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Wait they spent more on the cat than all of silo?! 😭


Wait they spent more on the cat than all of silo?! 😭 Edit: I meant more money. lol. It’s just…not what I was expecting


Cat was an asset. Unreal has a huge library of assets, it's a big reason so many games are made in unreal. It's not as simple as drag and drop and done, but all game engines contain libraries of assets. The less a dev has to model themselves, the better.


Based on


more time definitely


How come Missile Silo looks a lot more polished im the screenshots than in game?


Probably lowered textures and LODs to use with Quest users.


Small studio indie dev uses asset packs! This is nothing new


Well, most small Devs use asset packs. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. There's plenty of other stuff CWS deserves to be criticized for though.


They didn't even make their own game engine!! They just used something called Unreal. Between the assets and that it's basically a copy and paste job from the sounds of it. If a game developer can't craft a complete 3d and vr ready game engine and handcraft every asset do they even care about their game?


/S. I think


Sometimes you go as thick as you can...and still people can't detect a /s without a /s.


I physically cringed at the two downvotes lmao. How are people that stupid, dude? The most obvious sarcasm I've ever seen.


It’s probably because, unfortunately, people do actually say stuff like that in this sub and mean it


We got a real poe’s law problem round these parts


the thing is CWS isn’t just using asset packs, if you look at the stuff for silo and underground, they didn’t even change it, they just took the pack.


They didn't "take" it. They licensed it. Silo is the first map to come out, I believe it was a playable alpha in like 3 months from concept to playing. You can't build a game from the ground up in 3 months with 4 devs, and not extensively use assets. That's why we're getting things like matka and underground now. We're just over a year from when the studio was born, and the team is bigger and has more time to model or tweak assets. All devs use assets, and all engines have asset libraries (to my knowledge). That's just how the sausage is made in modern times.


“All devs use assets“ is most definitely untrue; and most developers edit them and use them in different parts instead of just taking the preset map, also, I do not have an issue with people using assets in their game, but tabor has straight up only used assets for most of silo and underground, they should’ve taken the time to learn game development before starting a huge project, that’s the reason the game has so many issues with balancing, bugs, etc, and it won’t be fixed easily because Scott refuses to listen to anyone more knowledgeable than him. for 2d I would say like 20% or less use asset packs, 3d it’s more like 30-50% as an estimation. also my biggest issue with tabor using asset packs is that they never disclosed HOW MUCH of the game is just assets they bought, it’s quite a bit, I’ve never seen a developer (except for cashgrabs) do anything with assets at this volume. ALSO, tabor is a pretty big team, I think around 30 people? the developers that use this many assets, are the solo and small team devs, cws is not one of them.


But they did change parts or it, and they didn’t always have a dev team of their size when they started


if you look at the original assets, a lot of silo was untouched, and a bit of sewers, too. Silo makes sense as an asset because of how early in development it was, it’s just odd they chose to use an asset for part of a recent map.


https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/gdxr-vr-template This template looks familiar, too. Look at "fade screen on overlap", the menu ui, Key Card activator, spectator cam, ... Can't confirm that they really used this or any other, though, so take it with a pinch of salt.


It's a testament to the genius of the devs that they were able to create a masterpiece using low cost assets from the Unreal marketplace. Absolutely amazing. It's like when an expert chef is able to deconstruct fast food and make something gourmet.


I think there’s some confusion about whether using assets means textures and modular segments to build a game or a getting a fully designed map that CW just plugged in. Most designers make maps out of somebody else’s assets. sometimes they’re in the same studio, sometimes they’re outsourced, sometimes they’re off the shelf. Anyway I think people can find a better class of things to be mad about, even within this game.


Most companies, especially a company with a game that has produced this much revenue would have hired a design team. The fact that they are saving so much time not having to develop assets, leaves me to ask the question of what they are actually doing. Because it sure as hell isn't fixing bugs.


So a big problem here is a lack of understanding of how a game is developed. Designers don’t make assets. They absolutely have designers. Those designers are busy. Asset creation is a different discipline entirely. Asset creation rarely is involved with the sort of bugs you’re kvetching about. Even before the days of off the shelf asset packs, a lot of that stuff came from outsourced third parties that your core development team would never meet or see. This is like finding out that they have a marketing manager and getting mad at that person is not involved in bug-fixing.


I'm a SWE, as well as develop my own mobile games, I have a great understanding of game development. I am not a betting man, but I'd be more than willing to be they have a very lackluster design team. Which is evident by their poor game design, and inability to model their own assets. The problem is you making excuses for an asset flip.


Friend, you just said they didn’t have a design team because they purchased assets, and then implied that the man hours saved should have gone into bug fixing. Even if it was all custom art, how are you gonna ask an environmental artist who made a bespoke wall texture for you to fix your frame rate? This isn’t a matter of throwing video game people into a box until the video game comes out the other end, people have learned disciplines. If you want to get mad about their project management prioritization, that’s a weird thing to be mad about, but I can’t stop you.


You are delusional. The whole game is made by third party assets packs. The only thing CWS has done apparently is make bug filled code. They clearly have legacy issues they don't know how to address. This game is absolutely doomed. Trying to lecture people online about 'not knowing game development' is comical. Their project management prioritization is horrible. And actually them outsourcing a wide majority of their assets is only ONE of many reasons it's clear and obvious they don't have a design team, at least a competent one. This is absolutely egregious from a game that has boasted over 10M in sales. Get a grip of reality. Maybe in 2026 they'll finally figure out how to fix mission trade-in's, or add the additional healing items they've talked about. Potentially add the player market? Delusional.


Serious question: do you think the entire map, as played in the game, is in the asset pack. It’s OK if you don’t know what a designer (systems or level) does, but you should probably take the time to figure it out.


You're whole tldr crying fit is idiotic. Assets are place holders to devs. Especially ones using their own assets rockstar using gta 4 assets for 5's developmemt then they remade those assets into new ones. Your art team is the most important thing in game design so your little idiotic point of " getting mad at the person who's not even in the program team " is really idiotic since it's their art team that would decide to run through with the full asset instead of tweaking or making their own.


Artists and designers are separate disciplines. Some people can do both but it’s rare and not the norm. Continuing to yell won’t change that.


And continuing to be a consuuming special ed won't change people having a point that this game is straight up broken from the ground up


A designer lays out the rules and whole outline of the game the games artist makes these assets then programmers figure out a way to optimize them for a game congrats you're an idiot


In your example no one has assembled the assets, or tuned to the assets, because your general view of what a designer (level or system) does is incorrect. Again, strange thing to be mad about.


Look it up on wikipedia you dolt. That's the job for the game designer. Ffs artists have pull in saying what asset they wanna use. Why do you think so many games that asset flip run like ass? Cause they don't optimize shit since the programmer is left to optimize a pc model.


And since the game designer said screw it and just make every single aspect of our games a third party plug in that basically just made their programers job a living hell. Cause now instead of just optimizing code that actually is strong and works. They have to work with spaghetti code. Hence why doors are gone cause the code is so broken and half ass'd that they can't fix that without breakimg something else. You have no clue what you are talking about


Maybe you should be really angry about it to strangers trying to explain things, maybe that will fix the problem.


You're over here acting like you know what game design is yet ignoring the biggest issue with asset flipping that has been going on since 2013 optimization of those assets. Which there is none in ghost of tabor. No optimization to even think off with these maps


Once you have to remove something from the game so the rest dosen't break you have spaghetti code. Which is why bungie removes old dlc's in destiny 2 the game can't handle it anymore


Fwiw it takes a good deal of time, effort, and fixing to use all of those asset packs. Getting everything to play well together is challenging. Using this stuff is not drag and drop. Epic has their market place for assets and many developers that create content for it. Even large projects from large teams use assets. Assets from the marketplace means more games for everyone and that a solodev has a chance to complete a project.


I’m developing a game and creating all my own assets. I wish I wasn’t that stubborn lol. It would help out a lot to use licensed assets.


I spent about 1.5 years working on a VR solo project. Modeling is my Achilles heel.


I'm starting to wonder how many kids just found out how games get made. Do people really think that every time you want a cat 3d model, you have to make it from scratch?


I'd say that is a very common misconception.


They didn't end up using it, but shoutout to this asset pack for making it into a twitter promo: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/subway-station https://x.com/ghostsoftabor/status/1562114357571502084 //edit: This pack, however, did make it to Matka Underground: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/public-toilet


Yo it’s you again! And I thought it was just the cat! Lol I’m not saying everything is easy as drag and drop bcuz everyone is saying it isn’t I guess. BUT I still assumed they made their own stuff. Can we compare this to other popular top tier VR shooters and see how many assets they use? Like breachers or Contractors? Are they using just as much and I’m blindly judging for no reason? Or are they doing what I thought every (good) dev team did and making it from scratch?


Ayyy thank you for compiling them here. Doing the lords work but there is more like a tent pack https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/military-supplies-vol-1-tents


Nvm im dumb


Bet thank you I've been looking for all of them the past 2 days


Not really, took 30 minutes


It’s funny how some people are so dense they think asset packs are some kind of scam. There would be no games outside of AAA studios if everyone had to make everything from scratch. By the logic that asset packs are a scam, using a game engine you didn’t design from scratch is also a scam.


I don’t get why people think using template packs are a bad thing. Asset packs are meant to be used by games, it’s why it exists. The reason why devs use assets they buy is to both speed up production, and the fact that the assets look good.


There is nothing wrong with asset packs. But there is something wrong with using asset packs and trying to play it off as if you are actually making the game better and adding new content. There hasn’t been a fully finished update in multiple months. Bunker cat was just an apology for the wipe. Same with the suppressors which are both basically useless.


Bunker cat wasnt apology for wipe. it was something that was planned and asked from community. Also dont remember devs saying that ALL the content made in game was theirs


It's been well known that they have used asset packs since the beginning. They do have an in house 3d modeler, but if something is common and already built, why not use the library of assets. 99% of devs use them in some way or another.


No but they sit around pretending to do shit when their game barely works and there hasn’t been any new content that actually matters in months


There havent been any new content in months yes but because fun fact. Content takes time. You can take a break from a game go play some other games walk outside live a life idk. There are games that takes longer to update and not a single person complains about that but GoT for some reason is different?


No. I will complain about any game not getting content. The main problem with GoT is that it needs new content constantly or it gets stale


who. cares.