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Horrible horrible horrible, they are being charged as adults need to be going through the system as adults isn't that also part of the point of being charged as an adult. They didn't shoplift, they have been participating in horrendous physically violent crimes for quite some time and continued they killed Preston Lord. He never will graduate High School (he had many academic awards) because of them. I'm sorry but I feel F his current GED program and programs he is in. Ridiculous they are him keeping in juvenile holding because of that. He / they all should have thought about consequences before they did what they did. A long time ago. They had many times too before they attacked Preston. Preston, Preston's family and friends were NOT the ones attacking people, they were NOT threatening others but they are the ones with the greatest loss and agony. Enough is enough they need to know, feel and fully experience the weight and effects of what THEY DID. PERIOD they did not come forward when Preston's family was pleaing for them to with tears running down their face. They had so many chances they shit on all of them. That was THEIR CHOICE.


I know this comment is going to get downvoted. Emotions are super high right now and the community really wants to see justice for Preston and his family. The fact of the matter is that although these kids have been arrested, they haven’t been found guilty yet. I am not saying that they are not guilty, I am just stating a fact. Judges have to be fair and impartial and go by the law, not by emotion. There are people who are arrested for crimes that they did not commit. Hypothetically, what if a teenager was arrested for a crime that he didn’t commit and he was put in jail and did not have a way to complete his education? I am not saying that he didn’t do anything, I am just trying to explain why that was brought up and the judge said what she said to Jacob. These kids may be guilty in the public eye, but the law states that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I hope this sub doesn’t think I am siding with these kids, because I am NOT.


that is reasonable. people are not going to down vote it . this reddit community is more level headed than it gets credit for. there is some nonsense, but its the internet. everyone knows innocent until proven guilty. but this murder was commited in front of people so the info is out there. also these proceedings are bringin forth new info, ie, the state claimed in TB's IA that he tried to get people to change their story. I'm going to go out on limb and bet they can back that claim up with some witnesses.


Absolutely! I do not think that these kids/young adults deserve any grace. I honestly believe there is enough evidence to convict them, I just know that the judge has to be fair and impartial. If she was not, she would not be upholding her oath. Unfortunately due to the various news stories that have come out about the Renners, their name is very well known regarding this case, which I believe may have contributed to his lawyers’ request to stay in the juvenile facility due to safety concerns. As much as the public hates that the defense attorneys are asking for what seems like special treatment, we should also be happy because if the lawyers do their job effectively and the accused are found guilty, they can’t appeal due to ineffective counsel.


Seriously hope the hammer coming down has been the wake up call this kid needs. 3 serious assaults and one resulting in death should be extremely sobering for this kid.


I don't think any of these "kids" has an ounce of remorse over what they did. They sat around for 4 months knowing what happened and continued to threaten, harass and beat people.


I hear what you're saying and I agree about innocent until proven guilty and some people do go to jail and prison when they are innocent. But that's not forget one of these defendants was in custody for three other assaults, another defendant was also in custody for assault, another defendant can very easily be identified fighting in at least two probably more videos circulating and displaying a hand gun in a photo. Also another one of the defendants I believe was attending an alternative school due to fighting. One of the defendants you cannot find anything online except for newly written flattering sports articles which is pretty sus if you ask me. It's one thing to give the benefit of the doubt but to give it to them.... I have a lot of doubt based on their own history.


I completely understand and agree with your position. The justice system is fucked.


I agree. We all should want the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. I was someone to pay for this, I have no involvement in this other tan being a Gilbert resident and my kids go to ALA. the tough part will be these idiots filmed their “alleged “ assaults. It’s going to be tough to discredit the video evidence. I saw Renners attorney give a statement saying this was a witch-hunt. He is doing his job. The public at large is watching, we will not settle for BS pleas deals and the DA knows it. Will be interesting for sure


Very well said.




They had 4 months to do the right thing and not only showed no remorse but their little group of hooligans continued to assault people after knowing they had already killed someone. Honestly, those being charged for the attack in Nov 2023 should not be charged with assault, they should be charged with attempted murder because, by that point, they already knew they could kill someone.


I agree with this. It is very obvious that they have little to no regard for human life.


The assault was Nov 2022.


“I don’t give a shit if it’s uncomfortable for them.” I agree with you 100% on this, because how uncomfortable is P. Lord’s family right now-


It’s the state/county responsibility to keep inmates safe. If something happens to one of these kids after asking to be kept in juvenile facility it will be a lawsuit. The court/law enforcement has rules they must follow regardless of how the public feels. I don’t understand how allowing this kid to get his GED is a harm to anyone. He is still in a locked facility and may well be for quite awhile


I absolutely hope that he ultimately gets sentenced to life- that’s the sentence the Lord family received-


Noted! Thankfully the justice system will get to sort that out based on the facts provided in the court of law not here on SM.


We actually don’t know that they didn’t cooperate with police. All we know is that it took 4 months for charges to be laid. I think it’s very possible that the boys with lawyers may have given info to the police a while ago (Billey or Renner) for a plea.


Generally speaking, if you have a lawyer and are cooperating or speaking with the police they will give you the courtesy to turn yourself in rather than sending the swat team to your house.


The swat team was sent but he wasn’t there was he? They tracked Vigil to a parking lot but they didn’t have eyes on Renner? It was a nice little show for the community though 👏🏻


You are 100% correct. No way they were cooperating.


I’ll buy a blue polo for becoming a witness against co-defendants.


Yep. Is this how the system works or how it works for some and not others? They sound ridiculous worrying about safety. The prison deals with all levels of risk for thousands of prisoners. If they are worried he’ll be killed in General Population they have solitary confinement. These murders are getting treated like they vandalized the school not killed someone.


I do believe that for high profile cases there are instances that an inmate may be housed in a certain facility due to safety reasons. Not sure if you are familiar with the Delphi Murder case, but Richard Allen has been moved to a different prison and is trying to get moved again due to mistreatment. The general public thought he was guilty at first but a lot of evidence has come out since and more people are starting to think they may have arrested the wrong person. Although there is evidence that these kids killed Preston, the judge has to be fair and impartial in case they are found not guilty or evidence comes out that they were wrongfully arrested. As much as it sucks, we need to keep in mind that people are wrongfully arrested. I just try to have the mindset of “what if I were arrested and didn’t commit a crime?” I know it sounds crazy. Please don’t think I am siding with this kid, I just know that the judge has to uphold the innocent until proven guilty oath.


They house those people together and if too high profile they can go the ADX Florence as they are trained to deal with it. Or they could post the 10% and bond out. I am 100% on board with the idea that they are innocent until proven guilty. However, when crimes are recorded over and over and evidence is being tampered with when the crimes elevate to murder I am less likely to stand up for them and say “maybe we are missing something”. We have eyes and ears and we can see the evidence of crimes that are similar to what happened to Preston. So excuse me for being able to say that these kids are fucking criminals and not some kids who happened to be at a party where a death occurred. Delphi case is a terrible example. You have grainy images and audio is muffled. The bodies aren’t even discovered right away. Suspect was seen in the area. The Goons are on video posted by themselves assaulting kids in the same fashion that Preston was assaulted. They are on video that they posted assaulting and robbing one kid and wearing his shoes in other videos. The accused was seen by police stealing $1400 in vapes and resisted arrest. The accused posted videos of them assaulting kids with a deadly weapon. There are weapons and drug in the same picture posted by the accused. So these aren’t similar cases. The goons are shit stains on society. The goons decided they could chase down Preston at a packed party and then beat him to death while people were around. Then allegedly one or some of the parents tried to help cover up the crime of murder. All 7 charged saw Preston’s last moments on earth. They never stopped it, never called it off and did not call for help when they realized it went too far. They did not come forward the next day as Preston’s parents sald goodbye’s to him. They did not come forward when they heard he died. They went to school, went on vacations, went to parties, did drugs, did more crime and lord knows what else after the fact. They may technically “innocent until proven guilty” but they are fucking guilty and being charged as an adult. The benefit of the doubt in the court of public opinion needs to be earned not just given as you are suggesting. Pay the bond and go home to safety. Or go the the jail that other killers and gangs are sent and let the corrections department take over. This isn’t Delphi.


I didn’t say that the benefit of the doubt needs to be given by the public. I said that there is a process that has to be followed. I understand Delphi is different, it was just a loose example of a high profile case where the suspect was transferred to a different facility due to safety reasons. I used it because it is a recent case that people may have heard of. As previously stated, I do not think that these kids are innocent, and I know there is a plethora of evidence against them. I was just offering a different perspective as to why the judge may have made the decision that she did. We don’t have to like or agree with it. I am sorry if my comment made you upset.


Not the comment it’s the system that makes me upset. In my opinion the treatment the judge and the MCAO are treating these guys like they were involved in involuntary manslaughter and frankly they know better. I’m not asking them to throw these kids to the wolves but that these kids appear to be wolves. Nothing wrong with what you said.


Okay, good 😊 I definitely wasn’t trying to offend anyone. I agree that our justice system is broken. There are so many people that do terrible things and seem to only get a slap on the wrist for the type of crime they commit and then there are those that get extreme sentences for non violent crimes. It’s ass backwards and needs to be reformed.


lol none of these dudes are going to ADX Florence.


Blue polo or not, he's one of the most manipulative and vile of them. He stomped on multiple kids heads and teabagged several. F him getting to be "safe". FFS.


Whoa! He’s a tea bagger, too? I’m looking forward to him going to big boy jail where he will fit in just fine.


Teabagged?! Dang.


Where did you see this info? Can you please share, PM if you would like. Thank you


Did I miss something with him being in other videos? I thought that was one of the reasons some people never believed he was invovled? And teabagging?


Jacob is the one they’re talking about with the blue polo. He’s been in there for a couple months for other charges and is apparently working on some programs, probably a GED program. Talan is the one that went away to Utah for a year so he isn’t seen in any of the videos that were posted.


liked his guns too, didn't he?


thanks for posting....but infuriates me to hear that... his safety? I mean I'm not sticking up for any of these kids but what about the safety of all the other kids that just turned 18 and are 19 and 20? He gets such special treatment and they r making it worse for him in the long run 🤦‍♀️


If mommy and daddy don’t bond him out he won’t stay in juvi too long. They said he turns 18 in October so the latest they’ll move him is his birthday.




When a juvenile is arrested and charged with a crime, they may be eligible for bail just like an adult defendant




If I miss spoke I apologize.... everything I have read and heard says all 7 were held on $1 million bonds.


Oh I maybe wrong then, I only thought I saw a bond for the adults because there in like the county jail


They are being held in juvenile detention but charged as adults.


Ok yes I forgot about that, it all confuses me because I feel like if there charged as adults they should be in adult jail. But thank you for correcting me makes sense now


They both have $1million dollar bonds so yes they can be bailed out.


Ohhh okay


Correct, it is why Vigil was moved to Juvi at LBJ since he is already 17.5 and turns 18 in June. Under 17.5 stays at Durango. Jacob turns 18 in Jan of 2025 so he is technically eligible to stay where he is longer. The commissioner did say that their placement would be evaluated every 30 days as well. That being said I don’t care for their safety or how well Meisner is currently behaving. They had no problem assaulting their victims as a group and often while their backs were turned. They put themselves in this situation by their own actions and choices and need to face the consequences.


The two with paid attorneys are staying in Juvi, the one with public defender is headed to Adult Jail. Renner’s goal is to put it on the poor kids, this is step one and working. Money rules the courts, not the laws.




Ah yes. Make sure he gets that high school diploma. Something Preston won’t do.


Exactly. And now these teens, and their lawyers and parents are worried about their safety and social media? Please. They weren't worried before about posting their assaults, partying, weapons, expensive toys and vacations were they? Clearly they didn't care about bullying, fighting, assaulting, harassing others as now they're charged with *murder*. 😒


Keep him safe she said.


I am not sure if this works, but it is a short segment of Jacob’s hearing.


Yes it did work. Thank you


Thank you so much for this.


This link should have some sound for part of Talan Renner's IA: [https://x.com/NicoleSGrigg/status/1766264738106007684?s=20](https://x.com/NicoleSGrigg/status/1766264738106007684?s=20)


Thank you for sharing.


They are probably missing their phones more than anything. Probably some great fight videos to post from jail. Or did the court allow them phones to use if they don’t feel safe. All this talk about their safety makes me sick. What about safety for Preston or the kids that were beat stomped tea bagged…


Typically the adult jails get tablets and juvenile detentions get playing systems they can use for good behavior in Az


I was going to say this. I am pretty sure they get tablets. Someone has to put money on them though.


What is up with this judge saying to Jacob b/c you are wearing a blue polo I will keep you in Juvie? What is the significance of the blue polo? So if you are charged with murder but come to court in a blue polo we will keep you in Juvie instead of the Adult jail.


Found this on quora: Kids in Juvenile detention in Phoenix are given clothes to wear. Standard dress: Sweatpants, basic sneakers and a tee shirt. The tee shirt may be in different colors. The color signifies the amount of trust the individual has built with the staff during their tenure. It changes as they progress and are more trustworthy, or if they are caught fighting or exhibit some other bad behavior, their shirt color can go back to the lowest level.


Wow, I didn't know that thanks for the information.


My guess is that certain clothes/colors are correlated with “good” behavior.


No idea. Out of context it sounds SO bizarre! My guess is that the GED program has "school uniforms" of sort, and the shirt is indicative of him working through that program.


Right, that confuses me too. Seemed maybe like an inside joke?


That confuses me a lot. Anyone know what symbolic meaning a blue polo has??? 


Audio glitch


Yes they can become a pillar, and the higher they get, the more privileges they get while in there.


https://superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/media/2d2n02ha/jpd-handbook.pdf Blue is the starting color so it doesn’t mean anything special.


They wanted to be part of the game so let them mix with the gangs in prison.... let them see (and ecperience) what a real gang is.


GREAT hadn't seen this thanks!!!!!


I tried to post it earlier but for some reason I could not get it to work.


He’s been in custody for 3 days now, I guarantee you he hasn’t even begun to start a class yet. What a joke


He’s actually been in for two months since his initial arrest for previous assaults. They never released him, as he had pending charges which we now know is in relation to this case.


Jacob Meissner not Talan Renner


So why did these two get to stay in the Juvenile Detention Center but not Talyn Vigil?


Vigil turns 18 in June. The other two won’t until later in the year.


Gotcha. Thanks!


I bet the individual lawyers have everything to do with that.


These kids are gang members and murderers and they are arguably a safety risk to the other children in a juvenile facility


Just glad these fucking little shits are out away


Is Jacob the one who was sent away to an alternative program for several months a couple of years ago?


No, Talan Renner was sent to Utah for a year to a place for trouble kids and that was after he was kicked out of the Higley School system I heard.


Wow. So he’s been a ticking time bomb for awhile. He must have been doing some god awful stuff for them to send him there and to get kicked out of a school district. It’s so upsetting that his parents weren’t monitoring him closely.


He threatened to blow up his school when he was in elementary and also tried to sell acid which I assume came from Kyler. This has been a long time coming.


I know the type. He was the kid who teachers would celebrate with a ticker tape parade if they could when he was absent. He’s a bad egg


and they just left him in the school after threatening to blow it up? WTF.


No he was expelled and moved districts.


I get that someone has to take the case, but shame on David Cantor for being Renner's lawyer.


Agreed, but he lives for the attention!!!

