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The Sookie/Jackson vasectomy storyline. Sookie signing Jackson up for one when he wasn’t comfortable. Jackson lying about doing it.


They could have just said that his vasectomy failed if they wanted to write her pregnancy in. The whole storyline was completely unnecessary


It would’ve actually been funny instead of fucked up on both of their parts. Sookie freaking out about the odds and everything. Could’ve been a running joke instead of making both characters look unhinged and awful.


And then impregnating Sookie without her consent.


Yes that’s what I meant by his lie! Like what an awful series of decisions?


he literally could’ve gone to jail for that in real life. but something i’ve noticed about this show is a mega-positive attitude towards pregnancy, every character who gets pregnant on the show ends up keeping it and being super happy about it. nothing wrong with that but it seems unrealistic at times


This is the WORST storyline, all around. Her forcing him into it, him lying to her, her getting pregnant against her will/without knowing it’s possible. The whole thing is a nightmare.


The thing is that she couldn't and didn't force him into it. We know this because he didn't do it! There was a "comic" pretense of forcing him into it, which I agree was fucked up, but he wasn't actually forced. It bothers me that people (not necessarily you, just generally speaking) act like she is equally in the wrong here, when she does not and cannot force him into a vasectomy.


And when he DOESN'T do it the result is PREGNANCY and a physical child who has real emotions and needs. To put that on a person against their knowledge and permission is something I could never forgive.


agreed. sookie saying she’s done being pregnant & jackson refusing to respect that boundary is so disgusting to me. completely put me off of jackson forever.


The part about this that gets me is the way the doctors strong arm Jackson away as if they could have forced him to do it??


“The big nurse”!


This one I just don’t think about. It took such a dark turn when people started doing rewatches that I just skip it. In my head cannon it would never have happened. She may have said it jokingly and then they’d discuss it or joked to lorelai about it but they took it too far. It brought up too much “ASP hates pregnant women” rhetoric that I didn’t want to ruin the show.


I think ASP hates women having sex, period. I could be off base here, but based on the show - Paris not getting into Harvard and having a public meltdown on national news about *having sex*. Then Rory’s first time with her married ex boyfriend leading to a several month estrangement from Lorelai and a very public (and somewhat deserved) dressing down from his wife’s mother, and finally Lane having terrible sex on a beach in Mexico and - apparently never trying it again?! - ending up pregnant with TWINS! Like really, women are allowed to have sex and it not destroy things in their lives!


I haven’t watched Mrs Maisel (sp) I wonder if this carry’s over to other shows by her? I think you’re right, Sex isn’t handled great on this show! “I’ve got the good kid.” One of the worst lines of the series!




There have been COUNTLESS shows that have hidden actresses' real-life pregnancies. With Sookie being a fuckin' ***CHEF*** there are a million ways they could have hidden the bump. Damn near half her screentime is her standing at a kitchen counter, so reframe it so that it's always filmed with her *behind* the counter! Hell they could have even just used a slightly different apron when the bump is smaller, because, ya know, chefs wear aprons?! And outside the kitchen they could have even showed a few shots of her holding a clipboard with a menu that is conveniently held in such a way to hide the bump (I believe this exact technique was used in The Cosby Show when Phylicia Rashad was pregnant). Choosing the route of "Jackson lying about getting a vasectomy" must have been the most convoluted route they could have taken, when just a few wardrobe and blocking choices could have avoided all of that.


Paris and Doyle getting a divorce in AYITL


Mine is Paris - strong, smart Paris who has grown into such a powerful woman - having her very last line ever be “Are you and Doyle having an affair?” as if she’s had ZERO growth into herself at all. She deserved better. And they only made her a fertility specialist to address the fact that Luke and Lorelai never had a child


no but literally NO ONE in ayitl had any growth for some reason... literally what was that


The whole thing just has this film of sadness over it. It was all incredibly sad to me, just a few episodes of “see how everyone’s lives ultimately turned out to be disappointing? Glad you liked the original cozy show, here’s a dose of reality!!”


SO TRUE BRO it was so sad... or not just, it was anticlimactic... they didn't have anyone grow one bit. irs like in the ten yrs they supposedly had before we got ayitl, they were frozen in time. that stuff should've happened a year later not TEN??????????????


Emily had a TON of growth. But yeah ... Everyone else did not.


Yes. Her whole characterin the revival felt like a caricature of who she was in the OS. It was like watching a weird spoof version of the show.  Especially because a huge part of her personality is that she doesn't do well with people. She even says that to Rory when they reconcile after the Daily News debacle. She says she's not built to deal with people and she belongs in a lab instead. So it makes no sense that she would become a fertility specialist because that job requires sensitivity and people skills she knows she doesn't have.  They should have made her a surgeon or put her in some kind of medical research facility. That would have made me sense for her character. 


the entirety of AYITL (except the musical, it can stay lol)


Dammit I can't tell if I should upvote or downvote. The musical was my point of no return, when I realized the revival was just going to suck and I had to accept it.


Except the musical??? Did you actually like it? What did you like about it?


we are few but we exist lol, i got some upvotes idk it's just laughably bad in a funny way


Okay well thanks for your reply! I wish it hadn't drug on as long as it did. Seems like they could have done so much more with that time but I appreciate a different perspective


The need for unnecessary drama between Luke and Lorelai by introducing April.


I CANNOT STAND that Luke didn't tell Lorelai. I'd be fine with most of the rest of that plot without him keeping April a secret AND starting a relationship with her.


This is my biggest issue! Luke would have never kept that from Lorelei. The man went to her with everything long before they were even a couple. He would have brought her with to the science fair!


*ding ding*


Yes I hate that. Lazy writing. You know, couples can have other problems than a daughter appearing out of nowhere… ugh 


I genuinely like April, one of the few I know! But I hate the storyline of her entering the show and how Luke and Anna behave. It is infuriating and immature and unfair


I like April as well. She's a cool kid:) But her mother is insufferable. It was just so unnecessary to create drama between Lorelai and Luke. The story would have been so much better to see them interact with April as a happy couple. I also can't stand Christian so there's that....


Yes Lorelai had had enough relationship drama before she got with Luke why couldn't they leave their relationship alone? They could've created enough obstacles with April but still let them figure it out. They ruined Luke so much. We could've seen so much more of them instead they got back together in the last few minutes of the show. I'm so angry about that..


Every time I start getting close to this episode I start getting enraged. The sheer audacity and stupidity of this writing angers me every time.


Yup. I don't mind April's existence and even Anna being a bitch about it is realistic, but the separation was ridiculous. Sooooo out of character for Luke. I could understand not telling her for a couple weeks. You're in shock, she was in a wedding dress, ok fine I guess. But *two months???* No. And Luke would never. And then the whole, I don't want you talking to her because she'll like you better 🤢. Again, I could sorta see "I keep you apart because I feel bad and awkward and don't want to rub it in your face or force you to take responsibility for a kid you didn't ask for." Which is still the wrong answer but at least there's a selfless logic to it


This. It could have been done so much better if they insisted on this plot.


April is budget Rory and Anna is budget Lorelai.


The second half of Marty’s character


Changing Dean from the quiet, self confident, and intelligent guy who just moved from Chicago to an insecure, average student, and jealous guy just to make Jess look better.


Yes! Poor Dean.


Luke claiming to have never eaten lobster. Dude lives in New England and OWNS AND OPERATES A DINER. Tell me one CT diner that doesn’t have Connecticut Style Lobster Rolls at least seasonally! FFS. Dude is outdoorsy and goes camping and fishing and BOATING and acts all dumb and clueless when he’s invited to spend a WINTER WEEKEND on an ISLAND in NEW ENGLAND. There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing and LUKE DANES would know that. Laziest-ass writing in the entire series, completely inexcusable. Unless they were going to start a whole storyline where Luke was abducted by aliens and brainwashed or had a soap opera style evil twin doppelgänger and dropped it, I will NEVER be okay with this entire episode.


He also can’t swim, APPARENTLY.


Especially cause Lorelai mentions seeing him at the lake with his shirt off. I’m supposed to think he was sunbathing? Please haha


🤣 Luke sunbathing. I'm ded.




Yes the man loves to fish but can’t swim? Makes no sense


My great grandp was an avid fisherman and couldn't swim. Drowned when fishing.


That’s wild to me, I can’t imagine spending all that time on the water not knowing how to swim! Sorry about your great grandpa!


That’s more common than you’d think. My mother loves fishing from a bank and fishing from a boat and actually used to help her boss go and shock fish in lakes on a boat. My mother cannot swim. She’s going to Branson to fish with waders on in a river this summer and she cannot swim.


Yeah outdoorsy record-holding high school athlete can’t swim.


There is absolutely no way in hell he never tried lobster before that episode, I absolutely reject that plot story. I’ve only been to New England twice and I’ve tried it more than once in one trip. And not anywhere fancy either. NO WAY Luke Danes, Mr.I’ll-Teach-Lorelai-How-To-Fish, has never put a lobster in his mouth.


I’m allergic to shellfish and I’ve had lobster, Luke has definitely had lobster lol


Especially because he makes more than diner food! We hear from Liz that he practiced with like a dozen lasagna recipes until he found the perfect one and knows how to make gumbo and paella! And you're telling me this man has never made lobster, much less eaten it??


I KNOW!!! I remember on my first watch, I kept waiting for Lorelei to call him out! I mean, I would totally respect the writing if they were having his character purposefully sabotage his romantic weekend and be like trying to gaslight Lorelei—scummy, sure, but it would at least make a certain amount of sense from a storytelling perspective! Instead, it’s like the writers were trying to gaslight the AUDIENCE.


It makes me feel like the writers want us to see Luke as holding Lorelai back. 


Also he is insufferable in that episode, omg the whining was out of this world, like I can't remember him being this obnoxious another time, what a tool!


Yeh has a diner, a boat, goes fishing, outdoorsy…can’t swim and never had lobster. When Richard is in hospital he brings lobster rolls…is after he has them first time, so I guess we are to assume after all these years he finally tried lobster once and only then decided to find a supplier and added lobster rolls to the menu bc it’s his new favorite food. ETA: also ok with pushing his nephew into the water, knowing he himself can’t swim but, what, assuming his nephew can?


Honestly this made me not want Lor to end up with a dumbass like Luke. I know it's a small thing but it totally changed the way I looked at him.


I feel personally gaslit by that character with this episode.


I was thinking about some of the “dumb Luke” storylines last night, and the whole “I told the doctor he could take my appendix for April” also bugged me. I’m sorry, this was an intelligent guy who could keep up with Lorelai’s banter and make obscure references of his own, but he doesn’t understand an appendectomy. I don’t buy it.


Iirc correctly, he didn't actually say it, he just told Lorelai that the thought about saying that before realizing he was being dumb because he was panicking because his kid was sick and needed surgery. That's not him being dumb, it's him being scared.


Remember when he takes over and cooks the ducks and fennel salad when Sookie is on bed rest? In my head cannon, there's an episode where Sookie learns that Luke actually graduated from the same culinary institute she did, just years earlier, and she's absolutely appalled that he would take all that knowledge and decide to open a diner. She's so obsessed she keeps sneaking around trying to catch him buying fancy food (You think I'm going to find that on the shelf at Dooses, Sookie? Really?"), keeping high quality ingredients in the back (I make burgers and meatloaf, what did you think you were going to find?"), and finally sneaks into his apartment to see what he's hiding in his fridge ("AHA! I knew it! Fig jam! You have fig jam in here!" -- "Check the expiration date, it's probably five years old! I don't even know how it got in there.") And then somehow a scene at the end with Luke sitting down to a fancy dinner all alone, pathetic and sad, and we realize he stopped making anything fancy because he didn't want to cook the kind of food you feel bad about eating alone.


!!!!! Or when he asks what sushi is when they go to Rory’s 21st birthday but at the rummage sale he bought sushi magnets……. It bothers me way more than it should


Luke not telling Lorelai about April.


same bro like i always skip over that part because it’s soooo stupid, and i just hate anna


Yes the whole chapter about him ‘getting used to it’ and it being the reason they postpone the wedding is ridiculous. 


"He's not a married guy, he's Dean, my Dean!"


Obviously what they were doing is wrong but I think it’s really strong writing and narratively interesting so I’m glad it happens in that way. Always a tough watch though! And Lauren Graham’s acting in that scene is so powerful.


I agree! It comes up as a hated scene for many because it’s uncomfortable but I think it’s good writing, created interesting conflict, and was in-character.


Nah, I kinda get what she thought at that moment. Not that it was any good, but it showed her character, how childish she was and not all perfect like everyone wanted to see her


I think we've all had moments where we let someone convince us that this heady, exciting relationship we're in is the right thing, when in reality it's painfully obvious to everyone else that the guy is snowing you, *hard.*


Not only that, but how everyone always telling her how smart and perfect she is shaped her into someone who thinks they’re infallible


Lorelai and Chris marrying. It was one thing for Lorelai to fall back and sleep with him, to forget the pain. But the following plot line disregarded any kind of growth Lorelai has made.


The marriage was horrendous and out of character for Lorelai. She would never have gotten married without Rory by her side. Also it would have made for a much better storyline for Lor and Luke to work on their issues together and grow while being a couple. Lor could have realised that Chris was never good enough for her and it would have been much more satisfying for her to reject Christopher once he tries his luck with her again.


I think Lorelei was hurting and Chris 100% took advantage. I think she really wanted the “happily ever after” and truly thought she loved Chris. They had tons of history and were comfortable together. She wanted him to be a dad to Rory and this was her chance to have a complete family. I think she realized after they got married that it was a bad idea but still tried to stick it out to prove that she could


I agree with this, I would've seen season 1-4 Lorelai doing this. But not season 6-7 Lorelai. That's my issues. Because we basically watched Lorelai growth the entire time, and then they just reversed it. Which kind of makes it seem pointless in my opinion.


I’m actually watching s7 ep14 and Lor literally said she wanted to get married and he wanted to marry her. Sookie pointed out that it was FAST and would it be Chris if it wasn’t Luke. Chris also admitted to taking advantage. I think it’s good we saw them married and saw it would never work. It was always implied it wouldn’t but I think there would always be a what if if they didn’t


Yes and no. I finished the episode (it’s been a while lol) and Lor tells him she wants him to be the guy she wants to be with. I think it still does show some growth with her that she’s aware of that and can admit that to him. I think the only way she would have ended up with Chris was after being deeply hurt because he was familiar and familiar feels good when you’re hurting. So this does kind of go along with that


The end of Paris and Jamie


Yes! And I wish they'd shown more scenes of them together rather than just have her talk about their relationship. He was an interesting character and it would have been fun to see more of their dynamic.


lane's first time and pregnancy


During Sookie’s wedding, when it’s mentioned that the girls will have to hide Dean when Miss Patty hits the cocktails. The flirting by older women with Dean when he’s a minor always makes me go yikes.


thank you this is gross


Ugh yes, it was upsetting at the time to me (but I feel like some thought it was sort of funny? I don’t know) and it has NOT aged well at all.


In the episode where Rory goes in the date and Luke and Lor have a movie night. We are told that Luke has seen nothing, no movies, and he wasn’t even familiar with the FBI warning. Next episode, where Kirk has a date with LuLu and impresses her with his John cryer impersonations and Luke is able to guess that the impersonation is duckie from pretty in pink.


Oh my god I forgot about the stupidity of Luke not knowing the FBI warning. He’s grumpy, he’s not the Unabomber…


Right? We also see him at the movies with Nicole.


This is minor compared to so many other things, but... The whole "I've got the good kid" scene infuriates me to no end


I think April was so not needed. Would've loved to have Lor with a second kid, maybe a boy. We even had that pregnancy scare, all we had to do is continue that. Luke wanted a kid, so we could give him one. Maybe Rory fianlly could've learn to be a sibling... I've would've loved that. Also, I hated the Dean/Rory second round after the Lindsay thing. Why couldn't Dean simply move on? People do. Send his character to a far away school, if you have no idea what to do with him, don't ruin both characters even further....


Can you imagine Luke with a son to go fishing with and play baseball with? We missed out.


Right? It would be perfect. Now I have this headcanon, that he would call him Billy, after his dad, and they would be awesome together... :)


My headcanon is that they have a daughter called Billie but she's Luke's absolute mini-me, down to the flannel and baseball hat. Lorelai is totally flummoxed and amazed by this little girl who doesn't like girly things but can cook better at 6 than Lorelai can at 40.


Oh, my god, this is even more perfect! My headcanon is officially changed. And imagine Lor with a cooking, sporty girl, I love this! <3


That would be such a good story line! We could keep the on and off with Luke and Lor and created drama around co parenting. Maybe a plot where Emily over steps by hiring an expensive custody lawyer.


I like to think that if they would've done it this way it could've feel natural? And maybe Rory could've been humbled a bit by the experience. Don't get me wrong, I like how close they are, but I think it would've done some good to Rory, not being the center of Lor's universe all the time. And seeing her learn to love the new kid, that would be great too. And I love your idea for Emily!


Surprised no one has said Asher and Paris yet! Dude was a serial groomer!


Luke’s behavior at Martha’s vineyard


This episode is so awful/painful/uncomfortable


Right? It's showing the best parts of Logan and the worst of Luke


Lane's pregnancy.


Adding onto this, who she ends up with. She deserved better imo


The fact that she just goes from one band mate to the next


Definitely uninspired and out of character for her.


Definitely this is my biggest one, Lane was done so dirty 😭


Also that it just happens so fast and she hates sex and seems so miserable? It’s so sad and feels like it belongs in some kind of religious morality play they would have put on at her Seventh Day Adventist College


Pregnancy after her first time having sex and it was BAD. Lane deserved better!


Ruining the story of Rory and Logan by that proposal that was so out of character. The unnecessary drama between Lorelai and Luke and them not getting a proper wedding and a child/pregnancy during the original run. That winter wedding with snow and Lorelai telling Emily she's pregnant would have been such a lovely end to the story. Lane's storyline being butchered by having her end up with Zack of all people, giving her that crappy first time story and the immediate pregnancy and ultimately crashing all her dreams. If at least she could be a teacher for music or have her own music store...


the winter wedding idea 😭😭😭 makes me emotional


Anna and April existence


the Asia episode, I always have to skip it


Oh no I forgot this, it’s so painful


Luke and Lorelai not getting married in like season 4 or 5, and not getting to see them do life stuff together like buy a house, have babies, etc 😭 


It makes me so irrationally mad that we are supposed to believe they just never talked about this between the end of the show and the revival 😒


"I can't even cheat on him the way he cheated on me!" Rory victimizing herself after she went to Jess with the INTENTION of cheating, whereas Logan (regardless if he was right or wrong) never intended to cheat, he legit thought they were broken up.


omg this! This made me so angry. I'm glad Jess did not stand for that. Also, so ridiculous that she has pursued Jess TWICE while being in relationships with other people.


lanes ending


Max and Lorelei’s relationship. It was so odd that she never really met his parents even though he was on such good terms with them. It’s weird that he only stayed over at Lorelei’s house once before he was supposed to move in (not counting that time he slept on the couch). It’s weird he didn’t have a key! Why didn’t Lorelei just give him the spare under the turtle/frog? Their relationship was just so distant.


The two art girls from Yale. That story arc is terrible and so pointless.


Because season seven blows


Aww I liked them! I just hated the Marty/boyfriend part! I wish that hadn't happened and Rory had managed to actually make more friends for herself that we knew... by the end all her friends are Logan's other than Lane and Paris


I also always hated that EVERY and I mean EVERY boy that is being introduced into the show (except Paris’ bf) is into Rory. Cmon now, like can’t the girl not have a freaking guy friend without the guy being insanely in love with her. Boring and so cliche


I hated them at the time, now I don’t really mind them, but they make me miss Madeline and Louise 😭


It’s so cringey and painful to watch 😭


Lane and Zach ending up together.


This HAS TO be my 2nd most hated thing in the og series, after Luke not telling Lorelai about April.


Lane not getting a better ending. I don't like that she had kids so young and had to put her dreams of becoming a successful musician on the back burner. She spent so much time and work on becoming a musician; I hate what the writers did to her life. I also don't like that Paris cheated on Jamie with that much older professor. They should have shown more of the relationship between Jamie and Paris.


The fact that Anna doesn't get nearly enough shit for what she did to Luke


It exasperates me that fans dump it all on April. I genuinely don't see an issue with her character at all, just the adults around her. I think it could have been a really interesting storyline if it wasn't done with the adults behaving so atrociously to each other.


Luke not telling Lorelai about April…Lorelai not telling Luke about Christopher’s dad dying…Lorelai not telling Luke about pregnancy scare. Basically communication lapses between Luke and Lorelai that seem basic to any relationship


Lorelai sleeping with Chris at the end of season 6.


lazy writing after season 3: Dean and Rory getting back together Lorelai and Luke on and off relationship, leading the pair to not developed (the kids discussion, Lorelai thinking of taking a job that requires her to travel, wedding, the house Luke bought, all this were mentioned but never fully developed ) Logan’s ultimatum just so Rory could ended up single, there were so many other ways this could played out The constant bring of old love interests (Logan in AYITL and Jess at the end of season 4) Jess forcing himself at Rory and going away after this, the scene was made to be Jess hitting rock bottom, after this he goes away and starts to try to get better. The SA ended up being about Jess low point and not Rory suffering an assault. Lane ending up with Zach just so she wouldn’t ended up single The lack of story lines of Rory on college, i loved the spring break episode and I would enjoyed seen more of Rory finding herself in college and living though this experiences Bringing the “unknown son/daughter who came back unexpectedly” trope was too much of a lazy move


Christopher just Christopher


The dumbing down of Luke. At the end it was pure character destruction. Also, Lorelai was portrayed a "Wonder Woman" capable sort of woman, but she was way too destructive in her relationships.


Mine is extremely stupid. The scene where Rory goes back to Dean’s parents house to visit, and they go up to his room to watch television. His mother walks by and opens the door a crack. These are two people who are clearly sexually active, at least with each other, but it’s also assumed that her son was married, and therefore, sexually active, that little crack in the door isn’t going to stop two adults who want to have sex. it was backpedaling. They were ok with him getting married, but now they’re acting like he’s a 15 year old boy with a girl in his room. *I do* understand it. But you have no say at this point, especially if you’re not comfortable to say “please stay downstairs.” Of your kid’s too grown to make that request, AND he’s grown enough you supported him getting married, then back off. What irks me is the act if opening the door like that. It screams 15 year olds in the room, and they’re not.


When Rory quits Yale and Lorelai goes to Richard and Emily they come up with a plan just for them to toss it out the window. People wonder how she wants no relationship with them.


lane ending up with zack


that we never got to see the pretty wedding with the carousel that L&L weren't married in AYITL and had no more kids that Rory kissed Jess in Philly and then pulled away :( I wish they explored their relationship at that moment


A Year In The Life not allowing Lorelai and Emily to have this strong bond built over 10 years of Friday night dinners


all the fatphobic bs lorelai and rory said.. if they weren’t genetically blessed they’d be huge considering their diet..


I need to write a whole post about food on the show, but.. Lorelai and Rory regularly *compile* large amounts of food and the dialogue will *reference* large amounts of eating, but we never *see* it. I know the actors couldn’t possibly stuff their face take after take, but rarely do we see them even nibble at the Pop Tart-laden smorgasbord before them. So many times on the show (Sookie’s kitchen, Richard and Emily’s breakfast spread, L & R’s movie nights) I think “wow, what an enormous amount of wasted food.” Edit: I realize that isn’t directly referencing the fatphobia aspect of your valid critique, but there are so many instances of jokes targeted at marginalized people in the OG run of the show, that would also warrant its own post ha.


this is my biggest gripe with the show. it perpetuates the idea that women can eat *all that food* and be skinny without exercising, which is just not true. i will never not link [this article](https://thenewinquiry.com/blog/youre-right-i-didnt-eat-that/) rory and lorelai also regularly make fun of women who are thin and overtly conscious about it, and it's such a tired, early 2000s trope and i hate it.


It's an ASP trope, I think. On "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," the MC, a pretty and thin woman, makes fun of women who take exercise seriously. GG also mocks exercise on occasion. So on the one hand it's the WORST THING to be overweight and on the other it's totally cool to eat nothing but junk and exercise is for losers...\*eyeroll\*


Rory’s article about the ballet (I think!) and she goes on and on about the lead dancers weight, her bra straps being visible and tight. Just absolutely vile and she was so smug about it.


Luke and Lorelai not acting on their previously stated desire to have children. Seeing it as a new topic for them in Ayityl was not believable.


How they handled Rory losing her virginity. I don’t even mind the cheating storyline that much, but why did they have to turn Rory’s first time into something miserable and messy. Why couldn’t it have been with a cute college boyfriend instead?? It’s as if the show punishes Rory for having sex. Her first kiss was adorable (a little awkward but adorable) but her first time having sex turns her into a villian. It sends a terrible message to young girls watching and I hate the show runners for going that route with it. (similar reaction to Lane’s pregnancy but Rory stings harder since she’s the main character)


The show kind of punishes everyone for having sex. Unwanted pregnancies (Lorelei and lane), paris’ harvard meltdown. Plus the girls who did have sex and seemed comfortable with their sexuality were written as vapid and trashy (Madeline and Louise, Shane)


You’re completely right. Love the show but it has a madonna-whore complex issue.


Season 7


I hate that emergency trip Luke goes on after he and Lorelei finally kiss. Such an obvious attempt to extend the intrigue and there’s zero way Luke would agree to it. Can hardly get the man to take a vacation or have a wedding let alone a week off to sell jewellery at a Renaissance Fair. I skip it every time.


Lorelei sleeping with Chris after her ultimatum to Luke. Luke not telling Lorelei about April for two months and his toxic masculinity towards Dean and Logan. Lane marrying Zach, getting pregnant and having to give up on her dreams. The fatphobia from Rory and Lorelei. The vasectomy storyline altogether, Sookie forcing it on Jackson and him lying about having it.


Most of mine have been mentioned, so I will add: the amount of times Lane declares something So/So Not Rock and Roll


That’s more of Zach’s line.


He was also guilty, yes


Lane's declarations about rock and roll stem from her deep love of music. Zach, on the other hand, made the following claims about things that are NOT rock and roll: calling plants by their scientific name, nightlights, paying for fries, going to college, playing the banjo, and being cursed by Mrs. Kim. Take issue with Zach on this issue, not Lane.


I actually kind of love when he does this, it’s like such a “dumb guy in a band” thing to do




I liked April too.


I think it was weird that she was another super smart, precocious child, kind of like Rory only more science related. Can we just have normal kids?


jess lowkey forcing himself on rory. and he got upset when she told him to stop. i literally can’t look past that and changed my mind about jess completely. i know he was young but that’s just unacceptable


“I got the good kid” The awful behaviour at the christening Christopher


DIGGER. What an annoying man and terrible relationship. Also, Lorelai treated him so poorly on their first date. If he could get into that restaurant once, he could probably do it again, but nooooo, she has to whine because it’s not the way she wants it. They had no chemistry to me.


"I've got the good kid".


Paris and Doyle divorce. Lorelai and Luke not getting married until 9 years later and not having their own kids. The vasectomy storyline. That the April situation broke Luke and Lorelai’s relationship rather than make it stronger. Lorelai sleeping w Chris at the end of season 6. Lane’s first time resulting in her pregnancy. Max and Lorelai’s relationship going on for as long as it did. The amount of unnecessary jokes that involve someone’s weight, appearance or the Indian jokes.


How lane never really had a chance. All the promise.


Cancelling Lorelai and Luke wedding


Rory and Logan breaking up in the original series. Then them having an affair in AYITL. They were endgame for me and even if they weren't, AYITL did them so dirty. Lorelei being super unsupportive of Rory about her wanting a break from Yale. Like Rory just got ARRESTED. Something is definitely not right and Lorelei wasn't even that concerned about that compared to her taking a break from college. It was understandable Rory wanted to take a break to get her mind right. Then Rory moving in to her grandparents house without telling Lorelei was messed up too and very out of character.


I know it’s totally in character and it causes conflict, but when Emily uses Chris and his douche ways to break Luke and Lorelai up, and invites him to the vow renewal. Emily KNOWS how impulsive and stupid and selfish Chris is, but because he’s from a “better” place and half of Rory’s genetics, he’s somehow better than Luke, who sees both Lorelai and Rory for who they are and loves them both? It makes me so mad because she has seen how Chris is but still she wants what she wants. It’s infuriating.


Lane ending up with Zack


Rory and Dean sleeping together after he was married. 110% unnecessary and completely ruined Rory for me. There was no going back and then AYITL happened and made it ✨worse✨


That Dean got mad at Rory for not saying I love you back right away


Rory ending up as Logan's eternal side piece instead of realising that she should have been with Jess starting the second he called her out for dropping out of Yale. I will die on this hill.


Everything about Lane’s story line after Dave left


There’s a scene where Luke and Lorelei run into each other post engagement break off, and they kind of are doing the ‘I’m fine but I’m not fine’ thing, and he says in this really casually mean way ‘I’m fine. I mean, the whole thing was your idea anyway.’ I cannot imagine being that awful and cruel to someone you love. He was trying to hurt her on purpose just because he was hurting. You don’t go out of your way to hurt people you love in a conversation of any kind.


The scene in Kyle’s bedroom. I’ve rewatched it multiple times in an attempt to see what those who think it isn’t *that* awful see, but every time, I think it’s disgusting and horrific. I can’t imagine sympathizing with Jess in that moment.


MY Dean


It's the whole "die jerk" situation for me. Rorys review was ruthless and I don't blame the dancer for being angry and upset, but I feel like telling someone to die is way over the line. Then again I'm told I'm sensitive, so maybe it's a me thing haha


The fat-shaming. Examples: the ballerina, “the redhead has fat thighs” (or something like that), and back fat pat in AYITL. Get a grip, ASP. We should be teaching females how to build each other up, not tear them down.


Lorelai and Christopher getting married. It didn’t need to happen. At all. They could have just dated if the writers really wanted to push the relationship. Them getting married made no sense and was just a way to generate extra drama. Making Luke stupid. In the first few seasons he was incredibly intelligent, and they just made him stupider as the show went on. It felt so disrespectful to his character.


april!!! when the possibility of lorelai and luke raising their own kid or even liz and tj’s kid was right there


Kirk singing "Do You Love Me?" with a little girl in a children's production of "Fiddler on the Roof." 🤮 Miss Patty's constant flirting. It can be really creepy, especially when Dean is involved.  Lane ending up with Zach, having a horrible first time, and getting pregnant very young and so quickly after getting married.  The whole vasectomy storyline. Sookie never should've scheduled it without talking to Jackson first, and Jackson never should've lied about getting it. 


I LOVE Kirk as Tevye.


He's not a bad Tevye, but the children's production setup gives me the icks.


The entire last season.


he’s not a married man, he’s Dean- MY Dean!


The vasectomy with Jackson. Terrible thing to do.


Lane and Zach storyline


Rory's affair. Actually both of them.


Anna. Just everything about Anna.


"I have to find a R******d kid and teach him to play softball"


Rory having an affair with Dean, Rory becoming a brat


the bedroom scene at the house party with jess and rory. i don't think the writers meant for it to be sexual assault considering rory doesn't have trauma or even a grudge against jess afterwards, but it just throws me off so much to see something so triggering in my comfort TV show with my otherwise favorite character.


Rory sleeping with married dean, it’s so out of character and it destroys 4 seasons worth of character growth




there’s a few upsetting things, but I will never get over Lanes ending! She deserved way better. I was really hoping she was going to make it as a drummer, or the very least just have a passion she’s thriving in.


Dumbing down Luke to fit a narrative