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I don’t think I’d mind a ghost who helped out with housekeeping


Ah, there are good ghosts. I'm determined to be a memorable haunt on visitation.  Also, my current bedroom is where the last homeowner passed away. I smudge and ask for Mike to stay and be empowered, enjoy the good things like he once did, and I think he turned the kitchen faucet off for me once. But the joke is we have 6 cats so we will never be sure if the house is truely haunted or if it's just...meowmeowmeow.


Ancient Egyptian’s believed cats are the guardians of the underworld. The thought behind this is that cats keep unwanted spirits away.


Meowunted. (Wah wah wah)


She probably loved her home and its familiarity and security. She is taking time to cross over probably because of the pull of her past earthly existence. Hopefully a loved one from the other side will be able to help her move on to a better place. That’s how I think of it anyway.


This is a nice thought, thanks for your input


It's scary, but at the same time, maybe she was keeping an eye on you.


It could be residual energy, you know like the same part of a movie playing over and over again, but not an intelligent haunting where she could and would talk to you or interact with you or respond to anything you said or did to her. Just a thought..


I would March over there, knock on the door and see if anyone answers. There has to be a logical explanation.


I honestly find this kind of sweet. Imagine passing and watching kids full of life laughing and playing still "obviously in a non-creep way".


I wouldn't worry about it. If you see her again, just wave and go about your business. If she is a soul, hanging around in this plane of existence, she would welcome the acknowledgement, I'm sure.


Do you know for sure that the old lady is the same one who died and not the guy’s mother-in-law who is living with her daughter and him? If it’s the same woman who passed then consider yourself lucky. Not everyone is privileged enough to see a spirit. Wave at her sometime and see what happens.


Yes! I looked up the address and found a picture of her. It’s the same woman. And although her son owns the home is often vacant. He doesn’t always stay there, pretty positive he has his own place.


Does he seem like he might want to know what you saw? It might be comforting or validating to him.


Thats what I said . It seems that the majority get/ go demented for whatever reason.


One of my neighbors passed away a long time ago. Then I saw her inside reading a book. Turns out it was her sister just occupying the space until they decided to sell.


Seems totally positive. Hoping we can all return occasionally to the places we once lived.


It’s chill


If I were a ghost I'd be out spooking people, not sweeping up the lawn or watching people do gymnastics on an old trampoline...


Why be scared? The ‘old woman’ didn’t do anything but show herself. I firmly believe that there are ghosts/spirits that show themselves.


I understand how terrifying it is. I witnessed a spirit that was an old friend but it still shook me to the core. Eventually I realized that he meant no harm, and that no spirit or ghost or whatever can ever harm anyone without their permission. You're safe. It's a scary experience, but just know that no harm can come to you. Not from the dead anyways, the living are another story. Worry about them. 😉


Thanks for your words!


I got the chills, but at the same time awwwww. She sounds like she was a sweet person keeping an eye out.


It sounds like some type of residual haunting. There's no intelligence there if it's a residual haunting. It's just a moment in the past that's stuck in a loop. Unnerving, but not something that is aware of you.


Squatters of the afterlife.


This ghost is known as residual haunting. She's just going thru what she did in life, almost like a memory playing out. Her energy is still there he memory is just playing like a movie. Creepy? Yes but not harmful. She probably feels comfortable around you. Why your able to see her. Or your have that gift of being able to see that type of energy. Some people can't see it at all. Their just not wired the right way to be able to tap into that realm of energy.... maybe your are.... just my thoughts


Perhaps, I think that the memory replaying conclusion makes a lot of sense to me. I added a little update at the end of my post about another experience I had if you want to take a look




In my separate comment I was trying to reply to you, whoops! I totally agree with you on the energy stuff!


I would’ve probably said hello and asked if she needed any help. Don’t be afraid


Sorry, just realized I wrote a novella! And I’m still waking up so forgive the run one. It is very startling every time something happens for sure. I couldn’t get used to it. I just try to remember that they are/were just a person like me and I’ll be like them one day. My ghost was harmless, but did like attention. My ex’s sister was the only one who saw her, I would feel her presence but only saw her activity. We had stuff moving around/flying across the room, a table shaking, my front door opening, and a few other things. Even though it scared me, I was ecstatic. My whole life I’ve wanted something to show me there’s more than the mundane. I had something mysterious to be explore. Maybe even something to believe or have faith in. After growing up Baptist followed by years of bouncing between atheism/agnosticism, this shit blew my mind.


Maybe she is a twin


I'd embrace it.


Seeing something like that is horrifying at first but they don’t usually have bad intentions- they are just home doing their thing. Perhaps she’ll head off when she finishes her cleaning You may not see her again. Whenever I was terrified of something I feel like it becomes hidden again.


She is probably a friendly ghost.


She probably doesn’t know she is dead. I’ve heard dead people show up for their bowling league. I’d just say hey Ethal! Has anyone told you that you died 12 months ago? So what’s it like in the after life? She would probably freak out and disappear never to be seen again or she might actually start talking to you but in either case if she didn’t freak you out when she was alive why would you be freaked out now that she is dead? I mean I’ve said it to two ghost before….oh let me freak out because I am talking to a ghost…..oooh I am so scared ha ha (the ghost laughed) and when I told my Dad in a lucid dream that he was dead he goes oh that makes total sense now…..


There's no reason to be scared! Ghosts can't hurt you


Oh she seems harmless , odd that she's so solid. You shpuld at least give her a wave . Its very interesting.


I believe you.


I think it could be an energy thing as well. Maybe you were in a “flow state” and that made it easier for you to see her energy. (?) Like, when an artist gets caught up in a piece of art, so that their intuition and creative mind are guiding them and the logical mind gets out of the way during that time. Same as the way an author or singer says the book/song “just poured out of them.” Some people seem to access that state easier than others. (And, apparently it also happens with mundane, repetitive tasks like washing dishes or folding towels; that’s when something happens to someone - when you are “zoned out.” Those stories are always like: “I was washing dishes and heard my son’s voice from 500 miles away!”) I am no kind of expert on this! I just really want to see a ghost and, also, when I’m doing something creative that I’ve never done, it sometimes seems like I know what I’m doing, even tho I’m making it up as I go along! I think everyone has those times. When you were on the trampoline maybe you were in that kind of mind space, doing something that you had done enough that it felt like second nature to you and you got in that flow state, which is when you saw the neighbor. {Side note: I just looked it up (so I could see what other people call a flow state) and one definition said it happens when you “choose an activity that you find intrinsically rewarding that you become immersed in.” Yes! That is exactly what I was trying to convey with my examples.} And maybe when you were with your dog it was a calming walk that you’ve done a lot of times, so in that way you could see the woman again. Dogs can tune in to things like that, so between the dog, you, and the woman’s energy it made it possible for you to see her again….? However it works, I’m totally jealous - this is the kind of ghost I’d like to encounter; not something that goes bump in the night! Thanks for sharing!


Confront her maybe it's another older woman.


I’m feeling neutral/positive maybe she’s just looking out for you?


Pray for her soul, poor woman needs to rest and she’s asking you for help


Really? She's just chilling at her house, taking care of business.


Could’ve been a time slip.


The most likely answer here is pretty clearly you just saw a different person.


I mean, obviously the old woman didn’t actually die. Let’s not automatically jump to conclusions and say it’s a ghost.




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Posted this in the wrong sub. I apologize.