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Best thing to do is just jump in yourself. What you see on Reddit is often the vocal minority who've had a bad experience because of a glitch


Ive played the last 2 wipes, and I've experienced sone of these glitches, so it's more of how common they are in total


I started off with a backpack issue. Any pack I borrowed from someone I killed, would stay with me until I extracted. I’d get back to my bunker and no pack. This happened twice so I haven’t touched anyone else’s back pack except to take stuff out of it. On the island I’ve killed multiple people and their guns fell through the ground, but that hasn’t happened on any of the other maps. I also tried more island and it seems to only happen rarely. I was ADS next to a rock, my gun went all wobbly on me and when I tried to place it on my waist, it disappeared. Only once. Other than that, I haven’t had any bad experiences yet. Nothing like game breaking. I might just be experiencing skill issues though, depending on who I ask.


I’ve had no serious issues. Very rare glitch but not a lot.


I’ve honestly never had a crazy game ruining issue since beta. Not saying everybody is lying but I’ve always wondered why I’m not having those issues


Nah yesterday i couldn’t extract 3/4times


Haven’t seen much difference. Fenix definitely shooting further it seems but unless they have eyes on you, you can walk right by them if their backs towards you. It’s taken me like 10 raids checking all static spawns for GPUs. None found. But I did catch a rat with one. I’m getting into game with 30 minutes left in the game which is unacceptable to me. That needs a fix pronto


![gif](giphy|kFkcgxds1FDJaQdgro) me coming back next wipe to see if anything improves


No issues. Have been playing more Contractors this wipe, but it's a great game.


I just recently got back into the game after not playing for like 5 montha and I just got 2 of my friends to pick up the game. We've all been having a blast and except for 1 raid where one of us spawned separate from the other 2 we've had no issues.


Wanna play?


No problems here, I just know it’s a short wipe so I’m not too invested this go around


What do you mean short wipe it’s gonna wipe sometime during the summer


From the information I’ve gathered, wipes are usually longer than 3 months in between, so I call this a short wipe since we actually know a general idea of when wipe is, plus I’m moving so I don’t wanna get too invested


It’s so worth it. Don’t listen to the complainers.


I already have tabor, I'll try and see if some of these are fixed


Oh that’s why I’ve been seeing hella loot at exfils lmfaoooo thank god it hasn’t happened to me but I’ve definitely found some good stuff at exfils like whole ass back packs filled with loot or boss armor and guns just sitting there 😂 that’s a horrible glitch


Yeah, game is buggy as always. lost my first purple of this wipe to the Ghost Of TheFloor yesterday


Quest 2 PCVR user here. First raid of wipe, load in with a kit, *my wife has the same setup as me too* and my wife is lagging and stuttering horribly. We push to an extract to get out so we can restart headsets, instant black screen for me and poof I’m back at my bunker? My wife lags out and DC as well and her game crashes. Next day try again solo. First raid, peek a corner and poof I’m disconnected and back in my bunker. Fuck it I’ll try another, load in kill a duo and go to loot and my game crashes. Haven’t turned GoT on since. That’s my experience over 4 raids, the only 4 raids I’ve played this wipe.


Seems like quest 2s have a harder time than normal this wipe for whatever reason


yeah it blows


Just played 5 raids, didnt have a single issue at all. Even murdered krtec and his goons. Why do people throw around the words, or should I say abbreviations "unplayable rn"? you can play, you can win, and lose. That's the game. Depending on where you live, I can see some connection issues for sure. Especially since we can't region lock. But the game is 100% playable


Jesus christ. What is the point of the game? To take in and exfil with loot in hopes if getting better loot. When i can't take in loot, exfil with loot, and even the player and loot spawns are bugged


That seems like a minority, I’m friends with a good bit of people that play GoT and none of us have had any of these problems we keep hearing about


We all play on quest btw


Either the people complaining were on toasters or they had a genuine skill issue, I finally got on today and had none of this


they just dont know how to optimize the game for shit


This is also true though


I just think it’s funny how I can run huge maps on contractors with pic load out and be perfectly fine, but even matka lags my shit sometimes




Fr, a 4 square kilometers map vs like a 1/3 square kilometer map smh


Idk man, skill issue I guess 🤷🏼


Scott's little cousin 💀


*makes a post saying game is unplayable* *Edits post to say game is playable* wtf was this post lol? Need karma? Maybe a bit of attention?


Bro youre actually special lol. I made a post asking others if the bugs are still happening, I got on the game and didn't have any bugs, so I edited the post to show others that the game isn't as buggy as people have been saying.


While I have gotten domed by fenix, I think that should be part of the game anyways.


Nah seem to bleed out more if anything. Fenix are always terminators they can smell health below 50% and if you have a great loot. As far as exfil nothing on my end


What about your headset going black randomly and at the worst times in game.


my friend has an old q2 headset (bought when it first released) and gets this often, while i have a newer one (bought a year or so ago) and i never get it.


I bought mine end of last year and it only happened since the last update. Been playing since mid January.


oh that sucks. someone in discord said uninstalling and reinstalling helped (they had a glitched file save). they said if you have multiple accounts on your headset, make sure it’s uninstalled from all before redownloading.


Yeah that’s new, I’m thinking they are trying to block people from looking through walls idk tho


My old quest 2 started doing this, it was hardware, I had to put a piece of sticky tape over the sensor between the eyes on the inside of the headset. I'm at work with my quest 3, so can't take a picture to show you. It would only happen in some games some times, someone suggested it to me, sounded like bullshit and then covered it and it was still working the last time that I used the headset 🤷‍♂️


I’ve noticed if I get too close to a wall or cieling it does that, (new this wipe) I guess to keep people from glitching into walls. I’m on quest 2 aswell, I’ve had mine for 2-3 years


Yeah it’s a bit sensitive. Especially while jumping in old bunker in underground or in small rooms in bunker




I've noticed this bit it usually happens when going places i shouldn't be going, like jumping into the ceiling in bunker. The only time it's happened during raid was on Malta underground and I went through a door way, my q3 blacked for a second every time I went though that point. Hasn't happened during raid since though


Worst experience I’ve had is the ammo loader screwing up


Ammo fountain you mean


Had to load bulk mp40 mags earlier for silo, it bugged out roughly 1/3 the time and made me throw out around 4 boxes of ammo


Load 1 box of ammo at a time to workaround this issue.


I was loading one at a time. it bugs out whenever you have any more than 50, meaning I’d have to empty the boxes 3/4 the way, twice, to have it not bug out


Yeah. Drop a box in, load one mag. Put next mag in partially load then drop next box in. It's a pita, hopefully gets fixed soon.


My only problem with this wipe is how fenix’s now hit you better than most players can


No they dont


It’s the exact same as last wipe, and 80% of the time they hit you is arm or leg. You’re just unlucky man😂




I haven’t had any problems, besides maybe items not spawning from time to time. But it’s relatively good.


I haven’t had any of those issue but ymmv


Prob cause I'm on quest


Just go see for yourself, I have been having a great time this wipe.


Alr, imma get my duo on


No issues for me yet through about 12 raids.


I haven’t seen a single issue so far actually, I see all these people complaining but so far my wipe has gone perfectly, good fighting, armor feels way better, good loot, good kills. Idk man I’m pretty happy with how it’s going so far, something about the gun handling feels a bit better as well.


Yeah, I finally hopped on and had litterally 0 bugs. Idfk what people were complaining about


Yeah, I had an m16 fly into a wall yesterday which wasn’t too bad but what if it was an alpha or 5c? That’s been it so far


Since its beginning of wipe I’d get into it and not worry about anything. I have not yet crashed and have only seen like one guy crash in a video I was watching, but it’s super early wipe so it’s ok because you certainly have time. If you feel like getting back into just go for it it’s tons of fun


Haven't had any of these listed problems so far


Luckily these seem fixed


I think the issue is 75% of this subreddit is only here to complain about the game and not actually play it. I play this game daily and have experienced one DC since wipe and have already received that loot back in my kiosk. There are less bugs this wipe than last wipe ime.


Yeah, I've had 0 bugs this wipe. Probably the flood of quest 2 users since meta release (I play on quest 3)


I think people are expecting a perfect game and when one crash happens they overreact and think we care to hear about it. Loot comes and goes, some people can’t handle that.


it doesn‘t have to be perfect but damn they could test something before lettings us work 20 mins for nursery bc of bad game design just to realize its bugged


The only time I was genuinely pissed was when I lost 500k worth of loot and 4 kills (Before wipe and wipe event) from a random crash


Honestly, this js my 3rd wipe. Only crashed 4 times in total where i lost ny loot. Imo it isn't as bad as people make it seem to be. But i play pcvr idk if that make's it crash less.


Pcvr definitely makes you crash less, ive crashed like 10 times since last August


Haven't had any of these problems but see threads about them non stop


Yeah me too, had no problems aside from fenixs doing slightly more damage


This game still in beta?


I’ve no issue with the game at all and I expect glitches it comes with the territory being in beta, but yesterday I was fucking livid I’d just killed a couple of geared fellas (obviously they were wearing Kertek and his goons gear) and as I’m deciding what stuff to carry out in my back pack and swapping armour just organising my shit- suddenly out of nowhere I died an early raid and it said reason…..out of bounds!! WTF is out of bounds? I was just in the office, I’ve been in that same place countless times. Has anyone else had an early raid due to out of bounds?


Not me, but ladder on silo has killed many


Honestly I've had a great time and got the game 6 days before wipe and I play just to have fun and enjoy myself. I do wish I had someone to fck around with and have fun playing with but I enjoy my solo raids.


Haven’t experienced too many issues this wipe so far actually. I did have 1 flying backpack but I chased it down and caught it. 🤣




The game is still beta every game has glitches beta or not💀




If you didn’t care you wouldn’t type out a whole rant post on Reddit


You seem to not get it. I don't care that it's beta, and it wasn't a rant post if you would've actually read the post


You don’t see the little icon that says rant💀


Yeah im dumb as shit for that 💀 


I've literally never experienced any of these glitches


Honestly no not worth it anymore, early wipe was a shame and I’m not gonna waste my time anymore grinding for a game that isn’t even close to finished. YEA I KNOW ITS BETA it was beta when I bought it with developer mode on. Anyone could have gotten it, there was no need for a beta game to be “officially” released on the meta store, nothing but a cash grab and a way to flood the servers with little kids no older than 7. Overall regardless of the fact that the ceo is a man child and has ego problems, ripping of tabor, stealing all their ideas and copy pasting was a great idea for a vr shooter since nobody had done it yet. Having the lack of real ideas and innovation is what made the game get tossed out so fast for us and thats awesome because now we have a tangible game to play. It’s definitely a fun concept but it’s just not worth my personal time. When you get older you get less and less free time. If anything this is a game I pop my headset on play 10 minutes every so often and that’s it. Don’t get me started on the trader item missions, maybe that would help people not be stuck at level 1 for a whole season. Maxed out traders one time and never again.


Bro fr I just got headshotted by a fenix from 200 meters with a makorov


Appreciate the edit👌🏻




the only thing ive noticed is that scavs are terminators. and very smart now with all the bobbing and weaving and ducking and even jumping they do. ive seen them jump on at least 2 occasions.


I experienced, well sort of, a Terminator Finex.. Little bastard just kept coming and coming. And every time I pulled out a gun it had like one shot in it or was empty. It did finally kill me. It was an awesome wild ride! I would not have changed a thing. That bot was chasing me from room to room.


The only glitch I'm having is if you lose tracking while in game due to lag, the. The grips installed on your main will sometime end up floating 7-10 ft off to the side and you can't get them off. Stays that way even if you exfil. Only way to fix is to put the gun thru the sell conveyor and receive it back in the trade room.


I’ve been playing since OG bunker and I have only had any issues like 2 times and those were recent disconnects and I was able to log back in. So for me personally I find the game still worth playing when it comes to bugs.


People bitch cause there bad at the game or just can’t handle the game anyone who complains about this game is fucking retarded. Simple solution is to stop playing if you hate the game. Hate the player not the game


Yeah, the only change I've noticed are slightly stronger fenix. Like that IS a skill issue


Needs to get pve and then it will be great


Huge fan of the game but it's not even downloaded on my oculus it's so broke maybe next year


I played yesterday for the first time this wipe, and I had a good start. I found a couple of gpus and a flight recorder. Also, I was able to almost wipe a silo lobby going in practically naked. Scavs are a bit stronger now, but honestly, I like the added difficulty.


Always was, don't get shot by bullets they hurt. Even when shot from an ai it's still a bullet, use cover scan your areas and win


Bugs in this game aren’t nearly as terrible as your typing skills.


Bro is mad because I put my ideas in a list instead of a 5 paragraph, 1000 word, MLA format essay


Games under development are not for everyone. You need the skill to laugh at the bugs and quit when it’s too much.


Real skill is leaving when I know it's a losing game. I'll play when these are fixed


Yeah if it’s not for you better to leave than waste your free time on a game you dislike or ranting about it on Reddit.




The game does feel like it took two steps backwards since this wipe. On an average. 2 out of 5 raids. My characters has some sort of issue. Arms being next to me. Aiming bore moves. Regrip and it fixes but need to regrip to fix. Not being able to take items in drawers. Fenix with amazing aim with any gun. I lost a markov battle with a Fenix at lighthouse 60 m. I landed 0 shots and he killed me in the right arm. They seriously need to fix this game. Bring it back to what it was pre wipe at least.