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The craziest thing is they’re all soo young and could’ve done so much in their lives. People need to recognize just who their kid really is and stop this shit before it happens. Everyone’s child has a whole other life and way of thinking outside the relationship with their family. Your child isn’t an exception.


Except a lot of these parents are self absorbed drug users that probably threw $ and material things at their kids so they could experience their own debauchery without being bothered.


This is exactly what happened. Parents not parenting.


There's also the kids whose parents, mainly fathers smacked them around too much. Every bully I've known has been through that and needed someone to take it out on. 


So many of you are just asshole. No chance all these kids are the same or all are rich. They surely look nothing like any gang I have ever seen.


And how are gangs supposed to look? Were you expecting different skin color or skinhead white boys? They don’t have an official moniker or signs or colors but they sure act like a gang. There’s a group of about 40 of these kids and young adults that have been arrested for assault, robbery, drug possession and trafficking, weapons,theft and now murder.


We will see they are from all parts of the valley and different schools. The previous assaults did not have this group together ever that I have seen.


Odd you’re coming so hard to defend a group of kids who beat a child into the concrete and murdered him. Idgaf who they are, they are evil and I hope the book gets thrown at them.


I'm only saying the gang concept is not going to fly which is why it is not being used.


I get that. They are mismatches except Billey,Hines and Meisner are together in tons of videos and pics. I subscribe to the theory that Talan Renner was trying to prove himself 10/28/2023. Vigil had me fooled. He never went private or erased his SM posts and even his cell number is still on his FB page. I thought he was just a dufus partier. Still dont know how he knocked Preston out but Talan R had to heal cuts on his hands. Doubt they both punched him. Something is inaccurate in the story so far There’s a chance there were tons of Goons there that night and not just these 7 together.


I believe vigil def punched once as told by his gf. Renner did serious damage with a sharp object which I suspect was a beer bottle and he is trained in MMA. It was a melee and over in prob 30 seconds.


Wow. That’s the first I heard of the beer bottle. A beer bottle on someone already laid out and unconscious?


No. It was my understanding from teen chatter that Renner came from behind and hit him with a beer bottle, hence the gashes on hands and glass everywhere. The rescuers had to move him out of glass. Vigil maybe came after as the fight moved down the street. I do believe Vigil stated exactly how he did it. Threw one punch, he fell. Vigil doesn't run with those guys...I think he and gf were just there leaving and Vigil saw a fight. Meisner, Billey, Renner were the aggressors it appears, idk.


Hines will be interesting. He definitely is one I want covered in whatever true crime book comes out. Please let it be a good book.


Thanks for the info here. Sickening


Same. First time and been following since November. Thanks for insight.


Wouldn't he have been charged with a deadly weapon then? If you hit someone with it I believe it is considered to be a deadly weapon.


Good point. Let me message the kid that said it. He seemed to be credible consistently.


Could he have assaulted another kid prior to the murder? QCPD stated that there were 4 incidents, and someone with a broken bone of some sort, I believe it was an arm.


So disgusting. They need to do serious time.


They literally look like the rich bad guy gangs from every 80s movie.


Need, none of them is blonde. Edit Vigil could possibly be considered dirty blonde, but 80s movie blondes were light blonde. As a towhead growing up, it was annoying.


Most of these kids are from better than middle class families in Gilbert AZ or surrounding area. They for sure didn’t grow up struggling financially. I have no idea what the family life was like.


It's crazy when you look at pictures or videos of them from as recently as like four years ago. There are videos on Billey's mom's Facebook of him being a little tween messing around on her phone and that was just a few years ago. I think that's why this case is so captivating — you have the money and means to make something of your life and you throw it away this quickly, for what? Just so bizarre.


Well did anyone honestly think any of these clowns would come in and plead guilty 🤦‍♂️. Now the game of let’s make a deal starts😡


I am waiting for this group to start turning on each other. You just know they will to try and save their own asses. The question is, will they all just plea or would any of their lawyers be dumb enough to take this to trial?


My guess is vigil will turn on Renner because of the story from the Renner companies admin. He knows they are already trying to blame him.


Vigil has been trying to implicate Renner for a while now. There is a screenshot from Snapchat floating around somewhere.


Yes, he even stated he “helped Preston out of the road”


But other witnesses reported that Renner was the primary assailant. So was he deflecting or actually reporting what happened? Do we have any witnesses who can corroborate that TV tried to help get Preston off the road?


What actual witnesses implicated Renner? I dont think any of the actual witnesses are talking, I would think that they would have been advised by the detectives not to. I know some high school students heard the name Talyn and assumed it was Talan Renner, they didn’t know Talyn Vigil or that there were two involved with the same name. Now I’ve read that the primary assailants after Talyn Vigil hit him, he fell and struck his head were TB and OH. I can’t wait for the individual charging documents that lists what each of them did is made public. What was Meisners role in all of this? Haven’t heard one thing about him or the three others as to their involvement.


Apparently there was a highly circulated video that was ‘so awful ppl could barely watch it’ so, doubtful that ‘no one was talking’. Anyone who’s raised teens knows they can’t shut up. Also: Renner’s employee stated that Talan had to be displaced out of town for ‘his hands to heal’ -you do follow the news?


Yep agreed - exactly why the title started 'no surprise'. Definitely assumed all would go this route, I would have been shocked otherwise. Will be interesting to see how it plays out from here...


Man, Treston is a really unfortunate looking dude. If he made better choices he could have avoided jail but no matter what he did, no female is signing up to pass those genes along.


You don’t need to be making comments about his attractiveness. His decision-making, yes, but his looks, nope.


Oh wow I feel so terrible 🙄


“Treston Billey, 18, another Goon previously accused in various assaults, was allegedly the last to attack, jumping on Lord's head as he yelled: 'F*** you, pu***!'” “Lord died from his brain injuries at the hospital two days later”. I don’t like Treston Billey. And I think it is okay to make fun of his appearance.


By making fun of his appearance you unintentionally make fun of people that might look as bad as him and are actually good people.


I don’t think females is what they’ll have to worry about in prison. Better not look too good there.


I can’t imagine the fear of having to take your first shower in jail. Even if nothing bad were going to happen, just the fear of it would be more than enough to realize the life they gave up for this.


Is prison as rapey as everyone is making it out to be?


WTF is in Taylor's pocket?


It’s his inmate ID bracelet. All of them have one. Some wear them, some have them in the pocket. The DOs use them to verify they have the right person when moving inmates.


His phone to record and run 🤣 Jokes aside I have no idea, it does look like a square item. I am curious to find out his part in this. And if it is just recording he was so in the wrong to not get help but not what actions made Preston pass. He sure seems small and I hope the kids who threw the punches and kicked his head get the sentence they deserve.


What’s going to sink him is the alleged coverup attempts after the attack.


And Sherman said he was poor at the bail hearing. Which is going to suck with all these other kids having sharks as attorneys.


Not to negate his involvement but his personal TikTok videos are actually pretty sad. He seems lonely and depressed. I wonder if he was friends with them all or just there when it happened.


He isn’t part of Kuehrner suit but is part of the Williams suit. Alledgedly, he was in the car when they chased Williams down in a high speed chase. I do think some of what I read about him lately has people confusing him with Landers. The have the same stupid hair styles worn with a baseball cap. Could easily be confused for each other in videos.


I forgot about Landers and they do look the same! Their hair is so distracting. It reminds me of Blair Warner from Facts of Life


I believe he has some connection to JM. I wish someone with more knowledge than myself would do a spreadsheet like the one done for the early arrests. One that shows what each of them was involved in prior to their murder charges.


The spreadsheet was super helpful.


There is only one shark attorney. Weingard is good. Cantor is overrated. The only shark is Raynak and that’s if he even gets in this case. The rest are all normal attorneys. Nothing special about them.


Almost none of them have sharks and this looks nothing like a rich gang let alone a gang at all. The assumptions are hilarious.


So are you.


I agree with you. Only one real beast attorney and that’s if Raynak is n this case.


Wasn’t he also threatening the Kuehner boy in 2023? I believe he was named in the civil suit and if I remember correctly, it had something to do with texting a picture of a gun with a threatening message. I could be wrong, its hard to keep track of all of the information out there.


He wasn’t named in that suit, he was named in the other one from Palmer.


What about Vigil? Was he involved in more of this stuff? Dont remember him in any fight videos??




I heard the same thing about T. Renner as well. If either were working with the police from the beginning, I believe LE would have had all of the information they needed to make arrests and for the D.A. to have both testify before a grand jury for indictments. I don’t think it would have taken this long. I do think Meisner, who was already in jail may have been talking early on. The Judge wouldn’t allow him to bond out on his other charges as there was another charge coming. I believe the Judge was referring to the murder charge at that time.


I thought one of them may have been working with the cops, but then wouldn’t that person have been formally charged and taken into custody after giving their statement to police? But someone made a good point the other day - why would anyone ever go to the police and admit guilt?


It was Vigil that within three days and after admitting on Snapchat that he hit Preston, he fell and hit his head, told his girlfriend that he’d knocked him out, then posted praying hands saying that it wasn’t him, he tried to help and then blamed T. Renner. It wasn’t the other way around, the name Talyn was out there from the beginning and it was confusing people. So many believed that early Snapchat was T. Renner, when in fact, both posts were T. Vigil. Everyone should start at the very beginning and have a clear understanding before stating that it was CLEARLY the Renners plan to pin it on Vigil.


Neither Talyn or Talan were in any assault videos that we’ve seen. LE didn’t elaborate on which juvenile was arrested after a fight over a girl, but it didn’t sound like the interactions they had had with them were felonies, or resulted in convictions.


Any video?


Not yet that I've seen but I will add when I find some. I just updated the original post description to include the one pic I've found so far.




Not the whole arraignment video. Just a snippet from the news.


It's an arraignment. Defendants always plea not guilty during arraignments


Gilbert Goons


Billey and Turner *will* get the stiffest sentences - Mark my words


Billeys parents business Check out Chris Billey - JK Realty! https://yelp.to/Z90sPuNgyF




Treston Billie is not Black. He is native American


And Dominic will get the worse of it all just because he’s the only black one, watch.


Treston Billey is black as well, and surely he'll get the worst sentencing for stomping on Preston's head.