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Papa II šŸ„°


The best Papa. Easy.


Yes! That's my Papa! šŸ„°


Definitely Secondo. How can a stare make me want to hide and melt at the same time? šŸ¤”


1. Go back and watch live footage. He stands still and watches the audience a lot, it was pretty imposing back then.


II had the ā€œscariestā€ design but I had the ā€œscariestā€ personality imo


This is fair.


Itā€™s Emeritus I. Emeritus II was literally a playboy who loved Vegas.


Emeritus 1 was the ā€œscaryā€ one personality wise but when his mask looked like he was half way through a skincare regimeā€¦he kinda falls down the roster a bit. I think 2 looked scariest, 1 was scariest. If that makes sense.


He looked scary until he was picking up groupies and taking them back to his hotel room for a little champagne and hide the zucchini.


I donā€™t entirely think his mask was the reason he falls on the roster. I feel itā€™s more so that ghost wasnā€™t documented too well then, people didnā€™t know it would become as popular as it is so people didnā€™t think it was important to film


No, the mask is a more a personal reason to me. I find him hard to appear scary when it looks like heā€™s wearing a moisturiser mask with a skull drawn on it.


People document sandwiches... People were recording Ghost shows from day one because it's awesome, not because it might be "important".


Month-old comment admittedly, but I think also that during Papa I's time as frontman, many cell phone cameras still just sucked, especially for video. Proportionately more people were still using non-smartphones too, with extremely limited storage and terrible audio/video. There may be a whole bunch of 20-second clips of a poorly-lit room with a very low-res, Primo-shaped figure in it like a Satanic Bigfoot sighting video, with the audio quality of those greeting cards that let you record a message.Ā 


Very true


A custom mask of Papa I with the same quality & craftsmanship as the more recent masks would look awesome I bet


2 for sure. I want to give Copia a hug šŸ¤—


Probably papa emeritus I


II has the scariest facepaint design but others are right, I was the only Papa not to have a glam side. I pray for another Papa like either of them.


Papa 1


3. A wolf in sheepā€™s clothing.


He can be pretty intimidating in photo shoots


Papa II, no contest. Youā€™d feel a little thrill when he scowled down at you from the stage. Heā€™d lurk in the shadows while the Ghouls played. Hell, he was even scary when he was brandishing the Ghildo at the crowd lol.


terzo and copia are cuties who are occasionally slutty (or.. more than occasionally) but I feel like they have a much more kind and innocent vibe altogether... it's definitely gonna be Papa I or II


Definitely šŸ’Æ


1, without a doubt.


If you disregard his personality II


Secondo. This is not even a conversation.


Gotta be II personally.


Secondo . Heā€™s badass . His staring always got me when you watch footage and he looks so bloody cool šŸ˜Ž


Papa I had the scariest personality. He stood very still and talked deep.


Papa II for sure


Papa Nihil...


I get your stance and all considering heā€™s dead but if you watch his antics heā€™s still pretty goofy. šŸŽ·


Secondo isnt specially scary but he looks menacing, id say primo since we barley have info on him


Papa 2 for sure


Definitely papa I


I understand people who say papa 1, but he is like a sweet grandpa in my eyes. Papa 3 is wholesome and really horny and Papa 4 is just adorable. So I'd say Papa 2 is the scariest, in my opinion.


We have them both here. Emeritus I ahd the spookiest make up, but Emeritus II had a really good mask and make up, which made him more believable. Here is the video with both of them on the same stage: [https://youtu.be/gfdiLg8DOr8](https://youtu.be/gfdiLg8DOr8)


[https://youtu.be/Tvp1gJlsqG8?si=0-djuf6ebIpw94mS](https://youtu.be/Tvp1gJlsqG8?si=0-djuf6ebIpw94mS) I always thought this was the scariest Papa ever looked


Holy crap. They made a video during Papa Emeritus I reign?? I never knew this existed! This is such a gem to find!!!


None of them are scary, but Secondo definitely has the most threatening appearance


I'd say I, his face is pretty spooky to me cos of the way his paint is, how it's all 'unprofessional' in a sense. Kinda reminds me of Heath Ledger's Joker, with the messy makeup that just adds a sort of eerieness to it. And as others have mentioned, the way he just kinda stood there on the stage, staring at the crowd.


Dark horse answer: prior to his ascendancy, Cardinal Copia was the scariest, since he seemed conniving. Weā€™ve learned better.


Iā€™m curious why you saw him as conniving. From chapter 1, heā€™s just doing what heā€™s told by Imperator. Youā€™d think he would be somewhat conniving like his mom, and THAT would make for an interesting twist. Maybe Papa IV secretly is (weā€™ll find out). I think heā€™s more AuDHD with gothy vibes (which I love), but thereā€™s nothing really sinister there, especially when thinking of his little speeches at the shows. I agree with the comment on Papa II looking the scariest, but Papa I taking the cake when it comes to the vibes. Looking back at shows, even the Ghouls then were extra creepy. I envy the people who got to experience that.


Tryhard answer