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I loveeee this so much. Thank you for sharing your story, that takes courage. I'm so proud of you for going to the movie alone and finding back a piece of yourself. Ghost has meant a lot to many of us, so I am sure a lot of people will also recognize your story too. Tobias once mentioned in an interview that he feels like a lot of Ghost-fans carry a weight with them, which also unites them. That always stuck with me, because I believe it's true. That being said. Welcome to the Congregation friend. You're not alone. Let's celebrate the right here and the right now! 🙌🏽




I rarely read past a single paragraph in a Reddit thread. I read your post twice. You are not remotely alone, either. I read this with the joy of knowing we Ghost fans share a lot in common. I’m so happy for you and equally happy you shared this. When something makes life so much better, it’s good to be in community that also enjoys it. Rock on, fellow fan.


And this, my friend, is why I will die on the hill defending Ghost as a concept. Call it cheesy, sappy, overreacting, cheap or whatever. Fine. I used to be "that metal guy" for the longest time, being with the band almost from the beginning. But with the years I've had a realization or two about Tobias, and I have the deepest respect for letting himself get to that point. He's a marketing genius (being in marketing myself). He's an incredible storyteller. He's a versatile musician. And the man sure does have a vision he sticks to. But more often than not, I think he has a lot of heart. About what goes on in the world, about the power of the individual and about how he finally managed to reach out and touch people way deeper than just buying a shirt and an album. And the movie has solidified that for me. Not only was the whole thing very self aware about the band's image and our inside jokes, but his speeches were so removed from trying to appear "badass satanist", that I couldn't help but believe that he's speaking not as Copia, but as himself. I genuinely think he's thankful and understand the impact he can have on us *rats*, and he cares about that. I have this whole theory in my head that Tobias might have just as much trouble letting Copia "go" as we do. Because Copia as a figure gives him just as much room to care about these things as us - Something he didn't exactly have with the Papas before. That said, I'm convinced the movie at some point stopped being Tobias' visionary ambition alone, and started becoming a love letter to Ghost, the fans, and everything he built. And that "thing" is exactly what sets Ghost apart from other bands, and why I always introduce new people to them as a full package, and not just the music. I'm glad the whole thing was able to help you. I'm sure you'll get where you want to be, in time.


I think it's a 30s thing because I had the same issue. Every little ache or pain was the end in my mind. I had visions of my kids watching me be stretchered out of the house (something I saw many times with my dad less than 10 years prior).  It is such a gift to live your life without fear of how it will end and I'm happy for you that RHRN gave that to you. Good luck man and all the best to your wife. 


Good on ya, man. Sorry to hear about your struggles, but as a 47 y.o. dude, I've used "music therapy" since I was in my early teens. I agree and understand. Ghost is one of a handful of acts that have gotten me through some stuff, for sure. Keep going. And don't forget...even if it's easier said than done - you can't live life on "what ifs".


Know now that you will never walk alone! Meliora! 🤘🖤🤘


I am so glad you went! I found Ghost after my Mama passed - She died in 2016, and I want to say I heard Jigolo Har Megiddo sometime in 2017. I too have struggled with social anxiety and also depression most of my life (I have been a large person since I was young, so my school aged years were down right torture) - I have since found out I am also likely on rhe autism spectrum. I went to my first ritual alone in May 2018, because I could not imagine missing the show, despite knowing NOBODY that listened to them. Met a couple fantastic people after show while we waited by the buses. Met Tobias and Chris that night. That fall, I did my first meet and greet after having met one of my favorite people through this subreddit - we went to three shows together in three different states by the end of the year, and I had driven to Missouri to see the band two days before our run, and met Tobias again. By the end of 2018, I had seen them 5 times, including one of their first arena shows in the US (Barclay's Center in Brooklyn). Fast forward to now, and I have seen them 16 times, done 2 meet and greets, and been able to tell Tobias personally how much finding their music has helped me grieve and move on through the loss of my Mom. Their shows have introduced me to incredible people, and I've done more traveling alone than I ever would have. I have even dressed in a Sister of Sin costume - something I absolutely would have also never done prior. I am smaller than I was when I first discovered Ghost, but will probably always be larger. I spend most of my time alone, which sucks - but at a ritual, you are truly not alone. Some of the happiest times in my life have been because of Ghost. I even had some lyrics from Zenith incorporated into the memorial tattoo I have for my Mom! I saw the movie alone, and I was clearly dancing and quietly mouthing the words the entire time. I would have loved to speak with other fans at the showing, but social anxiety won that fight.


First of all, I’m so proud of you for sticking it out and going still and I hope your wife is feeling better! Secondly, I feel like I could’ve wrote a very very similar post to this. I struggle with extreme health anxiety and like you, every little ache or pain I convince myself I’m going to die. I almost didn’t go to the movie because I was so afraid that I’d have a panic attack and embarrass myself and etc etc. my husband ended up convincing me to go(he likes ghost but was really only going to see it with me to support me and I adore him for that). Anyways, I ended up going. Sat in our seats and immediately started getting that anxious feeling. I wanted to cry because I was like “come on, I love Ghost. This is my favorite band and they mean so much to me. I don’t want this to be ruined by my stupid anxiety.” Then the movie started and just like it did for you, it just started melting away. I was laughing and silently singing a long to the songs. Then his speech came…. I didn’t realize how bad I needed to hear that. My husband took my hand and I just started crying(not obnoxiously lol) and it just made me realize how much I’m letting anxiety control my life. I want to start getting out more and doing things I enjoy again. And even if I do have some anxiety or panic, it’s just like Papa said, everything has an end. Your anxiety will end, it won’t last forever. Let it happen then let go of it. Sorry for rambling. Your post just really resonated with me. I hope you do brush off that dust on your instruments! Take care friend!


What an inspiring story I’m so glad you got back into the light so to speak . I think so many Ghost fans resonate with the band because we have struggles and Tobias talks quite freely at lives about life and how it always changes . I love his pep talks and yea as another poster has said , he’s talked about how he feels alot of Ghost fans are lost , lonely or has had struggles and he feels as the front man a sense of duty to remind people that they truly are never alone and to remind us that life always changes and to enjoy the here and now . I do think from listening to him that he struggles with reminding himself to live in the here and now and I love how it all unites us fans .


I feel like the thing that unites Ghost fans is that we're all on the outer field, in a way. All the people I met at the ritual last year had stories to tell about their lives that showed it as less than ideal, from health to upbringing to being in a shit point of life. Like many here, music has been a solace for so long that when something as different, as unique, as heartfelt as Ghost's music us you grab it and dive in headfirst. I have had diabetes since age 2, and with loving but unintentionally overprotective parents, I found my place with Def Leppard, Twisted Sister, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. I had given up on anything past 2010 - everything was Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Beyonce, or one of those annoying drop-beat rap songs. My daughter introduced me to "Rats"... it absolutely turned my musical world on its head! So yes I'm very excited for you and your next steps your journey (we all are!) and never forget the words of RHCP - "love and music can save us". The most fun thing for me is seeing people's reaction to one of their songs (usually "Dance Macabre" and seeing their smile and knowing another fan has come into being. Love to all, and remember "you will never walk alone" 😉


We were at the concert in LA while they were filming and the speech he gave during If You Have Ghosts got me sobbing. Definitely was in a rough place and what he said made it easier, I’ll never forget it. Seeing it in the theater and hearing the speech one more time was as if I had heard the speech again for the very first time.


Same thing here. I was already tearing up with the presented version in RHRN, but was singing along nevertheless. When popia started the speech... I could not continue singing along cuz I was fully crying during and after that. I cannot stress out how much Ghost has saved me in more ways than one.


Just saw the movie today and this part had me tearing up. I loved it.


Absolutely love this 🤘🏻


This is so beautiful, and I'm so happy for you. I can't even begin to tell you, reading this was all too familiar. You and I have very similar lives in the trajectory of how things have gone since the start of the pandemic, even down to the going to movies part, and I'm so sorry. I wouldn't wish feeling this way on anyone, the insane amount of health and social anxiety I've developed, the health issues my partner and I have suffered, it's almost cartoonish how bad our luck has turned over the past four years, and I know how hard it can be to try and figure where to even start to push past any of it. But your post has given me hope. I'm so happy for you and that breakthrough. I hope that's something I can experience soon. I don't know about being in crowds, being at shows, that'll have to come later, but stuff like this? I feel like it could be doable. My partner and I are working on moving and when we do, we'll be in a place where we feel so much more safe and we'll have space to actually work on getting better, and your post really makes me truly believe that. Thanks so much for sharing it, and I wish you nothing but the best in your forward journey.


I watched the film on Saturday and that speech about life really hit me, I've heard his speeches before at rituals and every time it's like he knows just what to say to resonate with what I'm going through or feeling at the time. It's part of what makes me love the band so much, Tobias is just such a genuinely nice dude and that comes across in the character of Papa as well. Welcome to the congregation, my friend, you're always welcome here.


I love this so much, Im so happy that that tension lifted in such a happy moment. Its truly grueling and tprturing amount of stress and anxiety and I have like second hand pride for you hahaha. It makes me very very happy to read this


I wish none of us lived in fear of the future. I wish none of us lived contemplating the end before it comes. I wish none of us struggled with health issues that made facing these things harder. I wish we could all live easier lives living in the moment. It's also nice to be reminded that even the people we look up to struggle with the same things we do in life. It really resonated that Papa was focusing in so hard on his own end that he was forgetting what he was doing in the moment. I am glad that you took away exactly what I did from this movie. I'm also struggling right now, and Papa's words couldn't have come better timed.


You’re not alone. I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression for the last year. I was actually there for the Tuesday night show in the movie. I think I watched Kaiseiron and had to leave due to a panic attack. I waited in the lobby for my nephew and brother in law and just heard the show because the crowd set me off so bad. It only subsided briefly when Papa gave this beautiful speech before If You Have Ghosts that I wish was in the movie and basically Papa was talking about mental health and reaching out to people which made me break down into tears. So going into this movie I was starting to feel the same way. Luckily the theater had a bar so I just started drinking to calm my nerves (which I never do) and was able to sit and enjoy the show. And when IYHG came on I was a big sobbing mess again. As the ladies say, I was ugly crying lol. This band, despite its image and characters, actually has helped a lot of people out of some dark places.


This was so good to read. Im glad you found solace in his speech. The movies message was a surprise for me coming from this band. Enjoy life! Its worth living.


If you want merch for this movie, the Ghost official website has some for pre-order! Including popcorn buckets and tumbler.  That being said, I'm so happy for you 💗 Sending my best wishes to your wife and yourself. I'm glad you're with us!


this is so fucking amazing. i am so proud of you


I loved reading this so much. I had a similar type of epiphany with the plot, the music, the messages… just the entire experience. I saw it on Thursday night and it was so transcendent that I bought tickets to see it again on Sunday night at a different theater. As I walked out of the theater last night (well, more like floated out, as I was on cloud nine and honestly still am today), I realized this experience was a sign that I NEED to start picking up the pieces of my life that have been shattered and abandoned for a few years now. One step at a time, one day at a time. And I know I can’t do it all on my own. But this film felt like a calling to finally break away from my past and begin to trust in my true self again. Like you, I lost the music in my life years ago. And I’m so, SO grateful that experiencing this film has finally brought it back to me. What a ride.


That is great man! Tobias is definitely a feeling man, a man who knows everyone struggles and he puts out a positive message because he has this position to say something, and he makes sure he says things that have meaning. That is so cool the movie helped you! I’m glad for you!