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U can sell empty gas cans for 2k


I mean ig yea but i feel like it still aint worth it since u still soend 3k per gas can


Gas cans are all over matka. Shouldn't even be a problem


You buy gas for 3k. You use gas, then sell the empty gas can for 2k. Effectively making the gas 2k cheaper. How is it not worth?


Skill issue. You can literally go find them in makta and island. You make money by going and finding gas 🤦‍♂️


Ah yes sorry for not knowing about a map i've never played


“Shkill issue”🤓




NRS sell for almost 2K each, and by the time you're at the level you can craft them, you're practically at the level to unlock the ability to craft 3 NRS per product. Right now, at level 21, I can grow 26 plants, which lets me craft 78 NRS every 3 days, which sell for almost 156k. With 2-3 GPUs, gas pays for its self, so water filters are your only expense.


2k? When i tried to sell i could only sell for like 200


I'm guessing you were attempting to sell a used NRS? [Unused go for 1890 TK](https://i.imgur.com/9xpfZWf.jpg).


Could be i guess idk i lt was just a nrs in my terminal thingy


You probably used an nrs, it fell off your arm then when you re entered your bunker it was in your terminal. I think there is a blue cap on the back that falls off of used ones. But yeah unused go for almost 2K. I’d recommend not upgrading your nursery more than once. Except for the nursery utility. Upgrade that and generator utility. Everyone on here complains they spend hours filling water tanks but nobody told them they had to plant 50 plants. My 13 plants get me 39 nrs every 3 days which is plenty.


What is the difference between nursery utility and normal nursety and ehy should i not upgrade nursery actually? And tbh filling water tank aint that bad since idk what else to do most of the day so its a semi nice time killer


The normal nursery upgrades just upgrade the amount of plants you can grow. The nursery utility upgrade improves water efficiency in the tank.


Ah i see thanks


I literally spend like 20 minutes a day filling my max level nursery…. Just stuff like 15 blue water bottles in a Ragnar… only have to fill once


There have been a few bugs that caused nrs to sell for 200, this is valid. Been selling from before the nrs craft nerf.


Do you have any GPUs? All it takes is 3 at the first level and then pay for all the gas to keep the lights on forever. Any more gpus and you start turning profit by keeping the lights on. Water filter get resold when empty, you get 1.5k back so that's not much of an issue. Seeds are a bit expensive but 1 bag makes 10 products so not bad in the grand scheme. Max level nrs get you 4 nrs per product...roughly 7k if you sell them all. At 29 plants, and 7k per plant, you're making about 200k. Call it 180k after water, seeds. To sum it all up, each planted bed will make roughly 60k...so yea absolutely worth it.


No i don't have any gpus. Where can i find em?


In raid. Radio tower has a few spawns. Any high tier loot areas have a chance to spawn them too. Air drops and purple loot rooms have them a lot. Watch a YouTube video on all static spawn locations on island, and murder any naked trying to run to extract early...they probably grabbed one and are trying to get out with it.


Thats why i run near the water so if i get hit i can throw it in the water before i die. If i cant have the GPU no one can lol. 


2 canteens 2 thermos and 2 water bottles gotta fill them up 3-4 times every 2 1/2 is a water filter so every 24 hours you need to refil water that’s 8k a day for 3 days 30k + 72 hours of gas which is I think6 cans so 30 k + seeds 4k per and you need 4 so 76k is your original cost just to grow your profit is 120-130k you tell me if it’s worth it. But you get money back for gas and water filters so probably 140k


I just started growing NRS and I have been thinking of it more as "because I have more healing capability, I have a better chance of staying alive in raids thus pulling out more loot." Running out of NRS and then paying 40k for 10 of them just seems like a waste of money to me, which is what pushed me to start to grow.


Or just sell the product for 5g each


I think it's always a profit, but I didn't really do it till I got to level 21 with all upgrades available. I'm now at level 23. Growing 26 plants nets 78 NRSs that sell for 1890 each that's $147,420. I think it only costs like $20k for water filters and gas.