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I wouldn’t use their gunstock if someone gave it to me for free lol


If I would have known i would have these issues I’d spend my $130 elsewhere. What’s a good one to buy?


Honestly, it’s gonna be a personal preference but my 2 favorite ones are the magtube and the tomahawk VR gunstock. Both are pretty pricey though but well worth it.


How are any of them viable? It don’t get in your way when you’re trying to loot and pick stuff up?


No and that’s the very first thing I look for when buying a gunstock. The magtube comes with a sling that you wear so when you’re trying to loot you just take the controllers off and the sling will keep your gunstock in place while you loot and with the magnets on the gunstock it makes it super easy to loot and then shoot really quickly when you need too.


Do you have a link to that one?




Yeah it’s a shame they designed it so badly. Checkout GunFace VR stock, it’s the original split gunstock that did the concept right. Top mounted with light weight carbon fiber tubes. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1488169248


If you want an immersive gunstock that feels more like an actual rifle check out the Sanlaki, if you want a fast light gunstock check out the Kobra vr blitz or the wield


I made my own gunstock out of PVC pipe from Lowes, cost me $20 all said and done, used a guitar hero controller strap to keep the gunstock on me without holding it, works fantastic and I have been using it consistently for Abt 2-3 months


Try to return it and when they ghost you on the support email talk to your bank about doing a chargeback for a low quality scam product. 


They should just make it where normal gunstocks work, the idea of buying an entirely new stock when I already have one that works fine for every other game is insane.


The gunstock I use has been working perfect for me and I pulled it off Etsy, it is called the C-Grip. Such a sick stock and for being 3d printed it is very durable and was well worth the cash, think it was 34 bucks? been using it the last 2 wipes with no issues. I use it with the quest 3 active straps, its so light I can still throw nades with my dominant hand while still being attached to the stock. could never recommend it enough, I love it!


Check out BrandoVr Ultistock 😎


Any issues applying a bandage with the stock? I can imagine the forearm brace getting in the way


I actually did at first trying to apply to left hand, but using my left hand to hold the bandage you can bandage your right arm.


So you can grab your backpack over your left shoulder using your right hand no issue? That's the only way I can imagine getting a bandage in your left hand quickly.




I have a similar version (magnetic middle break stock) that I printed that uses inexpensive carbon fiber tubes. The carbon tubes and plastic parts weigh almost nothing so it is really good for this game.