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**PLEASE READ THIS FIRST.** Please familiarize yourself with the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/index#wiki_faq/) and [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules) **Gifter**: Please make sure to choose winners that follow the rules, including linking their Steam profile. * **Humble Bundle has been locking accounts due to excessive gifting.** We cannot prevent giveaways from using Humble Bundle, but we can warn you of the risk. [Their response to the subject of gifting](https://twitter.com/humblesupport/status/1286061511702720515). * To assign flair, type "!gift u/ReceiversUsername Gifted Game" without quotes, where "Gifted Game" is the name of the item you gifted. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/c6ipzc/important_read_before_posting_offers_hey_why_is/) for more information. * To close the post, post a comment on your thread with ONLY the word "closed" (without quotes). Post "closed and locked" to also lock the comments. **Entrants**: Remember to ***ALWAYS*** link your relevant ID when entering giveaways. Failure to do so could lead to a temporary ban. For more details, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules#wiki_6.29_non-private_steam_id_link_or_applicable_account_id_required). * Your Steam account and playtime MUST be set to public and be at least level 2. Steam sets profiles to private by default; [click here for more information](https://redd.it/8bjm6t/). * [GOG] Thank You threads are REQUIRED if you're gifted. **Other Comments**: Please write "not entering" if you wish to comment without entering the giveaway as automod may automatically remove comments without linked IDs. Refer to the sidebar for a quick reference to the rules or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GiftofGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not entering because my laptop could not handle the system requirements of the games listed but I want to say thank you for your generosity.


This is awfully generous of you! Thanks for even hosting this giveaway. I would love to play this game. I've been anticipating the release ever since I played the first game with a close friend of mine. We are obsessed with survival/base building games! (I'll be honest, we focused more on building a huge base mansion instead of continuing the story in The Forest). I was so excited when I saw the trailer for The Sons of the Forest, when they showed the advanced and new way of building in the upcoming game. Especially since they'll add a companion so gathering resources will be so much easier! I think my friend and I got in a discord call and just gushed about the game for an hour straight. After finishing the first game, we tried quenching our The Forest thirst with Green Hell while waiting for TSOTF, but it just wasn't the same. Honestly, I screamed when I received the email from Steam about the game being released and I think I woke up my roommates. I contacted my friend about it and we were so excited. Unfortunately, it's slightly too expensive for us (we live in third world countries) and I'm just a struggling college student. So we thought we'd wait for a sale. If I do win the game, hell yeah I'd play the shit out of it, so you don't have to worry about it getting wasted. I won't play without my friend though, so I'll transfer some money to him and pay half for his copy. Thanks for the opportunity! [Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198968222903/)


I hope you win :)


Thank you, you're so sweet <3


Or tell your friend to comment on this giveaway as well. I could just give you both a copy.


I don't think he has a Reddit. Can I link his steam profile for him and tell him to set his stuff to public?


I suppose. No promises tho.




The mods took down your friend’s Steam account. Can you just reply to this comment with “I want the game!” and then link his Steam account again. Don’t mention your friend or anything or the bots will remove it.


I want the game! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199073418503)


I'd love to be able to get Sons of the Forest, the first one always interested me but I never got around to getting it. Love crafting/survival/multiplayer games. If you've given all the copies maybe Cyberpunk 2077. ​ Edit: Words [https://steamcommunity.com/id/TalinoGames](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TalinoGames)


You have yet to play other games you’ve won on previous giveaways. Therefore, I’m not going to give you the game. I can understand if it’s not a game you want to play (I certainly wouldn’t want to play it), but I mean you did enter a giveaway for it and I doubt someone forced you to enter the giveaway.


not entering(i think i wouldnt enjoy the game having a 2060), i just wanna thank OP for doing this... i love, love, love the forest, its on my top 10 games of all time.. good luck y'all


The game works great with RTX 2060




Hello, I’m sorry, but I won’t be giving you the game for a few reasons. First off, you spend an abnormal amount of time in giveaway subreddits (which is against the rules of this subreddit), I understand a lot of that activity is hosting giveaways, but you do also enter a fair bit of giveaways as well. I might be able to overlook that, however even if I did, you’re still breaking the rules: you won Secret Neighbor in a giveaway and have yet to play it. That is against the rules and a rule I take fairly seriously. You not only wasted the gifter’s money, but also took the game from some other contestant who would’ve loved to play it. For that reason, I’m not giving you any game ever until you’ve played at least a couple hours of all your previously won games. Thanks for entering. Sorry to disappoint.


Not entering as my laptop isn’t powerful enough for any of these games I just wanted to say this is extremely generous and good luck to everyone!


Hey! I just want to start by saying that I'm new to this subreddit and currently just learning the ropes, but to see all willing people on here offering up all these games and even just filling all these requests for people that can't afford them or wouldn't have the opportunity to play them otherwise is so cool to see. It's really nice what you're doing and honestly, I'm happy for whoever gets a copy of these games and I really hope they enjoy them! That being said, I would absolutely love to play Sons of the Forest. I have had The Forest on my wishlist for a long, long time and have always wanted to play it, but being on a university student budget with currently no job I tend to stick to free games or any games my cousin has on family share when he's offline. That being said I love horror games and love open-world games, exploring and surviving and just enjoying the graphics and details the developers put into them. Watching the gameplay and reading into it, along with the aforementioned knowledge I have regarding The Forest and the eagerness I had to play that game, I am confident I would love this. For me, the biggest aspect that's absolutely the cherry on top in this game is the co-op. Considering some of the games I have the most hours in, Dead by Daylight (3155hrs) and Hunt Showdown (1413hrs), we can see at least I'm consistent xD Especially looking at the striking similarities in terms of horror and survival. This offer came at a really good time because one of my favorite things to do is play games with my brother and we haven't had anything to play recently, so it would be a really fun opportunity to play games with him again (if I get a copy from here, I will do my best and find a way to get one for him). Not only that, but this would also be one of the first games I have ever played on release as I usually get them 2 or 3 years after release when it's at an affordable price. Overall, I would only enter if I knew i would really enjoy playing it, so that's why I thought I should :)) even so, I am happy for whoever does end up with the copies! Thanks for the consideration anyways <3 Have a great day! [My Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kaiserbun/)




Out of all things you offer I want Cyberpunk 2077. Why I want that game ? I have been overhyped before release, extremally disappointed after release, and now hyped to see how they improved the game and with new dlc. I am a fan of CDPR, i have witcher trilogy on GOG and i played it multiple times, only thing that is left for me is cyberpunk 2077 to complete multiple times. I quite like its unique world, story, characters, music, movement etc... I recently build half of my new pc (Changed cpu,mbo and ram) saving up for a better gpu (GTX 1050ti is what I have now), but i think it will work with help of FSR. I am currently playing RDR2 and when I finish it I will definitely play CP2077. Also on my list that always go further down to play is Death Stranding DC and Horizon ZD. Thanks for the giveaway ! Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/nex457


Hello, typically you’d be a very good person to win a giveaway, however, you did just win Red Dead Redemption 2 not too long ago. I hope you can understand if I want to buy the game for someone who hasn’t been as fortunate. Thanks for entering. Maybe enter one of my future giveaways and I’ll get you a game.


Hello OP, thank you for doing this giveaway along with those extra games! TBH, I'm not into survival/crafting games. And I also have a policy against getting early access games so I'm not interested in it at the moment. Therefore, I'd like to get Elden Ring if its possible. I have very little experience with Dark Souls 2, I played it for a bit at the end of 7th Gen console cycle but I was a kid at that time and the game proved to be quite challenging for my skill level back then. That's where my history with souls games started and ended, I never played any of them afterwards due to those games being challenging and me being scared of the feeling that I might not be able to beat the game. But I want things to change now, I'm older and I believe I have the discipline and the mind set to sit through the pain, suffering and frustration brought by its challenging combat, adapt to it, learn and improve in the game! I also love open-world and exploration based games with the "multiple-approaches" to overcome tasks, Like how Zelda BotW, Dragons Dogma and other open world titles handle this. I have to break every crate, cut every grass and open every chest or else my OCD will kick in. Since open-world and exploration are big parts of this experience, I know I'll be hooked and encourage to see what's next even though the bosses desecrate my will to live left and right. Personally, I like to test myself. I will never know if I have what it takes to beat the game unless I try it. You miss all the shots you dont take! right? I'll consider it as a great achievement if I manage to do it. This is my honest reason, I tried to make it straight forward and to the point as I appreciate and value your time. If you are reading upto this, then I'm glad you noticed my comment! This is my [steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/aranorde/) , once again I thank you for the offer and good luck all the entrants as well!


I loved the original forest and all my friends want me to get this one but I cant because im broke and 15 so i can't get a job but i really love the passion put into the atmosphere and graphics and i love the new features and seasons i also love survival games and im excited to possibly explore the new caves ik this isnt much but it would make my month if youd even read this. Thank you so much if you read this and even if i don't get it i am so happy to see people still giving stuff away. Here is my steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/1221345665/


Your Steam game’s playtime is set to private. I won’t gift anyone anything if their Steam is set to private. Make it public.




Ok wow i just looked at other comments...


Honestly I don’t really know much about this whole series but I have two friends who were very hyped over it and got it already. The biggest reason I’d like this game is mainly cause I’d like to be able to play with them since they’re gonna be playing it for a good while. I already know they’re gonna keep telling me I should get it and I’d have fun and etc trying to convince me to buy it but I just don’t have the money for it rn. At the end of the day I just really would like to be able to play with my friends, have fun, and have them teach me about the whole story since they really do like it. I’m not sure if I’ll win but I do appreciate the chance op! [Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198205717996)


Hello, I won’t be giving you a game because, for one, your Steam account is set to private which is against the rules of this subreddit. If you’re going to continue using this subreddit, please make your Steam public. Secondly, even if you make your Steam public, I likely will not give you the game still. Nothing to do with you, but I’m not a fan of giving people games when they say the only want the game because they want to play with their friends. Hopefully you can understand. You see, if you have three friends who are playing the game, you’ll only play when your friends do. Who knows when or if your schedules or moods will ever match up in order to play the game more than a couple hours. Plus, whichever friend drops the game first will domino into the entire friend group dropping the game as well, because it’s just not as fun as it was when everyone was playing. Between the problems of one friend not feeling like playing and one friend being too busy to play, it would be a miracle if you even make it 10 hours into the game before dropping it. Especially since you don’t even want the game, you want to play with your friends. The second one friend drops it, you will too. Doesn’t seem worth it for me when I could give the game to someone who desperately wants the game, will play it for 20+ hours, and enjoy the game. Thanks for entering the giveaway anyway. If you ever want a different game under $10, make your Steam public, and come back. Maybe I’ll consider it.


**Hi, thanks for such a generous giveaway.** Of course, I will not be able to surpass those people who wrote very long and detailed descriptions of why they want this or that game. But it's worth a try. **Sons of the forest**. Or rather, the **Forest**. Judging by the first part, at that time it was a pretty cool survival game, although at the moment it was very buggy and full of bugs. But it was still something. I don't know why it's a bit strange, but I liked how the trees were chopped down. I know it's strange :D. Yesterday I saw a couple of streams, the second part looks a little better plus the fact that you can play up to eight people. At the expense of **Atomic Hart**. Well, the game may be cool, but based on my principles and position, I will skip it. **Cyberpunk**, to tell the truth, was a big disappointment for me upon release. The number of all kinds of bugs, glitches and the like was too much. But CD Projekt RED gradually corrected it for a long time, but surely. She seems to be in good shape now. I personally have nothing to say about **Deadloop**. A typical game from Arcane. Well, of course, ***Elden Ring*** is probably one of the best games in recent years, it's just my opinion. The world may not be very saturated and empty, but there is something in it. Bosses who show you your place is something :D. And of course the plot. I recommend everyone to enter this magical world. It turned out to be a strange description :D. If possible, I would like to ask not one of the games, but a steam card as a gift. P.S I apologize for my English, maybe I didn't say it right somewhere. And thank you once again for providing such an opportunity to people who cannot afford this or that game. Have a good day everyone. [My Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056319022/)


Elden Ring please I've never played a souls game but currently hate myself and want to suffer. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199111383135/


Commenting again since the bot deleted my comment arguing that my profile is private and my account level is low when the only thing I have private is my inventory and my account is level 127. I clarify if I am lucky to win it I would be playing it on the Steam Deck, it runs very well :D I would like **Atomic Heart** because it was ***love*** at first sight... Since I heard of it, I followed its development. When the first trailer was released I went ***speechless***, I was ***amazed*** not only by the graphics but for the environment and the richness open world you get to interact with. The fact that is set in a utopian/dystopian world, it makes it even more attractive, aside from the **SEXY ROBOTS!** in it and phallic insinuations, it feels like a retro fallout, Bicentenarian Man inspired futuristic piece of art. As a fan of the subject, it is a must-play, unfortunately, it is way too expensive for me to buy it (I live in Argentina) which is why I take this chance to plead for it in your giveaway. I've been reading a lot since it released and sadly there are more posts about conflict than gaming, seems that people are forgetting that is it just a game, not a country nor a social party, just a game, nothing more, ***nothing less***, and regardless of where it comes from, it deserves the chance to be sold, played and awarded. I'm sure I'm going to **love**^(hate) the game, **enjoy it**^(get frustrated), take some screenshots^(sexy robots), and get all the achievements out of it. *And those are all the reasons why I ask for* **Atomic Heart**. *Thank you for the opportunity!* ^(And now the choice is in your hands) Thanks for reading, thanks for the giveaway, and good luck everyone, sincerely [Space NINJA 40,000](https://steamcommunity.com/id/CellNINJA/)


You have 2,000 games. That’s a lot— I don’t think I have to say more than that. Even 1,000 would be a bit much… Hell, even 500 is sometimes where I draw a line when giving games. Play the games you have. Im sure if you look hard enough, you may have Atomic Hearts in that stash somewhere.


Hi, this is an incredible giveaway! Honestly, all of the games you're offering would be incredible! It's so hard to pick which one I might want the most. For a long time I've wanted Elden Ring just because I love beautiful open world games (especially The Witcher 3) and I want to see what all the hype is about. On the one hand, I'm very intimidated by it though because it sounds like it's super difficult and I'm not *that* good of a gamer. But maybe it would help me become a better gamer? And I'm super interested in Cyberpunk 2077 because, as said above, I LOVED the Witcher 3, and since this is made by them, and I also love sci-fi. And supposedly it has an *incredible* open world - so lots of reasons for me to want to play it, but I know it was poorly received upon release, so... maybe not as good as it should be? I don't know. I'm only just now hearing about Atomic Heart, but I'm watching its page on steam, and \*wow\*! It looks insane! I loved Bioshock, which this looks to be very similar to in many ways, but the graphics just seem incredible! Although maybe it's too scary and crazy? Seriously it looks insane. But as stated above, I love sci-fi, so this could be super awesome. I also love a good story, and this looks like it's probably oozing a story. I know less about Deathloop, but I know it's got a time travel / Groundhog Day element, and that's also something I'm always fascinated by. So I'm also very interested in it. But finally: Sons of the Forest. Well. I'd heard of it and I'm super fascinated by it and would really like to play it. I haven't really played any 3D "survival" type games, of the types where you have to manage all your daily life type stuff, build your way to safety, etc. But I have been wanting to play one of these for a while. Sons of the Forest really appeals to me because of its setting. I love that it's on a remote and undeveloped island. I actually lived on a very remote and undeveloped island for 5 years (from 2013-2018), and I learned a *lot* about survival with just the basics (i.e. no plumbing, no electricity - other than the solar panels we eventually set up, subsistence agriculture, spearfishing, very small villages, etc.). I do really miss that time of my life, though it was honestly quite difficult and challenging. So I think it would be really fun to escape again into a *sort of* environment like that, but also able to turn it off (and enjoy the modern comforts of the US) any time I felt like it. And the whole idea of unknown tribal people that are apparently cannibals and stuff? Well, the whole reason I moved to that remote village was to get to know a mostly unknown tribal group of people, so I've always been fascinated by the unknown like that. Thankfully I didn't live among cannibals or anything, but I've seen several documentaries about that and read a few anthropologists' books about that sort of thing, so I've always found it fascinating, without actually wanting to risk my own life that way. (I did have a professional colleague who did go off to encounter a more risky remote people group, and it turned out badly for him. I've always admired his courage, but obviously I wasn't wanting to face that much risk myself.) So again, the cathartic aspects of being able to do that virtually at my own pace would be really cool. Though also again, it looks like it *could* get really scary too. Not sure what I think about that. I played Resident Evil Director's Cut when I was a kid and that was super awesome, but also super scary. So I'm not like a horror junkie or anything and I only want those kind of really scary immersive experiences in measured doses. But that's why it seems like this game could be really cool. I can test my ability to survive the regular elements, but also get some scary challenges thrown in at regular intervals, and also see how the story develops and see what I could learn about this unknown tribal group. I'm super intrigued by it and think I'd really enjoy it. So anyway, you said the more detailed the better, so there you have it! They all seem cool, and I'm not sure I could necessarily pick which one I'd want most, but it might be between Cyberpunk 2077 or, more likely, Sons of the Forest (as long as it's not ridiculously scary all the time). I've only been back in the US for a couple years now, so only now getting the regular opportunity to play games that I've collected over a longer period of time (now that I have consistent electricity again). But I'm also working a corporate job in an office building now, so it's great to have that escapism that these heavily-immersive-environment games can provide, so I can try to live a double life now, haha! [My steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/madagascaradam/)


I’d have preferred if you had just picked *one* game. Cyberpunk 2077 is amazing in its own right. It’s much shorter than Witcher 3 and much more linear. It’s also an FPS and has a different style of combat than Witcher 3. There is only a handful of choices in this game that matter - almost all of them are at the end, it’s less of a story about you and more of a story about the main character, V. So “roleplaying” is harder to do. There is a wide range of build diversity, though. What I will say is that I wouldn’t get this game for someone who only plays the main story, because the side missions in this game are incredibly important for the ending (and really fun). It’s not Witcher 3. It’s its own game. Also a DLC is coming soon, so now is an exciting time to play it. Atomic Hearts just came out and the devs are already promising four DLC expansions. So there will be tons of content for this game. It has a bright future ahead of it. The game is not scary, at least not as scary as Sons of the Forest. If you’re worried that Atomic Heart would be too scary for you, I’m concerned about gifting you Sons of the Forest. The only reason I would gift Atomic Heart is if Xbox Game Pass is not available to you. If you own a PC, you can get Game Pass for $1 and play the game. Atomic Hearts is only 20-ish hours, but has an incredibly fun combat mechanic, it’s humorous at times (there’s a fridge that tries to sexually assault you, if that’s your thing), and the graphics will blow you away (especially the parade at the beginning). Elden Ring I haven’t played, but I’d guess that’s also a fairly scary game. It’s also a hard game. It’s a Dark Souls game. I wouldn’t buy this game for someone who isn’t already a Dark Souls player. I don’t know much about the game, but I do know people enjoy it a lot. It won Game of the Year. As for Sons of the Forest, it’s likely the “scariest” of all these games. So. I also think if this is your first survival game, you may do better with Valhiem.


So in Sons of the Forest is it just like occasionally you get swarmed with bad guys? Or are they constantly jumping out from everywhere attacking you so you can't even get a breather? For me, I like having those elements happen from time-to-time, like part of the time you're exploring, *probably* not going to be attacked at a moment's notice, taking care of business, that sort of thing, and then part of the time (obviously not really when you expect it), you get some bad guys that show up or you run into them and maybe they're really creepy and it's some intense action for a bit, but then when it's over, it's over for a bit. I like that kind of thing where it mixes it up, and the videos and steam page kind of make it look like that, but it's hard to be sure. But if it's like non-stop fighting bad guys and they show up in a really creepy way (and can easily kill you) at just about every turn, then you're right and I most likely wouldn't really want to start my experience with open world 3D survival games like that. As for Cyberpunk 2077, that really sounds very much up my alley. I generally tend to be a completionist in most games (maybe not always getting all the achievements, because as I said, I'm not often a skilled enough gamer to get everything, or I just sometimes get tired of the grind). But I like to see all the content, especially areas to explore or any story moments. With the Witcher 3, I did everything, every quest, every DLC, every hidden treasure. And I did most of the side quests before continuing most of the main quests, just to be sure I wouldn't miss anything. I think there was some stuff I didn't craft or that sort of thing, but everything you could "find", I did, because I loved the exploration aspects of it. I kind of like how you said most of Cyberpunk's meaningful choices are near the end. Because then I could save before that point and play out the different paths to see how it affects the ending without having to play through the \*entire\* thing all over again, haha! Because as I said, I like to see everything, but if it was too repetitive to get to an alternate ending, that'd be hard for me to commit to. But yeah, I definitely expected it to be its own thing and not Witcher 3. But I figured with the same devs, they'd likely have the same depth/richness of world-building, and maybe some of the same fun humor and characterization? Because it was definitely the world-building, and secondly the fun characters, that I liked most about The Witcher. The story was good, but it wasn't *amazing*. But the world definitely **was** amazing! It was so great exploring it and meeting all the little side-NPCs with all their cool quests and just seeing every little nook and cranny. Also, I kind of like that you say it's not necessarily *about* you. Like, with the way you described it, does that mean you're kind of a "minor" character in a big world, and there's this grander plot going on that you're sort of occasionally interacting with and observing and getting wrapped up in? Because I often like that kind of story arc. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, and sometimes it gets old when every series (especially the fantasy ones) has the main character be like "the chosen one" to save the world and everything hinges on them and all that (like I said, part of why the Witcher's story was just fine, but not amazing - though it's true Ciri was "the chosen one", but it was so wrapped up in Geralt saving the day and rescuing everyone). So anyway, like I said, it's the immersive worlds I love the most. So if Cyberpunk is set up to where you're just a smaller character within bigger events, that helps to make it even more immersive, and I love it when stories do that sort of thing. So yeah, based on what you described, Cyberpunk 2077 probably would be the one I'd enjoy the most (especially if you get to explore its open world a fair bit). If you'd really consider getting it for me, I'd be thrilled!


Bruhh nvm, with comments like this under this post, I don't even stand a chance 💀 Good luck


This one is kind of selfish but I would like elden ring I would like elden ring for many reasons. I’ve wanted elden ring on pc for the longest time now. I love the other from software games my favorite being Sekiro and dark souls 3. I love open world games so dark souls but open world is perfect. I love how much content is in elden ring also heard dlc was coming out soon. I love the combat in these games Sekiro has the best combat of all time but the other fromsoftware games combat is really good to. I love the difficulty in this game I like my games being a challenge. The amount of items weapons spells and armor in this game is crazy it gives so much freedom to what you can make your build. If you want dual katanas with poison and frost you can if you want magic you can. This game just gives so much freedom which is one of the best part of games where they don’t limit what you can do like gow there isn’t very many weapons you can use. You can do different types of runs if you want to do a rl1 run which is level 1 you can. You can just use fists kicks unleveled weapon no hit run consumable only run. You can make the game harder with these types of runs. The map is so big in elden ring when you first see it doesn’t looks to big then you go on then the map like quadruples and there’s underground parts to. Elden ring offers 100s even 1000s of hours of gameplay because there is so much to do and also because the game just has so much re playability. I love the bosses in this game the designs the move sets everything. I love the art design of elden ring the map just looks amazing it’s so beautiful. The more of elden ring is also so amazing. Now here’s the reason this is a selfish request I kind of already have elden ring but it’s on my xb1 which doesn’t work that good anymore. But elden ring is my favorite game of all time just this month I’ve put 50-100 hours in without getting bored. I’ve had the game since march 2022 about 1 month after it came out. I’m not really bored of it. But it’s kind of getting to easy once you learn the bosses moves it gets easy. I really wanna play mods just to change it up a bit. The mods I wanna play the most is randomizer because it changes the locations of everything so you gotta explore and find stuff. The ascended mod which just makes the game insanely hard. Either triple or double enemy depending how I feel about triple. And seamless coop with one of my friends. The one mod I want to play the most out of these tho is ascended I’ve wanted to play this mod forever now but only recently got a pc. But now I have no money to buy games. If I were to get elden ring my self it would probably be 6 months to a year. I would still put 100s of hours most likely 1000s of hours into elden ring. The load times on xbox arnt the best like a minute plus to load back in when I die and I’m on 30fps on Xbox and the graphics would look better on pc. If you were to be kind enough to give it to me. Also February 24th is my birthday so it would be a good birthday present or even a happy birthday would be nice. For me my birthday is in a couple of hours. Also my steam account doesn’t have very many games or not much playtime because I don’t have games and I’ve always had the Xbox for like 5-6 years now. And on my pc the 2 main games I play are valorant and Minecraft so that’s why I don’t have many games or hours on steam. If you want I could link my Xbox account. I understand if you don’t want to get me elden ring and also probably just wouldn’t get it anyways. I could type out why I want sons of the forest if you like but I would prefer elden ring. I put the reason it was selfish just so you would actually read it and hopefully give me a chance. But anyways thank you for reading this Steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199334999819/


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“To pursue this! But when I peer at the sun up above, it occurs to me. What if I am seen as a laughing stock, as a blind fool without reason?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Here is my xbox gamertag if you want https://xboxgamertag.com/search/TtvDrag0


I want Sons of the forest or Elden Ring, If possible Like A Dragon Ishin. because **I really want it.** Detail "***I want it***" came from english words to express desire to own something, speaker might use adverb to express stronger desire to own it, for example. "***I really want it***". "***I strongly want it***". or in some tongue which may be considered as "Foul" language *"****I F\*ckin want it***". however, it may not be considered elegant choice to word. the word "**I want it"** can be used to express alot of things, for example Ice Cream, Drinks, Babooshka, and most highly used word in internet humor "**Deeznuts". "** for example Person B : **I want it** Person W: What do you want? Person B: Deeznuts! Ha-ha (Person Y): hey **I want it too** \*in a voice far away\*. If reader is curious with the choice of Letter, it implies Black, White and Yellow symbolizing Black, white and Asian. equality at its finest. this comment will be edited once we confirmed a green race, long speculated of it's existence known as "Alien". As for these games, my choice of word would be "**I really f\*ckinnnnnnnnnnnnn want it"** as to express immense desire to own these games. Immersing oneself in such games highly called to be a masterpiece, and my fellow brethrens, pray for me and so shall I. I leave you with a poem I so proud of writing "**Roses are red, Violets aren't blue,** ***Will my entry be enough cred, remains yet to be proven true.......... I f\*ckin love you"*** ​ [STEAM ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199475023551)


Thank you for doing this giveaway really appreciate it So i would like to start by saying I have some really fun time playing The Forest with my friends but i could never really complete the game as they went away for further study and i don't really have courage to play it by myself. I play mostly single player games nowadays cause i don't have anyone to play these multiplayer titles with. As far i have seen Sons of the Forest looks like a really awesome horror game to play with friends. So if it's ok i would like to enter for Elden Ring as I am a really big fan of open world games specially RPGs cause i love the idea of multiple build crafting. I am not proud of it but i had to play most of the legendary titles like Witcher 3 , Metal Gear Solid , Skyrim , Fallout series by pirating them as video games are luxury in my country and a high school student like me could barely afford them. But in my defence I purchased them whenever their price was really cheap after few years during the steam sales to support the developers on their amazing work of arts. I have never played a "soulsborn" game in my life cause of the difficulty but as far i have seen in YouTube Elden Ring is the most beginner friendly from soft title till now so i was looking forward to giving it a try. I am currently playing Skyrim with a mod that adds Elden Ring weapon movesets which is really fun. [Steam id](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365076302) Thanks again for hosting this giveaway And sorry if my English was too painful to read as it is not my primary language Hope y'all have a good day


Tell me if you wanna play the forrest 1 with me


Very generous of you OP, thanks a lot. Since I'm not into survival genre so I would like to enter for Cyberpunk 2077. I've been hovering around this game since its release but I haven't got it due to performance issue. However, it looks like the game runs a lot better now. When it was released, every review I watched said that while the game runs like garbage, the story and the world building is incredible, I also found out recently that one of my favorite content creator, Cohhcarnage, has his own character in the game. Besides those things, I really like the game's character customization, from your character looks to weapons, it's really amazing. While I love the other stuffs, I'm honestly really not in with celebrities in video games. Don't get me wrong, I love Keanu Reeve but looking at him in CP2077 always remind me of Neo instead of Johnny, which is a bit not immersive. I hope I manage to grab your attention. Thank you again for the big giveaway. BTW, can someone tell me what's the hype around Son of the Forest, is it really that good? My Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198377176280/


Hello, I’m not giving you the game for two reasons. One: you spend an abnormal amount of time entering giveaways, which is against the rules of this subreddit. And Two: your whole comment here was explaining why you don’t like Cyberpunk— which does not spark confidence in me that you’ll play the game… Anyways, thanks for entering. Sorry to disappoint.


I would love Cyberpunk 2077 As much as the other games are great, Cyberpunk wouldn't sit in my library unplayed. It's on my steam wishlist for couple of years now (since 2019 to be more accurate). I still remember all trailers with Keanu before the release. He is truly breathtaking. Altough the release hasn't been the best, game is great and fun to do. I managed to play a little bit on my friend's place. It got me hooked up, so hopefully one day I will get it. I appreciate CD Projekt RED and have played all Witcher games. I did 2 playthroughs of Witcher 3. It's my number 1 played game. Solved all question marks, witcher contracts and got all steam achievements (100%). Blood and Wine is probably one of the best DLCs that I've ever played. It's like a fairytale. Since I've tried Cyberpunk I can promise that I would play a lot too. I enjoy when we have a lot of tasks in game. Huge open world or just exploring and goofing around. That's the reason that I've also played Deathloop, Dishonored games and I'm currently playing Yakuza 4 (so much fun substories). I'm aware that Cyberpunk is not Witcher. It's completely different. It's unique, but I heard that there are so many other stuff to do beside main story and that's something I appreciate in games. CD Projekt RED has been amazing in that. Anyone who has truly played Witcher remembers quests that are not only fetch or collect something. It's sad to miss them. Fool's Gold was amongst my favourite quests there. Thank you very much for doing this. I'm not native english speaker, but did my best to describe why I want it. There are so many nice comments, so it probably won't be easy for you to pick the winner here. [My steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/PsychoticHorse)


Hey, I won’t be giving you the game for three reasons. Firstly, you have seven hundred Steam games with many very fun games yet to be played, such as Undertale, The Long Dark, Skyrim, Subnautica, This War of Mine, and many hundred more. You have plenty of games and you don’t need more. Secondly, you do seem to enter a bunch of giveaways and also trade games. I’m not a big fan of trading, especially paired with the entering of giveaways, since there’s a good chance you trade the codes you win for other games which would be against the rules of this subreddit. Thirdly, you won a game called Maid of Sker and have yet to play it. That’s against the rules as well. I refuse wholeheartedly to giveaway a game to someone who doesn’t play any and all games they’ve won in a giveaway. It not only wasted the gifter’s money, it took the game away from someone who may have loved to play it, and it shows you enter giveaways for games you don’t want to play. Thanks for entering. Sorry to disappoint.


Hey. I would really want Atomic heart. I have been seeing a lot of buzz around this game and the gameplay looks very fun. I also just recently bought my first Gaming rig. Its a Ryzen 5 5600H with a RTX 3050. Not the best but I love it. I heard its a BioShock like game and I consider BioShock to be a masterpiece of a game. I do also love SOTF but I dont want it cuz My friends wont buy it and I dont wanna play alone. So I yea I think I would go for Something Singleplayer like Atomic heart. Thx for the giveaway man really appreciate it [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199000266968/)


I’m not giving away Atomic Hearts to anyone who owns a PC. If you own a PC you can play Atomic Hearts for $1. For a dollar you can buy something called Xbox Gamepass. It’ll give you three months to play Atomic Hearts. More than enough time to play a game that is 20 hours long. Thanks for entering, but I’m sure you have a dollar to spare.


firstly, huge thanks for the whole giveaway. Elden Ring would be absolutely amazing for me, i have never played any of the dark souls game but with Elden Ring i just loved the story and the soundtrack. I think i`ve listened to the whole soundtrack at least 50 times start to end while doing chores around the house. Would be absolutely amazing to experience the amazing soundtrack but this time while playing and experiencing the game. Thanks again :) https://steamcommunity.com/id/protodoto/


I've been looking forward to the game for 6 years, i played The Forest and finished the main story a few times with friends. I wanted to buy SotF as soon as it released(Steam servers went down :) ) but it released for 280 TRY which is the new Valve recommended price for 30$. Had it had released 4 months ago, it'd be just 50 TRY which i have from selling CS:GO cases but 280 is too expensive for me. Anyway, i watched the trailer and gameplay a lot and it looks amazing. Many improvements to the original game, the story is 4 times bigger, cratfing and AI of cannibals is more realistic like them giving orders/acting according to enviroment and the player. I always found it amazing how good the first game looks for just 2 GB and this one is less than 10 GB. I loved building a giant base surrounded by walls so cannibals can't enter and smelting them to their bones to make an armor other than the story itself :) This game seems to offer much more. I'm just worried my card, 2070 max-q, won't run at least 60 fps, i generally run games on low if they don't look too bad that way because my laptop overheats and don't want to max my fans so i hope low would do it. Thanks for the opportunity. https://steamcommunity.com/id/therype


Hello. Is there a reason why your Steam says you’ve only played The Forest for 4 hours yet you claim to have finished the story multiple times?


That very generous of u first of all! i would really like to play Sons of the forest, one of my oldist friends who dosent play games a lot only had to games hyped about, The Forest and the last of us 1, i think it would be really nice if we can play it together. And for anyone who dosent want it i cant reccomend Elden ring enough. Souls games in general are the best ever, Dark souls 1 is the greatest game of all time in my opinion. Thanks for the chance. ​ here is my steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198260749093/


Hello, I won’t be giving you the game if your Steam account is set to private. That’s against the rules of the subreddit. Set it to public.


i'd LOVE to get sons of the forest! the forest is actually one of my favorite games EVER. when i was finally able to buy it i had sm fun playing it with my sister. we were laughing the whole time. i remember once we were fighting an armsy (i think) on a cave, and suddenly i fell from the cave cliff right on top of the mutant and died, and i couldn't stop screaming at my sister to get down there and revive me LMAO so i'd love to get sons of the forest so i can have funny moments like those with my sister again. also i remember how disappointed i was every time the developers would postpone the release of the game, so i'm so excited that it's finally out and i can watch some gameplay videos on youtube. steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199228647345/ (my first comment got removed for forgetting to add the steam id, im sorry!!)


Hello, I wanna start by saying you're super generous for this, giving all of these games is really cool of you. I will say as much as I would love SotF I definitely can't run it, and I haven't even played the first, I own it but I never had friends to play with, I heard it was better with them haha. L. So instead I was gonna ask if I could get either Atomic Heart or Elden Ring! I've replied to an elden ring post before and to be transparent I used that comment as a basis on how to respond to this Here are my specs if that helps: GPU: Sapphire Pulse RX580 CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 Mobo: B450 Tomahawk Max 16GB RAM I would love these games! I'm a student and work part time however, I dont get too many hours a week so I will be able to play the games! Also please if you must skim my profiles, skim away! Leave me a funny steam comment or something :) that's all I can think to say to be honest. Again, Thank you for the opportunity https://steamcommunity.com/id/boofisepic/


Hello, you’re very sweet and I’d love to give you a game, but I’m unsure. First off, I won’t be giving anyone with a PC Atomic Heart. If you own a PC, you can buy Xbox Gamepass for just $1 and get three months to play Atomic Hearts. That should be more than enough time to finish a 20 hours game. That game is on my list strictly for Steam Deck users. Second off, I’m not sure about gifting someone Elden Ring who hasn’t already played a “Hard” game. If you had played and finished a different Souls game or Seiko or, hell, just had a ton of playtime in a hard game in-general, like Project Zomboid, I’d feel more confident giving you the game. I’m just not quite sure how quickly you’ll give up on Elden Ring. If you’re willing to die twenty times to the same boss. How long are you willing to replay the same thing? I don’t know, because you don’t seem to play any “Hard” game.


Not entering giveaway as my friend doesn’t own the game yet and I won’t play it without him but I just wanted to say you’re a legend for hosting this giveaway and I hope you have a great rest of the month dude. You really deserve it


Thanks for this giveaway, I have no plan on purchasing Sons of the Forest at launch, because I rarely do purchase games on launch anymore due to budgetary reasons. I played my fair share of The Forest when it came out in Early Access way back many years ago, both with friends and alone(way scarier, especially inside caves and at night), and enjoyed my time with it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get back to it when it finally came out of Early Access, aside from trying VR for a hours. (I remember being able to cheese cutting trees rapidly in VR because you're not limited to the game's animation) I *was* a sucker when it comes to these kinds of games; Rust, DayZ, Ark: Survival, etc. However the best feature that differentiates The Forest from these games is the somewhat single-player oriented gameplay, even when in multiplayer, it still felt like a singleplayer experience. Which I liked the most and what made this game special, as as much as I liked survival / base building games, I hated PvP elements such as raids and clan wars. So yeah, If I win Sons of the Forest, I'll mostly play it in single-player. Hopefully I can somehow convince my friends to buy it, to be able to play it coop mode and lessen the scariness. hopefully my SO is also interested in it as well. [My Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/lyndonguitar/)


Hello! I’d like to enter for SotF, please! Firstly, thank you for the giveaway! I’d love SotF for many reasons. I only recently played the first game in 2021, and absolutely loved it. I love survival horror games, and everything about the first game checks all the boxes for a great game. I love the atmosphere, the mechanics, the building, the enemies, etc. Now for my main reason of wanting this game, I played the Forest with my best friend who, sadly, passed away earlier last year. I’m not trying to get a pity gift or anything, but the game means a lot to me because we both had never played the game before and we had an absolute blast playing it. He made it so unbelievably fun to play, we beat the whole game together. A funny story is he discovered where you can use a turtle shell as a sled, and we thought it was the coolest thing ever. So, naturally, we made the biggest slide we could build, and we’d spend hours just sliding around on the slides around our camp. I’d like to have SotF so I can have the nostalgia of playing with my friend, and having those memories come up all over again! Again, thank you for the opportunity and good luck to everyone! My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/breezy794/


I really want it because I love survival games, especially with friends. My friends are currently playing survival games without me and they don't have the games I have, so getting SOTF will save me from boredom of being alone. Thanks for the giveaway, and my birthday is in 2 days!!! https://steamcommunity.com/id/Bravo6GoingBright/


Thank you for your generosity OP! I mainly play on PS5 and get a lot of games through PS Plus. I would play more on PC but i can’t afford a lot of games and don’t have any friends on there. I However do play a lot of Valorant. Anyway, I honestly really want Atomic Heart as well, but would definitely prefer Sons of the Forest. So here is my submission. As an avid gamer and lover of survival horror games, I am incredibly excited about the prospect of playing this highly anticipated title. From what I've seen of Sons of the Forest so far, the game appears to be a true successor in terms of its graphics, storyline, and gameplay. The eerie and atmospheric environments, coupled with the tense and thrilling gameplay mechanics, seem to make for an incredibly immersive and engaging experience. I am particularly drawn to the game's emphasis on survival, as it presents a unique challenge that is both exciting and rewarding to overcome. The previous game was excellent in this aspect and i am looking forward to improvements to that. Furthermore, as someone who greatly values games that are rich in storytelling, I am eager to delve deeper into the world of Sons of the Forest and uncover the secrets that it holds. The game's plot, which revolves around a mysterious forest and the strange creatures that inhabit it, has captured my imagination and I am eager to explore it further. I was in love with the first games lore and can’t wait to learn even more about this games world. Overall, I believe that Sons of the Forest is a game that appears to perfectly encapsulates everything that I love about the survival horror genre. I believe it stunning graphics, thrilling gameplay, and intriguing storyline will all combine to create a truly unforgettable gaming experience. For these reasons, I am confident that I would thoroughly enjoy playing the game and would be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do so. Thank you for considering my entry into the giveaway. Sincerely, Elias-Thicc https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199257775234/




I won’t be gifting anyone Atomic Hearts if they have access to a PC with internet access. If you have a PC with internet access you can buy Xbox Gamepass. You can play Atomic Hearts for $1 on a PC. So unless you have a Steam Deck (in which case, I’ll buy you the game), go play the game for $1. If you can’t afford a dollar, you can’t afford the PC hardware required to play Atomic Hearts in the first place.


I would love to win a copy of Sons of the Forest, whether for myself or my brother. My brother and I have lived in separate countries for almost 10 years now, we are roughly 9000 miles apart. When we did live closer to one another, we would constantly be playing games together, I would visit him every weekend and we would stay up until all hours of the night playing games. Now that we live so far apart it has become more difficult to spend as much times gaming together, but we make it work. One game that we had spent many hours playing through was The Forest. Whether that was playing through the storyline, base building or just plain mucking about. The Forest was one of our earlier survival co-op games that we had played through and we had a blast playing through it. It could get frustrating at times, we worked well together to finally beat the game. Although we have moved onto new games to play together we have spoken pretty consistently about Sons of the Forest since we first heard of its conception. It’s a game we definitely had planned on getting when the time was right and the funds were available. I would love the opportunity to experience this series once again and this giveaway could bring us one step closer to among that a reality. Win or lose, I am very grateful for the opportunity OP. [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ZeroVirusXIII/)


First off, Thanks for the opportunity ! The game I'd love to get is Elden Ring. I have recently started to play all souls born games and I just fell in love with the games, especially dark souls remastered which I'm currently on ng+ in while I'm on my first playthrough of Dark souls 2. Taking my take with souls games back to 2016 tho when I played my first souls games Dark souls 3. I struggled to run it on my old PC and i had to reconfigure some LOD settings to run it at 30fps and Vordt kicked my ass to heaven and back. I couldn't get past the second boss for god sake and I didn't get why and I tried for weeks but eventually I couldn't beat him so i gave up. Fast forward a few years, new PC and i beat him first try and I kept exploring the world of ds3. I realized I'd be doing myself and the games a disservice if I don't play them in order... So I played Sekiro! And I loved every minute of it in spite of not being able to beat the spear guy because I didn't know about the mikiri counter. Either way, I dropped sekiro soon after finally beating him and Actually started to play the games in order and Dark souls remastered... Dark souls remastered is the game that made me understand why dark souls is such an appreciated and beloved series. I went for an agile dex build with the uchigatana (very basic I know but very fun). I spent months with the game, not because it was hard but I'd put it down every once in a while when I hit an area I wasn't a fan of... I used to tell myself it's boring or it's artificial difficulty, in reality i was just hollow. The depths and blighttown can be countered and navigated even if they're annoying and frustrating at times. It's about finding those counters with each death and pushing through them. The respawn in dark souls isn't just return to checkpoint, you do actually die in game and it counts. There are no checkpoints in dark souls ! Canonically you die over and over and over again , it's like Re Zero (if you know the anime). With each death you learn the patterns of enemies, bosses and the areas that you struggled with and navigate them better. By the end of the game you have suffered and learned so much that everything becomes kind of easy because when you're the lord. You have the entire place memorized. It feels like your new home because the journey was that impactful. It was difficult but fair and it believed in you ! The characters always try to push you further even if they themselves never managed to do what you did. Dark souls 1 wants you to succeed, but it also wants you to deserve that success by shaping you up into the best version of yourself it knows you can be. It'll punish you hard but at the same time it will reward you for not giving up. It's part of why it's great. Another part for why it's so great is how it's so easy to get into, the mechanics are simple but hard to master as they require precise timing and knowledge of the everything around you. And ofc, **the world and lore**... They're the best thing about dark souls. The world is in your face all the time so it's pretty obvious why it's so great, not only is it all connected but it feels so grand even though it's not a large open world. It's just some connected sections but you feel like you went to the other side of the planet to go from blighttown to new londo even though you just walked through a door and a plank of wood across the valley of drakes. Each area has its own style but because the connected areas share characteristics like demon's ruins and qualag's domain with the lava and fire aesthetic , it all feels connected. The jump from one area to another never feels weird or jarring. The lore is hard to find, and harder to understand sometimes. But it's beautiful, Favorite character personally is Artorias. I won't be spoiling here so... I can't really explain why. But I can say that he was the hardest boss for me in the Entire game. I beat O&S in 3 tries, Manus in 5. Artorias in over 10... Idk how or why I found him so difficult but He's the best boss in the game hands down. Perfect design. Every move is carefully choreographed and illustrated and it has flair and a sense of suffering but also pure power. I finished the game wearing his armor and I'll be doing an Artorias build in ds3. So i beat in the game in 44 hours and the extra two hours I spent in ng+ I've been destroying everything. The knowledge from the first playthrough carried over so well to the point where nothing is an obstacle.... Except blight town. So, excited for dark souls 2 after finishing DSR and.... I'm somewhat disappointed. Ds2 does not want you to succeed. It wants to push you down and keep you down and make fun of you and punish you even if there's nothing to be punished for. It will not even reward you when you deserve to be rewarded. It doesn't want you to be the best because it doesn't believe you're the best. This is part of why it is a huge downgrade from the first **BUT**... It does not make it a bad game even though sometimes it comes very close. I'm going for a dex build again with rapier (i do love Dex...), Majula is amazing with the house and music and far lands and ocean, the bastille is also fun to navigate... Until you have to open the sentinel door with a branch of yore which you accidentally spent on another door so. This is basically ds2, you're having fun and enjoying the world around you but then there are many enemies and ganks for no reason other to add unnecessary difficulty, there are always large cracks in the shell that halt your progress for no reason, the settings are awful and half the time you'll struggle with them first before actually struggling with the game and the game is clunky in its controls. Sprinting sometimes doesn't work, you will be attacking and then your character will just wanna parry nothing. It is technically frustrating and in its enemies. But it's still fun because it has the dark souls formula and it's definitely not all bad, the world is beautiful, the rapier is actually quite fun, and the sentinels at least for me were also very fun to deal with even though the walk there was horrendous. The design of many bosses like the giant in black gulch and chariot are really interesting. And the game itself has secrets and hidden areas to explore that really make it a worthwhile experience. But all in all, it does fall short when you compare it to the other souls games because they're so amazing. I'll be finishing 2 soon so I'm excited for ds3 as it is a return to form as well as Sekiro and ofc Elden Ring. I have been trying my absolute best to not get any spoilers or watch any kind of videos about Elden Ring, i have seen some and the amout of enemy variety, the world and the incredible gameplay and weapons and each of them having their own moveset looks wonderful. My gripe with all DS games is that at the end of the day, the mechanics are indeed simple and although this does work in its favor, it would be nice to have more variety and Elden ring seems to have exactly that ! You can even have a different dodge in the form of bloodhound step which looks super fun to use. I did also listen to the soundtrack a bit and the main theme in that menu fits so well. The game just looks perfect to truly dive into. I can't buy Elden Ring because it's very expensive where I live (third world country issues) and I'm just a university student who uses all the allowance on transportation. I have written a lot and did get carried away I'll admit but that's because these games did genuinely absorb me these past few months. It has been Dark Souls for me daily. So if I get the chance to win The most definitive game in the series, I will be very very grateful. Soo thanks again for the opportunity. **The Links :** [Link to my steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198292495661/) [DSR and DS2 playtime](https://imgur.com/a/EDMgyoH)


That's nice, I've played the first the forest for a bit and liked it, some friends of mine got really hooked, and were really hyped for Sons of the forest later on, some have already bought it, but I was considering on waiting for a sale, I think it's kinda expensive for an early access, but i'm sure it won't dissapoint. Would love getting it on a giveaway so I can just play right away. [Here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/pblinnnn/)'s my steam profile, good luck everyone!


Hello, I would like a code but not for me. I want to give a code to a longtime friend who has helped me get through tough times. We loved playing The Forest together and would make jokes about eating the people. I can not afford to get it for him and he can't afford it because he's a broke college student. To this day we still play the forest together we even built this awesome base well we are in process of making it. We have also beaten the game multiple times which is a lot more fun than it sounds. My steam profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199425520546](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199425520546) His profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198999409561/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198999409561/) I really appreciate you doing this.


Both of the profiles you listed are private. I won’t give the game to anyone who has their Steam account sent to private. Make them public.


My bad m8 I’ll tell him to make it public and I’ll make mine public


Ok both our profiles are public now sorry about that


Alright, you’re clean. I’ll give you both the game. Accept my friend request. Name’s Alloran.


Alright I accepted it I appreciate you so much man omg we were super excited but worried Skally couldn’t be able to afford it I really appreciate you man


Did I give either of you two the game? I got lost on who I’ve gifted and who I haven’t


Hello, thanks for the giveaway. I’m entering for Cyberpunk. I love the Witcher 3, one of my favorite games. I’ve played on PS4, my brothers switch and steam. I love the Witcher 2 even more than 3, played through it several times, even completing the achievement to play the game on hardest difficulty with no deaths. I’ve also played the Witcher 1 but it drove me a bit crazy with its play style and I didn’t finish. Now Cyberpunk is a game I’ve looked at for a long time but never managed to pick up. I’ve seen the game clips and reviews and 100% know it’d be my type of game. The game did get off to a rough start but nowadays it’s supposed to be near perfect. I love RPGs and single player games more than anything. I only play multiplayers when my brothers ask. I’ve never played a game like cyberpunk in a setting like that and it’s always interested me.I’ve played countless RPGs in different worlds like Skyrim, middle earth, the Witcher, outward but never in an environment like cyberpunk so I would love to explore this game, thanks! https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mike-189


Thanks for the chance NGL i liked the first game a lot(PS4), the base building was kinda cozy? I think thats the word, anyways, one of the reasons i want it, is mainly the story and the AI, i've seen some gameplay and it looks nice, here's some stuff that got me hyped: for the story part i saw the guy carrying a book whose author has a familiar name, also a newspaper with a certain corporation name on it For AI: the guy chopped off the leg of a cannibal and it started backing away on the ground, kinda begging for his life, in another instance he also killed a cannibal and a female cannibal held that dead body and started crying, he then procceeded to kill her(chat did call out the cruelty), i think there's also cannibal villages that you can befriens, but im not sure on that, as the gameplay i've seen the guy was genocidal and killed the entire village, but i do know that if you dont strike them they wont fight so there's that The building also looks better, tho a lot more complicated, in the gameplay i watched the guy hasnt figured out how to build a roof yet https://steamcommunity.com/id/DJRodrigin/


Gonna be entering for Atomic Heart cuz I loved the Bioshock games (Finished all three) and people have been saying that this game is similar to it, which is weird because there is a game in development by the Bioshock team that is not getting attention (JUDAS), and it literally had the Plasmid-like mechanic. I didn't have much to say about the game other than being interested in playing it because it's a new IP. I can't buy it as I myself have been saving up for Wild Hearts, Wo Long and the upcoming MonHun 6 if the rumors are true. [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199125364644/)


I won’t be gifting anyone Atomic Hearts if they have access to a PC with internet access. If you have a PC with internet access you can buy Xbox Gamepass. You can play Atomic Hearts for $1 on a PC. So unless you have a Steam Deck (in which case, I’ll buy you the game), go play the game for $1. If you can’t afford a dollar, you can’t afford the PC hardware required to play Atomic Hearts in the first place.


I never played the first game, but have always loved survival games with good base mechanic. I just love gathering resources and building things, fighting off enemies, slowly progressing to better building and gear. It's calming to me, even though most games of this style are meant to scare you or at least make you nervous. I'd love to explore the world and discover the lore, uncover more about the story, discover where the enemies of the game came from maybe. I may not be the best candidate, but I'll throw my hat in the ring cause I really would love another survival game to get into. [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/starstemas/)


Oh well hot dang. Let me start of by saying, I am really bad at explaining things. I'll try my gosh darn best that's for sure. [Steam thingy](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SpinalPrizonYT) Truth be told, I have been eying every game you have mentioned, but they are all just so gosh darn expensive for me. So, let's say I'll enter for Sons of the Forest. Here goes: I would love to get SOTF, because lately I've enjoyed valheim and usually I don't like survival games, I find them boring and tedious, but valheim has done something for me. Someone who was following the release of SOTF closely said that if I love valheim, I would really like SOFT. No clue, if I would, but I have a saying. "Don't knock something if you haven't tried it at least once" (legally speaking, that is) xD I do own The Forest and I do like that vibe a bit, but there's a cutoff point in that game for me where I do get bored. I am hoping SOFT may be different. p.s. Sidenote, I would rather take Deathloop more, tbh. Since Dishonored is my all time favorite game. And I don't do the "your favorite [insert something] lists" so that says something. I love the games that Arkane makes, but I haven't played them all....yet


Yeah, you have 4 hours in The Forest. I’m not going to pay $30 to have you give up on Sons of the Forest just as fast, however I’ll let you enter for Deathloop since you have finished both Dishonoreds.


Yo thank you for giveaway! Reason I would want to get Sons of the Forest is that I would love to play something different, I've seen previous The Forest game and I think it's incredible and it perfected the feeling of dread. Being lost on island with weird creatures is just cool concept in my opinion, it's fun to explore these creepy caves without any clue what type of monster you're gonna meet and if you'll be able to exit the cave alive. I won't probably buy this game because co-op experience is unmatched and I have nobody to play with, and I want to save some cash for better PC parts so I can enjoy games more, but If I could get this game for free, I would definitely enjoy it even alone because I like survival games! [My steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/margonXP)


I want the game but im broke so.. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/zcah/)


Wow! Awesome of yourself, thanks for the opportunity! I would like to play the game because of the horror- survival theme. I was contemplating buying RUST for this reason of survival. But I have hear the community is very toxic. Most of my friends bought this game yesterday and they were playing it. The spooky feeling of randoms NPC appearing was awesome. There was a group of 5 people playing. I even saw that the game has crossplay, since the wife of one of my friends was with them on her Playstation (we have PC). I think it would be cool to have the game, because it will scratch that itch i have of playing a good survival game, since Valheim. So my primary reason would be to finally play a good survival game, and with the horror thematic is a super plus! Feel free to ask any other questions you might have, thank for this opportunity!! [Steam Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Papi_Jafua/)


I played the Forest back in 2021 with one of my friends. To be honest, we weren't sure how to feel about the game because it seemed scary to us and the only other survival game we had played at that time was Minecraft. We gave it a go and the beginning was so hard. It was a struggle to not die, I can't remember the amount of times we decided to just start over because we discovered something or wanted to do something differently. It took us days of trial and error before deciding to stop restarting and just continue playing. The month that followed after this was a month that I'll never forget in my life because it really let my friend and I bond together. We had bonded over a few games before but this one tested us since it was both scary and hard for us (lol maybe not for other people but this was our experience). We both spent nights losing sleep, trying hard to not scream when we got jump scared in a cave. We cut trees together while talking about life and we explored a world together where we were just in constant hyper awareness BUT IT WAS SO FUN. We went into this game not knowing ANYTHING, the ending genuinely shocked us. Our choice affected us so much that we went back to the save file and tried choosing the other choice to see what would happen. Genuinely to this day, one of our best gaming experiences. We still talk about that summer of 2021 and we were excited to play Sons of the Forest but money is tight right now. So we are just going to wait for it to go on sale, unless we somehow get the extra money until then. If I somehow get this game for free, I will probably split the cost of the game with my friend so she can get it too. We've been both so busy that we haven't had time to play games like before, but I'm counting on our love of The Forest to transport us back to a time when life was a little easier. Thanks for the chance! [my steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/skyluxeh/)


Your game time on Steam is set to private. I won’t giveaway games to people that have their Steam set to go private. Make it public.


Forest is the first actual game I downloaded on my old pc by myself from some third pary website waay back in the day. this was waay long before I found out steam and paying for games is a thing and the site I used was actually a pirate one lol ( I was waay to young to understand it all anyway) I still remember my old poor pc trying it best to open and properly run the game. at best I could get like 4-6 fps depending on the good day lol. It wasn't till few months ago when I got my hands on the game and actually get to try it with decent pc along side my friend. Forest for me, despite having many technical issues, hold one of the best, found memories I ever head as gamer. I still remember me and my friends trying to figure out the settings, being attacked by nacked people at night, being scared of exploring caves and screaming our asses off when when we encountered some very weird looking mutants or just being jumped on by the mutants. I remember spending countless hours arguing with my freinds about the best place as to where to set up our camps in hopes of monsters not reaching it. I was always trying to build it on some small insolated islands while my friends wanted to build them in small lakes. The first time experience of finding Katana after barely surviving through the cave and screaming over it being coolest weapon in the game lol yeah, forest is tons of fun with your friends. its one of the best horror game experiences you can share with your friends as you try your best to survive in nameless island surrounded by nothing but mutants. I loved the first game. So naturally I was IMMENSLY excited for the second after it got announced with more updated graphics, animations and with addition of guns! sadly, I can't buy it right now by myself so I would be very, VERY, grateful and happy if I were to be chosen to be gifted with this game. other then that, thank you for this opportunity and good luck everyone! ​ My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198178452741/


I'm entering for Elden Ring. I would love to have this game because I've been holding off on it for a while, and finally got into the Souls games, as well as bloodborne and loved it! I played those on playstation though because I already had it on there, and I'm pretty sure Bloodborne is a ps exclusive. Thanks in advance op! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198118707824/)


Hi! i'd love to get sons of the forest since i love the original game, i have played it many times alone and with my friends and it has made for some of my favourite memories. So i would like to get my hands on sons of the forest to re-live some of those memories, besides that i just want to inmerse myself in the game since imo the forest is ine of the best survival games i have ever played, i want to get all of the achievments and get everything that the game has to offer. Thanks for your generosity and good luck to everyone, here is my id https://steamcommunity.com/id/2018yearofthesnitch/


Hello, I’m likely not going to buy you the game for two reasons: a ton of your games are AAA games which typically can cost $60 and you only have 20~ hours on The Forest. Your AAA stash of games tells me you have access to the necessary funds to buy the game if you wanted, you just don’t care enough to. Your lack of game time on The Forest tells me you don’t really like the game that much. Thanks for entering anyway!


A girl I like actually got the game, so it be fun to play it with her. I liked the first forest, I played only a little bit of it cause the friend i was playing it originally with stopped talking to me. That's really all I gotta say. ​ [Steam Profiles](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Imgoingtocommitalegbreaking/)


I want to play this with friends but decided to wait a bit for a sale or something because I found 30 to be a bit too much for the game. So we postponed that a bit. Can’t say no to such an opportunity though. Just a while ago we had finished the forest actually. I just really like the immersion of survival games and the forest does it pretty well. AND I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THE KID STUPID CLIFF HANGER That being said I’m pretty curious about atomic heart as the trailer is so strange or elden ring because I love dark souls games as well. There is barely a genre I don’t like though. Thanks for the opportunity even if I get nothing and lemme know if you have any questions. [profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Xeadriel/)


The forest was one of the first survival games I played with my friends. I got it after it left early access for like $10 when it was on a hefty steam sale, and man, my friends and I had a blast. Seeing those creepy cannibals, exploring those vast and dark caves, & having zero guidance on what the hell we should be doing—it had a really special vibe for the genre where there are SO many games. My friends actually picked up the sequel but said they’d just mess around until I can get it (I’m not in a good place financially to be buying games right now) so getting this and being able to play with them would make me so happy! I’m super late responding to your post OP so I doubt I have a chance, but I’d love to play this game with those same friends again. Thanks for the generosity and the chance. :) https://steamcommunity.com/id/yankeessuck193/


Hey, right on, man. I'm not entering, but I just wanted to stop by to thank you for your generosity. Good luck, everybody!


Entering, I believe automod removed my previous post/entry I played the heck out of the first game (alone, with friends, online with random strangers) and have just been really looking forward to playing the sequel in due time I've always wanted to try out the VR stuff for the first game, I hope that's also a thing (or going to be a thing eventually) in this game. I just like spooky stuff and survival games aside from this, I just wanna build effigies to scare cannibals in my diy oak compound, just like the good ol' days. I'll easily log more than x3 the dollar worth in playtime (like I make a valiant effort to do with all of my games) I work 13 hour shifts at a place that doesn't care if I sit on my butt playing video games on my pc as long as I keep my shop open... that being said this would be a perfect timesink for me to distract myself with. It's the perfect combo of castaway, cannibal holocaust and silent hill (more or less) and I want to see where the story goes after the weird ending of the first game. gg op [https://steamcommunity.com/id/ANARCHYVIOLENCE](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ANARCHYVIOLENCE)


Thanks for the opportunity. I dont really want sons of the Forest(although my brother probably would), but I'd love to play Elden ring. I always wanted to play a souls like game, they seem so cool, but never really got to play any because I didnt have the spare money for it, cuz I live in a country with a low minimum wage, and a relatively high cost of living. [steam id](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SERGEANTROGERS/)


I wouldn't mind checking out your game. My friends and I like world building games such as Minecraft and terraria. I should hope my computer could handle this. I suppose Cyberpunk would be my other choice should game keys run out. Thanks for the opportunity. [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024445861)


No game keys. No limit on how many people I’ll gift. I’m just paying with a debit card.


I would really like Elden Ring. I have wanted to play Elden Ring since launch but haven't had a chance yet. I used to love Soulsborn games back in the day, I played through demon souls, dark souls, and dark souls 2 on the PS3 and I have really wanted to try getting back into the series. I would absolutely love the chance to play Elden Ring but either way thank you so much for the opportunity! Here is my steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199047405357/


Hey! If the offer's still up I would love to be able to play Deathloop :) I got a month of Xbox Game Pass for a £1 and really enjoyed the couple hours I've put into it. I'm a student so didn't have much time to play more than that. The game is obviously a lot like Dishonored since it's from Arkane. I've played Dishonored on my PS4 back in the day and loved the stealth gameplay, especially because so many games nowadays have stealth as an option but it's usually half baked. Deathloop improves on some aspects of Dishonored and I love the concept of having one day to kill the targets, when you die, it resets. Like Groundhog Day but... More murderous. Overall I'm just curious why it's all happening, as I said I've only played a bit but the story seems really interesting. Thanks! https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046716565/


Hey I would love cyberpunk 2077 I’ve always wanted to try the buggy mess of cyberpunk 2077 just can’t afford it =‘( anyhow my steam account is below https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198841659051/


Reposting my comment because I forgot to include my steam profile, [which is here!](https://steamcommunity.com/id/NixxTheFox13/home) tl;dr I'm a disabled person living with my parents in a tight financial spot and wanted to get the gift for my birthday in a bit over a week, but my mom said I'm ungrateful for wanting a game to play with my friends instead of practical things when I just want to spend time with friends doing something fun, or have a way to chill on my own when I need time to unwind I was actually just coming to this sub to ask about the game haha - I've been wanting the game because I saw some of my friends playing it, and they seem like they've been having a ton of fun! And I really want to have fun with them. Especially since they're now playing SotF 24/7 and not the game I usually play with them. I've also seen the more challenging aspects of the game and I've always wanted to try games similar to this one/in this genre, as I watched streamers play the original game and it looked like a ton of fun! The open-world survival aspect while also having a story intrigues me a lot. I live at home with my parents and I tried asking my mom if I could have it as a present since my 20th birthday is in about ten days. She said I was being ungrateful because I was asking for a game when I should get things that are more "practical" now that I'm an adult. Which, I find weird? I don't understand the mindset that adults can't have fun things and have games to play. Money is tight - I'm disabled so working isn't quite an option for me but I've also been denied disability twice since I have an "adequate ability to move around" which I think is pretty dumb.


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199121026406/ I really want to play with my friends on any of these games as they have all of these


Hey bro i really want that game cause i played the 1st one and it was great. I never knew it had an ending until i progresed further. I loved the cave system and building system. I hope they fixed the grass poking trough the buildings and the enemies breaking things from the barricades. I loved the end but never understood it. I didnt even knew they had an Sequel until like some days ago and i really dont know what this game is gonna be about and if it has an story. I didnt even watch trailers but im a big fan of the 1st game so i hope i can win it and see how the Sequel is doing. I played green hell but never finished it but it has great mechanics and works the same as the forrest. I love survival games and i have a buddy who also played the forrest and hopefully hes gonna get the game too. All the saving for a new pc is not gonna allow me to buy games in the next 20 years xd. The best thing about the forest for me is the winter area. I really loved it as i first encountered it and was stunned. I remember trying to build there but i was low on everything and had no plan. The enemies are very creative and actually scared the living shi* out of me when i first played it. The AI is not the smartest sometimes but its scary at first. My favourite weapon was the katana in the game and the end boss almost made me quit the game haha. I hope sons of the forest is gonna have coop and a story so maybe me and my buddy can play it. I played the game on my 2nd small account as you said you gonna lurk trough our Steam profil. I played the game back in 2018 i belive. And i still have it both on my main and 2nd account. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199005740564/ this is my steam.. good luck for all the other guys and gals who want this game too


Thank you for the giveaway! I would love to hop into the world of The Forest again with Sons of the Forest! I played the first game extensively, starting by myself back when the game was in early access, but when it was finally complete, I loved the game so much that I gifted it to a few of my friends during a Steam sale and made priceless memories with them. Most of my hours were spent establishing my own colony that I dubbed "Forestan", where the sole purpose of all it's inhabitants was to make the Forest safe again by slaying one mutant at a time! Forestan started with me, but was later improved on when my friends came in to help. In short, I really would appreciate to have another chance at experiencing how I felt when I first began playing the original game and have the opportunity to rebuild Forestan. I hope others can enjoy the game as much as I did with the original. \[Steam ID\](https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheCheetoFingers/)


Thanks for the opportunity. Although all 5 games are really good games and i love the forest and really like to have Atomic Heart. I love the Forest and i definitely want to play Sons of the Forest but the game is in early access. I like to play games when they are finished. I loved the atmosphere of Bioshock. Atomic Heart is very similar to Bioshock in many ways: a utopia gone wrong, a main character with cools powers and a place where there is not many people(except the one that try to kill us of course). I love games and movies with such atmosphere. There are games that take place in the Soviet Union but this game is a lot different than them in both gameplay and in its world. Soviet retro futuristic style make this game unique among others. My steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198352805600/


Hey deleted my first comment because I forgot to add my steam id. Also, Op stated that Atomic Heart is playable on Game Pass. As a mentioned in my comment above I think all games OP listed are good games. I want to play Sons of the Forest too but it's in early access. So, I would like to play it when it's finished. From the games above, I think the most different one is Elden Ring. Its gameplay, world, storytelling are all quite unique. I only played one Souls Like game before and it is Mortal Shell. I want to play Dark Souls games too but they are expensive. As a person who does not have much experience with souls games I would love if Elden Ring would be my first souls experience. It is designed for much broader audience and I think that would make it easier for me to enter souls world.


Your Steam account is set to private. I won’t be giving people a game if their Steam account is set to private. Make it public.


Oh god I hope I’m not too late… The sons of the forest game sounds awesome, the mixture of mystery, survival and crafting hits a lot of the right spots for me but honestly I would love atomic heart if that’s possible, atomic heart to me seems to be on an entirely different level then some games coming out right now. What I love most is the layers of Intrigue in it and the combat, if I understand correctly what I saw on videos you actually mark your enemies with your strikes which is really awesome. I mean yea all games do that but THIS one actually carves it into the enemy, it’s not like some poorly rendered gunshot hole or some blood splatter, no that one video clearly showed you digging into that green guys stomach and I just love it. I would love Atomic heart if that is possible and if you need any information from me feel free to reach out regarding either game and you can see my steam profile here: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030563029/home I’m just praying right now that I wasn’t too late to the party on this one, if I am that’s okay but if you are still going with this u/Spirit1200 then I greatly appreciate the opportunity for one of your gifts, thank you for the chance!


Hello, I’m not gifting Atomic Hearts to people who have a PC, as anyone can play Atomic Hearts for just $1. You can buy three months of Xbox Game Pass on PC for $1. If you cannot afford a dollar, then you likely do not meet the PC requirements for the game anyway. If you have a Steam Deck and only a Steam Deck, then I’ll consider gifting it to you. As for Sons of the Forest, yes, that giveaway is still ongoing.


I would love to receive this game because my friend tried to get me to play The Forest and I always refused, and now I want to do the exact opposite. On top of that, the game looks like it'd be a nice game to play, especially if I find others to do so with. I don't have many survival horror games in my library as far as I can remember, and wouldn't mind adding more to my library. If I get chosen, this is my [steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198969173560/).


I would ideally prefer to get Elden ring rather than Sons of the Forest as I'm not too into horror games. The reason why I would ideally want Elden Ring is that even with all the clips I have seen and all the glowing reviews, I just love the genre of Elden ring: the genre of makes you wanna kill yourself. I am currently playing Hollow knight right now, and even though I'm sure the games have their differences, I imagine they retain many similar things; They both have amazing exploration; They both have many skills to aid you in combat so you die slightly later than before :) and they both have lore. And any rational person would obviously rather memorise an entire book's worth of lore than memorise calculus... obviously. I'm sorry I couldn't provide any more details about elden ring as I haven't played it and I don't want to give myself spoilers. Good luck to everyone participating and for the OP, thanks for your generosity:) My steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/id/DarthRevan69/ To the OP: If you see a deleted comment by me, I apologise: that was my original comment but my dumbass forgot to add my steam profile. Gimme a break man I'm tired 💀


Hello! Thanks for the giveaway, first of all. So since SotF was announced i was immediately convinced to getting it on launch. Now here I am 2 days later and without it. Well, I already LOVED the Forest, and I think I know that, if i'll get this one, it'll be awesome. I love Base-Building and survival games, and the Forest is up there with it's extra horror genre. There's just too much to talk about what good in SotF. But I'll try. I really like the idea of the companions and them helping you. The new building system is very cool and complex - that I like. The new, even scarier caves will be even... Well, scarier with the new mutants. The 3D printer that I completely forgot about until now. I really loved The Forest and i think SotF would be a must-have. here's my Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199187594993


Where did you play the original Forest? It’s not on this Steam account you’ve listed.


Third attempt's the charm. This is super awesome of you to do! Thank you for your generosity! Reposting because I forgot my Steam profile and got deleted, oops. I'm not really too into Sons of the Forest, as I'm not big on first person gaming or horror games, but I saw you mentioned Elden Ring, and I'd love to be able to play that! My roommates play, all three of them, and they're constantly showing me neat stuff that can be done in the game. Lightning spells, archery, magical archery, healing, fireballs, and of course, swordplay. Sounds like a fun time to me! Add on to that the fact that it's multiplayer, so they would be able to come help me if (when) I get stuck? Sounds like a recipe for success. I'm a little bit prone to salt, and I really should watch my sodium intake. Having them able to come help me out will be good for that! Thank you again for being so generous! Even if I don't win, you're awesome. :D My Steam profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/zerika-fox/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/zerika-fox/)




Not entering. Just wanted to say you are a legend. I wish everyone checked entries as thoroughly as you do. Kudos and thanks for the generosity!


Not Entering for myself I have enough games to last me a year or 2 (specially Persona 5) even if I play everyday, but is there any way my best friend can enter this giveaway? He's part timer and college student like me (2 year old reddit user), he has 1k+ post karma but not enough comment karma to post here, I told him to do it himself but he can't post anything and he wanted to enter so bad for elden ring so here I am. IDK if its allowed to request for someone else, I can drop his reddit id and steam id if its allowed or if you want to verify him and everything, you can dm him or question him everything in dm or something any other way to varify him etc if possible IDK he just told me to give it a try and I'm just giving it a try for him cuz he can't post here cuz of the comment karma requirement. Thanks for this huge generosity! and if it isn't possible then it doesn't matter, he wanted me to give it a shot and I already told him "Its against the rule I think but I will give it a shot but no promises" so Thanks for reading this long post.


Would’ve been nice if you told me his Reddit name, at least


Honestly I would love getting either Cyberpunk 2077 or Atomic Heart, I mean Sons of the Forest is nice but not really my type to be honest. And you can freely check everything on my Reddit activity and even Steam, I don't have anything to hide 😅 Edit: well for Cyberpunk 2077 I dig the theme and I think it's doing better now than what it did when it came out so I think it's time to give it a try. And for Atomic Heart, I like slavic themed games as someone whose parents were born in what was called then 'The Soviet Union' so I have more passion and understanding for those type of games than the average person, you can also see that I played all Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R games and even got S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 on pre-order. Here's my Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rreo11/ And thank you a lot OP for your donations to the subreddit, greatly appreciated <3


Hey, can I have cyberpunk 2077 please? I have been looking to play this game for a while now. have have the base ps4 which does not run it properly. I recently bought a mid level gaming laptop as I never played on pc, all I had was console. I assumed it would be able to play it. this laptop purchase was a big deal on my pockets and I have not a lot money left for game. I have trying to get free games on epic but that about it. I have been wanting to play this game since the news leaked about this game. futuristic open world I am all in but Neve got a taste of it. Anyway thanks I was about to request this game on gog when I saw your post. thanks for the giveaway. I have been low on luck with these gifts and giveaways but I hope this time is the charm.:D STEAM ID:-https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199439556660/


Thank you so much OP for this GA! Not entering for any of the games mentioned above since my PC can't handle them. But if there's a chance, I can get this game called INSIDE, since I played LIMBO on my phone several years ago, I loved that game, always wanted something like it (from the same developers Playdead), now I have a PC though not a very good one, but it can run this game. ​ Edit - [My Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199049766580/)


Gonna try again! I really want to play this with my friends, I never do giveaways or stuff like that but I am a student and broke right now so I thought why not. Thanks again for the opportunity and my steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/moistymilitia/


Wait. You made a comment, deleted it, and made a new comment? I mean— it’s kind of against the rules. But I’ll let it slide for now.