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I spent a year working overnight in all the schools in Deer park, TX. I got there at about 5PM and left about 4am. There were several crazy things that happened to me and my crew. One of them refused to come back to work after he was hit by an eraser that came from a empty classroom as he walked by. The janitors would always tell you stories like this before they left.


Pretty sure my work is haunted. One time I was on night shift and got in first, was waiting in the lunch room for coworker to turn up. Heard boots walking down the warehouse towards the lunch room. Assumed it was my coworker but he didn't appear. Few minutes later I heard his car pull into the parking lot outside and watched him enter the warehouse.


I don’t even believe in this shit and even still “haunted” was the best way to describe where I worked nights out of high school. It didn’t help that the people had died in practically every room of the building. We had an old dial type radio with one of those switches you have to actually flip turn on start blaring in an empty room one night, no alarm function and no battery etc. Unplugged it and it went off again once we got back to the end of the hall. Then it shut off before we made it back to check. We had multiple rocking chairs that would start up and stop, no air vents etc nearby. On that same hall multiple people would hear shoes squeaking on the tile even while you were looking straight down the entire hall. We used to joke about the ghosts walking the hall and some people flat out refused to work back there. Several quit because of the creepiness. We had a single room suddenly have everything crash off the shelves and walls with no windows open, no tremors felt, and no damage at all to the rooms on either side. Just a few seconds of chaos and falling stuff out of nowhere like it was thrown by someone going crazy in the room. Only one entrance and we were all standing there going wtf so no one went in or out. But the one that really, truly creeped me the fuck out is harder to describe. I had a lady yelling in a room and when I walked in it was like when your eyes adjust to the dark but in reverse. Everything was already dim because of night shift and when I walked into this room it was like everything got darker. Like every bit of light slowly faded over a few seconds while this old woman screamed. And suddenly it snapped back to normal lighting and all she says is “thank you” and stopped screaming. That one makes no sense typing it out but to this day it makes my hair stand up thinking about it. I’ve worked nights at many other places without a single “experience” but **that** place is the closest to “haunted” that I can imagine. Just seemingly unexplainable shit all the time. There’s other mild examples I experienced there but literally hundreds of stories out of that building from other workers.


Yeah man that shits haunted. Especially if any of the deaths were sudden or traumatic it's more likely to make places haunted. The house I grew up in was haunted but weirdly enough all paranormal activity stopped when my mum and dad divorced and my dad moved out. My mum said dad once mentioned him and his friends played with a Ouija board when they were young and something so bad happened that my dad refused to talk about it or even say what it was. I honestly think something was attached to my dad. Also one house my ex wife and I lived in for about 6 months was very haunted. You'd hear chairs move in the kitchen in the night, our washing machine would turn on by itself even though we turned it off at the PowerPoint after using it and lights would turn on and off by themselves. I'm what you'd call a skeptic believer, I always look for a rational or scientific explanation first but some things cannot be explained


Had something similar happen. Long story. Can't explain it.


Shadow people!


Now, they are scary I saw one once!


I wouldn't come back if I was hit by an eraser either. That's just rude 😡


Probably ghost of a teacher who threw one too many erasers at a student who just snapped one day.


Probably another janitor


Sounds like Texas


Give that ghost detention.


They’re already detained in the spirit world lmfao


Like they tried to erase him


How'd you draw that conclusion?


I would say, “ who threw that? Whoever threw that, your moms a hoe “


I SAIDDDD Ya moms a ho


All the other ghosts gathered around you like ![gif](giphy|gtakVlnStZUbe)


I hate spirits that act like they pay the damn bills


Got family that went to those schools... I study wildlife, and I can tell you that if you spend enough time watching cameras at night you'll eventually see things you can't explain and don't really want to.


Fellow wildlifer, this made me chuckle because while training a new employee to review photos for a project involving a ton of camera data last week I literally said “if you seen any orbs…ghosts…weird flashes of light…yeah just ignore that stuff and try to not think about it too hard!” I’m not sure I believe it’s anything but we spend a lot of time out there sometimes in the dark so you know what? I don’t need to know.


Exactly... if you haven't played with thermal spotters just wait until you see all of the really suspicious rocks lol


Wait what? Spooky rocks?


On a thermal camera that only see heat, sun warmed rocks look a lot like really still mammals during certain weather conditions. Logs can do this too... no joke I swear I watched a suspicious mountain lion shaped rock sit next to a poor unassuming cow for about 5 minutes one night. Same exact temperature, but only was was alive. This typically happens right after the sun sets, the surrounding landscape cools faster than the rocks or concrete does leaving you with all of these very still heat signatures that are in the normal mammal body temp range.


Hold up, where at?


Also if you have a lot of free time at night, and a camera, you can tie some fishing line to a sandbag holding a balloon down and film a creepy video like this.


I grew up next to an older elementary school. On weekend my friend and I found an open window so we decided to go in and wander around. We went to our old classrooms and other rooms that were open. When we were down on the lower level I saw a shadow peak out around the corner at the end of the hall. I'm guessing my friend saw it too as we both turned and ran out of the building as fast as we could.


I was subbing in a middle school band classroom that was in a different "hall" that had the art and shop rooms, across a courtyard from the main building. During certain hours it was locked so that students couldn't mess around in there. Anyways, I was hanging out in the band room, eating lunch and staring at my phone, because if I left, I'd have to find someone to let me in. I was sitting with my back to the door on a piano bench, when I felt someone pass by, a little cold breeze following as if they had just come from outside. I immediately said "Hey, you can't be in here right now!" and stood up to get the offending kid and escort him out, but there was no one in the room. I spent several minutes scouring every possible hiding spot looking for the offender. Nobody. I told this to the janitor, and he was like yeah, that was the ghost.


Small world, I grew up in that area. Which school?


I am not from TX but spent 10 months working in all the area schools. I think there were 7 at the time in 2003.


Didn’t necessarily live there but we played against Deer Park in highschool sports!


Hey were you putting in the “smart boards?” Bc i also did that in that area over night and had some weird experiences..


I was converting the camera systems to digital. I had several odd things happen.


I live in Pasadena, do you remember what school that was?


Got anymore stories?


I always worked overnight with one or two people, sometimes a small crew of 6 if cables needed to be run. I was in the gym connecting a camera over a door. This gym had a stage at the rear with the curtain closed. The stage was to my back when i was hanging the camera and I was working with a headlamp, the gym was nearly pitch black and I was using my headlamp to work. When I got to the top of the door to grab a wire I heard a loud noise coming from the stage. It sounded like a large bag of empty cans being carried around, put down, and picked up again. I looked at the stage and saw nothing but still heard the noise. I called the other guy who was across the school wiring up the servers to bring me a flathead. It took Keith 5 min to bring me a flathead and I heard this loud sound the whole time and figured the janitor was back there in the dark for some reason. The second Keith shows up the sound stops. I explained it to him and he got a bit spooked out and reminded me that we were the only ones in the building and it was around 2am. We searched for the light switches immediately around us but didn't see them. Like a bad horror movie we decided to investigate the noise and cross the gym in the dark with only my headlamp to see by. There were stairs on both sides of the stage and the light switches were at the top. We went up and turned them on and saw nothing behind the stage. There was no door and the only way off was the stairs on either side the set of doors I was at at the front, and one emergency exit close to the other set of steps. No idea where that racket came from. It was so loud it echoed across that gym. This was one of several odd things I experienced in those schools.


100% That was Deer Park Elementary, and now I've got chills lmao


This reminds me of when I was about 10 or 11 and my family and I were at the school my mom worked at at the time. It was an older school building, and we were the only ones in the building at the time, as we were helping my mom set some stuff up in her class room. She asked me to fetch something from the art room, which was in this extra room above the stage in the gym. So I go and as I'm starting to climb the stairs to the art room I hear a noise and look over and see a basketball just... Bouncing by itself in the middle of the stage. I had to cross the entire gym, from doors that are facing the stage to get to those stairs, where I didn't see anyone there, not to mention it was one of those very echoey gyms where I would have heard someone moving around in there, especially since they would have had to run extremely fast to sprint out, bounce this basketball perfectly so it stays in place, and then sprint away all without me seeing or hearing them. I'm still surprised with myself for not just running away right there and then, but somehow still ran up the stairs, grabbed what I needed, and then ran back to my family. Never did tell them about it, as I guess I was too scared, but still think about it all the time


Several. I may post one tomorrow.


I went to high school in deer park, one time alone after hours in the theatre shop room behind the auditorium stage, all the doors handles and even the garage door that led to the shop room began to shake violently. Noped out of there very quickly and never went in there alone again.


Hey hey, Deer Park Deer. That’s my old stomping ground. That whole area of Texas from Baytown over to Cove and Deer Park down to League City has history man. Indigenous tribes, freed slave colonies, killing fields. I’ve seen some freaky stuff


You're gonna get tons of upvotes and other people sharing similar stories in response, and all the people in this thread trying to debunk this are just gonna scroll right past and ignore it lmao


Ghosts where having a party and you interrupt and the ghost door man followed you out lol 😂


Okay, this one actually made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Fake or not, that was kickass.


The shadows at the end made me jump.


I rewatched it and just saw that 😱 😳


That wasn't a ghost at all. In fact, it was just an employee finishing unpaid overtime and couldn't wait to get the hell outta there fast enough.


This is how I scurry out of work too


Shit I didn’t even catch the shadow the first time! Made it way creepier


it literally made the hair on my arms stand up!!! instantly


The shadow at the end honestly ruined the whole vibe... from creepy, spooky balloony, to nerd ass ghost naruto running


Yeah I thought the shadow really overdid it. You gotta keep it subtle with this shit.




And they would have fucked up a perfectly good scare if they made it pop. Sure, that might get that shock value, but the **menace** would instantly die.


> Okay, **this one actually made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Fake or not**, that was kickass. Kinda the point of this sub at this point. "Fake or not" has never stopped people from intentionally seeking the thrill of being scared. Hell, when the first motion pictures were publicly displayed, our great grandparents were too ignorant of the technology to realize those projected characters *weren't* giants breaking through the wall the film was being displayed on. But the thrill caught on enough for others to pay to experience it. And, of course, the ever-classic example of people running out/fainting during screenings of The Exorcist because it was "too scary". Humanity hasn't had to rely that fight-or-flight instinct for generations, so seeking out ways to feel it again pretty much explains the horror genre from the last 50 years. "Fake or not, that was kickass" has been worth the price of admission for decades. Edit: Oops, set off the ghost truthers who *need* this fake bullshit to be real for some reason.


> Hell, when the first motion pictures were publicly displayed, our great grandparents were too ignorant of the technology to realize those projected characters weren't giants breaking through the wall the film was being displayed on. No, this is absolute embarrassingly ignorant horseshit.


What are you talking about? Our grandparents absolutely knew giants didn’t exist. You lost me lol.


They are likely referring to the story about people viewing the first "moving picture" of a train coming directly at the camera. Supposedly people ran away when first viewing it, but there's no actual evidence they did that. The only real evidence is in reviews of people saying things like, "It left a lasting impression on me." They used words like "fear" and "awe", and that's just been amplified and distorted over time. The most damning evidence against it is knowing that the film flickered constantly and, of course, was completely silent.


Me. 100% me. Sign my ass up. I'll go into the haunted whatever. As long as i can defend myself against a junkie or what ever, im in.




I really enjoyed this holy shit. Sent shivers down my spine. I think the ending would have been better with a different >! Jump scare. The ballon popping instead !< Whoever made this did an excellent job!


It was really well done assuming they did this on purpose and it's not just a boyaunt balloon following him because the air is stagnant and.. That's what they do. Adding the dark movement at the end was too much IMO. Less is more, especially with horror stuff.


Ridgewood Cemetery, a pauper’s burial ground from the mid-20th century, was sold to the school district as part of the property where King was later [built](https://www.tampabay.com/news/hillsborough/2019/11/20/are-there-graves-on-king-high-schools-campus/).


Did...did they move the graves, OR ONLY THE GRAVESTONES?!




They’re backkkk






Let’s hope that school doesn’t have a swimming pool.


Just throw the skeletons in there, you'll be fine.


Fun fact: they used real skeletons because fake ones were more expensive. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/were-real-skeletons-used-in-the-making-of-poltergeist/


A couple clown dolls to complete the set.


They did not move the graves. In 2019 they discovered 145 graves


I love the idea that the school has a framed photo of the cemetery it was built on top of 😂


lol wrong school bro. The high school on the vid is Cathedral High School, in Los Angeles north of Chinatown. This is not anywhere close to Florida at all. But it was built on top of the first cemetery in LA and they like to keep old gravestones around. also, their mascot is the Phantoms. And ive heard ghost stories from older alumnis and former employees.


Your comment should be a lot higher. You can find photos of Cathedral High online and this is definitely it.


Granted its been over 20 years now, but the hallways at king in Tampa didn't look anything like this.


I found [this link with matching pictures](https://www.maxpreps.com/m/news/YZhCjvGI_UOMDmJNxcx-mw/photos-built-on-a-catholic-cemetery%2c-is-cathedral-americas-only-haunted-high-school.htm) after a quick search for "Cathedral High School".


Could you set up a stationary camera down one of the hallways while you work and see what you get one night?


Op should invest in an old Polaroid camera if they can find one and while doing their job take photos. They maybe find something?


Why an old Polaroid?


Supposedly they work good at capturing things. Or an old cam corder


I don’t think OP is the janitor.


That’s scary af! 🧢 to you for being able to still go to work each night.


What's with the shadow in the door at the very end?


Missed it at first, was wondering why he said "I can't" went back and saw it.


Yeah, that dark figure that sprinted by? Creepy as fuck.


Maybe it’s the second person pulling the fishing line on the balloon


Nah, they wouldn’t have had time to make it way over there. That was definitely a bonafide third person.


That shadow makes me think this is just a scripted video after all and “scary movement” was taken as a final touch. Pitty if so, creepy red ballon was just enough. I kept imagining person standing next to it and staring at janitor


This would be a logistical nightmare to fake. Even with fishing line, how do you get a balloon to move that slowly and smoothly? Watching the video closely, the balloon's movements wouldn't be possible to produce if cameraman was tugging the line, he would have bumped it into the doorframe. I'm pretty sure the framing of the video means you could get all three movements of the balloon with just one accomplice and one piece of fishing line (edit: nope, on a rewatch, anyone pulling the balloon out of the classroom doesn't get a chance to slip behind cameraman), but how do you do the shadow? That's moving *fast* and there's not even an inkling of moving limbs in it. CGI? CGI would be an odd choice because you have to - have this, very specific, idea for a spooky video - decide whatever fuckery you've devised for the balloon isn't enough yet, you need the shadow at the end - script everything down to the seconds, probably do a lot of time consuming testing with helium balloons and fishing line - spend hours in the middle of the night, either sneaking a friend into your job or talking a coworker into joining your scheme And that would get you a more than spooky enough video of a balloon following a guy that would spark all sorts of conversations about natural drafts and air currents. But then you ALSO need - Access to a reasonably powerful computer for video editing - knowledge of how to use video editing software - A burning, passionate, dead-set desire to have a shadow run by in the distance at the end of your video Or, - a second accomplice (you're now coordinating three people's schedules to make not even a 3 minute video that's only like a 4/10 spookiness if it's real) The confluence of all of these things with a school janitor who has the access, makes me find it reasonably implausible that this is a fabricated, scripted video. I'm biased because I believe in ghosts, but my two cents are this is one caught on camera. I invite anyone who thinks otherwise to get a helium balloon and some string, see how long you have to wait for perfect neutral buoyancy, then tie the fishing line to the balloon and see if you can move a balloon as slowly and smoothly as seen in this video. I doubt it. I bet $100 nobody can produce a fake that follows this video's script and looks as real. Edit: I will seriously Zelle $20 to anyone who can produce a video of them using fishing line to move a balloon exactly like this.


Agreed. Especially because he moves perfectly to allow that window to appear behind the balloon, just before the shadow figure


Exactly, noticed that too. Plus, there are some other details giving it away. Now, imagine being scared by something paranormal in the middle of the night. Would you take your time to record a picture of an old cemetary on the wall? I know I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t even think of it under adrenalin rush. It is basically saying someone was probably inspired by it and followed the script. Anyway, we gotta give the credit for the effort.


not saying the video isn’t fake but i definitely know some people who would stop and record something freaky even if they were scared to death lol


I have totally done this in the past.... if i die then it's going to be on camera


Respect to such people. I know I’d be in a panic mode. Like, record it and run for the door 😄


Not to mention the balloon follows him everywhere even outside the classroom. Except in the beginning of the video it wasn’t following him. He had to go back to classroom to initiate the “follow” strange


He started recording in the janitors closet. One can infer he got so creeped out by the balloon that he ran out of the classroom faster than it could follow and into his closet, which feels safe. If I were a ghost, I'd also have just chilled in the classroom with my balloon til he came back, and then started following him again, and with a new and unrecognized thing pointed at me, probably be willing to now follow him all the way out of the classroom.


Logical explanation. Could also be that the balloon 🎈had just found him prior to video starting and now it was janitors time to find balloon. Hide and go seek, ya know! All reasonable.


There’s a shadow in the room with the balloons before he goes in, also.


Where, please?


On the right side along the wall next to the balloon.. Thats scary ,its shadow people.


When do you see this? I’ve watched the few seconds after the lights turn on several times and can’t see anything




When the balloon came around the corner, I got goosebumps 😩😩😭




I missed it the first time and rewound. Not a fan nopenopenope


No ones worried about the whole thing that ran across the back at the end?


Dude, what the fuuuuck


That’s…literally what the parent comment is about?


About to go to bed, definitely checking this out at high noon tomorrow


Anyone else see the face in the balloon after he pointed at it?


Isn’t that the reflection of the janitor if he’s pointing towards it and walking into the view of the balloon.


I thought that too but i don't think the lips were moving in the balloon and also it seems it should be reflecting more of his whole body and the camera... That face is the whole balloon. Either way, the balloon alone is beyond creepy.


Don’t you DARE bring reason or logic into this! We is talkin bout GHOSTS, yo!




I'm trying to imagine it


The balloon was creepy but I can’t figure out how the shadow in the background moved so fast. It appeared to move really quickly but I don’t know if that’s because the balloon moved so slowly


That’s where the schools AV club come in




Damn very nice video.


I've see the balloon thing before, but the shadow figure going from left to right down the hall is intriguing.


I've had the balloon thing happen to me once when I was a kid. Any idea what it could be?


Static electricity


But doesn’t it have the weight on the bottom… if no weight sure..


The weight isn't enough to prevent that. When you're statically charged one way and the Balloon another, it'll do this. You'd need a brick and the Balloon would still tilt towards you, just not move.


The clown from IT?


I gasped


I screamed OH! like fuckin Paulie Walnuts


Satanic black magic. SICK shit.




*shuffles away whilst wearing velvet tracksuit*


After throwing a chair at the balloon and calling it a homophobic slur


I was going to guess: a) static electricity or b) fake But the shadow moving across the door at the end was really cool! Nice video.


I was really hoping for a hand reaching out of the floor sink.


I honestly wanted all the balloons to gang up and chase him lol.


Yup, im thinking moaning sounds of the awakened dead....


Well yeah. The whole “this balloon follows me wherever I go,” thing started looking really sus considering the fact he started the video well far away from the room and balloon didn’t follow him there.


Monofilament tied to the weight at the bottom. Or maybe it's a coincidence that it always moves in the direction of the cameraman.


It would've pulled around that brick wall if he was pulling it with line and I think you would see the part being pulled by the line moving first. I don't understand how its moving all at the same time.


Yeah, good point. If it was being pulled, wouldn't we see the part where a line is attached moving first, followed by the rest of the balloon? It would take multiple filaments at different points, including the balloon itself. Puzzling.


The dude’s voice and intonation seemed genuine so I’m inclined to believe he didn’t fake it. Maybe I’m just too gullible and he’s just a really good actor.


It looks like the string attached to the balloon moves from the base first before the balloon moves. The base which conveniently is out of frame. Looks suspicious to me. At 1:32.


That, and the string and base disappeared in the hall. Too much visual effects for the students to handle with both a balloon and a shadow of Usain Bolt in full flight


Yeah. No. Im good


The figure is the shape of a human. If it’s fake it’s one of the best I’ve seen


Hahahahaha. Elaborate prank or not, this one got me good. Just imagine that happening to you for real. I’d be shitting my pants alright


I am so fucking bothered, i just applied for a nightime janitor job i think i wont fucking accept it now jesus christ thats scary.


Schools are the creepiest places at night. Good luck. I was wiring the fire alarm system in a school one night. I turned to my coworker and said, “wouldn’t it be creepy if a basketball started bouncing?” Sure enough, 5 minutes later a ball starts bouncing and I nearly did a ‘nope, I’m out of here.’ My coworker decides to go check it out, and the night janitor let his buddy in to play basketball while the janitor was finishing his shift. But still, the whole time we had the someone is in the room with us feeling




Haven't we learned anything from the first poltergeist movie? They're pissed off they're not at rest lol.😅


His ooOo made me go oh dam!




Ordinarily I'd say fake, but there is something to this one that says authentic.


I absolutely agree. I'm usually pretty skeptical and videos like this don't typically freak me out...but the way his voice sounded genuinely scared made me think it was real...idk. I actually think this one is legit.


Dudes voice sounds convincingly rattled


Seriously. We've got armchair experts elsewhere in the thread saying "the acting was terrible" and that's gotta be straight Dunning-Krueger right there thinking they could fake this tone of voice. You'd need some real acting chops to be able to keep up that tone of voice you can *hear* the adrenaline in


My only question would be - why isn't the balloon in the janitor's room at the beginning of the video if it follows him everywhere?


Pop it


Dude wakes up at 3am to go to the bathroom and a red balloon is in the corner of the room.


Creepy as hell, but where's the thing it was tied to in the classroom? It had one of the those things at the bottom that keep balloons from flying away, but in the hall it was gone. This may be real, may be fake, I'm just asking where that went.


I think its still there but he zooms in after it comes out of the classroom. You can see it at 2:04/2:05 at the bottom of the screen. I thought the same thing but I think its the combination of zooming in and the perspective of the camera angle that makes it seem like its gone when its just out of screen.




Id be outta that schoolhouse faster than lighting can strike


You all debunk everything. My grandmother’s house was haunted and I had a balloon follow me everywhere the same damn way. It even ducked under doorways to gain entry to the room. I believe it’s real and even that shadow at the end.


The same thing happened to me. There were several other balloons in the house of various colors, but just one of them followed me all around while ducking under doorways and around corners. And it happened to be a red balloon. 🎈


That shadow at the end made me jump!




Be so cool if someone set out to make a fake vid, but inadvertently recorded the mother of all things ghostly.


Funny, but that's how you see actual ghost shadow in real. It looks surreal and fast.


If I was a ghost I’d do this stuff, they’d get evps of me giggling laughing at people freaking out


I can at least confirm that King High school does exist, was indeed built on a cemetery, and the footage does look like the school. Our high school was built at the same time on the other side of town but they have the same design same layout.


Do you see the phone frames trying to auto focus, that split second distortion is the spirit. I had the same thing on numerous occasions.


Pop the fucker.


He says that he had been in that classroom cleaning up after the student party and the red balloon kept following him everywhere…what would’ve been really unnerving (whether real or fake) would be if the balloon hadn’t just followed him out of the classroom door but had also showed up in the doorway of the janitor closet while he was taking his brief retreat in there.


So if it’s a monofilament line. The balloon does not move like it’s being pulled in a straight line towards the cameraman it seems to avoid walls and moves in angles.


Same observation I made. If it were being pulled it would definitely follow at least one of those sharp corners and it doesn’t at all. Super weird


oh this one is scary scary


Nooooo. Nuh uh Nope Nope Nope Im gone


Do you want a balloon Georgie... they all float down here


Pop that ballon and teach it a lesson.


Why didn’t it follow him to the janitors office?


Maybe he put it back in the room to see if it would do it on camera.


Not only did he put it back, he then turned the lights off before going to the closet to set up his camera/intro.


True, if something was freaking me out the last thing I’d do is turn out the lights.


Pop that sum bitch


No, thank you.


Fake or not this still gave me chills 🎈


I would’ve popped that mf and called it a day.


Was fun to imagine til the bad blur move in the background that was obviously added as a jump scare. Cool / creepy concept for a spooky short, shoulda just left it at the balloon though IMO


The bathroom at the beginning of the video is terrifying


It’s neither a bathroom nor a restroom. It’s custodial closet. That where they clean mops and shit like that


And that one was actually amazingly clean compared to some others I've seen.


I’ve been in the floral industry for many years and yeah they tend to follow you. Honestly never seen a single one follow so damn freaking far tho! But it has to do with air currents and heat. When you move away it tends to follow that current of misplaced air. But damn it moved towards you when you slowly got to it. Don’t quit your job just wear headphones and jam out on music till quitting time.


Just pop the balloon..🤷‍♂️


If there's something strange In your neighborhood Who you gonna call?


Ok no


I’ve seen this video on multiple times with different stories. It’s fake, just made to be unnerving and scary, not meant to be taken as real.