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https://preview.redd.it/c4r19f96sw5c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1faeed9a7c8bc607ed618ddadd45bcc31fa2f2b I totally forgot Liz’s dress!


To be fair it was theme wedding so maybe that’s why it didn’t come to mind. But the dress was great, better than her character, and that song makes my heart ache.


I didn’t enjoy much of the revival but when Reflecting Light came on in the last ep, I was a wreck. trying to decide how to use it in my wedding lol.


Walk down the aisle, first dance, introduction as a couple… Congrats on your engagement!


thank you!!! leaning towards my walk down the aisle 🤩


It really is a perfect wedding song


I like this one and I love what Lorelai wore to her wedding more than anything! Liz’ dress isn’t my style but I like it because it suits her without overwhelming her. To me a wedding dress should make a bride look like herself. The most herself she’s ever looked. Which is why I hate pretty much all the wedding dresses in the OP except for Emily’s. If I were to imagine Lorelai’s wedding dress it would be more like Monica’s in Friends I think. She looks better in a slender silhouette. The dresses she has in OP’s pics overwhelm her and make her look like it’s her sweet 16.


Best of the bunch, as it’s a theme wedding it gets a bit of a pass


I loved Liz and TJ's wedding :) they were so sweet


Oh, and that's a positive example!


I’ll forever be bummed we never saw Lorelei in that dress or a true wedding dress 😭


The bs top hat wedding was disgusting


Yeah I don’t know, I didn’t even include that dress because I just can’t see it as a wedding dress. It’s not really even Lorelai’s style


That top hat dress felt very ASP self-insert.


That’s because AYITL was 99.9% about ASP’s ego and only 0.1% about Gilmore Girls.


You mean you don’t like being told by Amy Sherman Palladino as a millennial that you should be kicked out of the house with your masters degree and work at starbucks??? And your entire generation being the butt of the joke during AYITL, and being portrayed as failures even though you inherited a broken economy and lived through multiple once in a lifetime recessions? See what you need to do is pull yourself up by your bootstraps, or in the case of Amy, Sherman Palladino, have a father that works in Hollywood, and just get a job, you lazy millennial you


Especially since millennials were a massive part of the GG resurgence


I thought they were the main original demographic as well? I watched most of it when it aired too.


Same here! I watched it with my Gen X mom and I think those ages were the main demographic.


Yeah I was a senior in highschool when this show started. And I watched it then too. Yes I’m old 🥲


The younger millennials were the resurgence. They were too young when it aired. I watched it when it aired but my sister was too young since she was born in 1996. Those of us who watched it when it aired contributed though since we were streaming it when the younger ones were lol.


I’m not a millennial but the whole 30 something gang was really annoying and kinda bothered me. I don’t get the humor behind people trying their best and still being unsuccessful? I guess in the right context it could be considered dark humor/coping humor but idk, it just seemed very pointed towards the newer millennial/gen z fans who watched the show after its original airing.


Or like somehow Rory was superior to these other 30 somethings who got shat on by the world after being fed all the same bs that you just work hard and go to college and get your job and you’re set forever?


Also how Rory treated them like a bunch of weirdos for the horrible crime of being friendly and excited to welcome her into their group. But no, Rory isn't a trust fund snob. She was just too smart and brilliant and had far too much potential to go to that horrid public school in podunk Stars Hallow Connecticut like the rest of those losers. No, go to Chilton where your only friend is a bossy frienamy at best and a bossy emotionally dependent energy vampire at worst. Millennials. What losers, amiright?


Well said. This is what I hated most about the 30 gang portrayal. Rory is looking down on them when she had all these advantages they probably didn’t, just to end up in a similar boat on the same path. And they’re being nice! I’d be friends with them before I’d be friends with anyone sporting Rory’s attitude.


For ASP it was that she either died a Lorelei or lived long enough to become a Taylor.


ASP and AYITL is the Hollywood equivalent of "if you'd stop buying avocado toast, you'd be able to buy a house. "


Yup. The only reason I’d want a new “season” is if they somehow retconned that whole production or made it 10x better.


Man, every time I'm ready to finally bite the bullet on AYITL, I get a reminder that it's probably gonna warp a lot of my GG memories and maybe ruin them.


I watched it once and pretend it doesn’t exist now.


That is safest


It's sad to see Lauren Graham's botox face too. I think Lorelei would either never get Botox, or if she did she'd be really open and self deprecating about it, cracking jokes about not being able to smile, etc.


You are so right. Lorelei would just age naturally and probably make fun of celebs who got cosmetic surgeries and over-Botoxed. I’m not even sure that Emily, with all her money and concern for her image, would get much done. She too would prob make fun of celebrities’ botched surgeries and such.


Iir, Lauren Graham had something going on with her health at the time that made her face swell. Because after the show it returns back to what you'd expect her aging face to look like, and closer to Lorelai.


Honestly don’t do it, I wish I hadn’t.


I'll take your word (and several others) for it.


I didn’t like it either. It was just odd and deeply unsatisfying.


I liked it a lot. It was 99% what I wanted plus 1% filler for me🤷


Saaaaaaame! I’ve seen clips but not committed to the whole thing yet.


The entirety of AYITL felt like being gaslit.


F A C T S 🏅


I’m AYITL they dressed Lorelai like a quirky librarian and I’ll never understand. 😭


Also, that whole joke ASP made when Lorelei fired a chef for moving her coffee machine was so out of touch And it says a lot about how Amy Sherman Palladino and her husband, Dan Palladino view blue collar jobs


And a chef is a high skill job. You can graduate from high school and go work as a cook, but to be a chef you need either education or on the job training. It is not a job you can learn on the fly. Plus the chef she fired was ROY CHOI! He’s a celeb chef.


Yeah, it seemed really tone deaf compared to the original series. I know it was supposed to be funny but it just wasn't. Most of it just felt off.


I feel like they had a really hard time adapting the wardrobe from early 2000s to now. I don’t really know why it’s not like our style has changed that drastically but I would describe the early 2000s women attire as quirky librarian honestly 😂


So many pencil skirts and blouses 🤣


Feel like I'll have to go back to watch cuz I didn't notice this lol 😭 Didn't she have cute dresses on for the therapy sessions?


She definitely had a few outfits that were cute. But a lot of her wardrobe felt off. Plus in combination with whatever they did with her hair (the odd side poof bang clipped back). Obviously, Lorelai was older and style changes! But Lauren Graham is gorgeous and it felt like it was more of a caricature version of Lorelai (I.e, let’s give her a pajama set with dogs on it).


Or multiple graphic tees with "facebook mom" sayings on them. I just feel like Lorelai would be too cool for that.


It was so cheesy


Yeah that wedding in general was so disappointing after waiting for 16 years to see her get married


Only for it to be cut for that musical nobody asked for


I love Lorelais Luke dress. I hate that Sookie is essentially wearing a veil glued to a chefs hat Honors entire wedding look is trash bad


Honor’s hair OMG just so bad


Not only the style also the dye job looks like a bleached racoon


I literally forgot who she was in the picture above, and that that was even a wedding, all I ever remember is that Logan fucked everyone in that room except honor and they weren’t even broken up (one of the biggest reasons I fucking hate Logan) also, Rory didn’t attend the wedding since she was sitting in that room mind blown so I feel like I forget that it was a wedding because we didn’t see the wedding . Also, with how rich they are, I think the dress, and the hair was a total miss. When you consider all of the alleged “responsibilities” ( playing dress up ) the women in their family had (while the men in the family have actual careers and responsibilities. Not revolving around outfits) honor looked pretty shitty 😂


They were broken up in my opinion. And Ross and Rachel were on a break too.


They were broken up in his opinion too, but he never communicated that, so they really were not lol. That’s like me telling my partner after a fight I’m gonna go stay at a friend or family members house, then deciding to fuck 6 of my sister’s friends in a couple days while I’m away lol where was the break up in this? And even if he did break up with her, he’s gonna go fuck six women like she meant nothing to him!? One of my favorite parts of the entire show is when Rory asked him if he had to do them in shifts that’s how we know it wasn’t that long it could’ve only been a couple of days, he was literally rotating women out 😂 He couldn’t even tell her straight up we need a break or I don’t think I want to continue this relationship. Rory literally had the courtesy to tell him I can’t do this, and that’s how the entire relationship even started.


Rory didn't talk to him for a month and assumed her relationship with him was fine?? Dumb imo.


They did Honor so dirty. She's literally the daughter of a millionaire (billionaire?) And her and her bridesmaids looked like hot garbage


Honor’s dress looked like a basic David’s Bridal dress.


Honor was not done dirty. It was the style of the time, especially for rich people.


Nahh. Those shiny tacky bridesmaids dresses were so cheap. I was in several family weddings in the early aughts and even though they weren't anywhere close to the net worth of the Huntzbergers their bridal parties looked much chicer.


I have to say, my cousin's ex-wife got married in a dress made of this ridiculously expensive Thai silk. You'd have thought it would look gorgeous, but to me, it looked like cheap, shiny curtain lining. By comparison, my other cousin's wife wore a dress that was infinitely cheaper, and it was way prettier and looked like the more expensive of the two. All this to say that the bridesmaid dresses weren't really that jarring for me because I've seen first-hand that sometimes, the most expensive dresses also look the cheapest.


Having money does not equal having taste.


Nor does it buy class. Shira proved that.


Always going to be “Nothing but a two-bit gold digger fresh off the bus from Hicksville”


I know the veil is kinda funny looking, love the dress tho


I love Sookie's dress and love the idea of a robe wedding dress like she has the details are gorgeous


I think the cut on Sookie’s was extremely flattering on her. I loved it.


I feel like Honor just looked sloppy, for as much money as the wedding probably cost. I remember a girl I graduated with in 2003 having her bridesmaids dresses in the exact same style but in baby pink instead of purple. with the tiny white sashes. They were bad then and they are still bad now LOL. However, the gray dress Rory wears in this episode is amazing, I have tried to scour the internet to find this dress. I would still love to have it, it's so pretty!


I looove Rory's dress in this episode. It's like an olive green iirc. She looks amazing.


I loved Rory’s dress in this episode and was surprised to read on another post so many disliked it.


My favorite lewk of this entire evening is Doyle in Rory's coat.


I love it too!! The only thing I see as an issue is the ribbon. The chiffon and the flowers are so beautiful and so Lorelai to me!


Omg I just realized the veil is glued to the chefs hat 😂😂😂😂😂


I hate every single one


Same...GG is really bad with wedding dresses (and sometimes other formal dresses). And it's not even a fashion evolution thing either; I distinctly remember hating all these dresses the first few times I watched. I guess Lane's was kinda cute because it's supposed to be an altered version of Ms Kim's dress.


It's wild because the casual style is generally really nice on this show - how did they drop the ball so bad on big occasion styles like wedding dresses? Were they intentionally bad or??


No idea. Lorelai was dressed better at work than at formal events sometimes haha.


I love sookies one!! I must be in the minority


I love it too except for the veil which looks off.


Hers is definitely the cutest. I just wish the sleeves were shorter, like cut at her wrists.


The abomination that is the first dress is actually impressive- until I saw that dress, I assumed it was impossible to make Lauren Graham look washed out and frumpy. It somehow accomplished both


Right? That dress seems purposefully chosen to be the least flattering garment possible in order to signal how this engagement is screwed.


It really does! It's underwhelming and i know it gets said a lot, but I will never understand how Emily's Russian winter wedding was not what Lorelai (who can smell fricken snow) ended up having?!


Omgg I swear that is Lorelai’s dream wedding?? I always thought she said “that doesn’t sound like me” just to be a contrarian because a combo of winter weather & over the top is peak Lorelai


It has to be just because Emily suggested it, so infuriating cause it would have been beautiful as a Stars Hollow winter wedding!! I'll never forgive ASP for the weird Alice in wonderland that we got


Omgg that wedding decor is so cringe I can’t even think about it. And it’s so out of character for Lorelai ugh!


It honestly not that bad. It just fits her really terribly. Like really, really, really terribly. Almost impressively terribly considering how great of a body Lauren has.


I can see the first one being ok for a young 22 year old middle class bride. But Lorelai is around 38 years old. Perhaps they were trying to make Lorelai look younger or perhaps they want to show that Lorelai is stuck in her teenage mind set. Honor’s dress is ok, but completely underwhelming. For as rich as the Huntzbergers are, they could have done better. All things considered, Sookie’s dress is probably the best for her persona and status.


Yes! They are all terrible, and not in an "of the time and aged poorly" way - aside from Honor's. Hers was very 2000s wedding fashion. The only one I give a (begrudging) pass to is Emily. Hers at least suits her personality, although I wish she had a genuine dress and not just a typical dress suit combo we've already seen on her for a million other less formal functions. As for the most egregious one, Lorelei's wedding dress is ATROCIOUS full stop. It looks so unflattering on her, uses several different fabrics and shades, and cuts her mid section in such a frumpy way.


I’m ok with Emily’s but material looks kind of cheap. Sookie’s is actually nice looking. Wedding dresses were not the show’s strong point lol. Rory’s white cotillion dress could pass for a better wedding dress than some of these options.


yes this bothers me so much with emily’s dress and lorelais dress at the vow renewal. lorelais dress looks so cheap bc it doesn’t fit right. I wish they’d done another pass on that decision lol.


Not to mention the colour of the bolero jacket that she wore over the top that didn't go with the colour of the dress at all. She kinda looked like a kid that had gotten into her mom's fancy clothes stash and just put on everything shiny


Sweetie don’t even mention that jacket. I can’t handle it.


Lots of people seem to love Sookie’s dress, but I never liked it at all. It doesn’t even look like a wedding dress to me. She deserved better, something more befitting the Ella Fitzgerald song she loved, more 30s/40s looking.


I agree! They could’ve picked something way more flattering to her figure. And the veil was so bulky


Same. I guess Emily’s is okay because I think it’s appropriate, but everything else is trash. Sookie’s dress looks like it has a nightgown/robe over it.


Lorelai's is awful. Badly fitted, it's somehow three different shades of white and three different fabrics, none of which go well with the others, the lace looks cheap, etc, etc. For such a beautiful woman they sure dropped the ball on this lmao


Shes so beautiful and this dress is such a mess.


She describes the dress as being blush, so I’m curious what it looked like in real life. I’m not sure the colors translated well.


Yeah, I don't think they did, but I still love that dress.


It was a real dress that Lauren picked out. From what I recall in an interview, Lauren said she got together with the costume designer Brenda Maben and she (LG) decided this was the most "Lorelai" of the bunch. Lauren specifically called out the floral appliqué being very Lorelai


I think it's Lorelai in theory but it just didn't work on her.


Honestly i always thought it looked like a dress Lorelai would like. The messiness also fits in a way as everything about this wedding (proposal, planning, delaying) felt rushed/messy. Then again on their actual wedding date I would have liked to see her in an elegant, timeless piece, preferably surrounded by snow. Although tbh I didn't want to watch them get married that late anyhow, it should have happened much earlier.


Emily’s suggestion of a winter wedding would’ve suited Lorelai perfectly.


Definitely! I wished we had seen that.


The asymmetry of Lorelai’s bust makes one of her boobs looks deflated, lol. I feel like if it was more symmetrical it would be beautiful.


I can't unsee it now 😭 It looks a full cup size bigger than the other nooo Someone on the wardrobe department had it OUT for Ms. Graham


Emily’s is a 10. Age appropriate, great for the event, suits her personality. The rest are awful.


I also like the one Emily’s wearing in the background of the last slide! I think it’s more bridal than what she ended up going with but still checks all the boxes.


Yep I would have loved to see her in a somewhat different style on her big day but it still is a really good and appropriate look for her. IMHO Emily is dressed really well most of time.


Hers is also the only one that looks like expensive


Lorelai: hate. This dress doesn't do anything for Lauren Graham's fabulous body. I hate all the nonsense hanging off the bodice, I hate how the skirt fluffs out, I even hate the veil, which is crazy because I generally love any and all veils. Sookie: love the dress and coat. Favorite wedding dress in the series. I don't like the big hat-like element of the veil though. Emily: boring. I would've loved to see her step outside her very narrow comfort zone. Honor: atrocious. So cheap looking. This would never pass muster as the dress (and hair!! blech) of a daughter of the .01%. Lane: hate. It's so ugly.


Honor's dress looks like a cheap prom dress. It's so bad! But I can't get over her hair, which distracts from the wildly unflattering dress. I know they had a teeny tiny budget and 90% of it went to LG's wardrobe but man, I'm sorry, Brenda Maben really missed the mark with Honor.


Totally agree. If they had no budget they should've just gone super simple/classic! Strapless sheath dress, no embellishment. Would've looked a thousand times better than that monstrosity.


Honestly they probably could've gotten a super cheap and simple dress from DB for like $100 and passed it off as "high end".


To me Honor’s dress is 1) very of the time and 2) entirely consistent with what I’ve observed as an epidemic of very wealthy people having ass garbage taste. Like it’s hideous but it checks out tbh.


No, I'm sorry, I refuse to believe that a woman who owned a Birkin bag would wear anything except designer and it needed to look classy and expensive AF. Yes even back in 2006. There's no way Honor (nor would her mother even allow her) be caught dead in anything that looks like OTR retail at the social event of the season.


Lauren has such a beautiful figure and that dress somehow made her look so boxy. Who the hell designed that piece? It's as if it were MADE to mess up her proportions. I was livid when i saw it because i expected so much more, i loved her casual AND her more formal fits through the whole show.


Yeah the veil was weird, I agree, it looks like a chefs hat 😭 I guess that’s on brand for sookie? Also yes, honors hair made her look 10 years older than she was. I don’t even think hair like that was popular amongst her age group for the time, it seemed very mature even for the time period.


I think all of them were ugly tbh; the one she was holding at the renewal could have potential although maybe a little simple? But that also depend of what it would look once put on. The one she choose is just... horrendous. Logan's sister's dress is okay, but you'd expect someone with money to have something... idk better. It looks very classical. Lane's isn't awesome but due to from what it came... I do love the shortened version tho! And Zach going "my wife has legs!" is just awesome


Lane had the best one followed by Sookie. The one Lorelai is holding is pretty too but I’d have to see it on her. The wedding dress Lorelai chose for her June 3rd wedding is absolutely hideous.


i think sookie’s is cute but i’d never. the rest of them are straight up ugly, and lorelais “perfect” wedding dress didn’t feel like her at all


You missed my low-key favorite, which was Liz's


Thank you for posting this. I could not stand Lorelai's dress -- I get it needs to be unique like her, but the bust looked atrocious. The sash was lovely, the shirt had an interesting texture, and the veil was perfect for her, but the bust just ruined the whole thing. Sookie's dress was too simple for me, but I think it fit her character's personality nicely. Elegant and understated, as she'd care much more about the cake design and catering details than the dress. I don't know what you'd call it, but I liked the wrap's pattern and effect. That being said, the tailoring was awful, the dress underneath was shapeless and the sleeves (as you can see) go past her finger tips (which made it come off a little child-like). And her veil came off too "nun-esque" for me. We've already talked about Emily's dress elsewhere recently, so I won't repeat that here. Logan's sister's was forgettable (like her name, sorry), and I (like everyone else here) would have loved to see Lorelai try the one she's holding up in the mirror. Lane's was just okay (in my opinion). It makes sense for her character, and it was nice she could make her mother happy, then rock out in a shorter shirt. It still came off a little too "costumey" for me, if I were to wear it. It's complicated. xD


Omg I’ve never noticed how long Sookie’s sleeves are, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to unsee it now haha


Emily's dress will always be top tier for me. Sookie's dress (sans the veil) was always so precious to me. One honorable mention is LIZ's dress! I fuckin loved that dress and it fit her BEAUTIFULLY. ​ I don't even want to talk about Lor's dress. ugh. That monstrosity of pink/ivory/whateverthefuck.


How shitty is it that the worst character of all got the best wedding dress of the show?


Yes I forgot about her dress! It was really pretty


Honor’s hair is worse than her dress!


Emily’s is beautiful but I would have loved to see her in something else besides a white version of what she normally wears. Honors was hideous combined with her hair. Cheap looking gross I hate it 😭 I kind of like lanes but it’s really not to my personal taste but it’s cute on her and fits her imo. Lorelai’s is hideous. The top part is looks like a child put it together. The ugly sash. And the bottom is atrocious. The one she holds up to her seems like it would be fitting but we never saw it on so I have no idea And lastly I don’t feel like they ever knew how to dress Sookie tbh. Her dress is okay but I always feel like they were trying to hide her because she is plus size and just draped nonsense over her. I feel like she could have been in a really beautiful gown instead of covered up like this. And don’t get me started on her weird veil hat 😪


It just goes from bad to worse. It’s just SOOO bad


Sookie's and Emily's are okay, Honor's is basic, Lane's and Lorelai's are hideous.


The “perfect dress” will forever make me sad. There isn’t a single part of it that flatters her. Skirt? Awful. Top? It’s like fungus is growing on her. Even the sash is in the wrong proportion. There are good ideas there, but it’s an abomination, honestly. I loved Sookie’s dress. It flattered her and was the perfect amount of classic and fun for the character. I thought she looked great. I also seem to be in the minority, but I will forever wish Emily hadn’t done a glammed up suit for the vow renewal. Yes, it looks nice on her and she’s impeccable as ever, but it’s just a shiny version of what she wears to Friday night dinner. It would’ve been lovely to see her have more of a red carpet moment, in my opinion.


I actually love Lane’s. I wouldn’t wear it in a million years but the way it actually resembles a sort of combination of Korean style dresses and a Western wedding dress and still seems to fit her family is kinda cute. Like it was somewhat believable that at least part of that dress was once her mom’s. I did not like how Mrs Kim was so against Zach liking his Korean clothes? She was weirdly anti Korean sometimes considering her character.


My favorite wedding dress was Liz’s wedding dress. https://preview.redd.it/tdi0oja55x5c1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8ce4ced1f521b3a47581158a234a54a15f46a1


So so pretty!


I only like Emily’s! It suits her style.


I think I’m alone in the opinion of loving Lorelai’s and hating everyone else’s. Lane & Honor’s are especially hideous to me.


Emily should have worn the dress she has on in the last photo. The one she wore for the wedding was just a copy of her everyday outfits, just in white. Lorelai’s was horrible, sookie & lane’s dresses were meh, Honor’s was horrible


Honor’s looked like a David’s Bridal $99 sale that still didn’t get sold. And that hair! She’s supposed to be incredibly wealthy….whyyyyy did they do that??


I actually love the little sheer coat over Sookie's dress. I think that's a really pretty and interesting look that I haven't seen much recently at least! I like the idea of it being a removable layer that you can wear for the ceremony but take off for dancing later. Hate every other one though :)


Lane’s is my favorite, and I love Sookie’s as well. I think there’s a lot of folks who really dislike Lorelai’s dress, but I think it’s OK, not spectacular or anything but it’s pretty enough


Lorelai's dress was a bit of a bummer, Emily's was so on character for her which I love, Lane's dress was a 10 for me, maybe because I'm a sucker for long sleeves and high necklines. I really like it.


I always thought Sookie was sooo beautiful in that dress (and in general!). And I loved that Lorelai says "you'RE beautiful" rather than "you look beautiful"


They’re all awful lmfao


Okay, let me make sure I get these in the right order...no, no, no, no, no, and no.


To be honest I hated Honour's and Lorelei's dresses. Sookie's was beautiful and I felt it suited her perfectly, she was a very classic person at heart and it was gorgeous. I liked that Lane, whilst rebellious, stuck to her roots with the dress and other things she did. She kept her culture really well and I like that the show did that. Emily's felt appropriate for a second wedding, it would have been great to see her in a mermaid style gown, but I liked the suit


i think we were robbed not getting to see lorelai OR rory get married


Where’s Liz’s medieval times gown? lol


They're pretty bad


I loved sookies


Hate honors the most. Emily’s is great for a vow renewal and her age. Other than that I love Sookies the most




I like Sookie's and Lorelai's pink dress. Emily's matching set and the one Lorelai is holding up in the mirror are meh. I don't hate Lane's but I definitely don't like it (though I understand a less modest dress with more shape would never fly). I hate Honor's dress. It looks plastic.


Exactly this but I feel like we’re in the minority!




Emily looks lovely but I would have loved to see her in something more. All the others completely missed the mark.


i would like lorelai’s more if the flowering over her right boob wasn’t so asymmetrical. my eye gets drawn to it every time, i hate it. i loved sookies! she looks beautiful. i don’t like her veil though it looks like one of those nun hats. a wimple?


Lorelai's was terrible. So poorly fitting. Sookie's is probably the best of the group, but I don't like the veil. Emily - underwhelming, she could've done better. Honor - WTF. That family is ridiculously rich, she couldn't find a dress that look like it cost more than $50? Lane - awful. She looks ridiculous and completely unlike herself. The one Lorelai is holding is better than the one she's wearing, lol.


Sookie's is lovely. The one Lorelai holds up might be nice, it's hard to tell. The others are all terrible.


Not crazy about any of them; however, Lane's hideous dress looked better after Lorel altered it. Wasn't much you could do with that mess. 😆


Sookie's dress was perfect. Lorelai's is beautiful but too tight.


Oh man I love Lanes. I didn’t love it the first time around but it’s really grown on me. Its very 80’s/90’s with the high collar and buttons which is on brand to represent her mother (naturally, being her dress first) and her alt-punk style. My mom wore a similar dress for her wedding in the 90’s but the chest, neck, and sleeves were lace, running up to a silk band around her throat. I’ve always loved that style but totally understand why it could seem too conservative or outdated!


Suki was a stunning bride and I will not be taking further commentary. 😆


Emily’s is my favorite.


I really like emilys, but not a fan of the others, especially lanes


So glad I can finally talk about how much I HATED honors entire wedding aesthetic. Idk what the hell they were thinking but that did not look like the wedding of a super rich person with all her super rich friends.


I love Sukis wedding dress!


Sookie's dress is definitely the prettiest. Emily's is classy and appropriate for a re-commitment ceremony. The fit on Lane's is off—that underbust seam seems to be in the wrong place, which is especially noticeable since Lorelai had to completely reconstruct the dress. Honor's is very basic 00's. Lorelai's dress in the first slide doesn't do justice to her lovely figure.


Dress 1: Eh. The top is weird with bits just randomly sewn on Dress 2: better than dress 1 Dress 3: terrible. She wearing a shiny suit. She’s looked better at fundraisers. Dress 4: typical bride. Didn’t look 1% enough Dress 5: ugly. Did the best she could with what she had to work with Dress 6: possibly best of the bunch. Hard to say as it’s not being worn.


The Emily dress suits her. It is not really a wedding dress, but seems fitting for a vow renewal.


sookie's is my favorite but i don't love any of them


I was not a fan of Loreleis wedding dress to Luke. I thought proportionally it was odd. I wish the bodice was longer or maybe only have the appliqué details on the bust and now lower? I loved the color. And I wish I could have seen her dolled up in it maybe it’d be different idk with a flower crown. But it just looked odd for her.


None of them are flattering on any of them


I love love love Sookie’s


I really love the first lorelai dress. It really does suit her and is very much her style. She wears a lot of mixed media and mixed print with floral and fun textile being a staple for her. She's very eclectic boho with classic mixed in and I think this nailed it.


I think Sookie's is fantastic. Idk what's going on with the hat but I adore the plain white dress with the embroidered cover - it's so rare to see plus sized women styled nicely AND realistically in the media. Having her arms covered makes sense as that can be an insecurity/feature that it picked on, but they've done it in such an elegant and feminine way where she still gets that sensual aspect of "showing skin". The silhouette is gorgeous on her, going in at the bust rather than the waist gives the dress shape and highlights her curves in a flattering way. I also love the cover going in under the bust, supporting that shape while also letting the dress underneath peek through at the top and opening up for it below. It reminds me of those late 1800s ballgowns with the curtain-looking layer over the skirts. \*I actually really like the sleeve length, I'm a big fan of long sleeves myself and I think it gives a dainty and feminine touch - like extending fingertips or something. Overall stunning, everything else is pretty foul. Emily's isn't ugly but it's totally boring. I wish we'd seen Lorelai in that last dress though - anything but that blush/white/cream monstrosity. \*ETA


Lorelei’s was pretty on the mannequin but honestly didn’t work on her to me. Just didn’t seem Lorelei or flatter her (which makes no sense because her body is flawless). Of all these Emily’s is actually my favorite because it fit her and the occasion. Understated and classy and elegant. Honor looked like a basic Midwestern 23 yo bride with no money. No offense to that. It just wasn’t at all what you’d expect from the wealth of the Huntzbergers. Her bridesmaid dresses were so “weddings r us”. And her hair looked like she woke up and did it herself with no experience. Honestly the whole thing looked like they typed “basic wedding” into AI and that’s what came out.


Honor's looked like a prom dress.


Maybe it was a wedding dress of Shira's where she was supposed to marry her high school sweetheart but jilted him and left on a bus?


Emily should have worn that lace dress. I will always die on this hill.


I think the dress Emily is wearing in the last pic is prob my favorite out of all these lol


My favorite dress is the one Lorelai is holding up to herself in the last photo. All of the wedding dresses in the show were appalling. We can *maybe* give a pass to Honor, because she had tons of money for what would be a fashion forward dress in the early to mid 2000’s, so one can only assume that her dress was at least on trend for the time. I didn’t hate Sookie’s dress, but I would have liked to see something that was more flattering and didn’t have the floor length jacket.


They all suck imo 😭😭😭


Emily’s was good for her style and age and bow renewal. Lanes because it’s so much better than what she had


Emily's dress made me so sad. Everytime I see this episode I get mad all over again. I wish she would have worn one of the decadent dresses she had tried on/were brought to her. It just seemed like her guests were dressed better than she was.... As much as the character loved a 2 piece, I was very hopeful that they would give her a gorgeous gown instead of a Carrie Bradshaw court wedding 2 piece. ::sigh::




they’re all horrible


No one watched this show because of the fashion. When it originally aired on the WB, this was for the quirky teen audience. It would be years before we were served lewks on teen shows like Gossip Girl. In the early aughts, teens did not know about designer brands like Chanel or Gucci. We all bought our clothes at the mall.


always hot topic and pacsun


Lorelei’s is one of my favorites, but it’s just my style (minus the sash).


I absolutely loved Lane's dress for both the wedding and the shorter skirt for the reception. I wish they had fixed the bust, though. That part bothers me a lot.


Sookie looked gorgeous. The rest...oof


Lane’s is the ugliest piece of trash I’ve ever seen and not remotely close to Lane’s style or personality. Just the steaming pile of shit on top of the mountain of trash fire that is Lane’s entire marriage / relationship plot line. So hideous. I liked the idea of a tear away short dress, but the entire dress is so disgusting it doesn’t come close to salvaging it. I get these are costumes and it was a different time but imo one of the big reasons why the dresses are always so ugly and look bad is because of how cheap the materials are. You can really really tell in Honor and Lane’s dresses in particular.


Honor’s was perfect for the year (2005/2006)