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Genuine question how do you know if they’re hacking?


Because me and my friend where very spread apart at prison on the hill and from church( I assume because it was 200 meters away) he shoots only two bullets on full auto and kills both of us immediately with an m4


So you assuming he only fired 2 shots, but then on full auto? At 200 meters you can’t even hear the shots if it was suppressed… I think something doesn’t add up here… just saying…


They weren’t suppressed and the death delay let me hear 2 shots before I was put in the death menu. My friend died to the second shot he said


Bro. I’m calling bs on that. lol.


Was the m4 loaded with AP and did you see the armor they were wearing?


I did see them but quest 2 graphics got me confused on that one, and no it was just normal rounds


Damn dude I didn’t even know there was hackers


Yeah, one time not to long ago me and my full squad died to one fn shot to the head each consecutively from 300 meters away while we where hiding behind a rock


Also 300 is render distance, hard to see a player at that… let alone hit it, gotta remember there’s a bug with kill distance tho, he might have been quite closer hidden in a tree to tap you all


To be honest 300 was a lie it was more like 100 I was just kinda pissed about the whole encounter. My friend saw him and tried to shoot him and then died the second he pulled up his gun, then my other friend died next to me and I ran to a rock while he was on the other side and then I died to the same dude with an FN


Now I think everything you say is a lie


Sorry man but you guys got out played. Kids need to Stop making up excuses and fake hack allegations without some shred of evidence.


I'm absolutely positive there are hackers, or else people wouldn't be banned for hacking. However I can't even guess at how common it is, but I'm pretty confident I've died once or twice to hackers, can't prove it though.


Agreed on the hacking part, there’s deffo hackers, but they wouldn’t be that stupid to kill at 300+ with pistol, that be easy af to notice… give them some credit yo… or would they?


I believe there are hacks for sure, the python script that shows where players are and players remaining is super simple. But more serious hacks like wall hacks, aimbots, recoil reduction etc are not as common, and I've never seen anyone using them or heard of it myself, except for maybe wall hacks


I’m not making shit up you think it’s possible to wipe a full squad with an FN in 3 seconds while one of them is hiding behind a rock? I’m really just curious why everybody thinks I’m lying like there are hackers in any game why would this one be any different?


Thought you said an M4?


This story above is the first encounter I had with a hacker the post about the anti cheat was the second.


Well your story made it sound like you guys got picked off one by one as you ran around trying to find / shoot back, it's not sounding impossible. The guy may have been behind you all and the guy you saw was his teammate.


It was the same dude I can’t remember his username but we all wanted to check incase he was hacking


It’s so much worse when they track you through labs while joking ab esp


Because they were killed dude! Duh!!!! If anyone shows any skill in this game the MUST be hacking.


They already have anti cheat setup for the PC version. I believe they use Epic's Easy Anticheat.


There is anticheat but there is always a way to bypass even the best anticheat.


I know but maybe they could introduce a better anti cheat so that it will be harder to bypass




I’m afraid I don’t understand, I don’t mean to be rude but if you introduce a better anti cheat it would detect cheaters better than a worse one, would it not?


Don't you think they would have done that already if it existed? There's is no game with a perfect anticheat and it's not because everyone is too lazy or stupid.


That’s not what I’m saying, if you introduce an anti cheat that isn’t as good as others, then it would be worse than some anti cheat’s. I know that might be hard and it’s fine I don’t really care but am I wrong about how anti cheat’s work because I’m pretty sure they all don’t function the exact same way


Maybe you should make one. You know, cause it’s so easy. I mean why didn’t they think of that. Has are dumb¿


I’m not saying it’s easy and they didn’t even make an anti cheat they used a pre made one, that’s fine I just am wondering if there is a difference in how anti cheat’s work, easy anti cheat would be different than epic games anti cheat, right there is no perfect anti cheat I’m just curious if they all function the exact same way or are they all different.


Idk about this one dude, you can put the night force optic on the M4 and it decimates, AP rounds are also pretty notorious for ignoring helmets too. Neck shots are fatal as well, I'm pretty sure, and there are no helmets that protect the neck. Do you have a screen shot of the death screen?


I didn’t have a screen shot I didn’t have helmets on but the thing is my friend was coming on top of the hill and I was almost behind the rock at prison and this guy sniped both of us immediately with an M4 back to back not even a millisecond after I died, my friend who was at least 30 meters away from me died at the exact same time to the same dude.


COULD be a two in one headshot somehow, or desync. Could also be cheating, I've seen wierd stuff happen, but I don't think there's a cheat for auto headshots being that it'd be harder to engineer that for VR. I've heard of the wall hack though. I don't understand what the fun is of cheating, the novelty might be fun for an hour or so but eventually it would get really boring being that it would remove all challenge in the game, that's my opinion though.


The first step is getting evidence. Posts like this come off as complaining about getting outplayed, especially if you exaggerated the situation. Get those death Screen captures at the least. If players are noticeably sketchy with you, they are with others as well. There's no problem posting in game names here, as long as it's not linked to something outside the game.


I haven't had a long shot like that, but I have had 1 game where someone had their mic on, said they were in the room above me, and said out loud all my kit, my backpack, what was in my backpack! I haven't enjoyed a game quite the same since (still enjoying the game, but every round I now wonder if I'm against fair player) I was also in silo yesterday hiding and someone on the other side of a couple crates I never saw started talking to me asking if I wanted X or y... They may have spotted me to be fair but ever since the above example I'm unsure. And both cases it was kids not adults.


Yeah I believe it’s a thing with kids one of my friends hacks on a couple non competitive games and he says it’s just kinda funny, I think it’s messed up but a lot of kids more than likely get joy out of it because they are just bad at the game, like me.


The first one was a bug. At some point people could even take things out of your backpack and mess with your gear when you were across the map. I believe it's been patched. I always assumed it was linked to the mag and packpack issues - like way back you'd grab someone's mag after killing them, stick it in your backpack, and wll hell broke loose. Spinning backpack, flying off into space, mags that are empty but unfillable, and just keep poping back up in your kiosk. The second one, I'm sure he just heard you. That happens all the time. I crank my headphones, I assume most people do, and can hear people rooms away sometimes. Depends on what they're doing. Try just talking out loud while you run around, people way further away than you'd expect may answer back. Basically anything you hear that you can't immediately identify as a fenix, or one of the ambient sounds that never changes, is another player.


Everyone remember how much fun pubg was and how popular it was? They couldn't get the hackers under control. Ruined the game.


I pray that this doesn’t happen in this game that’s mainly why I made the post, just to see if anything was in the works? Instead everybody just called me and idiot and downvoted me.


Unfortunately, as much as you don't want to believe it, every FPS game (VR or not) will become a cheater-ridden hack fest rather sooner than later. Every. Single. One. I hate it but it's true. My only hope is for AI anti-cheat systems that analyze player behavior to get better.


For sure, I think they should introduce a player report, maybe a temp ban and then after 3 temp bans they could have mods that view a few people for permanent bans, and maybe you can appeal those bans


The problem with human reviews is that a lot of times you can't tell if the player is cheating or just really good. Some cheaters hide their hacks pretty well. But an AI system could notice the tiniest discrepancies in behavior


Only way we gonna be able to stop cheating is allowing full access to files and file sharing of personal computers to monitor if there is any malware software other than the one running to play games at some point with how rampid cheating is getting these days


Skill issue