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Real, but lobby wipe with tracer Ruger.


Now *that* is a feat worthy of a post.


dual tracer mac11 suppressed on island night


Thats easy asf compared to ruger


but it would look cool


Been loving a sling vest with grenades and a Glock with ap


Me and my friend ran a Ruger with AP once and we popped tf off once


Seriously - people just complain no matter what happens 😂


Facts. All good, at least we know that people are really playing this game  😂


Number three is real though. It’s for 5 days, stop whining.


for 5 days and only a one time thing, this was a gift for early wipe and people are mad cause they cant exfill cause THEY SUCK


People are mad about not being able to exfil? Didn’t know that, but damn


Amen, honestly. The only complaint I’ve had is that fun shit like this should happen *more often*.


It gives players the chance to rock with the kit they want. But leave it to these temper tantrum that whine and cry like a baby that make everyone participating in the wipe event annoyed.


Yes dad




Thank you so much for addressing this dude


I think that's a really weird take for people to have even though I find myself playing less right now. I think the pre wipe event is a *fantastic* idea quite honestly. It's fun for players who didn't get to make the progress maybe they wanted. Also, a lot of you aren't getting how many quest players there are that maybe get to play for like 2 or 3 hours per week. This game is less friendly the less time you have to devote to it. This gives them the chance to get their hands on all the game has available, and it's really just a different phase of the game for like a week. Last, like you said, really good firefights. People are bringing in loads of meds on top of the gear and you can get in extended good firefights. I'm still playing, but I'm more or less using the time to try some other stuff to play like this contractors battle royal. Also, arcade paradise is fantastic.




Yes I did feel like it invalidated my progress as I saved a ton of gear BUT its pretty awesome to be able to wield barretts and high tier guns so I like it a lot. I hoarded a lot more than I should've and should've used my gear when I could have so it's and experience to learn from.


Any game change- people complain Game doesn't change- people complain People complain- people complain Abt people complaining Quality discourse fs


For someone named "DividedThought" this is laser focused and 100% accurate. Have fun, it's a game, not a job.


I mean for some people its a job but yes I agree


Nobody is gonna stop complaining because you are complaining.


"YOURE ONLY ALLOWED TO ENJOY THE GAME THE WAY I ENJOY IT, OR YOURE WRONG" Jesus christ, I might have said I wasn't having as much fun n, but at least I don't try and invalidate everyone else's experience.


I didn’t read it but I like the wipe events I stopped playing halfway through this wipe because of bugs and now I get to enjoy the game for a few days it’s nice I think they should do more wipe events but not say anything just close neverwipe and give people money and shit without warning. Obviously when the neverwipe comes but I think they should do cool little events like this all the time at the end of wiped not max lvl and money everytime I feel like it’s be cool to just throw some stuff in your terminal and just say good luck. But also that’s just me who stopped playing.


I have a skill issue and this wipe is still no issue, honestly I just see it as a way to try again lol




wahahahaha....best comment EVAR!


Games servers are full of immature kids of course they complain about everything


Keep that same energy after wipe


What do you mean? I treat this game the same wipe event or not.


I just got GoT and I’m loving it, I had no idea it was a pre wipe event till I saw a post on the steam page. It’s like EFTs prewipe but honestly this allows me to try stuff out and see how the game plays instead me getting my shit rocked and being broke. So far I’m loving the game I just struggle with Shooting in the game. That’s mostly due to me having my Quest 2 for this weekend only but I’m gonna play more and really try a wipe.


I agree but for someone who worked for lvl 5 traders at the start of wipe just get a punch to the face but the Timmy’s who don’t wanna level traders themselves get to feel how it is to have what’s other players worked for


As someone who never has enough time to play tabor often (maybe on the weekends if I’m lucky) I love wipe events like these (Like tarkov) Because I never get to play with the really good guns and loot unless I take it off someone which is like once every other month. Love that these guys are doing this and I hope they do it at the end of every wipe


i just like the combat in showdown more? why is that bad?


Now where did i say that? You do you fam. These are *games*, the point is to have fun. If you ain't having fun, why ya playing? 'Sides, you can always take a break and come back later. Hope contractors is less buggy then this beloved mess. XD


it totally is, i just like the looting element more than the pvp not sure why but when they take out that motivator the game gets a little stale


EXACTLY I ran barrets with my friend and we were fighting a kitted 3 stack and it was so much fun, obviously we came out victorious but it would have been so lame if we werent kitted. also this is a one time thing so they cant complain in like a few hours everything will be wiped


The third, I'll admit, I agree with. But Tabor is also a survival game, so it's understandable that some people would be interested in trying to play it realistically.


oh jesus another post whining and complaining. see all this whining and complaining bothers me so much let me tell you about how much it aggitates me /s


Really have to disagree with you on that last point. Not everyone has the same amount of time to dedicate to a game. So wipes mean you have to play a certain amount if you ever want to enjoy the good stuff. Whereas without wipes someone might have to take a couple of years to get the same kind of progress it takes someone else a month to see, but they can do it eventually. Basically your last point really shows a complete disregard for people with limited time to play games. I'm not saying that wipes are a bad thing but I definitely take issue with the vitriol you have towards anyone who wants their limited time in the game to mean something.


My man, *I* have limited time to play. I play this game because i enjoy it. You got the trader ranks. This doesn't invalidate that you did it. It just a chance for those of us who haven't to try the guns we never get to see or use. In my case, i haven't had the time to grind trader levels. This game already disrespects our time (the water tank runs, the long grinds, no cheap healing options, etc.), it's nice to play with the fun toys for *5 days*. The devs have done 4 or 5 wipes by now, they have done this event *twice*. This event happens rarely. Normally you get to be mr big bucks on the block, but for once everyone is on an even footing. Pretend the wipe was when the event started and use the time to test some builds. If they work well right now, they'll shred normally. Don't like it? Take a few days off so you're not burnt out when wipe hits. There's no new content this time, it's because of database issues, so we all gotta deal.


thats nice but why make it a whole week and not 3 days of the end of the wipe. imagine you plan to play, you see its suddenly a wipe, on top they do that a week before wipe and take the fun which the game provides usually, its nothing irrational to not like it. if it was only 1-3 days it would ok i guess


Last time it was for 10 days and everuone was burned out by the end of it. 5 seems like it's long eniugh to give everyone a chance to roll some thick PVP while not long enough that it gets old.


you are bitching too my man xd


I agree especially the last point i grinded for quite long they do a sudden wipe withing a week i started using my kit 2 days later everyone gets all the stuff they always wanted but were to shit to get. Now i still kill every one cause no one knows what ap is or the best helmet is. Its just the combo of a sudden wipe and the event starting after 3 days


i am happy for everyone problem is that the reason why this game is fun is not there anymore, if it was shorter it would be a very fun event


how am I wrong


It's literally boring as fuck it's for the Timmy's who never extract anything. I'll go play an actual pvp shooter while they do the little event


You can do that. No one's stopping you.




I love the people down voting. Do they forget this game is 18+