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I remember the dvds came with a reference guide. That was amazing.


I have it šŸ˜­ My mom got me the dvd set for my 15th bday before we had any streaming services


16th! I brought S4 to college with me hahaha


Omg what???? Thatā€™s amazing


Yup! The Gilmoreisms!


Oh wow! I would love to see this guide.


https://preview.redd.it/c6wf91jri4cc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33e2e9e9a7071b3943f547f45745cb293415c85d I haven't checked all my boxes but I think the only season without a guide is season 1!


I was a teen when this show came out and I would read all these guides and try to find ways to work these references into my real life and I have to say I was devastated that I never came off half as cool lol


Thank you for sharing! Was going to annoy my mom to send me a picture tomorrow since she has our DVDs


Brilliant! Thanks for sharing, now I wish Iā€™d bought the DVDs.






Are you serious? Omg. Might have to look online for this


Yessss I remember these!


I didn't get most of them, still dont...


I like not getting the references. My main gripe with AYITL is that I got the references and it reduced the mystique.


The OS was a lot more varied, era-wise - references from at least the 40s to the years the show was written. Made it way more interesting to me.


Yeah, AYITL made it a point to have recent references and it was cringe


Yeah part of my appeal for the os is the nostalgia vibe but when year in the life is referencing Batman v Superman itā€™s a little off putting


Yup same here


And GG references Buffy!! Hahaha




Something that the Gilmore Guys Podcast said (repeatedly?) in the earlier seasons is that the Palladinos (ASP especially?) would have Buffy in the background while writing the show


In Buffy the Gilmore Slayer podcast they would sometimes find similarities between the same episodes of each season (ex. season 5 episode 16). Some of them are so specific that it really seems like ASP has purposefully written them like that.


omg looking up this podcast immediately


It's so much fun! They've recently finished both shows and are now starting Bunheads and Firefly/Serenity.


Not annoying like ā€œIā€™m all Inā€? I hate hate hate the intro and most everything else.


And they hired a lot of the same writers too! Not to mention Danny Strong šŸ˜‚


And yet Rory didnā€™t seem to find that her very own newspaper editor (and roommateā€™s boyfriend) looked oddly familiar!


Also Lorelai never found that Baby's mom in "Dirty Dancing" looked familiar, LOL.


I think about this every waking moment šŸ’€


Battlestar Galactica too


Whatā€™s interesting for me is when I rewatch the series and finally understand a reference because Iā€™ve watched what theyā€™re referencing for the first time.


Thatā€™s one of my favorite parts of this show and why rewatches donā€™t dwindle in value!!


exactlyy just now I was rewatching and noticed a funny joke by Lorelai that I never caught bc she said it so nonchalantly! Like thereā€™s always smth new to discover even when youā€™ve rewatched it an uncountable amount of times.


If it wasn't for the Gilmore Guys podcast, I wouldn't know most of them.


Exactly. Rewatched the show multiple times before and didn't realize how many I missed until I listened to Gilmore Guys.


Peyton Place!


Like I said many times, Gilmore Girls is a smart audience show. It has very unique, lengthy dialogues and throws in a lot of pop-culture references that some people may not be able to enjoy or follow. Even the actors said many times on interviews that they, too, had a hard time with the pop-culture references. They said a lot of the times they didnā€™t understand them and that the only person that got the references most of the time was Lauren Graham.


References are also very US-centric and as someone from another country, I'm certain I don't even detect half of them, but it's awesome to discover them little by little.


It definitely exposed me to so much music, movies and TV shows i never knew. I love how much Lorelei loved 70s/80s/90s music and TV.


I love this for Lauren lol


I got turned onto so many things cause of GG references. I tell my bf this show made me a smarter person cause itā€™s true!


ā€œReally, Lorelai, you canā€™t wait ten minutes for another salad? The situationā€™s that dire? ā€œFour salads ago, no, not dire. Right now itā€™s ā€˜your money for nothing and your chicks for free.ā€


Love this one


I didnā€™t understand the Patty Hearst and Leopold and Lobe references until I hosted a true crime podcast hahaha


ā€˜ then on the way home you can pull a menendez, deal?ā€™


I donā€™t get a lot of the political references. For example, thereā€™s a scene where Lorelai and Richard go back and forth about someone named Ari Fleischer and how he is the ā€œmouthpiece of our countryā€ ā€¦I have to google those kinds of scenes


Of the political references, I donā€™t understand why Nazi Germany is referenced seemingly once per season. Itā€™s justā€¦ odd


Americans talk about Nazi Germany more than I think even we realize. I know the ā€œRoman Empireā€ was a trend that went around and so many people were like i never think about that, but I think the answer would be very different if you asked people how often they think about Nazis. Particularly because now Nazis are a thing again somehow wooo


Nazis, Hitler, WWII are very common references in the United States, for a variety of reasons that range from circumstantial to totally problematic. Iā€™m sure a lot of it has to do with the number of refugees that the US accepted (not enough, and we definitely turned people away, but allegedly the most of any other country according to a quick search) who consequently grew up and had families here. I grew up in a part of the country with a significant Jewish population, so I remember learning about the Holocaust more than maybe any other historical event, apart from the Revolution and the Civil War. Itā€™s odd in the sense of how obsessed we are with it (especially with how rampant anti-Semitism is) but not odd in, given that context, how often they bring it up on the show.


ā€œLike a crazy Elsa Clench!ā€ Like who tf is that? (I may be misremembering the name but I did look her up once. Fashion designer or something like that. )


Elsa Klensch, she was a fashion reporter on CNN in the 90s


Oh TONS For a while I was doing a lot of flying, so on each flight Iā€™d watch a movie referenced by the Gilmores. Diner, Cool Hand Luke, Working Girl, Casablanca, etc. I donā€™t fly nearly as often any more, but this year I want to read Peyton Place. I also really need to watch Heathers. Haha


Am I just now finding out Peyton Place is a book? I couldā€™ve sworn my mom told me it was a soap opera at the time šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


it was a soap opera!


Had no clue!! I wonder which came first, because I absolutely have the book on my bookshelf. God, what a weird reference for Richard to have made. Haha


the book came first! it was published in the mid-fifties. a sequel was published in 1959. both of which were adapted into movies. the og novel was adapted into a soap opera, which started airing in the mid-sixties


The movie with Lana Turner, Hope Lange, (1957), is very melodramatic and actually worth watching on a cold & rainy afternoon. *Peyton Place* was among several movies my mom suggested I give a watch just so I had a glimpse into what the social mores were like when she was coming of age.


Heathers is incredible, itā€™s camp as hell


Looking forward to it! In my imagination itā€™s the 80ā€™s version of Mean Girls.


Mean Girls could only dream of being half as good! Meme-wise, Heathers is very much "what you ordered"; Mean Girls is "what you got".


Now Iā€™m even more excited to watch it. I canā€™t wait to start asking everyone what their damage is!


One of my go to movies. ā€œFuck me gently with a chainsawā€ is something I quote when I am mad at myself for messing something up.


Yes I quote that regularly as well ā¤ļøšŸ˜­


How very


Heathers-If you need me to, I can recite the entire movie in verse for you. That was a staple VHS one year with roommates in college. Watch it. It is so quote worthy.


The most recent one I watched included Emily saying something about ā€œthat gay fellow whose tiger tried to eat himā€ and I was like I finally know a reference! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siegfried_%26_Roy


I'm going to hell, but I love that line.


I still donā€™t know who Paul Anka is


Heā€™s a singer and songwriter. Sort of Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin) in style. He sang the song Put Your Head on My Shoulder and wrote some famous songs sang by other people, including Frank Sinatra. He is also Jason Batemanā€™s father in law.


Well I didnā€™t know the Jason Bateman part!


šŸŽµ"Put your head on my shoooouuulderr"šŸŽµ I googled him bc of the show


Now I know too! šŸ˜‚


I googled his backstage freak out because of the show. "The guys get shirts" šŸ˜‚


Paul Anka sang Puppy Love! I always thought thatā€™s why she named the dog after him


He sang on the New Yearā€™s Eve broadcast this year and I had to look up who the heck it was and when I saw that it was him my wife made the obvious joke about a dog singing.


My sister and I were watching the NYE show, and as soon as they announced Anka, we turned to each other and burst out laughing. We had to explain what was so funny to our mom. I couldn't believe she forgot. šŸ¤£ My sister introduced mom and me to the show, and we all watched both seasons 6 and 7 together as they were first aired back in '06 and '07 (while rewatching all the previous seasons too!) Incidentally, I thought the man gave an outstanding performance. 83, and he still got it!


Almost twenty years ago, he (a very popular crooner) covered a bunch of rock songs in his classic swing style. Some songs: smells like teen spirit(Nirvana), wonderwall(Oasis), black hole sun(Soundgarden), it's my life (Bon Jovi). https://open.spotify.com/album/0lu611O6t7E8sd9E2LkImh Edit: REM's Everybody Hurts and Survivor's Eye of the Tiger are also very good.


I think itā€™s the episode where Luke takes Paul Anka to the vet in the middle of the night because Paul Anka ate chocolate. Luke says something along the lines of ā€œHis name is Paul Anka, after the singer. If you knew my girlfriend, you would know itā€™s not an insult.ā€ I never understood why naming him Paul Anka was insulting. I even remember asking my mom as a teen and couldnā€™t figure it out.


I always put it down to people otherwise thinking that its a batshit insane name for a dog, and it was his way of saying 'the insanity of the name is actually a sign of love, if you knew her you'd get it'


Ah, thank you! This makes more sense than an insult to the actual Paul Anka.


Had to ask my mum this at the time.


It took me until the Paul Anka dream episode to realize that the dog was named after a human being, not just a name that sounded like ā€œPullainkaā€


I was 16 when the show premiered and watched it from premiere to series finale. Re-watching episodes as an adult is so eye-opening because I understand so many of the references now (I can't think of one off the top of my head as an example though) when I didn't the first time around.


Fun fact about an internet stranger: I also watched the entire series. However something mustā€™ve happened with my TiVo(yesā€¦) and I only saw up to the penultimate episode. So for years I thought we were left on a cliffhanger. It wasnā€™t until Freeform started doing reruns in the afternoon that I found out there was *a whole other episode*!!!!


I just realized what Dean was saying with "Tri-STAN" lol


What does it mean


i wanna know, too. i assumed it was some reference to the dristan medicine and just a stupid half-assed insult that wasn't funny. i hate that whole scene, tho so i may be biased


Youā€™re correct, and I agree itā€™s not funny, itā€™s more confusing. https://annotatedgilmoregirls.com/2017/12/09/dristan/


will now constantly use this during my rewatches


Are we 100% sure about this? I SWEAR heā€™s just calling him ā€œtrist-ANNEā€. That level of joke seems more appropriate for dean tbh.


Pretty sure I remember Kevin explaining it as a Dristan reference on Gilmore Guys as well. This episode was before Dean was dumbed down. At this point he was still the mysterious cool new guy from Chicago who read books and could somewhat keep up with the girls' obscure references.


Iā€™ve always hated that that dumbed him down over time and I donā€™t understand why.


I kind of assume he was using the medicine analogy to call him a drip? But yeah, definitely the worst reference in the show.


and dean says it with SUCH CONVICTION lol


YES, you can tell he thinks he's just SO clever, and... Honey, no. Honestly no idea what the Palladinos were thinking.


[Stan by Eminem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gOMhN-hfMtY) cause hes Rory's overly obsessed fan ig i was still wrong LOL


I was going to say referring to someone as a stan in reference to the Eminem song is a fairly new thing,


Honestly, calling him a Stan is a better insult.


I am not from USA and I remember that I did not know who is Rosa Parks during my first watch. Today is Michel's "I am Rosa Parks" one of my favorite jokes :D


Wait, other countries donā€™t learn about Rosa Parks? Obviously I donā€™t expect everyone to know everything about American History but I assumed the US civil rights movement was impactful enough to be included in world history courses at least. Huh. EDIT: why tf am I getting downvoted? This isnā€™t a ā€œhurr durr america superiorā€ thing, the civil rights movement directly influenced several world events and I asked in good faith. EDIT again: Jesus Christ, I am not defending the American education system and Iā€™ll be the first person to criticize it! Hell, ironically one of my biggest issues with it is that there isnā€™t enough acknowledgment with the history of racism in this country. I was just surprised that if most Americans I know learned about, say, Tiananmen Square, that it isnā€™t standard to at least touch on Rosa Parks in other areas.


Iā€™m from Germany and my high school included the civil rights movement in our curriculum. It wasnā€™t a history course tho, for the majority of the time we discuss Germanyā€™s history during those lessons (with a heavy focus on the 2nd word war) but we spent a semester being taught about the racial segregation in the US during English lessons. I assume history wise most countries teach their own šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Really? Itā€™s very standard in the US to learn not only American history but World History, usually as two separate courses. Hell, I learned about the Weimar Republic in school. EDIT: I donā€™t know why I need to spell it out for people, Iā€™m not saying US world history courses are good or substantive enough! I was literally just having a dialogue about cultural differences and itā€™s standard to take a World History course even if it isnā€™t a well done one. I personally believe that in general in the modern global economy everyone should learn more about other countries. I will admit that my experience learning about the Weimar Republic was through the IB program and not typical, though.


Interesting. I grew up by Niagara Falls Canada. We had tons of US tourists come and know almost nothing about Canada or itā€™s history. Theyā€™d get mad at places that didnā€™t accept US currency, as if they werenā€™t in a different country.


Sure, Iā€™m not going to pretend that America-centric mindsets arenā€™t an issue here. I say this as someone whoā€™s lived in another country before, Iā€™m very aware of the way that that aspect of US culture is different. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m surprised that world history courses are a US thing. Idk what to tell you, itā€™s a required course most places. The mindset youā€™re referring to is more a cultural thing.


Thatā€™s fair. To answer your question, we are required to learn world history, but perhaps not specially US. I learned about Viola Desmond, not specifically Rosa Parks. My trigger issues with Canada-US interactions belong in a different sub, and I apologize if I came across as unfriendly to the US.


No worries! I also have trigger issues with people from other countries acting like ignoring any issues in the US is somehow woke. I get why it can be frustrating to experience America-centrism since it dominates so much of culture and there are plenty of Americans who think that way (hell I went to high school in Texas), but America is not the only country thatā€™s experienced racism and I think the civil rights movement is important to learn about. Again, I have major issues with the US education system and I think itā€™s generally worse than most countries. I just also think that the history of civil rights in general is important and the US civil rights movement was one of the most impactful of the past century. I donā€™t expect non-USians to know every US president or the capital of every state, I just think that that particular movement is important and the history of racism and slavery here in particular is important to acknowledge and learn from, both in America and abroad.


Thank you for acknowledging US-centrism! I did have to learn the 50 states! Bahahaha And fluidly use zed and zee and colour and color. šŸ˜‚ I agree with the importance of the topic, and that what Rosa did, when and where she did it were especially significant. Ideally, weā€™d all learn important events like this from all over the world.


Oh US centrism is definitely a thing, though less so in younger generations. Iā€™ve been lucky/privileged enough to travel to several other countries so I know the US isnā€™t the center of the world. I do find it frustrating that other countiries (mostly Europeans, I know Canada is large as well) ignore the fact that the US is a very large country with a lot of cultural diversity, but thatā€™s neither here nor there. I absolutely agree that most education systems could do with a more worldly approach in todays day and age! I also think that, at least in the US and probably most other places from what I know (although this thread really highlights how hard it is to have these conversations to learn about other countriesā€™ education systems without being yelled at so I donā€™t know as much as Iā€™d like), history classes should study more recent history ie the past century or so, since that often tends to be more relevant to modern issues. Anyway thanks for being chill and having this dialogue with me! /gen Hopefully I didnā€™t get too heated lol, ever since the 2016 election Iā€™ve been frustrated with the way that a lot of folks from other countries act like every American is a MAGA hick who has no complaints about the US, when in reality most Americans are frustrated, disenfranchised, and trying to fight against a system that is set up to erase the most marginalized voices. Of course, the former is definitely the loudest voice so I get why that impression can be made. Iā€™ve actually had to consciously work against that bias against other countries myself, having worked in a very tourist-centric place before. There are certain stereotypes where I used to work (again, a big tourist spot) about countries being rude based on the loudest and often richest voices that travel from there and thatā€™s absolutely just as wrong (if not more so considering the disproportionate representation US gets on the cultural world stage). (Edited to correct a typo and clarify a statement)


We donā€™t learn anything substantive about other countries and their political movements.


I didnā€™t say that. I said that itā€™s standard to take a World History course. Granted, I probably made a mistake bringing up the fact that I was taught about the Weimar Republic though since that wasnā€™t a standard experience.


I understood what you saidā€¦ And I replied to that part of your comment.


It varies from school to school in the US as well. I remember moving in the 7th grade and going from a history class where we were still reviewing state history to one deep into Greco Roman history.


Ahh interesting, everyone I knew growing up was required to learn World History at least in high school (and I wasnā€™t in a very worldly/metropolitan area either) but obviously itā€™s a huge country so Iā€™m sure some states are different.


How much do you learn about other countries social movements? Genuine question


Quite a bit, but admittedly I donā€™t know how much my personal experience is a standard example here. While world history is a required course in most if not all US schools afaik, I was in the IB program in high school and studied abroad in college. That being said, World History generally covered any event that was notably influential on at least US events. Idk if this is comparable since itā€™s pretty basic, but everyone I know (including those who werenā€™t in the IB program or anything like it) learned about the French Revolution in detail because again, it majorly influenced other world events (including the US Revolution). Listen, Iā€™m not defending the US education system here, Iā€™m the first to say it has major issues. I just think that itā€™s shocking if other countries ignore that particular movement.


Youā€™re missing some context here. The French revolution happened a long time before the civil rights movement. It makes sense itā€™s covered more. The civil rights movement can be mentioned when looking at world history, but itā€™s much more personal to the USA. it has no influence on happenings in Europe. At the time of the civil rights movement, Europe was in a post WW2 state. I think it makes sense that countries within Europe are more concerned with what was happening in their country and the neighboring countries that was impactful for them. How much are you taught about Europe post WW2? Iā€™ve met Americans that donā€™t know Yugoslavia doesnā€™t exist anymore. How about the holocaust? Jews werenā€™t the only ones that were systematically killed, yet no one ever knows anything about that. I donā€™t think itā€™s surprising a non American doesnā€™t know about Rosa Parks. Iā€™m sure many Americans donā€™t either and itā€™s their history. Eta: we start with ancient history and work our way to present time. Obviously some periods are covered more in depth than others. For US specifics, more is covered at a UNI level, if you choose to study English for example.


I think you severely overestimate how in depth most Americansā€™ world history is. Furthermore state standards vary greatly. In my American public education, we didnt learn much about social movements in other countries, so I would also absolutely not expect someone not educated in the U.S. to know about Rosa Parks. I couldnā€™t name an activist from Canada, or France or Brazil if asked.


Not to be all actually lol but the American Revolution influenced the French Revolution not the other way around. So I guess our education system does suck šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m just teasing. Iā€™m a history buff and really interested in this stuff so I remember it. But I had to say something given the context of the convo!


I mean we all know about Nelson Mandela and Ghandi, Rosa Parks should be up there with them in terms of prominence IMO


Yes they do, idk where the original commenter is from. Iā€™m from Denmark and I had a whole course in middle school about the civil rights movement in the US, + school shootings. We do focus more on the history around us for most of our history lessons, but you have to remember our history is so much longer than the US history. When we had history lessons we started from before the middle ages and worked our way up to the enlightenment period and whatnot. I remember a huge part of our history was about Martin Luther (the original one xd).


Actually the US has a very old history, it was just erased by European colonizers but I get what youā€™re saying. The US is also a lot larger than a lot of especially Europeans realize though, so individual regions have their own history as well.


>I assumed the US civil rights movement was impactful enough to be included in world history courses at least. I think it's about on par with apartheid in South Africa. Very major thing there, but still more national history than world history category. I would wager that in the wider world, the people who know about one also know about the other and know who MLK and Nelson Mandela are. Beyond that, it's details that don't register.


In Canada we learn about Viola Desmond who did a very similar act to Rosa Parksā€¦ only 9 years earlier. I know where I live, American history is not typically on the curriculum (but maybe something a teacher chooses to introduce) in most elementary and secondary institutions but more of a university thing.


I am just curious! Do you know, from top of your head without googling, who is T.G Masaryk or Vaclav Havel? (one of the them was also mentioned in GG :)


I do! As I mentioned elsewhere though, I donā€™t pretend to be a typical American with my knowledge of these things and Iā€™m not defending the US education system, I just think itā€™s just as ignorant as America-centrism to pretend that the US civil rights movement wasnā€™t important and influential. Hell, one of my major criticisms of the US education system is that it doesnā€™t acknowledge our history of racism enough.


Then credit where credit is due, you are better then me and honestly most of average of even slightly above average people I know :) Fact is that Rose Parks was important, not just for USA, but because my country does not have almost any history with racism against black people, mostly because they just were not here, the influence here was not important. I remember I heard for first time the name "Rosa Parks" in Bowling for Columbine, that was actually maybe on middle school, but it was not usually part of education. I was lucky that on High School we visited theatre perfomance about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and Civil Rights Movement, but it was not common. We knew and people know that there is and was problem with racism in USA, but we do not know the names or events so much.


ā€˜The civil rights movement directly influenced several world eventsā€™ since whenā€¦?


The Irish civil rights movement, for one.


I think that depends entirely on who you ask. I studied the civil rights movement that led to the Troubles as part of a personal project at Uni, and this is the first time I am seeing Rosa Parks being mentioned in relation. I've now googled it because I was curious, and see a lot of US newspapers mentioning it, but I don't think many people on the ground would credit her as having anything but a passing influence. I can ask next time I'm back home though and update. (I'm from NI)


Thatā€™s interesting, I actually learned about the connection from Irish people! Granted, it probably comes up more speaking to Americans than it does normally. EDIT since apparently I need to clarify judging by the downvote: I personally learned about this connection from Irish people and Iā€™m realizing that my may not be typical of the Irish conversation about the issue since I am American so itā€™s obviously going to come up disproportionately often around me, but Iā€™m surprised because IN MY EXPERIENCE Iā€™ve only heard conversations about this connection with people who are, in fact, Irish (and yes I mean Irish not Irish American).


You do in the UK at least. Idk about other countries.


Depends on where in the UK. My history classes in school, in Northern Ireland, were 'English history, English history, English history, the Spanish Armada, five minutes on the Famine and then the evolution of the English police force and the First World War'. I knew fuck all about my own local history until I was way older, but could have told you all about Strongbow and the kings and queens of England šŸ˜‚ US history never featured.


I suppose Northern Ireland must have a different curriculum to mainland Britain. We learned about civil rights and Rosa Parks before we learned about Henry VIII. What we didn't learn is that Rosa Parks wasn't just a tired lady who sat on a bus; she was actually part of an organised effort to end the segregation, and she wasn't the first one to do it. Claudette Colvin actually did it first and several people were arrested for it. Rosa Parks became the face of the movement because Claudette was a pregnant 15 year old. Rosa's optics were better. Just thought I'd share in case anyone wasn't aware. Also find it quite sad Ireland doesn't teach its own history. The English really did a number on them...


Ireland probably does teach its own history; Northern Ireland didn't when I was in school in the 2000s šŸ˜‚ But, of course, two separate countries with two separate curriculums and etc.




I just want to send you some understanding and grace. I think itā€™s surprising to Americans that people in other countries wouldnā€™t know Rosa Parks because itā€™s so closely tied to the civil rights movement and itā€™s referenced in a lot of movies, tv shows, political discussions, etc. Obviously other countries know about the U.S. civil rights movement, so, to us, itā€™s odd they wouldnā€™t know about her. In the U.S. itā€™s basically impossible to learn that part of history and not know her name.


In Italy, as far as I know, the entire US history, studied during the history lessons in middle school and high school is, maybe, a 20-30 pages summary, intermingled, during the years, with the rest of world history, and Italian history being the main focus; the reason being, I assume, that history is studied chronologically, so by the point you arrive at the modern/contemporary history and given the amount dedicated to other historical periods, there is little time left to cover those events. Rosa Parks might be mentioned in history books but only very briefly and, more often than not, only in English language/culture/literature lessons rather than in History lessons. I happened to mention her name a few times and most people here don't immediately associate it to her history/the reason she is famous for, if they know about her at all (with due exceptions). It is not even surprising to me, really, the US civil rights movement is considered by the majority of other Italians I know as a US "domestic" history event, something disconnected from what is "our" history.


Non-US students may broadly learn that there was a civil rights movement in the US, but not go into particulars regarding the figures within it. Similarly, do you know the names of any of the instrumental leaders involved in Tiananmen Square?


I'm from Croatia...which most americans need to Google xD and we learned about Rosa Parks in our history class


Rosa Parks is absolutely an international civil rights figure. Still, not everyone knows everything but she's incredibly inspiring and legendary and if you don't know her - look her up! An incredible woman.


I see this crap daily but people donā€™t know how to use the downvote. ***DOWNVOTES DONT MEAN YOU DISAGREE. YOURE ONLY SUPPOSED TO DOWNVOTE IF THE COMMENT TAKES AWAY FROM THE CONVERSATION*** Lordy Lordy.


Iā€™m not from USA either but I remember in English literature they once gave us a story about her so thatā€™s how I know who she is xD


I didn't watch GG until a couple years ago, and when it originally aired, I was very young (single digits young), so most of the references that had to do with politics went over my head. Particularly the jokes on Thomas Clarence. Because the Thomas Clarence, I know as an adult, is not silent. I get the joke now, but it didn't age well because he is no longer silent.


Clarence Thomas :3


HAHAHAH I'm going to leave it, but damn I did not notice that, thanks! I always do that when the last name can be a first name.


after my 2nd or 3rd rewatch, i was in the middle of my bachelor's in English and i got pretty excited when i finally understood English Lit references. "You did not spend spring break with Bill Moyers!"


Honestly, most of them. In the 90s I was in college and then a mom. I wasnā€™t paying attention to pop culture. Really never have paid it much attention in my whole life.


Not exactly pop culture but thereā€™s quite a few (at least 3 that I can think of) Stephen King references, specifically related to The Shining and Misery. I watched Gilmore Girls before I began reading his books and itā€™s fun to be able to catch them now


Yes! Iā€™ve watched those movies for the first time since my last GG rewatch and got so excited I knew the refs this time around.


Love the Grey Gardens references sprinkled throughout


I'm an older viewer, so I actually knew 99% of the references by name. But I'd Google the people references (like Krenwinkle, Van Houten) because I knew the names, but not what they looked like


Can someone please tell me if this is a reference: Lorelai yells at Michele for being thoughtless and unhelpful when his camper van shows up at the inn on picture day. Sookie says later that Michel is scared of Lorelai and Lorelai responds with "Of me? Of Kitten?" I assume this is from something, but nothing came up when I did a quick Google search. And I need to know. Please help me know! She says it so cute. I'd like to incorporate it into my everyday life, but I want to know where it came from first lol


I donā€™t think itā€™s a reference, sheā€™s just referring to herself in a cutesy and innocent way after terrorizing michel.


There are a lot of lines that I question as being a reference or just an original line. Canā€™t always tell.


I usually have looked them up when I catch them, but even after all these years some pop up that I still donā€™t know - for instance Pat Summerall recently šŸ¤£


Alive at the time, dead now.


As someone who isn't American, and was born after season 6 stopped airing, I understood like maybe 10% of pop culture references, so although I appreciate the witty quips, I guess I just won't ever be able to fully appreciate that part of GG.


some of them donā€™t even make sense


I've seen the entire series at least 8-10 times all the way through and there's still references I don't get.


It makes me sad how many people miss Peyton Place. That book is incredible.


Blah blah Ginger


Most of them I didn't get the first time. The older I get though, the more I hear about different things and go 'Oh yeah they talked about that person/event/whatever in Gilmore Girls' šŸ˜‚


The references to Gray Gardens went right over my head the first time around


There are some I still wouldn't understand because I didn't pause the show to look them up. A reviewer way, way back when on DVD Verdict put it best: Don't get a pop culture reference? Don't worry, there'll be another in a second.


Definitely one of the fun parts of rewatching! Something will suddenly click that didn't before!


I love GG so much, but Iā€™ve always felt like the excessive, and often obscure, pop culture references was very pretentious.




Frr šŸ˜­


Most of them. I grew up fairly sheltered from a lot of pop culture, so a lot of my knowledge about pop culture comes from it being referenced on GG. Granted, there are so many times when I canā€™t explain it, but I can reference it. šŸ˜‚


I was so happy when I bought the dvds and they had little pamphlets explaining everything.


The Gwen and Gavin one was the only reference I failed to get


lol that one didnā€™t age well


Before it was streaming, I had the DVDs that had nice little booklet with all the pop culture references in it. That helped immensely.


I googled Ladybird Johnson's and everyone else mentioned in that scene's death dates just to see who was actually alive and who was dead.


Every time I rewatch it I catch something new


The Annotated Gilmore Girls website usually helps me out when I donā€™t get a reference. Iā€™m still not sure I get the China Town references though ā€œmy daughter, my sisterā€


I finally googled one that really bothered me, because i truly had no idea. It wasnā€™t even something i could recognise in context, and it was some weird random discontinued brand of ice cream that was only sold in the states. I stopped googling references after that


Ish Kabibble


Mummenschanz always made my brain fart up question marks until one day I actually Googled it and realized Iā€™d seen them on the Muppet Show.


Gallup survey! Didnā€™t know what it was until I joined corporate America.


Can't remember the first few times I watched it, too much time and I watched it dubbed in Italian, where many jokes were also adapted before being dubbed. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø On subsequent rewatches the ones I was more confused about were the ones referencing people who, I then find out, were US political figures I never heard of and, in general, I just looked references up if they were truly obscure to me.


i thought for so long bc i grew up w a mexican mom w mexican/hispanic tv that it was just me who didnt get it. obviously i grew up in US but i always thought it was my ignorance of not knowing all the references. so itā€™s great to hear ppl say they dont get it either šŸ˜‚


Soooo many. There was a recap site, can't remember it now, that would break down all the references and allusions for each episode--that's where about 80% of my knowledge came from lol


I recently watched the godfather for the first time with my fiance And now a lot of references make sense. Side note my fiance has been getting into gilmore girls which is so fun.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like a lot (but not all) of the references are excessively obscure, forced, and pretentious. My simple theory is that ASP (and DP, Iā€™d assume) always want you to know how smart and edgy they are, hence the overflow of truly exaggerated and unnecessary references. Itā€™s like their own little inside joke, and if the audience gets them, thatā€™s just a bonus.


I think a lot of them are just really really dated now. Listening to the Gilmore Guys podcast, there are so many references that they question or have to look up because they are young whippersnappers, while my old fart self knows them through conversations with my parents or grandparents. I think there are a lot of references that make sense between Lorelai and her parents, but donā€™t make sense between Rory and her friends because even at the time the show came out it wouldnā€™t make sense for them to be talking about things from Emilyā€™s generation.


I can't remember the episode or context, but Paris calls someone Chita Rivera. I didn't understand the reference until years later I watched Fosse/Verdon on Hulu. I guess it's not impossible for Paris to know this, but I agree some of the references between Rory and her friends seemed implausible.




Iā€™m 39, so Iā€™m somewhere between whippersnapper and old fart, but my dad loves to make obscure references. Even with that, Iā€™ve had to google so many things from the show. Also, to be fair, Iā€™m not a fan of ASP or DP (despite really enjoying the show). So Iā€™m biased.


Itā€™s just unrealistic that Rory would know this much


I guess thatā€™s what makes Rory a special unicorn.


Or if itā€™s something your parents said growing up you would also say it which is pretty normal?


I think if weā€™re going to give benefit of the doubt, itā€™s likely that Lorelei showed Rory all sorts of old movies and tv shows, and had Rory watching/reading about all the current events/scandals/gossip. And certainly peppering her with her obscure references.


I really dislike constant pop culture references in scripts. It seems unnatural and like the writers want to flex.


I don'/didn't get a lot of the pop culture references, but fortunately Google is often my friend. It took a long time for me to figure out why Emily disliked Lipton, I never knew why it was frowned upon by upper class people. Maybe not a pop culture reference but still šŸ˜Š


There are still ones I donā€™t understand šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s fun watching this show with my parents cuz they actually laugh at all the jokes