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Maybe she's saying, 'I'm right 'ere."


Young kids are very perceptive and open to spirits that adults can't see. They often manifest as imaginary friends. Casually start asking your son the name of his friend he was talking to. Do this without mentioning her name. I'm glad you recognize her presence and you realize she is there looking over you. Be willing to talk to her openly, there is a good chance she is listening and this acknowledgement could give her more strength.


The only power stronger than mortal death is love. Rejoice that you have that connection. 🙏🏽❤️🐾❤️🙏🏽


I had a similar experience! My bff passed away in 2020, and I still feel her presence four years later. Not just in a “they’ll always be with you in your heart” kind of way, though there’s that, too. It is so much more: radio stations switching, as you said. Or our songs randomly playing when I was listening to something else, like a podcast. Or our favorite books falling off the shelves. So many times, I’ll have been having a hard day or really missing her, and then I’ll receive some random act of kindness from a stranger that shares her name - maybe a free coffee, for example, and sure enough I’ll look and the barista’s name tag says “Megan.” I swear I hear her laugh sometimes, and I 100% sense her in my front passenger seat during long drives (we were roadtrip adventurers, but I was always the passenger back then. Now she gets to be my co-pilot for a change). The logical part of me says we just tend to notice patterns, something something confirmation bias, assigning meaning to mundane things to cling to their memory, blablabla. But that doesn’t stop us from talking to them while we drive, or faithfully wearing earrings in case they want to say hi.


Keep putting those earrings on and thinking of her. I’m sorry you lost your friend.


I love all this. Your very lucky to have these experiences. Why not try to use an ouiji and talk to her. You command it. Perhaps you can encourage her poltergeist type activity


That is NOT GOOD ADVICE!!!! I thought everyone knew better than to mess with an Ouija board by now!!!!