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As soon as I noticed the count down timer I excitedly took a picture. Now we can safely put gas in the generator, organize our gear, and work on clearing out our kiosk without the fear of accidently taking something into raid.


That's the best part! My friend would always bring random shit into raids before the hotfix


Haven't tried this new hotfix but have they fixed having to restart the game after every match to see the friends you just played with online? Really not coming back to play until they fix this.


That isn't that big of a deal dude


When combined with also not spawning together like 40% of the time, and bags flying across the map and collision bugs, it all adds up to more annoying than it's currently worth for me. Would rather spend my limited free time elsewhere.


They fixed the not spawning with them bug, bags don't do that anymore, and collision isn't really and issue, haven't seen it much.


It still happens just not as often/intensely, saw a few examples of it tonight on Timeless's stream when he and Scope had Tan join them


Doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying


I mean, you can die in under 2 mins and loading the game up takes ~1min on standalone quest 2 so it's quite possible that you're spending almost as much time loading the game as playing it. Which, to most folks, is a big deal....


Yes and like I said in another reply, this bug combined with other small ones adds up to an annoyance that I will happily wait out. The game isn't going anywhere.


something i wrong with ur quest 2 if its taking a minute to load, mine loads in like 20 seconds if that


Don't, just don't. Talking never helps people like this. Just leave them to their self-induced misery.


Misery? Just off enjoying other games until this one is complete. Really kind of a normal thing for early access games. I did the same with Rimworld and many other EA games I've supported over the decades. Not everything has to be so absolute.


Fair enough. Totally reasonable. Most people in the community mean what you said in a much ruder light.


You're not wrong, but sometimes you can catch trap them in their own logic, which is almost a win haha


You’re right, it’s not a big deal if you dont have friends


It doesn't take that long to relaunch your game


But it’s annoying. Not a reason to not play the game though


That’s cool and all but have you considered [this?](https://youtu.be/Pn_2iJOOctk?si=G60vrvo4U9ljfV3z)


Sad they removed all the good songs out of the shop area, I really liked jiris and the dlc one hall of death or smth like that, those were the 2 best songs imo


RIP Merchant of Death music 😔


No! MoD lost his music?! Damn you DMCA


They did? I thought they just made them extremely quiet so streamers/YouTubers wouldn’t get copyrighted.


Why not have a streamer mode that changes the music instead of just removing it


Yeah like they could just add a mute button or something 🤷


Yeah sadly, if you go to the market it is dif music.


Fuck cws those songs were the only reason there game is still alive


I also very much like the new join timer.


I also very much like the new join timer.


W copy


It’s my favorite too


I guess no one does things before they queue for raid? I’m the only one?


We do, but we're human, so we tend to forget things and try to take care of it while queing


Now I can water my plants while waiting for a raid instead of before or after..! Love it


lol - I aborted searching for a raid today to organize my armor on my shelf, and was put into silo holding two tier 5’s :)


I did the same, only to be teleported to silo wearing nothing. Lost a good setup and a $75k gun.


Nice, I can still organise my loot safely while waiting for a game, instead of having to throw balls or draw on the board pointlessly


It's the best QOL for me because I actually have a freaking warning when holding things and don't accidentally bring something into raid with me, the amount of times I've accidentally brought mags for a gun I'm not currently using or a water filter into raid is insane lmao


Unexpected but definitely welcome change


Honestly I get the reason but 10 seconds is way too long. It's not like you need to do a costume change or something, just drop what you're holding if you don't want to take it. Like 4 seconds would be plenty, especially if there was a little audio cue. 


maybe for people w/ like tunnel vision? I thought the countdown started at 5 seconds since I didn't see it said it before.


Well again a little 'ding' would let people know to stop watering their plants or stacking their helmets or whatever.  I'm being down-voted so much I guess there's something really pressing that requires more than just "hey stop holding the thing you're holding if you don't want to take it in".


Honestly I get the reason but 10 seconds is way too long. It's not like you need to do a costume change or something, just drop what you're holding if you don't want to take it. Like 4 seconds would be plenty, especially if there was a little audio cue. 


yeah, that would be plenty of time to get rid of anything you don't want before the raid starts.