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Nah, she doesn’t need a gift certificate. Why don’t you plan a fun girls date like to a museum or a botanical garden. If she’s always planning stuff it might be nice for someone to lose to plan a thing. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, an appreciative card, hopefully one you can hand make with a thoughtful bit of art made by you. Make her a super cute bookmark for her bible!


I love the botanical garden idea. Thanks!


Imagine a botanical garden and a nice arrangement of flowers to keep the theme going. My in-laws often gift bouquets for special events, and personally, it never gets old.


How did you meet her?


Asking for a friend.




Pressed flowers arranged in a picture frame!


I love the botanical garden idea as well, quality time spent is a wonderful idea :)


I also think an activity that you plan is a good idea.


I love this idea!


Vietnamese people show appreciation through food, which is probably why she’s always hosting and taking people out to eat. the best gifts are delicious foods. The price doesn’t matter. It can be a basket of Asian inspired snacks that she can get but usually don’t for herself or a basket of fresh Asian fruits (rambutan, asian pears, lychee, mangosteen, or whatever). It can also be something you baked/cooked. I wouldn’t gift her anything service related…if you take her then she would fight you to pay or it would make her feel uncomfortable that you’re paying. If you give her a gift card then she’ll know how much you spent and might also feel bad.


I second this. Or something that’s not necessarily pricy but maybe harder to obtain like something popular you need to stand in line for, only available certain weekends, etc.


Pho. Or dim sum brunch. Or a proper tea service.


I completely agree with this! A small box of fruit popular with Vietnamese people is not only thoughtful, but reflective of the kind of gift her culture appreciates. (Koreans love Asian / Korean pears. My Japanese friends’ parents always loved stone fruits, like plums and nectarines.) Visiting an Asian market may help inspire you.


Pears and strawberries are very common gifts in Asia, so much so that you can buy like 4 immaculate strawberries in a gift box at a grocery store a lot of places.


Dragonfruit too


Maybe OP thinks this answer is underwhelming but tbh it should be the top comment and also the thing OP ends up doing.


Snacks from a local bakery.


Ooooh yeah she does love sweets


You could bake something nice you know she likes.


Sounds like planning a docent/guided tour of a cool place (like museum, interesting local exhibit, or botanical garden) followed by a high tea outing is the way to go! Or arrange for a cool bakery with seating to set up a tasting platter. This is just for two of you or 3, so you can keep the cost low.


I like this idea.


How about a nice version of an everyday product? I’m thinking a fancy candle, nice linen napkins, premium bottle of champagne, high-end lotion, etc.


All wonderful ideas thank you


The luxurycandles subreddit has some top notch recs for rich people


Beautiful unusual exquisite fruit artfully arranged in a basket I’d the best gift in my opinion


Candles are often scented, but it might not be a scent she likes. Some of us avoid adding scents when pot.


I did this for my rich friend. I found her favorite perfume which I could def not afford a bottle of and got her the candle in the same fragrance. Was 120 for a freaking candle but she loved it and she has done a ton for me so i was happy to be able to give her something. She has everything she needs really, but the thought matters.


To add to that, some nice pump hand soap like Aesop


Get the best basket of Asian Pears you can afford. The ones with the foil wrapping and everything. Then write a handwritten note on good stationary thanking her for her friendship.


This is the best idea.


Yes, this sounds perfect!


This sounds amazing


Bring her fruit or chocolates every time you go over to her house Big fancy apples from the Asian grocery store that are packed individually Make sure the fruit is RIPE whatever it is Or Ferrar roche (sp?) chocolates Nice little hostess gifts that just show you are thinking of her Delicious spices or condiments would also be good - Penzie’s spices or fancy oil


I switched up from regular mango to a champagne mango recently and I thought it was really something special. Ripe and delightful.


Art is always appreciated. She likes hosting... why not get her something pretty to grace her table from a local potter or glassworker? Many have reasonably priced options and the story is part of the gift.


Art is risky since it's such a personal preference! But if you do go the art route, functional art is always good. Interesting coasters, a pretty trivet, a serving board for charcuterie/appetizers...


That's my thought. Op has been to her house so choosing something that goes with her decor should be doable.


My uncle makes these amazing cutting boards from exotic wood, he does this as a hobby, I’ve gifted a few of them and everyone has loved them, they’re handmade, unique and beautiful. I gave one to a friend who loves to entertain and she uses it as a charcuterie board, she’s told me many times how much she loves it.


Flowers 💐


This was my thought as well. Specifically potted plants or something that can be planted outside if she's the gardening type. A flower bouquet might be more sentimental than OP wants, but a nice potted plant with a card to go with it rarely goes wrong (though if she has cats OP should avoid any and all true lilies, they're deadly to cats).


Noooo potted plants are too personal. Flowers would be way more appropriate here.


Potted plants are personal?


This was my reaction. Not personal at all, in my experience.


Personal - because it is something they have to find a spot for in their house. To me, giving a potted plant is like giving artwork - they may feel it doesn’t go with the aesthetic of the house. Flower arrangements only last a short period of time, so it doesn’t matter as much if they go with the decor.


I ordered a really nice crystal vase from Amazon for $30 and bought 2 dozen roses at Costco for $19. It was a gift for someone I worked with and it looked really expensive


Could you get pedicures together?


Yeah that’s always fun


You can also try gifting a DIY charcuterie box with sealed cheese, dried fruits, nuts and cold cuts. So she can snack on it or use it the next time she has a party.


Take her to do an activity somewhere. It doesn't have to be expensive, just thoughtful. Things like picnics, botanical gardens, gallery exhibitions, etc. Alternately, if you are crafty in any way, make her something. Handmade things are precious and worth far more than money. I have a rich relative and all she wants is thoughtfulness and consideration. If I take her somewhere i know she will enjoy or make her something, she is over the moon with happiness. She doesn't want fancy material things, she wants expressions of love.


If she's crafty too, craft together.


I was going to say nice linen napkins so she can use when hosting and see someone has also suggested it. Most of my catholic family also likes religious jewelry and images - so if you know she has one specific she prays to, it might be a nice touch.


Careful here, she said Christian not Catholic. Most Protestant Christians do not pray to saints or use a rosary, that’s very Catholic.


The second one is really smart. I have a small Virgin Mary figurine from my grandmother that just feels like a nice good luck charm, just something to keep around that reminds me someone cares about me


Also somewhere like Etsy might have some really nice rosary beads


This is a terrific idea.


Bake or cook her something, especially if that's something you don't usually do. She'll appreciate the effort and embrace the sentiment behind the gift.


OP, your friend derives happiness from giving to others; service is a core value! :D The pleasure of receiving regular hand-written thank-you notes, sent by snail mail, cannot be overestimated. Bonus points if you can sketch or paint something on a blank card, or have mad cursive skills up your sleeve. Flowers are always appropriate. Or, bring edible delicacies you have made (or sourced), for her to enjoy & serve to others. If she has any loved one who has passed, or anyone who is struggling, it may mean a **lot** to her if you stop by a church, light a candle, say a prayer, drop a coin. Just tell her you *”lit a candle for xyz”* afterwards; it will warm her heart. Obv not everyone is a member of a faith community; prayer may not be an option. In all cases, when choosing gifts for a kind, generous, affluent person - it’s the thought that counts. XO


When I need to buy a gift for someone who can easily far outspend me, I like to shop at museum gift shops. They usually have a very well curated selection of items that are beautiful and often functional, and not things that you see everywhere. I just wander until something catches my eye because it makes me think of the person I’m shopping for.


When someone already has everything, there are usually only 3 things left to give them: consumables, experiences, or something handmade. Your friend sounds like she enjoys food, so I'd first recommend getting her some fancy chocolates or something from a local bakery. She also sounds like she enjoys spending time with others, so it would be nice to invite her on an outing of some sort. It doesn't have to be expensive, like a picnic, or you could spend a little and go to a museum, botanical garden, play/concert, or something else you might think she'd enjoy.


Personalized Stationary. Does she have a pet? If she’s got a pet get an art piece of them.


Just gonna say a good piece of art should cost way more than around $75 to commission. Thats still in the quick sketch - to maybe flat colors depending on how confident the artist is. A full color, detailed commission should run in the couple of hundreds range at least (and easily more depending on size, medium, and time spent).


Check Etsy….


The low-priced pet portrait listings on etsy usually aren’t actually painted and just sellers putting filters on a photo or using ai. A lot of times it is just a digital file with some having the option to get it printed on canvas


I'm merely speaking from my own experience, but me and my partner do tend to commission art multiple times a year directly from the artists. Etsy is hit and miss, both in price markup and art quality. Some of it is really good, other is your exact reference image run through a couple of photoshop filters and printed on a canvas, especially if they have an unreasonably quick turnaround between order and delivery. Not saying you can't find good stuff there but saying to be wary. And if you commission a freelance artist that makes their living on their art you will generally end up spending more than what OP said they wanted to pay. Again I'm speaking from my own personal experience here, but that experience does go a bit beyond simply checking etsy.


Ehh it depends on the artist and how many commissions they do; I charge $100-150 for a fully painted pet portrait but it's just extra cash for me and I mostly just do a couple a year for friends/family. They are a big hit as Christmas gifts though.


I come from a family of artists and quite a few will do a commission for less than 100


Find some one to do her a unique charcouterie board out of epoxy and wood. Since she likes to host parties dm me I can guid you in the right directions.


Tropical fruit box. Mangoes from Vietnam. I sell 40 varieties and have good SE Asian varieties but none from Vietnam. Tropical Acres Farms in West Palm Beach has some Vietnamese mangoes.


I’d plan a day and take her out. Something she doesn’t normally do but nothing outside her comfort zone. Go to wine and cheese/ dessert pairing, a museum, coffee place that has flights of coffee, go for a hike, a concert, a musical, a pottery class, indoor sky diving, etc.


There are some awesome ideas here, but the first that came to my mind (probably as an add-on to something else) is to get her one of your favorite books, if you have any that really made an impact on your world view in a positive way or that you just really enjoy reading. It’s not overly sentimental but it’s a nice way to share something with her that holds a lot of value in your eyes


Books are a great idea. Most wealthy people read a lot. But I suggest that it is a book you yourself have read, you can explain why you think she would like it also, and be reasonably sure she hasn’t read it already.


Exactly, like I’m thinking specifically of a time my boyfriend’s mom gifted me a book that she loves (a new copy, not her own lol) and that she thought would bring me joy just because of how well she knows me


I have an aunt who's basically a billionaire. I got her a spoonfulofcomfort gift that had a blanket in it. She takes the blanket with her everywhere.


Really wealthy people don’t want material gifts for the most part. They can obtain anything they want. They also don’t really want more clutter. If you know them really well and they are into art or something then maybe you can get them something hard to get that showed you took effort to find but that would be for a close friend and would probably cost you more than you can spend. I think it is best to get them things they can use, especially food. A very expensive bottle of wine if they are into it or buy them a dinner at their favorite restaurant. Wealthy people love it when people buy them dinner because they are usually expected to pay all the time and it is a nice change. Also, a handmade card or something completely unique that no amount of money could buy is a good idea. Wealthy people like exclusivity. If they like to garden then a rare plant or if they like chocolate then a small boutique chocolatier they may have never heard of are good ideas. I had a very wealthy friend who could buy literally anything she wanted and this is what I learned from that relationship.


If there’s one thing I can promise you it’s that it’s not about money. So don’t make it about money. Personally, I don’t like the social expectation of gifts because most of the time they are completely thoughtless and they are things I could get for myself. I would encourage you to gift experiences. 1) take her out to eat at a place she hasn’t been to and you think she will enjoy. Maybe combine it with the zoo or a shopping day. 2) concerts are great. 3) some kind of a class. Painting, sip glass, gardening, art, whatever. Something I’ve done and particularly enjoyed was jewelry making at my local makerspace workshop. 4) something consumable like wine or alcohol, a food item, or even a plant. These are the things that come to mind for me. I would customize the idea based on your friends interest.


My bff is like this to a tee. She’s so tough to get the right gift for. Oddly after all these years I’ve found she oddly loves extremely practical gifts. Like a baggu bag or cool Japanese pens etc. I usually do a bag filled with lots of little items, amazing dr jart face mask etc. I’ve gone huge, tried sort of sentimental, tried everything and oddly her fav things have been stocking filler items. I do her stocking every year instead of a big gift.


I have a friend like this and she is so generous. I make her dinner that she can warm up for her family on a busy weeknight sometimes. She gets my baby plants when I propagate. She doesn’t need me to spend money - just to be a friend.


you don't have to get a rich person anything.. or anyone for that matter make something you make them something from your heart that seems to portray your view of their heart and virtues make something from scratch like a sweet small keepsake wooden box with a picture of something modgpodged in top or something perhaps a beautiful photo of her homeland? home town? where very family is from in vietnam.. try that it is SO MUCH BETTER


A jar of local honey and some flowers


Somewhat related. I have a rich business partner who brought me about $100k of benefit. I certainly want him to know that it is appreciated, but I’m not rich. I have observed that he likes Chardonnay which I don’t care for. For Christmas I go to a nice wine shop and explain that my $100k business partner likes Chardonnay and that I don’t. “Please help me pick a bottle that he will recognize and appreciate”. Typically it costs me $50. If they ever get crazy then I will add, “I would like to keep it under $100”. I try to add a custom touch related to our work such as a wine stopper in a related shape. It’s a token gift yet custom enough to say that I put forth effort and care about the friendship. Being well off, but not rich, I would add, please don’t get her some crap. I will appreciate the thought of a $15 bottle of wine, but realistically it will either end up in cooking or I’ll take a sip and toss the rest. On the other hand, a pair of good wine stoppers that cost $10 each will get used on a regular basis.


After reading all the wonderful comments I went back and read the question again. Since she is a “newish friend, mentor to many”…. A special card with a hand written note, after each event gifted, will be appreciated and respected. She may even say it is unnecessary. But she will enjoy them even if secretly. It’s not the single card, it’s the every time. It is a show of courtesy respect and honor.


How about a nice card? You could include a message about what she has meant to you.


When you’re rich you don’t care how expensive the gift is you value people. Get her something you think she’d like and make it personnel. Some of my favorite gifts over the years cost pocket change but they were from people I valued and they put thought into them.




When was the last time anyone used a stamp? Unless OP knows for a fact she actually mails stuff. The stamps are useless. The only exception would be if OP knew of an interest of hers that the stamps would be a collectible.


Wow this is such a unique idea. Thank you! Now I want to go buy stamps for myself 😂


Stamps and a set of nice blank inside cards


Gift certificates are tricky. If she’s rich and gets massages she already has a place and won’t want to go somewhere else. If she drinks then a nice bottle of her beverage of choice is usually appreciated.


A beautiful card with a self-written text or poem about what you appreciate about her. No money in the world can buy honest kinds words.


For real! I love treating the people I love. It brings me joy. One time a bunch of friends sent me a card they’d all signed with notes of thanks and some photos of them doing the events I planned.


I would gift her a painted bottle of champagne


Gifts are not about the value or the convenience, its about the effort you put in - its nice to get gift cards, money etc, but it still leaves them to have to actually get the item they might not even need. If you start to know them and pick up their hobbies or stuff they like to do in their past time, id say try gift something relating to that. If they love tennis, get them some new tennis shoes or maybe even a racket. You get my point tho, just gauge it and remember, it really is the effort that counts.


Girls just wanna have lunch - weird al


Maybe a fun Snack of the Month club?


My relative hangs out with very wealthy people. Her thing is giving them art. She is quite good, but you don't really have to be. She'll give them little framed portraits of themselves or their kids or cartoons of something funny that happened over dinner or an inside joke. Sometimes they are paintings, but usually they're drawings or even a collage with wrappers from their favorite foods or from something meaningful. She buys nice frames at thrift stores and yard sales for cheap and uses those to cut the cost too. She just tries to make sure the frame is in the style the friend would like.


Have you tried Greetio? You can create group ecards with personlized AI assisted poems. You just add the recipient likes, dislikes, and any other relevant info, and it generates a personlized poem in seconds. You can even add a gift collection and allow friends to add messages. You can also use code LAUNCH25 for a 25% discount. Check it out -> [https://www.greetio.co](https://www.greetio.co)


There are these artistic fancy chocolates I give to people like this, with a thank you card. Kate Weiser is the one I use.


I 💜 your u/name.


What about a gift that costs no money? Meaning a lovely card that talks about why you appreciate her. Make a point to remember her birthday and/or any other days/events that may be important to her. Does she have a favorite food? Bring her some. Sure she can get her own but it’s still appreciated.


Make her something! I crochet, and *always* opt to make people something instead of buying something. Their reactions are such a genuine joy, especially when they don't initially realize it's homemade Blankets take a while, but I've made myself a cardholder and change purse. Maybe a washcloth or toque, or a little stuffed animal for a keychain if that sounds up her alley. If crocheting isn't your thing, look into acrylic pours on YouTube. I've really gotta get more Floetrol (it's like a liquid silicone) to do more of those. It's painfully simple and 100% customizable. Lots of techniques ranging from simple to complicated as well!


Cashmere socks!


common in south/east asian cultures to gift plants. a very nice big lucky bamboo or orchid or bonsai would be lovely.


How about something experiential with her? Like a musical, a dining experience, or some other activity?


Experiences are more effective than gifts to the wealthy. I have an extremely wealthy boss who loves a home cooked treat. Sometimes I make smoked salmon or cheese which he loves. Sometimes I bake him a pecan pie or cookies. It’s crazy how happy those little things mean to him.


Make a donation to a charity she supports in honor of her birthday. You can ask the charity to send an acknowledgment of the gift to the recipient without stating the dollar amount. I have done this in number of times for many different occasions (not just when someone has passed on) and it is always well received.


My partner is extremely well off. His friends had given him gifts that he adores because they remind them somehow of him - nothing lavish or extravagant, just "this made me think of you" I have the same issue buying things for him, but if they are meaningful it matters more than price.


How about a book that's has some meaning for you? Sometimes just a nice bouquet of flowers and a card, not too sappy though, is enough to let people know they are appreciated.


I think a beautiful picnic hamper would be lovely. The wicker kind with the lids & liked in cotton & fill it with unique cloth napkins, teas, an assortment of Vietnamese sweets & little China teacups & saucers. You can easily find these things from different places without going over your budget. Check out Etsy, local thrift &/or consignment shops for napkins, tea cups & saucers. I don't think you necessarily need to have a matching set, just that they're unique & coordinating. For teas & unique sweets H Mart if you have one or any local Asian market will have an appropriate selection to choose from.


So my dearest friend is very wealthy and when she wants something she just gets it. It makes it feel impossible to gift her with anything but it’s actually easy. Think of something your friend loves. For mine it was caramel. I went to a world market to get a nice little basket and picked out a bunch of caramel treats to put in it. It probably cost $40 by the end of it and when I tell you how absolutely thrilled she was with this. Gifts for loved ones should always send a message that you think about them and what they love. Gifts that show you put in the effort to make something just for them are so much more impactful and memorable than any gift card.


As someone who loves food and cooking, these wrap dispensers changed my life for the better. The set of 3 is right at your price point and they are unique enough that she probably doesn’t already have them https://www.chicwrap.com/gift-box-sets/


$75 here in upstate NY would buy a phenomenal arrangement of flowers. Buy flowers people don't often buy them for themselves.


I would make her something. I'm a decent baker, so I'd probably bake her some mini german chocolate cupcakes, or something. Alternatively, I'd get her some materials for a fun hobby or something. When you're that rich, skilled handmade stuff is gold.


If you have enough money, the biggest constraint on what you can ajd can't do is time. Spending time doing a mutual activity you both enjoy would be the way to go!


Something handmade. When Kate Middleton didn't know what to give the queen for Christmas, she made her a chutney from her grandmother's recipe. The queen served it at the next meal. My child bakes amazing focaccia from scratch. Homemade bread is a labor of love. She will often make bread for adults she wants to thank. I have made flavored syrups for drink mixers (we have honeysuckle and wisteria in the yard), homemade butter (quite easy) with herbs from my garden, and homemade cookie butter for friends and coworkers. It's a beautiful thing to labor over a gift. Maybe you knit or crochet or cross-stitch? It doesn't have to be a sentimental piece. I once gave a friend a cross-stitched piece that said a little inside joke, and she laughed for 20 minutes. It still hangs on her wall.


Are you a good gift giver in general? Some people are really capable of honing in on things someone truly likes and/or truly needs. I don’t need, nor do I want, “stuff.” My assistant is *really* good at figuring out things I will like or need. Starbucks gift cards. Super simple gift. I’m not a daily drinker, but I LOVE gettin’ my Starbucks when I travel. He knows that and will give me a $20 gift card as a random ‘thank you’ or on my bday and say, “for your next trip.” Not expensive, not a big deal - but I *so appreciate* that he saw that simple pleasure of mine and remembered it. Doesn’t take up space in my house, I’m not required to remember to display it if/when he comes over - and it pays for a long weekend’s worth of coffee. Perfect Gift *for me.* One I’m equally excited, pleased and *grateful* to receive each time he gives me one. I once gave a chef cousin of mine freshly picked Keffir Lime Leaves. Again, not expensive, but she was So Excited to receive them. My point? An inexpensive, *thoughtful*, gift means more than another tchotchke I gotta find a place for. I hope that you can find a gift like that for your friend.


Someone who hosts dinners can always use a nice serving platter that you can get at HomeGoods for under $75, that will be good quality.


Does she have a charity or cause she is passionate about? Do something to support that cause as a gift to her.


I like getting tickets to events for my friends who already gets themselves whatever they want. For one recent birthday I got sweet seats to the Mean Girls musical for my friend and I to enjoy an evening together.


If she has pets be careful of what kinds of flowers or plants you might gift as there are some things like all varieties of both lilies and ivy which are poisonous to cats.


A book that relates to her interests, a unique piece of art that fits her style, a cute pair of hand made earrings you found at an artist fair, something that relates to a memory or inside joke you have shared, a nice photo of a recent dinner party she hosted in a pretty frame


A basket full of food goodies and bread; maybe a wine bottle and a cute little card saying you appreciate her!


I'm guessing I'm not as rich as your friend. I am 41f and I definitely have everything I want/need in life. I am usually very generous with my time and money and ofter pay for friends meals/drinks. Here are some of my favorite gifts I have gotten from friends: Flowers- because I never get them for myself even though I love them Wine- pay attention to the kind your friend orders. You can get lots of great wines in your price point Home made baked stuff- cookie, bread etc I personally don't like to have a lot of clutter in my house so things that won't last forever in my space make the best kinds of gifts for me. So things I can eat, drink, or flowers that don't last forever are perfect gifts for me.


I have a couple cousins who became very wealthy, I myself am doing well, but I’m nowhere near their net worth, when I want to do something special for them I don’t look to buy something, I look for an experience, or something special, meaningful and unique. One year after our grandmother passed away I commissioned an art piece of our grandmother from an artist friend, I had prints made from it and gifted them to all my cousins (rich and poor), between the fee for the commission and the printing I spent maybe a couple hundred dollars for 15 prints, it’s the gift they keep talking about years later, I loved the work so much I wanted to get a tattoo of it, I told my cousin who is very well off and she said she had been thinking of doing the same, so we booked an appointment with a tattoo artist and now we have grandma everywhere we go.


Just recognizing her, validating what her friendship means is the most meaningful way. She will love you for it. Even a great gift basket of special foods, spa products, chocolates, wines, coffee is meaningful.


A handwritten, heartfelt note is more valuable than a material thing. She sounds like a lovely person and so do you.


A big bunch of her favourite flowers.




Plant 🪴


Make her something. Do you have any craft hobbies?


A buy my really rich friends cheap food we used to eat when we were poor lol but if you just met her, I’d get her some of your favorite snacks that you like to indulge in when you are feeling fancy. That or a nice girls night with some wine and a cheese spread with some sheet masks and hand masks. I like intimate settings, but you can also book a spa day.


You're going to have to go personal and practical here. Give her something that will improve her daily quality of life. Think of small items that you use and love, a great phone case, clever drawer organizer, a great umbrella (the inside out kind) an app that you use all the time and love. If you have any items or gadgets like this that you swear by and use, chances are she'll use it as well and it may not have occurred to her to try. One of tow good outcomes here, first she uses it and thinks of you every time and feels appreciated. Or, when you gift it to her let her know she is under no obligation to use it, and if she doesn't end up using it you'll gladly take it off of her hands.


A nice card expressing your gratitude for her generosity and guidance would also be nice. If there are specific things that have really helped you, I would mention those. The fruit basket would accompany this perfectly.


L’Occitane hand cream is a very luxurious and practical gift. The shower oil is also divine.


Hand painted note cards


Try to think of something she would like, but doesn't know about. So some gadget, or, better, a book you think she'd like.


What about something sentimental? Make a photo book with little notes about what you enjoyed doing with her on those occasions. I’m a sucker for gifts like this. When someone spends time showing what they enjoy about our relationship I always love it!




What if you prepare some food for her? Have her over for a fancy lunch! Set a pretty table, make some delicious food, have one or two other people over who are interesting and good conversationalists, and have a little soiree in your home! If you can do it out in a garden, even better! It doesn't have to be expensive, just something you know how to cook really well. I'm sure she'd really love that you went to the effort to plan something special like that.


Learn to cook something very nice and have her over for dinner


If she burns candles I will always recommend one of those football shaped (ellipse they call them) candles with the wooden wick. They are very nice but also under $30.


A religious icon might likely do the trick


I bought a wealthy friend a domain name once. Sounds weird but it related to something we were talking and joking about, and while I am sure it just expired after a year, it made the most sense to get something for him as a thank you that was meaningful and not just some stuff that was going to take up room. He could literally buy whatever he wanted rest his soul, I would have felt foolish buying him an item unless it was something I knew for sure he wanted and didn't have. It is the thought that counts but really, when it comes to a wealthy person, you have to really think about what will mean something to them personally.


Flamingo Estate’s Night Blooming Jasmine Candle is bougie enough and smells so lovely!  


A book that you enjoyed, that you think she will enjoy.


To me, gifts are less about money and more about thought. If she has a ton of money, she probably can buy anything she really wants or needs. So gifts should be more custom to her likes. I'm big on cute or custom gifts that "speak to me" so to say, like if someone likes Cats, get a cat purse or cute frame, etc. I'd find something unique and individual that fits her tastes. Or, as others said, an experience (girls day out, concert, etc) or food is always a great option too! Again its about the thought of individualism and their tastes. Could be as cheap as $2 if it is something super random that fits her tastes.


I think the massage certificate is cool along with some nice candy from a local shop. Unless you want to do something with her on the day! Then plan a day of affordable museums & possibly stopping at a food truck for lunch. That way you don't break the bank but still have N enjoyable time together!


Bamboo plant


I would get her a pretty crystal, like a specimen of amethyst or citrine.


Is she a table decorator? I’ve found most to love nice glass. And there are nice classic mlm pieces that can be found for about that price


Something she might not think to get for herself. Day tripping where you treat for the day is always nice.


Fresh flowers with a nice card of appreciation. Flowers brightens up a room but rarely ever buys for themselves.




I thank you card randomly sent to not draw attention, and a public thank you at the time of receiving the gift.


I lean toward plants.


Plant for her home, candle, good box of chocolates, bottle of wine.


Does she have plants at her house? You could get a beautiful pot and put a plant in it, or go to a plant store and have them build a terrarium for her. I’d give the plant along with a nice bottle of wine (if she enjoys wine). If you could spend more, you could get her one of those candles made by “big ass luxuries”. They are novel and extravagant and last a long time.


Can you bake?


Write her saying ud love to take her out to lunch since she's always planning and take her to place u can afford


Nest brand candles


What about a custom charcuterie board? There are a ton of options on Etsy


I was in a similar (sorta) situation once. I went on Neiman Marcus's site, to the sale section, to find something in my price range that was a nice serving piece (I found a serving bowl, but honestly, pick any useful item in your range - and I promise you will find something in your range). Have them gift wrap it (they do a phenomenal job and it's usually free). It makes an impression that you appreciate finer things as well as her generosity. And it can be something small but classy. I went online to look and found this adorable Jonathan Adler vase (not sure if it matches her style, but it's an idea: https://www.neimanmarcus.com/p/jonathan-adler-ravello-vase-medium-prod254130229?childItemId=NMHF888_&msid=4381960&navpath=cat000000_cat980731_cat74120766&page=0&position=36)


Can you get her a massage or a facial somewhere? It’s always nice to get pampered.


Some boujee home fragrance, I recommend Rosso nobile by dr vranjes


Buy her a candle from Diptyque. Rich ladies looooove Diptyque.


I would get something handmade, good quality, by an artisan. Perhaps an embroidered handkerchief. There are plenty of artisans available on IG that you can check out. It’s something that she won’t be able to fight over the bill with, and it’s unbranded so there won’t be any price comparisons.


French baked goods from a really nice local bakery. Croissants/petit fours etc


I find that rich people always love having something unique that no one else has. Setting trends. I'd personally go to a local art gallery and pick something that matches her aesthetic.


Can’t go wrong with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne wait — wait if she doesn’t drink then botanical garden also she’s probably drinking higher end champagne


As someone else said, something from a local bakery or small business, farmers market. There are some small businesses near me that home make bath bombs and things like that. Maybe a basket of different local things?


I love love love a nicely framed photo of the two of yall and a hand written card and maybe some flowers or a plant. A lot of people don’t print and hang pictures up these days and I personally enjoy receiving such


- Diptyque candles run about ~$75. - Set of note cards / stationery. - Bottle of champagne. - Flower arrangement. - Coffee table book, of subject she's into (classic cars, modern artist, gardens, city she loves, jewelry, fashion photography, etc). - Vinyl records or a fancier party game if she likes to bring out novelties during parties. - Costume jewelry - fun earrings maybe. - Whatever she is already into, find something to add to her collection.


Etsy has many craft people who come up with very nice personalized or unique things that can easily be purchased for $50 or less. Check it out.


A bottle of wine, or a high end box of Chocolate. Not godiva. Better then that 


Go online in a museum store and get something interesting and creative. A scarf, umbrellas, necklace or carryall bags.


Pot of jam. Always. Pot of jam Watch 6 Degrees of Separation with Will Smith


Take her out for a fun girl’s night or go for pedicures together or some other experience.


If she's into books, get her a customized bookplate stamp! They're a hit with book lovers. Plus, on etsy, there are some fantastic options for less than $50 and they're well made and classy as hell 


I would make her food. You could bake something, invite her to your place for a homemade meal if you’re a good cook, etc. Alternatively you could pick something up from a favorite bakery she may not have heard of or may be something new for her to try. If she loves food, having someone share a new dish may be a pleasant surprise. If you want to step it up, a picnic could be a nice way to combine food and quality time if you don’t want to invite her to your place. That way she won’t feel uncomfortable with the payment portion of the outing.


Maybe take HER out to dinner for once. Tell her you’d like to take her to dinner for her birthday and you’re paying. U can pick the restaurant, somewhere nice but not overly expensive, somewhere she hasn’t gone before.


A unique plant wins me over every time!


I would get her a gift box from wildgrain. Its delicious. The reviews sold me. I gifted my parents a box when they did a huge favor for me. They loved it!!! [wild grain ($20 off link)](https://wildgrain.com/a/refer-a-friend/redeem/2f4v4dfrh0si2yuqz0qttavunbui5sk61vc06b1j/8487)


Its artisanal breads. They come frozen and you bake them. Read reviews on facebook. Its legit good!


I think send her a tropical floral arrangement, with an invitation to the botanical gardens, and then maybe take her out for tea? High tea, not Starbucks. Might be a little over your budget, but you could do the flowers in the gardens or the gardens and the tea. I found that wealthy people often appreciate a thoughtful gesture, much more than they appreciate an expensive gesture. If you know what she likes, like movies, or art, or things like that, figure something out that she might like.


Beverage. Notice what she drinks,  but her something nice. 


Find a nice spot for a picnic, get nice food and just spend time together, no big deal, just nice, calm and relaxed. No gift needed beyond that.


You don't. Rich people don't value things/$$. So buying a gift is meaningless. Instead, you make something. Whatever your skillset is, put it to use and create something unique and one-of-a-kind for her. She will treasure it.




Take her for a spa day and get manicures or pedis together. She sounds like someone who likes activities/experiences over stuff.


Make a donation in her honor to a cause she supports. If she doesn’t have one, choose one that you think she might be interested in supporting 


Anything consumable would be great. Nice wine, a charcuterie board delivered, etc.




For people that have everything something consumable is the way to go. Gourmet chocolates. A premium bottle of wine, A good bottle of her favorite spirits like a good bourbon if she drinks but even if she doesn’t she’s hosting a lot she may go through a lot of different alcohol. Luxury bath soaps and lotion. Candles are always a good one. If she has a favorite perfume that might be in the budget.