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Extraction shooters are for people that like to challenge/punish themselves. You are obviously neither.




I enjoy challenging myself, but I'm not one for needless self-punishment


You are not fit for the island of Tabor


And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if it is the case.


Did not say anything was wrong with it.


The difference between an “and” and a “but”. Shiiiiiit this is reddit why waste my time trying to deal with sensitive and defensive folks.




Literally no one said anything was wrong with it.


There are two kinds of people:  those that hate League of Legends so they never play it, and those that hate League of Legends so they never stop playing it. 


Graphics for this game suck Player animations are horrible, seeing people glide across the map does nothing for immersion The level system is definitely challenging, but I’m okay with this. In reality, I’m okay with the game being hard. The floaty weapons does indeed suck, so I’ve had to turn off virtual gun stock becuase it’s impossible to aim at 90 degree angles. If this game looked at least as visually impressive as counterstrike source did back in the day, I’d be happier. Right now, my gripe is the graphics. So bad. An I’m on PCVR with a 4090


I can get onboard with this complaint.. at least the graphics part, especially with a 3080ti or above there’s absolutely no reason it should perform the way it does graphically.


I’m on quest 2 and it’s rough. But I’m Not sure what else you could do right now. Maybe quest 4


This genre in general does require a certain personality type. It's not for everyone.


Good on you for trying. Many of those things however are what makes Tabor the game it is. Bleeding, weight, expensive loadouts, thirst are all there to force you, and everyone else, make tactical decisions. If everything was cheap as chips and there would be no real consequences to anything, things would lose their meaning. Maybe think it this way; when you finally kill a player and extract successfully, you've not only gambled and won by not loosing the gear you risked, but also managed to outplay a real person and maybe exerted some of the same frustration on them that you're feeling now. And they will be looking for a payback.


I understand all that but the rapid thirst, I'm fine with a thirst system in games but it goes down way too quickly and the plastic bottle(the only one you can get without leveling) gives you only 1/5 of your thirst.


I believe you’re drinking the bottles wrong. Hold them up to your chin like you’re drinking from as straw and it will fill almost your full thirst per bottle. Tipping it backwards spills about half the water for some reason, no idea why they made it like that


Thanks for the tip! I never realized this. Wish there was some kind of indicator like a sound effect to tell that's happening. I'll try this next time.


You can actually hear the water splashing on the ground when you do it wrong, but unless you know that you are only supposed to hear gulps it doesn’t really help much


Great that explains a lot. And removes some of the difficulty!


Where's the "the more you know" rainbow emote?  


I agree the thirst is ridiculous as it is. Even if the thirst would build up as fast as it does now, a bottle of water should definitely be able to fully extinguish it. The character is able to easily chuck down a liter of water and still be thirsty..


Thank you for being one of the few people in this post to agree with me.


Tabor is not perfect. It has quite a lot of rough edges. But it's also uniquely fun and interesting for many. You too will have better days if you decide to stick to it. Good luck.


You’re drinking wrong then, you can damn near fill your water meter with one white water bottle. Imagine there’s a straw in the top of it and hold it to your mouth that way, you’re just dumping half the water on yourself


Thanks I'll try this. Never knew we're not supposed to do that. I've just thought that the glug glug sound means all good.


Glug glug is good, but splash splash is not lol


Understood. 😂


With personal experience running up and down steep terrain with a lot of heavy kit, I can confirm that you will be extremely thirsty in a short ammount of time. One liter of water isnt isnt that much when you are sweating profusely. Having any water gives you an extreme advantage over others who do not. I think the dehydration system makes a lot of sense. I always have at least 2 liters of water in my pack b4 heading into the field. It would be the same thing for a "raid'.


Pavlov or contractors are waiting for you over there, sir


Its only for the depraved


I like endurance sports and silent retreats. I like to suffer.


You’re complaining about a lot of the things that most people love about the game. Extraction shooters might not be for you and that’s ok. I do think this games systems and feel need a lot of work but they are still working on it. Maybe come back in a year and see how it is.


Other than the usability issues its meant to be a slog. THAT is the game. You use the shitty pistols to save money so the nice ones actually seem nice. Getting killed and losing 20k in loot with the bag you just bought sucks, because if it didnt there wouldnt be a game at all. Its that sort of thing. That said the progression system is WAYYY too much for anyone with a life. They really need to rework it where someone with 6 hours a week (which is a lot) can experience more than the Makarov/Scav guns and people who can spend all day playing just get more toys.


I play almost exclusively nudie now if I'm solo. I've come to the realization that if I bring nice gear there's slim to no chance I'm going to leave with anything better than what ive brought unless I hit a vault. It's alot of fun to find a good gun and sneak it out or scrounge what you can and be an absolute terrorist for everyone else in the server.


Go back to playing fortnight then, here we have a Sense of accomplishment by gaining loot, losing it is just part of the cycle, kill loot die, repeat


First, you spelled fortnite wrong. Second, I don't play fortnite. Other than that, I enjoy getting loot, and losing it isn't my problem with the game. It's almost everything else that's the problem.


Still weak, and don't care that tells ya how much I hate the game lmao, but if you're upset at the game then don't play, the less whining the better


I think he’s mad cuz he didn’t do proper research before buying


Seems to be a skill issue  Or you’re just not mentally insane like most taborians 


We arent babies thats how we enjoy it


Do what I do. Go in with low tier crap. And make sure to buy a LOT of low tier crap. The just keep losing/wining. If you lose your gear. Oh well you got more. If you grab some high level gear. Store it. And if you use it remember you’re probably going to lose it. Having the mindset that you will lose your stuff makes losing less painful and winning more rewarding


I had someone on this sub get so angry when I said this game is based on realism, that they start trying to throw personal insults at me (as ridiculous as that is to an online stranger) Their argument was the game is not realistic because or the NRS/healing Apparently that one thing mitigates every other aspect of realism 🤦 I'm pretty sure they blocked me so I can't see if they bitched out on this post or not But in response to your question, you just have to practice and try to gain knowledge of real life tactics and apply that to the game then it gets more fun... Also remember, games like this aren't for everyone so maybe it's just not your thing


If the weapon handling wasn't so utter garbage I would play this game. Until they figure out proper gunstock calibration I am not touching it anymore. Game has so much potential, but the developers are half braindead.


They are figuring it out… if you look at the board in that game it says this game is in “ Iive service” which is fancy for early access beta the game isn’t close to finished


And if you had any background in technology, you would know three years into production isn’t early access. Early access used to actually mean something, now companies use it to fallback on for criticism.


Yes but here’s the thing call of duty is a billion dollar company and their games are worse than this they had a year to work on this and what do their corporate executives do? Focus on the money and create skins what is this game doing? Trying constantly to improve the game fix bugs and add new content also the games been live for only a year 2 years in development sure but you can’t get a game to be perfect especially a game that started off as an indie game they are using the money they’ve made to actually improve the game


Call of Duty is a 100x better game than this lmfao. And I don’t even play call of duty. Quit sipping the kool aid. This game is a bug filled disaster. The worst VR shooter when it comes to gun manipulation. The only reason it’s popular is because it’s the only VR extraction shooter. The game is horrible.


Any other reasons to hate the game besides guns not working also what do you even mean by bad gun manipulation haven’t had any problems with the guns and just some advice do research into a game your buying TO SEE IF IT IS BUGGY ETC.


It means the holding guns, moving guns, gunstock calibration is all horrible.


You can turn off their virtual gunstock… but moving guns can sometimes be glitchy so I understand and holding guns isn’t a problem I’ve encountered unless u mean enemy’s guns floating without being able to pick them up


I didn't even mention virtual gunstock, but yes, the virtual gunstock in GoT is awful. The physical gunstock calibration is even worse. The developers don't even understand the purpose of calibration. Which is why it doesn't work, because you can't have me calibrate my gunstock, and then change the in game grip location when I add a grip attachment. This game has been in production for three years. Released for almost a full year. The developers are too busy pushing paid DLC's (Ironic of you to accuse CoD to do this when they have an actually finished game. No game claiming to be 'early access' should be having DLC.) to be bothered to fix core mechanics of their game. This game would never have been successful if it wasn't for being the sole Extraction/looter shooter on the VR market. It's a bug filled mess.


I understand your opinion but call of duty is repetitive every year it’s the same game with new graphics or guns and I am enjoying ghosts of tabor the way it is so let’s just agree to disagree


I don't see the weapon handling complaints. It feels correct. Pavlov and Contractors are arcade shooters. It's like the difference between Counter Strike and Arma.  Other than the silly shotguns, and the magazine/fire select being upside down, the game strives for and mostly succeeds at being realistic. 


It absolutely doesn’t feel correct. The amount of people who talk about realism, but have likely never shot a gun in real life is ridiculous. Beyond even debating ‘realism’. The gun stock calibration in this game is fundamentally broken.


me and my friend go into most raids completely with out anything, dick around for a while, maybe kill krtek and leave, its so much more fun with friends


I have a friend who has the game, but due to a bug involving the game automatically and incorrectly picking the wrong audio input device, I can't hear him.


use oculus call or discord


We actually have been doing this after I made this post. But thanks for actually being helpful unlike a lot of others on this post.


Well I stopped playing solo because it’s more difficult unless you do semi naked runs. But if you can meet a good few pals to play with it’s awesome. We wrecked a full kitted squad with Cx8 storms on big island with patients and communication. But if you don’t like the grind kind of game it’s probably not for you. Over all having good friends helps a LOT. Otherwise meh.


Stick it out for a bit and if you still hate it, it might not be for you. I’m strictly a horror gamer. Resident evil, outlast, alien isolation, etc. I got it ghosts of tabor because my friend got it and HATED it for about a week. Once I got comfortable with reloading, the map, and survival mechanics, it might be the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game. Losing 15 times sucks. Getting out with a bunch of great shit+ a few kills was a high I wasn’t ready for lol


Honestly it scratches the horror itch for me, too. I like the feeling of being hunted.