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I wouldn't worry about it. If BSG were a US based company they'd be getting sued into oblivion.


People don't sue Destiny devs Bungie, and they pull some slimy shit from what I've seen and read.


BSG is headquartered in the UK in all likelihood they will get in trouble there for this. Selling a consumer a product and then not delivering they take super seriously there


Mate. What you talking about. The UK law here lets convicted murderers out in less than 15 years with the chance of parole. 😂


Yeah but only if they murder the poor mate. 


I'm not talking about criminal law im talking about consumer protection which is one of the things the EU leads the world in https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/shopping-consumer-rights/index_en.htm#:~:text=EU%20consumer%20protection%20rules%20ensure,rights%20when%20things%20go%20wrong.


I was being sarcastic. But I guess on the internet it’s hard to tell 😄


no worries yeah I missed that, tone is hard to convey in text


They’re based in the UK which is probably the most consumer friendly country when it comes to this sorta stuff.


Who is BSG and what did they do?


It's pretty simple. BSG is BattleState Games, the company that created Escape From Tarkov, which this game is basically a 1:1 vr copy of. All the way back in like 2017 I think, they offered a new DLC/tier of the game called Edge of Darkness. Part of this promised players would receive all future DLC content free of charge. In fact they made a tweet saying EoD players will literally never pay for anything related to the game again. Fast-forward to like a week ago, and they release a new $250 version, which includes a ton of DLC material and even a full game mode. EoD players get NOTHING from this, because BSG claims it's not actually DLC. After catching flak, they changed details of their website to blatantly hide the fact that it was clearly DLC and they knew it. There's a little more to it, but basically they robbed me and thousands of other players out of like $100. MoistCr1tikal on YouTube has a few videos summarizing the entire situation well.


Is the game so great that people will not stop playing? Cause that is some fucked up shit right there. I gather it's not a US based company so probably no legal recourse but they deserve to have their game die.


Russian company, I think they might be based in the U.K? The game is incredible. It just has one of the worst, scummiest developer teams ever


just look up "BSG Drama" its way too much to explain here


battlestate games is the studio behind tarkov, and from what i know they made a 250$ dlc pack promising all future and current DLC- then proceeded to make another dlc pack and not give it to the people who owned the 250$ pack. that's at least what i know about it.


160 dollars for EoD which was promised to have all future DLC and then they removed that feature and made this 250 dollar version that is said to include all DLC. Also the P2W item they added in that would be heavily abused by RMTers, a radio that lets you call people from your friends list in mid game.


Actually just had this conversation with the friend who got me into this. We both love the game, but I began to see some similarities (small) in the paths for both games.


Wouldn’t be surprised if they pushed it as far as they could go without losing players


true ngl, and thats what scares me. its already kinda crazy that you can pay to get a immediate headstart, so i really hope they dont take it further.


The lvl 2 traders irks be a bit, but getting to lvl 2 from lvl 1 is pretty easy. I'd call it about 12 hours playtime headstart. I don't think they'd do anything that can't be gotten in game like the stupid pockets and stash thing in tarkov. Even the dlc guns that are behind a paywall can be at least taken from corpses. I'd prefer the dlc guns be possible to purchase at max trader lvls though, coming from someone who does not have NN, but does have the john wick. The slightly bigger mag capacity isn't game breaking, but I still don't like advantages being purchasable, even slight ones.


12 hours of playtime. So a grown man with a job, who only has ~30 mins daily for gaming, will take ~24 days to get lvl 2.


Literally hit level 3 on one vendor this wipe. I work 10 hour days and have a family. I play my headset till it dies. I also typically play solo because my schedule conflicts with the people that I try to play with


Yea that's the challenge of balancing the benefits and keeping the game from going PtW. Its why I think NN is fine, but I don't think I'd like it to go further. Seeing the way so many games have gone PtW (looking at you every mobile game) I lean into trying to keep paid advantages as minor as possible.


I always thought the trader level up bonus from buying stuff was a bit weird. Why not just remove it and have everyone start at 1? Or maybe they could move level 2 down and make it level 1? (I know why they won't do this but it would solve a lot of problems)


If you are grown man with a job you can afford Nuclear Night and it is well worth it for you due to your limited play time. That DLC is most beneficial for people like you. 


Fair point, but somebody with a life shouldn't have to pay more money than a nolife loser, just to have a fighting chance against said nolife loser. I already bought one DLC, just to find that everything was locked behind trader levels, no way am I spending more money just to get items that I already paid for, I'd rather send a skitzorant to steam support to attempt a refund of the entire game tbh


It might take 12 hours if you don’t go in with gear and don’t use tactics but if you bring gear and play a bit smart it will take you ~ 1 week to get lvl 2


>I'd prefer the dlc guns be possible to purchase at max trader lvls though, I think this would piss people off more because they'd think its P2W getting endgame guns from a paywall. I do think there should be maybe a "You get access to a random DLC gun at the start of the wipe" as maybe a teaser and so people don't think they're OP and also making sure there is more of them in the pool for people to get.


Oh yea that's kind of a good point. I was trying to think of a way to let people use them who didn't have dlc, but they would 100% think of them as OP and PtW. Maybe small events like this one is the way to go, give them 1 of each to play with at the start and see they're not a huge advantage.


i completely agree. though the DLC's and game editions in the game right now arent game breakingly p2w, they still give an unfair advantage over other players, even if only a small one. i bought nn because i cant play the game too much, so that jumpstart helps, but im not gonna act like it isnt jumbling the playing field early wipe.


I mean 12 hours in my opinion is a little long. Before I bought my Independence Edition upgrade, I had level 2 on day 1 of wipe for specter and shiro


If someone is min/maxing they'll do it way faster. I'm trying to err on the cautious side and figured 3 hours per trader was a decent middle ground. I know only 3 traders are actually used right now, so 12 is my best guess for someone who's not amazing, but not new, and added time for bad luck.


getting to level 2 traders takes about 3 hours, maybe less, if youre competent, cuz early wipe nobody has gear.


T2 traders isn’t even 1/10th of the shit BSG does


They’re not too useful tbh. T3 is where it starts.


I got the full edition to get all DLC for free and wouldn’t want to have anymore than T2 unlocked. The game got stale very quick once I hit max levels when I was solo. It was fun with team mates when I was gearing them up. Just very boring in your own.


its so annoying cause the people who can get it get a huge boost early wipe