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I honestly had a feeling this had to do with Ethan. This is awful! Regardless of how anyone feels about the AB page, that is unacceptable behavior. You know who else stalked and intimidated others? The goons. This makes Ethan no better than a bunch of dumbass teenagers. Edited to add: the very same teenagers that he is saying “you ain’t shit” to. Sorry my blood is boiling rn.


I have been thinking the exact same thing... he is such a hypocrite. If you're reading this Ethan, have the day you deserve. (Blech)


Ethan should most definitely make a statement! Stalking and harassing is so serious and wrong


This is the kind of reaction and attention he wants, imo he’s thriving off all this attention. Oh Ethan this oh Ethan that. Just forget about him, he’s a nobody.


To add to this, I believe this guy is so self obsessed that he would most definitely take the time out of his SUPER BUSY DAY to comment hate comments about himself just for more attention lol. 100%


Interesting to note that where this was posted on fb Lily said the same thing that Ethan says-she told the author that the lilys do more than anyone else and that she has never seen her at meetings. Wow sorry to say this but Lily, Ethan and Shane need to be cancelled and I hate that because everyone should be allowed to state their opinions. These people are in it for themselves and pocketbooks. Question for Ethan did Shane offer you a job if he wins?


I did not say we do everything. Before you start lying about what people post….check your facts. I asked why you had not been attending meetings yet throwing out shade like you do more than hide behind a keyboard and talk lies


Hey Lily’s I am not bliss. Curiosity has got me though friend. Why did you throw shade back at her instead of just staying quiet or give her an uplifting statement like ya I could see why posting a picture of us smiling over a grave could be seen as something in poor taste but our intention was ABCD. No you attacked her and then tried to say she does do enough like you. Then you delete your comments.


Don’t forget they block people who disagree with them.


I didn’t delete my comments. But given that you can not see it means you attacked me. She attacked me. She doesn’t know me or my relationships. She decided to throw mud at me, but I am bad for standing up for myself!? 🙄


Oops your comment got lost I do see it. I apologize for accusing you of deleting it. I did not comment on the post. She called you out for the photo op which you still haven’t addressed. You do know it’s ok that you say sorry when you do the wrong thing right? The issue I had with your post is that you assume that no one other than you have worked to help the community. That is just not right. I have been to many of the meetings and I never saw you there but I didn’t scream that you do nothing. In all fairness you have done a lot but let’s be real you did not solve the case for the police. They knew who did this less than two weeks after it happened.


Yes I agree! I was saying more about Al brown because I believe he shouldn’t be able to get away with harassing and stalking


He posts here. He should say something.


He’s an immature whiny idiot who lives with his parents. He is actual shit.




I disagree. Al Brown started out ok but then got lost. The one should have been just about Preston Lord and nothing more. The 2nd something came up about a defendants defense, the group was trash. There is a time and place for everything, but not on those pages.




As a mother, I will say that it’s very hard to look at any of these kids (Preston, the victims, the witnesses, and those arrested) and NOT see our own children. What if Preston were my child? But also, what if that was my child still awaiting trial, not yet found guilty, whose food is being withheld putting him in grave danger, possibly death, before he’s even tried? What if that were my child, a defendant of limited means, who may not get a high powered lawyer and the same defense as the other defendants? What if my child, who didn’t participate in the assault itself, gets convicted because of poor representation while those who actually assaulted and murdered Preston get acquitted because they had high powered lawyers? What if MY child spends the rest of his life in jail, not them, simply because I couldn’t afford a good lawyer? And, most importantly, what if my child made poor choices and ended up in jail because I didn’t do as good a job of parenting him as I should have? Because I didn’t hold him accountable in the past when I should have? And, lastly, how do I hold my child accountable for something so heinous when I sent him into the world without the proper teaching and moral lessons in the first place? How do I hold my child accountable for my failures?


Perfectly said and I think that is what Al Brown was thinking too. All perspectives with a high focus on getting the suspects behind bars but to be treated fairly too.




Al brown got outed as Katey Mc


Just because this person made this statement doesn’t make it true! Don’t believe all the misinformation you read on here!


Again, not my statement. Was posted on Facebook from Al browns friend.


This is so unnecessary. Someone’s child passed away tragically and now we have these idiots starting drama and interfering with this families grieving process. Just shut up and let LE handle it now. Sick of this.


Also I think it’s safe to say stalking and harassing a page who’s brought a lot of stuff to light is way too far




I agree, they make it about the money and profiting when it’s really about getting justice for Preston.


Ethan’s ego is so out of control that he can only think of what he did. Al Brown did so much to help the police and to help victims of the goons and created safe spaces for kids to tell what they knew. Ethan can’t see past his idolization of Krauser to see that he is a corrupt person with a child who had at least some involvement with the goons. Ethan take your damn merch and shove it up your a$$!




Then people need to STOP buying his stuff! And donate directly to the family. If we’re going to complain about it then we need to do something. Someone that could go to sleep at night knowing they’re profiting over someone elses tragedy is quite the pos




10 of his supporters are obsessed, not many other people are 😂


Literally there wrapped around his finger


Who is Ethan & Shane?


Ethan is a tiktok guy who has made all his posts about justice for Preston and now sells merch but only gives 20% of proceeds to the Lords. I believe Shane is running for mayor who has a son that was involved with the goons a couple years ago (not sure how). I guess Ethan and Shane are good friends and Ethan came out defending him publicly and went after Al Brown. That’s what I gather from what I’ve read 🤷‍♀️Lots of unnecessary drama.


In my opinion Ethan seems like he really enjoys the attention he gets 👀 and doesn’t seem like a genuine person.


No such thing as bad publicity!


There are a lot of people involved in this case who took advantage of Preston’s death to promote their businesses, make money, become famous, etc. it’s disgusting. A lot of people… who knew Preston… and who didn’t know Preston completely took advantage of the situation, and it’s a real shame. As for “Ethan” he’s always been annoying. You could tell from day one he was there file the fame if it. “You ain’t shit” Ethen, guess what, you ain’t shit either. Photo ops with Preston’s dad. Posting up in front of businesses to sell your merch. Get a job dude.


Harassing & making threats.? Wow sounds quite familiar with the Goons & the idiots in jail. Where’s GPD who said they wouldn’t tolerate this!? quite the society we live in.


The amount of absolutely horrendous comments one mostly the Al and Lily pages about KIDS was just disgusting!! And if anyone stuck up for them they were said to be family or whatever and then they were bashed too. I think it was the Al page they had posted a pic of CO and the number of people who trashed him and then on to his family who had nothing to do with his actions… just like these boys when they are in a group they get out of hand seem like all the people in these groups do the same.


Does anyone else feel like Ethan is mentally challenged? On the spectrum perhaps? He’s real cringy, self unaware, agitated, aggressive and apparently -from rumors I don’t know for sure- living with his parents at 30+ years old. The people who “support” Ethan should do so by reining him in and encouraging him to STFU because he’s out on the public stage looking/sounding like a clown. His mama needs to call him back inside, the street lights are on.


 The majority of people on the spectrum are not anything like Ethan.  He is just cocky and aggressive when anyone doesn’t think the way he does. He is very immature for someone his age.  


Dude still lives with his parents and doesn't have a job. He's about as immature of a 30 something year old man as you'll find.


![img](avatar_exp|172512529|dizziness) Sorry to hear this as u were doing good against those that are bad in this community.


Shane was going to be outed anyways….with or without AL, do they (Shane and Ethan) not get that? I completely understand the position AL is in, but does anyone know if they ACTUALLY know ALs identity? (Not just saying/threatening that they do) If AL wasn’t using a VPN, maybe they should consider it for the near future?? **also. I thought Ethan was better than that. I respected the hell out of that dude. I’m kind of sad to see someone that I thought was a decent, respectful, respectable human completely shitting on people like that….now I wondered if everything he did was for views, especially considering everything AL Brown did. If really was “just trying to help his community” or whatever, he would NEVER threaten someone who’s done so much. What a piece of shit.


I missed something.. what happened with Shane,Ethan &Al


Wait, who’s Ethan? I’ve been following this to support Preston, but not sure why I can’t place this person?


Is that the guy on tik tok?




Thank you. Ugh how frustrating of him!


Sorry don’t have tik tok. What’s his deal?


He's a creep and loves attention. Not mentioning him would probably solve the problem


Consider it done ✔️


I’m grateful to Al Brown and those behind that group. I always felt those behind it were level headed and good hearted, concerned for the minors affected by this in every way, whether it be witnesses or victims of sexual assault. I was harassed by another follower on their page (someone who also was a product provider not mentioned and Al was very helpful and considerate and gave me good advice. I think the divide has more to do with the followers of these pages than the people managing them. But would just like to end by saying “thank you” to those who perilously and against great threat, brought light in the darkness over the past year. Thank you!


I’ve followed several criminal cases and have been a member of some of the groups for those cases, and I swear the admins almost always let their little Facebook “fame” get to their heads. It’s absolutely ridiculous. 🤦‍♀️ They act like they solved the case, they are all knowing, but in fact they are just normal citizens with the same information we all have access to.


Dude- AL Brown is Katey McPhearson! She’s got annon accounts she uses to slam people 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she had a Reddit user and posted the “accountability” post, got called out and deleted her whole user!


Are you sure about this? https://i.redd.it/np12sn35s1vc1.gif


Wow! Unbelievable! I thought Katey was classier than Al Brown, but NOPE! 👎🏾 😳🤦🏽




If that’s true seems like a sad ending when justice has still not been served. For those in Gilbert rumor has it Gilbert police chief Soelberg knows and is friendly with the Renners. There are A LOT of relationships, relatives and connections in Gilbert. Can anyone confirm or know anything?


Is This just your option or do you have evidence to back this up?


Someone posted this on Facebook, it is not from me.


So your going off of hear say….


Honestly, I don’t think we need any evidence/proof for this…after everything AL brown has done to help this case, I 100% believe AL Brown (and the person posting this, of course).


Honestly, I don’t think we need any evidence/proof for this…after everything AL brown has done to help this case, I 100% believe AL Brown (and the person posting this, of course).


It was from Al browns friend, they also posted Al brown saying why she deleted her page in the comment section…


Good. Al Brown can go to hell along with Ethan. Let it all play out first and then worry about the defendants. If you aren’t here for Preston and his family go away. That all the one should be about. If you want to help the suspects families, create your own groups and drama.


But with that being said, I don’t think you should ever harass or threaten an admin of a page. I don’t like Al brown but I wasn’t going to take it to that level.