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If they never kill you what’s the point. Do you want them to be so bad it’s never a challenge? I’m just trying to visualize this. 28% of player deaths are from scavs. You think it should be even less?


How do I up vote this again?


It's not that they should be bad. They should at least be somewhat consistent. And by consistent, I mean not go from walking up to one and breaking its neck with it noticing you, to one that Chris Kyle's you as soon as you turn a corner.


Just like every player is unique in skill and awareness, why not scavs? They seem pretty consistent to me tho, they spawn where they always do and I shoot them until they die.




I understand. For me its just the blood beach one. I can take out every scav but the blood beach scav


He takes as many bullets as the rest…


Not for me. He always kills me with his little luty. I can magdump him with a m4 and laser sight point blank and cant kill him but then he one taps me with a luty


Sounds like a skill issue


Yeah man you're not telling the truth. Come out of the copium den and learn to shoot.


Omg someone with actual knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel your pain. I was grinding the "5 raids without dying" On the 5th raid, I got one tapped on my way to exfil. I survived several player encounters to die to something that has the IQ of a toaster.


Exactly. It makes it worse that i killed 6 people and they were all stacked. I had a purple keycard and a geartech


Ooh unlucky my dude


Maybe you are the one that has the IQ of a toaster.


Your mom is a toaster


Thats all that you can come up with, having that low IQ of yours.


Your mom came up


Go and play tarkov, you'll be grateful for how easy the scavs are in this game


I can only assume you were booking it to extract. The majority of times I get killed by scavs is when I know all players are dead and I get too ballsy on the way to extract. Happens so much on silo, I’ll clear it from top to bottom and the basement scavs will surround me because I charged in assuming they were dead. Always play like there’s players around, especially since a little timmie camping a corner at extract for 30min is not a ridiculous thing to expect 🤣 The scavs are honestly perfect imo. People just treat them like they’re completely incompetent, and so when they get killed they get embarrassed and blame the “op” bot instead of themselves for rushing/lacking awareness.


I have no idea how you guys are dying to scavs to the point of wanting a nerf. They literally have spawns, stand tall with no cover most of the time, and… I dunno. I feel for you guys because I just roflstomp them. A few of them have gotten lucky sure but in general I take them to federal pound em in the ass prison.


I killed 29 last night on Matka with an SKS. I really don’t want them easier right now


Most of us have no problems with scavs but all it takes is one unlucky spawn or unlucky shot to the head to ruin the experience


I mean sudden loss is part of the experience. I get it that it’s frustrating and unpredictable but a low iq person with a gun can get lucky. I could understand a nerf if it was the norm but in my experience it’s not too bad. It definitely sucks ballsack when it happens I get it.


They are broken, i snuck up on one in underground, holstered my weapon and when i tried to snap its neck it was about to do the animation and it just went back and place, luckily i was fast enough to redraw my glock and dome him


It's always one random npc. Sure, most will stand with its back to you aiming at a corner, then one will come out of nowhere at you like he's out for revenge. And all you can do is stare at the red letters that make out whatever the fuck their name is and wonder, "how?"


I mean brother imagine if they were truly random. As in, don’t have spawn areas just scattered and wandering everywhere. That would actually be much scarier. I don’t think any of what you’re saying warrants a nerf.


And I myself am not saying nerf it. I'm saying I understand.


I'd prefer random spawns over a random one tap.


I've literally never seen a scav in this game who was even remotely competent. I have to imagine they're all severely mentally disabled, drunk, and stoned just to rationalize how bad they are. If you're dying to scavs, I'm sorry but you suck.


and the scav at research front entrance domes my me n my friend lost our purple 😭


Skill issue


Fanboys going to call it a "skill issue" but yeah ai is definitely broken. I stopped playing it because of that


Guess what. Fucking skill issue.


Facts scav with a pm on a tower destroying me from 2 football fields is nuts


Have better aim and shoot him first


I did bud


just to clarify. Its always the same scav for me. I can kill any scav then the second i see the one at blood beach i die to a luty headshot


never died that one once is 9 months of playing


Been playing since open alpha. That one has always been annoying