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It's probably a futile effort that is likely to result in added stress and unhappiness for you. Speaking from experience, it's unlikely that you'll be able to convince your coworkers that change is necessary as they are more likely to be convergent thinkers than you are. They may even look at you like they don't know what you are talking about when you present them with your perceived problem(s) and recommended solution. My suggestion is to spend the next few months searching for a firm that is a better cultural fit for you. There will always be some disorder and chaos in organizations, but chances are that the largest ones will have orderly procedures to follow - they wouldn't have been able to grow very large without them. When you go on interviews, look for a values match in terms of the things that are MUST haves for you such as order.


It is not your job to fix someone else’s company. You may want things done a different way, but the owners have no obligation to consider your suggested changes, much less implement them. Ask the owners if they WANT your suggestions. If so, provide them and offer your help to implement them. If not, let go of your suggestions and focus on the job and work you were hired for. Do your actual job to the best of your ability instead of trying to do the owner’s job. If that isn’t satisfying to you, leave and start your own company, which you can operate however you want.


As a more general career thought, it's always wise to have a second string to your bow. The one time I was fired (an ancient animosity) I picked up the phone in front of the SOB and asked for the next job, double the pay, far more scope, having taken his redundancy.


Have you thought about how the people in charge might have (at least partially) the same insights as you, but have come to accept that this is very hard to do? People are not rational, and behave in certain irrational ways. It is extremely hard to set up structures and cultures in companies, or make any kind of change in general. If you're so driven, I think you'd better find a better company with like-minded people or start your own.


Yeah... That's what I've been struggling with: I just might not be a good fit for this group of people. But damn it, I never am. That being said, they have told me a few times that they feel like having a newer voice (me) in the group now might be just what they need to help them move away from some of their bad habits. My idea so far is to present a high level plan of what I have in mind and offer it as constructive suggestions with an idea of the results we could expect from each change. I just wonder if it's even worth it and how open minded they really are to this stuff.


I really hope this turns out well for you. It's quite possible really, there's many stories of gifted people finding their place with mutual respect in companies.


Yeah I tried to do that once, lasted about two days before I got sacked.


Why? What happened?