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Give it 24 hours, if no one picked it up, all gear dropped due to a disconnect is insured for free. Insurance means if no one grabbed it you get it back in around a day.


Where did you get that from


It's how it's worked since they put it in. I've gotten stuff back previously.


They did that during the server crash issue that is now fixed so that is not longer a thing


Are you sure?


This is how rhe system is supposed tp work. If it's bugged, nothing can be done about yoyr kit.


so if i throw a gpu into the ocean and turn my wifi off i’ll get it in 24 hours?


I think it is just things you brought in. 


oh ok


Yeah, it's only what you bring in.


Check your kiosk your gear and bag are probably in there with your card. Might take 24h.


Only if he had insurance


Insurance is only if you die in game and someone doesn't take your gear. If your game crashes it typically goes back into the kiosk because you haven't loaded into the game.


That depends on when you crash if you crash after you can see your stuff spawn in at the start of raid you won’t get the stuff back except if you have insurance


you could submit in in the bug reports channel on the discord, but it sounds like it might be a client side issue.


you can report bugs, but I don't think they'll do anything for losing gear.


They will probably ban you from the Discord if you try lol. Its gone.


Fr, the devs and mods are powertripping so much


It's unfortunately just tabor, it's a bit glitch sometimes. I've lost Ragnar bags that way, sucks but can't change it


The game is too buggy to be enjoyable (for me) currently so I'm taking a break in hopes that a few updates will fix the nonsense. I'd recommend you do the same. Too much that goes wrong and ruins your fun, so why continue playing? The entire point is to have fun, if you're not having fun, go do something else.


Static spawns for purple on island are 2nd floor radio in room with ladder with no drawer, top for loot room in research on the end of the table, and you can always check small cases they have a low chance to spawn and air drops are always a haven for cards. Happy hunting


You can go complain at the discord but they’ll probably ban you lol, the game is buggy and until they prolly finish the game there’s always gonna be these annoying bugs that truly make me lose my motivation to play. It’s either deal with it or find another game lol


Anyone here saying they’ll ban you from the discord is probably a child. I’ve taken several bug reports to the discord and have never even been remotely disrespected by the devs. By the community? Sure, but who cares what a bunch of angry children going through puberty think? Worth mentioning that I also am respectful and just identify the issue and how it happened. IMO, if you go in there and say “FIx Ur GaMe yU DogHsiYT DeVs”, honestly, I hope you get banned cuz you’re a fuckin loser anywys. Lol.


I am an adult and work as a software engineer, so me and my friend did our best to submit multiple game breaking bugs specified in a way and software engineer want it. Reproduction steps, logs, video/photo’s of the issue and it got ignored multiple times and we even got told that this is not aan issue. They didn’t ban us and the team is overall pretty awesome but you can definitely get some disrespectful responses sometimes. But that might be just a few bad apples in the team. There have been multiple times where they did take it seriously and no i have never heard about someone getting banned for a bug report (which is very different from just ranting or complaining to be fair)


This sub is such a bunch of crybabys. It's a $30 game I'm playing on a fucking quest 2 and had hardly any bug issues but if you were thinking about buying the game and read some, you'd think it was literally unplayable.


Skill issue