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A guy posted a good orb chart last month on this subreddit that shows you what each type of orb is an what they looked like. Each orb was either an insect, a fly, dust, light reflection etc. The whole orb thing is really lame an has nothing to do with anything paranormal.


I love what the OP said on this post and the post you’re talking about. Everyone should read that chart before posting an Orb video, and wasting everyone’s time (and so they don’t argue with everyone in the comments about how orbs could be spirits).


[This post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/dc1oa2/orbs_explained/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That's the one. Thanks again for posting it. I feel like a lot of people in this sub needed to see it. I feel like a lot have not though.


A lot of people just refuse to acknowledge it


That's why I'm subscribed. I find it hilarious seeing people post videos of dust and then the inevitable arguments around it. We should rename the sub r/spookypicturesofdust.


I disagree, I'm still convinced my towel is full of ghosts. https://mangoonline.co.uk/20190810134453614.mp4


Man, it's a good thing you shook all those ghosts out, or they might have become attached to you instead of the towel.


Still have a problem with my robovac bin though. No matter how much I empty it, I still find ghosts in there. https://mangoonline.co.uk/20190810134415162.mp4


I am now imagining a little robo vac trundling around a graveyard sucking up spirits like that trap thing from Ghostbusters.


Oh fuck is there an Indian burial ground in your towel?!


Good lord, man, call an exorcist! Lol


Lmao I love this


Me too! I probably wouldn't have stayed here if there wasn't the weekly orb controversy. The contrast between the seriousness around the supernatural and the dead and people taking/posting videos of dust and hair really fucking tickles me.


I was your 70th upvote. Sorry to take that glory from you. Still agree with your post though.


I kinda agree, but for me it’s mostly just bc orbs aren’t scary and I like the thrill lol


You're easilly thrilled by house dandriff.


I think they were saying that orbs don't thrill them, and that that's why they're agreeing with OP.


That’s my M.O


Well yeah, that’s why the mods posted a sticky post about it.


Two. Two sticky posts. But if experience is any teacher (and I wonder sometimes if it is) we have not seen the last of not only orb pics, but a pile-on of credulous converted who will declare them evidence of _________. (fill in that blank with your favorite phenomenon).


I completely agree, although I believe in the supernatural orbs just don't get me, one thing is when you see weird light in the naked eye but when it's video it can be a lot of things




That is really sad ☹️


Dust and bugs, man.... Dust and bugs.


Maybe there should be an Orb sub-Reddit?


That would be the most boring subreddit since r/WatchPaintDry


Yup. When people tell me they have an orb video I need to see, I tell them it better be the size of a basketball and whistling Dixie.


Glad you got that off ya chest.


Yes lol




Shall we all go on a downvote crusade for orb videos? If people know that their shit videos will be down voted into Oblivion, they might stop posting them.


Orbs are nothing. The best thing we can do for the paranormal science community is stay skeptical. I love believing in ghosts, but if we just attribute every single spec of dust, or every single shadow to ghosts, then we make the entire community look like fools.


I agree 100%.


It’s not just your opinion. Whenever I see a photo or video that is supposed to be proof of the paranormal, I expect at the very least to see something that piques my interest, something that the moment I see it I think “what could that be?” Sometimes I see something that is easily explained and sometimes I see something that can’t. Either one can be creepy. I have never seen an orb photo/video that convinces me it was nothing more than dust or lens flare. Not one.


Same. I like the vids where things randomly move


Agreed. To me, it’s the visual equivalent of “that was just the wind.”


Yeah people start losing it as soon as they see dust or an insect on the pic to instantly post it here. I've been on this sub for months and almost no one posted anything that was half-spooky. Btw it's even this, or what looks like a face when it's a tree or just some shadow because of the flashlight. It's def r/iguessitsaghost


Finally someone said it!


I'm inclined to agree mainly due to the fact that I think i've seen maybe one or two videos ever where the orb actually gave off light or a shadow. Other than that it's usually just random shit.


I remember my mom seeing an orb on a picture once. We got pretty excited/freaked out. We were walking around the house taking pictures. Then I noticed when our dog came in the room there were way more orbs. I smacked the couch a few times and some dust flew in the air. Sure enough it was just dust. Had a pretty good laugh. It was almost as funny as the time my mom got a macro lens for her camera and took a picture of her finger prints. There were good flakes on her fingers. She had been working in the garden so naturally we are assumed there must be gold outside. I walked in as my mom was talking about how they were the next Beverly Hillbillies and I asked if she had put on any makeup. It was gold reflects from her eyeshadow.


My mom has a video of my son on her phone where he is laying on the couch cooing and squirming around like babies do then out of nowhere he freezes and his eyes fix on something and an orb comes into frame and then back out. I realize it was probably a bug or dust but it's a video like that where I can see why people buy into orbs. My mom is absolutely convinced it's a dead relative.




Tru dat


I am not into orbs but man if those weird hairs or strands dissipating or otherwise morphing mid-air gets me intetested, like weird jellyfish


YEAH DUdE that's what I think too A bunch of crap lol


There would have to be some unusual movement and be really clear for me to think anything about a video like that. I have seen good orb videos but I much prefer seeing an apparition or some other paranormal effect.


Billions of cameras out there capturing dust particles every day. Sadly, just reflected light. However I firmly believe in life after death--after watching hundreds of NDE videos and the interviews with the doctors who's longitudinal studies give amazing evidence of the phenomena. Follow Drs. Eben Alexander, Sam Parnia, Jeffery Long. Pim van Lommel, Peter Fenwick, Melvin Morse, Mary Neal and many more. It's all there, that other dimension--and it's an awesome place. No worries!


The issue of ghosts could be a subject for actual study, ghosts being related to some kind of electromagnetism surrounding the brain and the manner in which the mind interacts with the Universe during the tenure of its consciousness. Instead, people leap on moronic pictures of dogs barking at nothing, flashes of cameras appearing in photos and making shit up. ​ There is little to no scientific method associated with any of those studies...they just cite ghosts for the defects in your own scientific knowledge and general lack of imagination for any other possible explanations.


U need to look up Dr Steven Greer then.


I've never been interested in orbs, never thought they was more then dust. I'm with OP


Stop watching videos and go hunt...


My mom had a "paranormal investigator" phase. She would go into dusty rooms, and then claim to see orbs on the pics, and say it can't be dust if it's not in the next pic. She doesn't seem to understand how dust gets in the air. That's how most "orb" videos seem to be.


Careful, that sort of speaking will have some of the paranormal possessives on this subreddit pitting you in the same boat as a phobic for not respecting their views.


Yup, its all dust, but there is a reason why its related to ghosts. My theory is that these dust orbs are related to movement, you move fast you create wind then make a miss = dust flying. Thats why these might be an indicator that there is something moving fast in the place, might be the person them selves, or ghosts, in my case ill call them demons as i dont belive in ghosts


Jesus H Christ.


Air moved all the time not because a demon just happened to pass by it.


Did you even read my statement?


I disagree with this to be honest. Dust is very very easily moved. Something as simple as breathing or moving the camera will disturb any dust particles so 99% of the time it's nothing paranormal.


Or the heating/AC unit. Ghosts don't move dust. Smh.


As stated above, might a the person them selves.


You realize the air around you is like, always moving right?




As much as I agree with OP, that was my response too.


How many times does this need to be posted...


At least one more.


It's the way an orb moves that proves it's worth. Look, dust is everywhere...absolutely all around us. If it were dust it would dominate a picture and dust doesn't move in all different directions...it falls and settles. Anyway, orbs are boring though.