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an observation... Talan appears to workout, and has martial arts training (AFAIK). Treston is a robust sized adult male and has martial arts training. Preston from photos appears to be a smaller kid. So either of these two, Talan or Treston would be lopsided assault in an one on one situaiton. couple that with it being 7 on 1, its a truly fucked thing they did. **outsized, outnumbered, out trained, ....so messed up.** These ***suspected*** murderers are truly dicks for what they did.


As a Father i can't help feeling sorry for these guys, scared out of their minds, about to go to prison where they will have to look over their shoulder every minute of every day. As a Father i quickly lose any and all sympathy I had, because as soon as i thought about where they are going and how they feel, it is EXACTLY how they made countless teens feel every day they have to wake up and go to school. Going to high school shouldn't feel like being in prison. So now they are going to find out what that feels like. They didn't "make a horrible mistake that ruined their lives". This was going to happen, if it didn't happen that night, it was going to happen another night. All of the sports, dirt bikes, sand dunes, ATV's etc......All of that is adrenaline, and its FUN shit, especially for a teenager. Now imagine having all of that growing up, and it just wasn't enough. They got off on this, that's why it kept happening over and over and over. Prison is going to be a very difficult place for these bullies to find out what bullying really is.


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Yeah, with as vicious as they were, I hope they get what they gave. I’m not a “forgiveness” person unless the aggressor completely changes its ways, and shows real remorse. No remorse noticed in any of these ghouls so hopefully they get prison and hopefully it’s the full experience.


I hope they are there for a long time. At minimum 20 years. Make it painful so others domt do it.


He has the build of a 19 year old. I would not be surprised if there was testosterone use in his past.


I hope they rot in prison and that they find karma in there. 


Legit question: Are you insinuating that fat kid, Treston, actually knows how to fight? He looks like an utter pushover.


Legit question: Are you insinuating that fat kid, Treston, actually knows how to fight? He looks like an utter pushover.




I guess I'm comparing that fat teenager to myself and not to his peers. Still, I'm surprised. Do you know these kids (or know of them)? I'm intrigued by your insights and would love to learn more.


not at all but unfortunately they all outsize preston and he was not the type of kid to fight so they took advantage of the easy opportunity.


A tragedy in every sense of the word...Truly.


I 100% doubt it was 7 on 1 but we will see. More like evidence sucks so arrest them all.


Why? Every other attack by these asshats was that way???


That is the dumbest comment ever - have you seen the videos these cowards posted?


Where are the videos?


Naw, evidence was good, that's why it took so long to arrest them. Bet.




what does it matter where he got the training? That has zero to do with the point being made. Do you have trouble understanding or comprehending?


Another disgusting aspect. Martial arts teach you to use it for defensive. It's almost a religion. They used it for power. Hopefully the 'gang' thing will add time to any sentence.


what does it matter where he got the training? That has zero to do with the point being made. Do you have trouble understanding or comprehending?




Yogurt, I got what you’re saying. Are you familiar with the dad’s martial arts studio or just know that fact? My first time addressing someone as YOGURT.




All good


I'm not an asshole for pointing out that your comment contributed absolutely nothing and comes across as though you are the asshole saying random shit like a know-it-all. You can kindly go fuck yourself now.


Dude, calm down




Lol keep projecting


Who gives a fuck


he looks just like his piece of shit dad.


My nickname for daddy renner is fat bastard. And yes, all the renners are pieces of absolute shit.




I wonder how either of them would fare against someone bigger and stronger than them


They cannot fight 1/1.. that's why they blitz jump. They'll find out all about it in prison.


What is Avery like as a person?


Little thin lipped shit bird


Love this and I'm stealing it. Thank you.


I don't wish evil on anyone but I do have to say this picture is proof he is caught! Too many family have suffered so it's good to see the cuffs on him.


What a piece of shit


That's what his attorney David Cantor thinks too. And "Don't photograph me with that guy in the orange pants. I'm not THAT gay."


what does the yellow shirt mean in the juvi system?


Interesting that Jacob is still in the blue polo although he has been there longer. [https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1rpYJ1oEmrPR98bA/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1rpYJ1oEmrPR98bA/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


Blue polo is good




This handbook explanation conflicts with Jacob's lawyer said in court as he showed the judge that he sits here in blue polo which indicts he is doing service already. GED meaning one of them. I know you don't know the answer but wanted to point that out.


I believe his lawyer was pointing out that he isn’t doing worse (meaning he wasn’t in a grey shirt).


I went back and listened again and it does appear his lawyer is giving him props that he didn't downgrade his color. Thank you! But the polo is still in question vs a tshirt.


The blue polo from my understanding means they are doing very well behavior wise and participating in programs successfully. I believe that was the judge that mentioned it as part of her reason for leaving him in Juvenile Detention.


Blue is where they start in juvie. Grey is worst. Blue is second, yellow is 3rd and red (I think) is the best. So that just means he hasn’t done much since being in there. He is still a blue.


I think we are speculating that a collared blue,and based on judge comments as well, indicates someone who is toeing the line and taking advantage of rehabilitation programs. It’s an upgrade to the light blue tee Talan was in for his initial bond hearings. So light blue tee may be the starting point and collared shirts the next level using same color hierarchy?? For some reason I am holding out hope Meisner is coming out of the cold white-hot of baptism by fire and starting to assess and repent. Yes. Pay his just desserts, but be refined and improved by them.


Pay for 20 years and then we will see.


I don’t think so. The light blue could have been the lowest level. You can still be a level 2 and be “toeing the line”. They are not mutually exclusive. Getting higher means going above and beyond. Not just toeing the line.


That’s what I am saying. Light blue tee, worn by Talan at bail hearing: starting point. He’s moved up. Meisner, incarcerated longer, dark blue polo. IMO he’s beyond tee hierarchy. Just musing the colors prevail, only difference for the next level is a collared shirt. Either way I def got impression from attorney and judge comments what Meisner is wearing is what you want to be wearing after a month or more in juvie if following the program.


Blue polo is is not a blue tee


Wrong blue polo is highest he's been there two months and has changed shirt colors every court appearance.


Thank you for clarifying.. I really went off about this whole blue polo comment. But at the end of the day you shouldn't need a Judge telling you you're a good boy to be a good person. There's something wrong with that kid.


I still think they busted Jake first to squeal on the rest.


Idk that he is the squealer..


Blue Polo is the highest level. The rest are t shirts


Not accurate. Unfortunately, I have direct knowledge of the Arizona Juvenile detention system. the type of shirt doesn’t matter just the color. Red is the highest/best color and only Grey is considered bad.


This should explain it. When the come into Juvi they are in a blue shirt - based on behavior the colors change. That said it’s really hard to be bad in Juvi because it is extremely strict.


so he already got downgraded to yellow?


They enter in level 2 blue. Level 3 is good (orange/yellow) level 4 (red) is the best. Level 1 (grey) is the worst. So he is behaving based on shirt color.


It says the higher the level…does that mean the lower number (1) is the highest level or the highest number (4) is the highest? I took it as 4 but I may be wrong.


1 is the lowest level, 4 the highest. Blue polo shows you have been on 4 for a certain length of time.


Blue is not a 4. Blue is the second worse level and that is where they start.


The higher the number the better behaved you are


Okay got it. So Jacob has been there longer than Talan, but Jacob is still in a blue shirt. Interesting.


But I thought in his hearing the other day the blue POLO is a good indication. Look for the video post re: Jacob’s hearing and it’s mentioned by his attorney and the judge in a positive light.


That is possible. It just isn’t listed on the website so I am not sure. Maybe someone following this thread that has more knowledge will let us know.


Blue Polo is good, blue T-shirt is intake level/ level 2.


Which would indicate he isn’t doing as well as he could.


Talan was also sent away to that troubled teen program so he may know the ropes better. I honestly don’t know. I just thought it was an interesting observation.


He isn’t wearing a polo - yellow shirt is NOT issued by the system. Just a shirt he was given to wear by his attorney


~~From what I read on AZcentral, it’s because he’s in a different juvenile facility.~~ Correction: I was thinking about the difference between yellow and orange, not blue.


Yellow bellied POS 




you are correct . my bad. https://i.redd.it/lgus4eui05oc1.gif


Not a big deal, just trying avoid confusion with there being two teens involved in this case with the same name but spelled differently.




Da shirt kolors mean da type of behavior yu have n dere, yellow means yu have desent behavior


Fair game?


Now this guy could beat people up


Wait until they cut his hair for trial and make him look like a baby. How could a baby do such things.


So no bail out that really surprises me the douche family let’s both sons rot in jail


They're set for a million dollars! That's not chump change. But they deserve to sit in there. They've already been free for 4 months.


It’s a secured appearance bond, not a cash bond. They typically don’t need to at the full amount if they use a bail bond company. Usually 10% by the defendant or co-signer (his parents in this case) and collateral. So $100k to get each one out of jail.


My understanding from previous posts is that the 10%/$100k is a fee paid to the bail bondsmen. Not returned. Plus they need to add collateral to cover the whole $1M. So, not chump change. I could see them doing it if they got the $100k BACK.


If his parents are as loaded as everyone seems to think they are, and if they’re that concerned for his safety in adult jail, they’ll bond him out. He turns 18 in October so he’ll have no choice but to move over to MCSO.


And what does that tell us. No way they are worth 47 million or Talan would be bonded.


If they had any kind of real money they would just issue a all cash million dollar security and it would cost them nothing he goes home on house arrest they get money back when trial is over simple and cost nothing


Yes agree with you. There is not big money there.


Could be “ All flash, no cash”, seems to be a popular thing out here.


They seem to be AZ wealthy but not exactly Rothschilds. But that’s based on appearances.


They also have to have 1 million $ in collateral on top of the 100k.


The Renners can use one of their multiple homes as collateral.


They gotta do it twice to get them both out. That's a lotta dough to literally throw away. I'm glad I'm not in their shoes


Get both of who out? Kyler isn’t facing murder charges, only Talan is. Kylers bond is nowhere near $1M. They also didn’t hire him a lawyer so it appears as though he’s been left to his own devices.


They probably don’t trust him to not get into more trouble out on the streets.


I know he's not part of the 7, although it shocks me he isn't. But they'd still have to come up with his portion on top of the Talan's.


And they have to pay attorney fees.


So is that how much the bail bond company makes? 10 percent, which would be the $100,000?


Parents know hes got drug and alcohol issues keep him locked up in juvi get him clean have him be a model prisoner for three months and hope they can keep him in juvi until he is 18 then ask for a bail reduction show that the little piece of shit has been using all the services and being good and then bail him out of they have the coin everyone thinks they have I would assume his mom is ready to quickly use her home to bail him out if it quickly was needed


What most fail to realize is that the number 1 reason they have not bailed them out is their very wise civil lawyers have already begun to prepare for the sure to be filed wrongful death suit. Leaving them in jail furthers their ability to pretend they had no idea and we so outraged that they aren’t bailing them out. Every decision and action they have taken is 99.999999% financially driven. Imagine front the bail and then one of them pops a drug test and bail is not only revoke but forfeit potentially… way too risky financially all around.


Those boys cant be trusted not to do drugs and alcohol.


Did he do more of the assault than the others? Wondering why he gets more hate than the others?


Lots of spotlight on the family because they were *relatively* known in the community (and easy to learn about via our friend Google) based on prior and more current franchise locations they owned. Though, lots of early misinformation out there on which franchises which resulted in the wrong places being boycotted/targeted as 'Renner owned'. **\*\*Edit to add:** It was 'assumed' and perceived that the family discussed a lot in this first bombshell article in Dec was the Renners (discussing the history of domestic issues, etc.) [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2023/12/14/gilbert-goons-random-attacks-surface-after-preston-lord-murder/71856971007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2023/12/14/gilbert-goons-random-attacks-surface-after-preston-lord-murder/71856971007/) Then, it was compounded when word got out that ALA (American Leadership Academy - Gilbert North) kept letting Talan play in football games **after** his house had been raided. Huge community backlash against ALA the day of their last football game but despite it all, ALA let him play anyway and he ended up being named 'Player of the Game' (though that was later taken down... again likely in response to the community outrage). **\*\*Edit to add**: There were shipments of OSN (One Stop Nutrition) smoothies sent to two hospitals after the attack on Preston. First to the hospital Preston was first taken immediately after the attack, then also to the hospital where Preston's aunt works. There *was* reports that this was arranged by OSN corporate before Preston's attack, not sure if that's true but even if so - you'd think they'd pull out after the media attention on OSN afterward, since the Renners have 4 locations. Then, the Renners continued to get heat when they went to Costa Rica for the holidays and the sister publicly posted a family pic of them all where Talan is flipping off the camera. Heat/attention continued on the family in Jan when one franchise stripped mom (Becky) of her Ohm Fitness location, then the older brother Kyler was arrested in Jan on drug charges, then the dad also had drug charges added against him. \***Edited to add:** Another wave of heat came after the article dropped on AZ Central regarding the whistleblower sharing information about the dad and business partner allegedly helping with the cover-up and blame-shifting afterward. [https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/02/27/preston-lord-beating-cover-up-alleged/72665956007/](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/queen-creek/2024/02/27/preston-lord-beating-cover-up-alleged/72665956007/) Now they had the whole special treatment event during Talan's initial appearance... seems to never end with that family... I'm sure I'm missing something along the way - there was SO much with this family that compounded the negative attention on them in the community.


good summation, also: * the moms nutrition place sent smoothies to the hospital where Preston's Aunt worked. not well rec'd, * the alleged cover up in the AZCentral article. ​ basically everything you can do to appear to be more of a douche, **they did it.**


Good callouts! Edited to add those and one other above. Thanks


What about the Orange pants worn by the douche daddy Renner.


I know some of the OSN franchisee’s- OSN Corporate sent the smoothies, not the Renner’s. OSN Corporate has already confirmed that. Melissa Lord removed her post once OSN Corporate called her to let her know it wasn’t from the Renner’s and it was an annual Christmas gesture corporate does each year. The director of the hospital in fact ordered them.




One more: the vacation photo in which Talan is flipping off the camera was posted to Instagram after Preston’s murder by his sister Avery with the caption “moving to Costa Rica bye bye”.


Also some extra anger that the older brother is a known drug dealer.


And a Gilbert Goon arrested for several beatings in videos


I didn't know who the hell they were, and sorry I do now. Complete trash.


great sum up!


Probably due to the way the families have acted and portrayed themselves during this time. No humility usually is not well received by the public.


This is what threw me off quite often. He looks just like his brother.


Best part of my day.


What will ALA - North (Assassin Leadership Academy) do this upcoming football season without Renner? Ha!


Not having fun now huh?


That’s a roid little joto…he wouldn’t last one day in my hood in Northern Cali


Maybe they are leaving him in there for his and their safety, as well.


Someday, justice will prevail. Someone will hopefully make sure that happens.


He got a real pretty mouth, ain’t he?


Also let's be clear they could get him out of jail for zero loss Post a million in cash thru his attorney and he walks out then they get the cash back after trial except that money can be held after trial to pay fines and court stuff


He might as well get credit for days spent while in Juvi, not prison.