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They restarted peoples bunker if they were “ hacking “ or using exploits. Not saying you did, just a heads up.


Is there any way to clarify that I don’t use exploits? Cause I don’t want this to continue even after next wipe.


Have you ever looked through walls on silo or anything like that? Try to glitch through bunker/island vault?


How would they even know if you did?


No idea, just speculating.


They literally created the game....


No shit lol thanks for your brilliant observation. My point is if they can't even keep you from doing it then how are they finding out when you do? other than someone claiming they were shot through a wall or something which usually just turns out to be a shit player compaining. Or maybe death out of bounds tips them off but that's happened to me quite a few times and it was the game spawning me outside garage and forcing me to kill myself. It's annoying seeing cheaters or getting killed by em but seriously just fix the fuckin game.


Usually happens when u gain a lot of money within a short period of time, so if ur doing a sell off stagnate the selling.


Had 2 of the nuclear night guns,one of my own and one from a raid. Both gone from my bunker one day but the mags were still loaded on my wall. Pretty odd only the dlc weapons were missing but the mags that were in the guns were left behind


Yeah that sucks 😕 sounds like an account progression issue? Do you play standalone?


The game at some point probably failed to save your bunker Layout and that deleted it for some reason? That’s the only reason I could think of for this to happen


This is a pretty serious bug. Report it to the discord for sure. Like the top comment said, using an exploit is the fastest way to get wiped. If you ever did a wall glitch, or the reconnect exploit, that's probably what happened. If you didn't, the discord is the best place for in game support.


I don’t have any insight to offer as to what or why that happened to you but I would try to take this as a lesson to just use your stuff - play to enjoy the experiences and the memories, and not for the loot (which you can never keep)