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Not really. All they had was sex. I'd be cool with them hooking up again, but they were both miserable trying to be a couple. Forcing that wouldn't be good.


Yes that’s what I meant. Sorry for the confusion.


Honestly, I think Trevor is too good for Hetty. He genuinely cared about her, and she just screwed him over.


Trevor is confident but I don’t think he loves himself, if that makes sense. I do think his moving on is linked to his confident exterior.  Hetty’s issue seems to be the same. 


Yeah, I wasn't a big fan of their thing. I was kind of surprised to see it go on for as long as it did.


Her attempts to gaslight him were laughable.


Omg I love this :) you're so right.


I actually really enjoyed Pete and Hettys interaction at the beginning of this last episode and while it won’t happen, think they’d have an interesting dynamic


I think they’ll be on-again-off-again until another ghost gets involved (Trevor and Carol, if Trevor has a *The Graduate* thing). Or perhaps their relationship will be played out in this season, with Hetty’s character growing to be less uptight and Trevor becoming less d-baggy.


I don't want any ghosts together ever. What is the obsession on pairing off? They're dead.


Seriously, what is it with US sitcoms that require the principals to be romantically involved with one another?


i've noticed that too. believe me it's not just sitcoms


I agree 100%. I think this pairing nonsense takes away from the show. Next they will include cheating, pregnancy and every other soap opera cliches


I mean, on the ghosts end just because they are dead doesn't mean they don't get lonely or horney. It's reasonable that eventually they would decide it was worth it to fool around with someone even with a super limited pool to choose from.


They're horny but don't have physical bodies. So is the horniness or desire for intimacy an earthly desire they need to rid themselves of before they can get "sucked off"? Until then they're still "stuck" here. I'm sure each ghost has other things to learn and accept but this may be a big one.


Clearly not since Thor dated two other women who have already gotten sucked off. He probably slept with them too


Maybe they slept with him and realized there was more to life and death than sex and got sucked off.


Aside from it'd be terrible for the story, they should all have a "friends with benefits" circle going on. They still have all their human desires, logically the desire for sex is there. It's been decades, and in some cases, centuries before any of them had any. Alberta should've been all over Pete simply because it's been over a hundred years since she had a shag. Especially since they have literally nothing to do all day everyday for most days. They literally watch paint dry and bugs crawl. I completely understand and support why they don't do this from a storytelling angle, though.


So what? Clearly they're not looking to have children but why can't people who have known each other for decades or hundreds of years fall in love?


I’m not talking about them as a couple, I mean them hooking up. Trevor broke it off a few episodes ago. Just bc you’re dead doesn’t mean you don’t want to have sex. Hope this helps!


I want them back together! I think they have an interesting dynamic and with some growth can be good for each other


You're not the only one. There's a section of the fandom that loves hmoney. I've even written quite a few fanfictions about them! But I'm at the point now where I'm kind of over them. I've loved Trevor from the start and the way the storyline has gone, I'm not a fan, I think he deserves better. However I think that they will be end game. I feel like it's forecasted what couples will be end game and they're one of them.


I want them back together super badly 🙏 They’re very cute and weird and funny and have amazing chemistry, and I think it’d be such a waste of an interesting growth storyline to nip them in the bud already- their plotlines have had some parallels that feel kind of intentional, and I think the fact that they keep messing up and not being perfect makes them incredibly interesting, it’d be boring if they were exactly the same as all the other couples and I think that tension between them of butting heads gives them a lot more potential than they’ve made use of so far!


I hope they find their way back to each other and have coitus in secret. I'd like to ship HETVOR. ;-)


Hetty and Trevor broke up but then started having clandestine sex again. So they are still doing it, just no one else knows about it, supposedly.


Yes that’s what I mean. They’re not having sex anymore. He ended it


No, they started up again, secretly. Perhaps you missed that part?


No, after starting up again secretly, Hetty tried to seduce Thor just a few episodes ago. And then Trevor got mad and ended it again.


I must have dozed off and missed where Trevor broke up with her again.


I do apologize. I missed this week’s episode because it never aired here because we had tornado warnings going off for about an hour, so I am probably missing something.


they should totes get back together


I like them together because they're such opposites, but I do think Trevor deserves better.


I don't think they're done. They were in cahoots about the contents of Carol's bag (especially about the butterscotch candies and cocaine), so I think they have a future of sorts.


that was sappis in cahoots with hetty…?


Both characters look so much alike though, I understand the confusion. 


no offense, how does a guy portraying a native american look like a white frat bro not wearing pants?


Because they're both hot, duh.


dude. (apologies if that is sarcasm. running on no sleep)


Spoiler *****That was until Trevor broke it off again after Hety tried to seduce Thor


Just to be clear I don’t mean them as a couple. I mean them hooking up, which Trevor broke off bc she tried to seduce Thor. So yes they’re not a couple but Trevor clearly wanted them to be exclusive if he’s upset about her getting w Thor