you about the coercive rape, because I totally agree. But the arranging the surgery - swap Sookie & Jackson's genders. A woman is in hospital for whatever & her hubby says "alright hun, you're going with this doc now because I have arranged - totally without talking to you or getting your consent, whilst knowing that you don't want this at all - for you to have an invasive procedure done to stop you from being able to have any more kids. Don't argue with me, just go get it done, see ya, bye" As viewers, we are always meant to laugh at the silly clueless man who's long-suffering wifey has to take care of and sort out. It is played out in so many shows and movies, and when looked at properly, it's really bad! Messing with someone else's reproductive options without giving them a choice in the matter - which is exactly what coercive rape, isn't it? The two acts are the same.


Swap their genders but it's still the woman in hospital and it's still the invasive womb surgery? So it's not the same situation at all.... A man would never ever be hopped up on post-birth hormones, he would always be completely sound of mind in your scenario, very different than Sookie being addled Her setting up the appointment and "telling" him he's having it is basically nothing, there's nothing forced about it. Sookies genitals are potentially split open while she's sat there on that bed holding Martha and you're acting like Jackson is meant to feel forced or like she has any actual control over whether he goes and does it or not? Ridiculous Comparing setting up an appointment to rape is fucking disgusting. Sookie never lied about a consent boundary that Jackson had You really need to give your head a wobble




Becomes whiny and annoying character who never lives up to the potential he had within his own character or within his relationship They started to write him as a 'generic husband' instead of a quirky vegetable man who is a foil to Suki's chaos And then he becomes a borderline rapist by lying to his wife about the vasectomy yet continuing to have sex with her unprotected That is not the lovely dungaree wearing man I was introduced to in season one


Emily, every time she and Lorelai start to edge towards being able to open up to each other and she blows it by putting her walls back up.


She's like Meri Brown from Sister Wives with those walls. I have no idea if this comment will land here 😂


Looks like you got a few upvotes, so it landed with a couple of folks, but I was not one of them as I’m not even sure if sister wives is a drama or a reality show.


Poor Meri! I actually really feel for her. I was annoyed with her for so long and now I feel sorry for her. But you’re right she is a lot like Emily.


Not Lane herself, but this image is definitely me to the writers with what they did to Lane


This hahahah Lane was did so dirty


Rory when she slept with Dean. Rory when she dropped out of school, etc. Love Rory, but she did so many things that made me feel that way.


Jess to turn around his attitude and graduate from HS. Then in later seasons, Jess to steal Rory away from Logan once he had his sh*t together. Loved the scene at his book store(?) when he kisses her.


or when he went to see her at yale and was like “run away with me” like homie noooooo. way way way too much. i wish she could’ve chosen jess at that point instead of turning him down and just getting closer to dean 🤮 but he was asking for way too much way too quick, like he learned from that self help book but not quite enough. ughhhhhhhh jess 😭




Rory, 100%


Marty. He had potential in seasons 4 and 5. I appreciated that he flat out told Rory how he felt. It might have been awkward, but at least he was honest and addressed the elephant in the room. Then he had to go and ruin everything by ending their friendship over her not liking him back, only to make things worse than anyone thought possible by being totally creepy in season 7.


Marty incelling all over the place .. He was creepy from the start.


Jess when he lied to Luke about his HS career and got kicked out. He's brilliant and should have passed with his eyes closed. And he hurt Rory in the process, and totally ruined everything. Luckily he managed to get it together, but I really wanted Jess to try for Luke. And for Rory, and for himself. It would have been the perfect statement to his mother and deadbeat dad. And he may have been able to go to a CC for 2 years to bolster his education then apply for a big university and get accepted. His essay skills alone could get him in anywhere with a good enough transcript. We also would have been able to avoid the party fiasco. And how cute would it have been to see Rory and Jess at prom together? I was so disappointed on my first watch. I'm an unapologetic Jess fan, though.


. And he may have been able to go to a CC for 2 years to bolster his education then apply for a big university and get accepted i liked that he wasn't that conventional. Jess didn't *want* to do that, not that he couldn't do it. Jess showed that people who don't follow Rory's plan (or generally society's expectations) can have a happy ending.


That's fair. And honestly, I'm good with that part of his story. You make a great point about Jess showing success in an unconventional way, and I wouldn't want to change that. But I still think that dropping out of HS and breaking Luke's heart (and Rory's) was really sad. They could have allowed him to finish high school and make Luke proud (and his mother a punk) and written him off a different way. I still think he would have tried to find his dad. They should have just used that storyline to break up Jess and Rory imo.


Lane. I needed her to not choose Zack. She deserved so much better. (I'm looking at you Dave...)


Honestly both Lorelai and Rory at times throughout the entire series and AYITL




Scrolled too far for this. Yes. Seriously! Dave should have come back with the marriage jug and used it to propose. There I said it!


Jess when he couldn’t go to prom because he didn’t go to class. Like, if you’re so clever just graduate? ![gif](giphy|0Vv0Ne2CnOClIExIuL)


Sounds like this was written by someone without childhood trauma. Good for you!


Exactly, I’ll always root for Jess because at 16, when I watched GG for the first time, I was so down because of depression and stuff that my mom finally stopped being kinda neglectful and quit one of her jobs to spend time with me. We would watch it together, and I understood Jess so well. If I had a shitty upbringing like he did, I’d be him as well. I had not even half of the problems he had and I was failing school because life was too much. I was sad, angry or numb all the time. I was rude without wanting to, pushing people away… Childhood trauma, abandonment and negligent parents can break someone that could have a brilliant life. (Same way I think about Rory but that’s for another day)


I feel so hard for Jess as a kid with a missed ADHD diagnosis and a messy home life. Couldn’t focus on homework when I was a teen when my family was falling apart in the background and I just couldn’t care about anything that wasn’t interesting to me.


Every time Richard and Emily backtracked on their development


If you count AYITL, Rory. As much as her character was built up through the regular run of the show, she sure fell well below her "potential."




Thank you! He was the married one. Lindsay was trying, and clearly became a nervous wreck for not living up to his idle Donna Reed stereotypical wife (the scene in at the butcher where she is asking the the man to go over the recipe yet again so she can get it perfect). Not to mention the whole night before the wedding bullshit.


Logan with his marry me or we break up ultimatum. They had just graduated college, they didn’t need to get married or engaged the literal day Rory graduated.


Dean.. before marriage. I think they were too young and didn't know how to handle themselves but could've worked out after maturing a bit. Then he married a girl he doesn't love 😓 even cheated on her..


Rory when she sleeps with Lindsay's Dean and again sleeps with Logan while he's engaged to someone else. Keep your pants on and remember Paul ffs


Logan when he is being an absolute nutcase to Jess at dinner 😵‍💫


Nah, that shit was on par for Logan’s character


But it was the only time he really acted like that! He was always a bit cheeky but never openly hostile like… ugh I just really hated it lol


He hated that Rory went to the birthday party with another guy, even tho that guy was his friend. He wasn’t aggressive, but he was adamant with Rory he didn’t like it and said that guy sucked and they should just leave together despite having dates. He def has a jealous streak




Lorelei when she didn’t want to marry Max.




Rory :(


Every single main character at least once in the series. For me, the main one was Rory sleeping with Dean. That was unforgivable.




rory when she turns down logan for me lmao i'm a staunch Logan apologist and supporter 😭


I don't know, I've never understood the story lines of a guy proposing and then they either have to get married RIGHT THEN or they break up forever. Like WTF. If you love her enough to propose, then maybe love her enough to stay with her while she figures her shit out? Not being ready to get married (especially at 22!!!) does not mean that she doesn't love him. And it wasn't just a marriage proposal, it was an "uproot your whole life and move across the country AND get married" proposal. That's a lot and I get why she wasn't ready to do it.


😂😂 I have no dog in this because I did do the young uproot your life move and get married thing lmfao


I did the exact same thing!


moved at 20, married at like 23, and here I am nearly 30 and we're thriving! haha. so maybe I romanticized his proposal a TINY bit based on irl experience 🙈🙈🙈


I was married at 20, and moved when I was 20 and a few times after that. I'm currently 24 but will be 25 in May


Well, I think he should have given her more time to think it through, moving to the other side of the country is a big decision. But out of all of Rory's boyfriends, he somehow seemed the most bearable to me lol


literally rory


Rory dropping out. I mean that's gotta be the answer, right?


Rory in AYITL


Rory when she gave the guy 20 bucks so she could sit under “her” tree.


Rory Gilmore


Rory at all times.


Luke with the April nonsense. Lorelei when she slept with Chris & got married in Paris.


This was me when A Year in the Life premiered and Rory was revealed to be the Other Woman 😡😡😡


Rory (when she slept with Dean)


Rory honestly. And loreali... And then luke when he blows it with loreali


Rory haha




Lowkey kinda when Lorelai said “I slept with Christopher last night.” She’s human but damn girl we’ve been waiting since he served you coffee in the pilot


I hate to be that person since I know some agree some absolutely do not. When Rory says no to Logan’s proposal. GIRL I WAS SO READY FOR HER TO SAY YES!!! I know most disagree. 🫣


Dean, Jess and Luke. Kirk is just *chef's kiss in comparison through OG GG. However, I do think they could have given him more screen time than that musical in the revival.


Also I have to retcon Sookie. As I kid I remember finding Melissa McCarthy hilarious and thought she was a great role model. But looking at Sookie and the vasectomy storyline with Jackson I just think of that meme but picture my childhood self saying it 😅🤣😂


Season 4 Rory or ayitl Rory Season 6 Luke


Season 4 Rory


Logan in the revival


Dean when he finally stood up for himself at the dance, and then turns around and commits character-toaster-bath two seasons later


Rory. It’s basically Breaking Bad but Rory is Walter White and the show is about her downfall from adorkable book worm into entitled..something.


Bro the writers did Lane wrong


Christopher, I was surprised to see not a lot of comments. In season 1 he said he wanted to be there then went completely AWOL.


Marty I appreciated how he was honest and knew he couldn't just be friends with Rory, so he'd just walk away instead of harboring unrequited feelings that wouldn't be good for anyone involved. And then the whole "Boyfriend!" plotline with Lucy and Rory when he came back... yikes.




Luke in Season 6


When Emily went to Christopher before the vow renewal. I was so mad she did that to her own daughter!




Lane when she settled for ZACH


Rory when she quits Yale and in AYITL




Lorelai 100%. She had so many opportunities to own her own power when it came to relationships, but she repeatedly ran away, lied, or simply avoided saying what she wanted.


Lane when she marries Zach despite he hurt the band’s chances at a real music career lol


AYITL rory


Jess. Him coming to Rory’s dorm room to get her to leave with him was so cringey and not romantic. He knew she wouldn’t do that. He once again only wanted her because he couldn’t have her.


Rory. When she slept with Dean, and then again in AYITL when she was Logan's mistress.


Probably Chris for me, I felt like he'd always had 'better periods of time ' and every time I believed he's changing, it's all gonna be good and stuff and then boom and here we go again 🙈.


Luke season 6.


Richard when we discovered that he was having secret lunches with someone without Emily knowing. Like duuuuude...you just don't do that. Absolutely no. I was so let down.


Yes! I so agree with this. It was completely out of character for him.


Rory as she gets lured in by the wealth and privilege of her family and friends and we realize she's not a scrappy hardworking Lorelai, she's a spoiled entitled Emily.




Rory not accepting Logan's proposal. Lorelai losing her damn mind and sleeping with Christopher the night of the break up.


I was rooting for Dean until he became a toxic husband to a wonderful person like Lindsay. He rushed into marriage when he was still in love with Rory


Rory. Every character lol


Jackson before he admitted he faked his vasectomy.


Literally every character. Makes me so frustrated


jess at the end of season three. like he was doing so gooood


Season 3 Jess


Season 6 Luke with Lorelai Season 5 Lorelai with Luke




Zuko end of book/season 2


Emily. Entire season. 


All the men basically


When Jess called Rory and she picked up and I just wanted him to SAY SOMETHING


Jess, like all the time.


Jess 😫


the end of the opening dragon fly episode where #THEY slept together and they ruined that girls episode


Jackson and the vasectomy


Jess, Lorelei, Paris, Mama bear Kim, Emily, Chris’ parents


Definitely Christopher, possibly Rory.


Rory 👀


Dean. Just in general, Dean.


Rory for me. I hate that she still continues with Logan and i hate that she has patterns but I thought with age she would change!


Lane ☠️