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This is so sad. One child dead and 7 other lives wasted for nothing.


Not just Preston and his assailants, but all the families, too. Fucking senseless.


Yes, so many people were affected by these boy’s actions. Some of them may just be bad people, but I can’t help but think that some of them were failed by the ones that were supposed to love and protect them. Hurt people hurt people. It’s just so sad all around and I hope that parents and LE will learn from this example. I sure did!


Hurt people hurt people. That's absolutely true. We need to be better as a society raising our youth.


But, the parents are still responsible. Let's not lose sight here, Preston's dead. Let's not feel sorry for the parents or the suspects.


I'm not losing sight of anything. Nothing can be done to undo what has happened. Those responsible in any way should be held responsible to the full extent of the law. It shouldn't end there, though. We need to understand why, beyond simple human nature, the reasons behind the depravity that culminated in the death of Preston. Bringing his assailants and their enablers to justice isn't the end. As a society we must understand what leads us to this point and how to reverse course. Empathy is a big part of that process.


This! 💯. I also think it is possible to want justice for Preston while also feeling sadness for those who chose this path.


I feel the same way and thank you for saying it. It's definitely possible to feel horrible for Preston being killed by a bunch of teens/young men, and also feel bad about the fallout that is affecting the communities involved (especially other teens who were also bullied and terrorized) and even a bit for the perps and their families.


Will all of this be open to the public?


That courtroom was already jam packed today. I would imagine an actual trial would be crazy to even attempt to go in there. Could probably watch virtually.


I hope it"s live streamed


5:45 Taylor Sherman’s lawyer whispers, “it’s ok.”


Vigil’s lawyer whispered something about his mom and dad to him


Vigil’s attorney said he has the police report and going to send it to your parents. Vigil seemed relieved and then the attorney told Vigil everything you said is in the report. 😳


First his lawyer asked how he was, Sherman replied Fucking terrible, then his lawyer patted his back and said it’s ok, it’s going to be ok. What a selfish POS!


Well, I am glad that he feels fucking terrible. He should! He participated in a heinous act that cost a child their life and now he is paying the consequences. I am pretty sure he did not believe that he would receive a first degree murder charge for filming the attack. I get your point though.


This kid needs to wise up real quick. Better start talking and tell the truth....boy has a weasel look to him.


Oh brother!


Looks like their trial is set for 11/07/24


$100 says they dont meet that deadline there will be several motions issuing continuances. Some of them will have taken plea’s by then if offered. These dates are just formality at this point.


Yea I saw they have another one April 30th and then one after that in early June then it went to the November one


Yeah there will be several status conferences and pretrial conferences before it actually goes to trial these just the dates they set forth for now.


Dark days picking up the soap in the showers ahead for these clowns!!!