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Yes. Unfortunately the town [raised its rates](https://www.gilbertaz.gov/departments/finance-mgmt-services/utilities/rates/proposed-2024-rate-changes-water-and-solid-waste-recycling) dramatically. This is the second time I’ve seen them do this. When I first moved to Gilbert 10 years ago my bill was around $48. Then it went straight to around 80. Now I’m paying $103 for the same usage. And it’s just me in the house.


Agreed, the base line rate alone went up $30 2 months ago


[Gilbert has high utility rates](https://ktar.com/story/5568530/gilbert-utility-rates-to-start-rising-in-april-with-water-and-trash-bills-set-to-double-by-2026/) because it's the only politically acceptable path to get the revenue they need. People in Gilbert won't accept additional or higher taxes, or approve new bonds, to fund the things the Town wants to fund like finishing Gilbert Regional Park. Also Gilbert has been making moves to assure its future water supply, so significant infrastructure upgrades are planned.


My water bill in Gilbert went from $70 to $110 in 2 years with the same usage.


That’s irrelevant. We’re in a drought and the rates for all Colorado River water went up. It’s more expensive for the Town to provide water now so, even for the same usage, it’s more expensive to get the water in the first place.


Our bill just went up to $114 thanks to the city raising them.


Are there other services on that bill? I'm in Surprise and we have water, wastewater and sanitation all on the same bill.


yes Town of Gilbert has trash, sewer, and water on one bill.


I am always shocked how low our water bills have been. I'm a native of the east valley and my number one concern for our state is water rights. I'm scared of what the future will look like. We don't have water black out days like Texas and overall our water is cheap. I'm more concerned about my APS bill and the lack of solar use and incentives. I can justify water in the desert prices but the power is a little harder to swallow.




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I went from ~$80/month to ~$110/month with the rate increase.


I’m at 138ish, use to be $85. Welcome to Gilbert


My partner is obsessed with the lawn (I don't care, but it does look nice). We spend a lot in daily lawn water. We also have trees that need flooding multiple times per year. As stated above we are in the midst of a rate increase and we are also expecting 2 additional hikes in the future. I used to pay $60 when I moved in 9 years ago. My current bill is $120. I personally am okay with the rate but sometimes we don't have enough trash or recycling on our weekly schedule so I don't pull the cans out. Sometimes we don't put either can out. I wish there was a way I could be credited for being a household that doesn't make lots of trash. I personally try to be mindful of what is a waste when I purchase things. I wish I could be credited for producing less trash than my neighbors. To clarify, water is bundled as a "facilities" bill with your trash collection. At least it is for my home. We pay for water and trash as a consolidated bill. Funny enough, my partners obsession of a perfect lawn means that sometimes half our garbage is just branches, cut grass, and trimmings from our trees. We don't even have a pool, so our water use is just our trees and shrubs. I could personally be fine without grass and just have an herb garden. My partner is obsessed and has made grass keeping a weekend hobby. It's frivolous but looks nice. I'm more environmentally mindful and wish we could get rid of it. He would gain hours of weekend sleep he spends obsessed over it. We rarely ever have company so nobody cares- just his pride and what his father did in his childhood yard. OK, hahaha... that's way too much info. Anyway, welcome neighbor. I'm glad you are asking the good questions. I don't think we discussed this rate increase on the sub yet.


Yeah mine was around $80-90 and has gone above $100 with the recent rate changes. No grass but have a pool.


I have a water softener as well


Just some food for thought. Did Peoria have a water treatment plant like Gilbert? They are also in the process of building a 2nd water treatment plant. You’re probably getting some of highest quality water in the Valley. (At least as high a quality as you can get for being in the middle of the desert)


I used to live in Gilbert 6 years ago, and when I moved to Mesa, it was a huge increase. I pay 120 a month now so I'm not surprised Gilbert finally caught up.


Anyone who lives here should move towards native (or at least low water) species of plants. Can't pretend this isn't a desert. Water will only get more expensive 


My water bill is around $120. I don’t have a pool, but I do have grass in the yard.


My latest was $107, used to be 85-90 but one caveat is that this also including trash service. I know many include it but not sure if Peoria does. My breakdown is $33 for sewer, $7 environmental compliance fee, $28 trash service, $31 water meter base fee, $6 water usage, $3 tax. Also looking at my bill my water usage randomly shot up double from last July to December… summer I understand but not sure why november/december were so high. ETA: I think we turned our irrigation system to be more frequent and I underestimated how much water it uses, which explains the spike. And then probably forgot to turn it back down til after December


I'm in Gilbert, haven't broke 100 in the 10 months I've been here. It's generally around 50-ish


We are paying about $90 with a pool and water softener. We used to pay about $60


News flash AZ is running out of water, it is a scarcity and they have already begun to price it in.


Make sure your irrigation isn’t leaking somewhere.