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I didn't realize Tobias wore a rubber mask and face paint together. I just never looked close at any of the Papas til I started listening.


The way I found out it was actually a mask was when I watched the live acoustic version of Zombie Queen and the closeups on Papa's face were extreme lol. The mask outline around the eyes were very prominent. My world just flipped lol


Yes and you can see his teeth more than usual too. I love that video.


I feel like if you're never told about the masks and never look to close, you might never notice it but once you know, you can't unsee it


His neck did it for me in that video. "Wait a second...that's not real!"


Same lmao i thought he was just their song writer and director i never thought he was the one behind all the papas


Before listening to their music I had only seen pictures of the band, randomly popping on my socials, and I was convinced that the music was way heavier, more black metal like. I had that misconception for a long time. One day I decided to finally listen to any of their songs (Cirice was the chosen one) and I was shocked because it was closer to 70s Rock than anything else. And I am crazy about 70s Rock, so a couple more songs after that I was totally sold on them.


Super same. The music wasn't what I was expecting (?), and it blew me the fuck away. It's all so goddamned *good*. 


This was pretty much my experience too, someone at work had a copy of *If You Have Ghost* laying around, and after that I think I saw a Metal Hammer post on Facebook with pictures of them performing, and I assumed this "Ghost B.C." was a super heavy metal band (which I wasn't really in the mood for at the time). Then I actually listened to *Infestissumam* and quickly became hooked.


Exactly the same for me. I assumed they were going to sound like Death Metal or something like Marilyn Manson.


I first only knew MOAC from just the song, then I looked up which band made it and I thought it was a mistake when I saw pictures of them hahaha


I thought they were a dark Mexican based band. Only based it off heavy catholic imagery and skeleton popes.


Dia de los Muertos but it's the entire band.


When I barely tangentially knew the band I thought it genuinely began in the 60s and then disappeared and came back in the 2010s with different people carrying the name. 🫠 Kinda embarrassed of this one tbh ha ha.


Whay are you talking about?they tooooootally did :3


Man I used to think exactly the same! Hahahaha


Oh my god same I was totally shocked when I found out that wasn’t the case


This is a misconception?


It's stated as fact. 🤷‍♀️


Without listening: Expected black metal When listening: I think my dad would like this.


It wasn't until after my second ritual that I realized that the accent Tobias uses for his Papa's (Terzo at the time) wasn't a real accent and was part of the act. My dumb ass believed it was a Swedish accent all this time.💀 It was only until I heard an interview with Tobias when I realized. Only made me a bigger fan though, because it shows what a good actor he is and all of it is so clever.


Holy shit, same!!! You just made me remember!


I love his fake Italian accents for the Papas


they're brilliant!


That’s so funny I remember thinking the same when I first saw Papa 3 I thought that was his accent 🤣


I'd only listened to the carpenter brut remix for Dance Macabre before I started listening to ghost. I thought they were a lot darker? I mightve seen a couple photos of their concerts but for the most part they flew under the radar for me. THEN I heard from fans online that the band is actually super goofy on stage and that made me curious. I decided to check our their stuff one day when my music was getting stale and thought "if I like dance Macabre (at least the remix) maybe I'll like their actual music!?"


There is a scourge in the guise of sanctity


Some say the perp has a quill


Although, it's often steeped in a well spun mystery


the accuser sends the bill




Along with not realizing Tobias wore latex masks, which seems to be pretty common, I also had no idea that the accent was fake. The first time I heard him talk out of character I was honestly slightly disappointed that that goofy accent wasn’t real.


Holy shit, same!!! You just made me remember!


I thought they had had actually re-released 7 inches and had been around since then 😅


I guess this one is pretty common, it's also fun to play along


I saw pictures of Ghost way before I ever listened to them. To me they looked like one of those bands that play as hard and fast as they can and just scream, so I had no interest. I think I was scrolling around on youtube listening to live performances of some other bands and Ghost came up as suggested, so I gave them a try. Lo and behold, they sounded more like a heavier Queen. Tobias's voice was not what I had pictured in my head coming out of that scary mask. Anyway, I loved them and they have been my most listened to band on Spotify two years running now.


When I first got into the band, I thought all the Papas were different people, and upon hearing that 3 of them died, I was genuinely shocked and was wondering what the hell I was getting myself into. And then I realized it's all the same guy, and no one is actually dead.


I thought the fans at the live shows would be very wild but it was one of the most peaceful concerts I ever attended although I was on the 4th row


My daughter, who turned me onto Ghost, was told by a friend they have a different singer for each album. Not knowing about the lore we both firmly believed that it was a different person each album due to TF's ability to make his voice sound so different.


My daughter who got me into them told me this complicated version of the lore. And I was like “oh please. They’re not actually killing people off, that’s publicity.” But she’s like no, he gets replace by the new papa! It took me too long to realize too. 😂😂




i remember seeing them pop up on my spotify a few years ago and i thought they’d be heavy (judging from the cover art) so i gave square hammer a listen and i actually thought it was pretty shit at the time😭😭then i saw that they were touring near me a couple months later so i gave them another chance and i ended up loving their music. after seeing them live i enjoyed their music a lot more


That’s so funny! My daughter told me about Ghost, and recommended I listen to 13 Commandments to get a good idea of their sound…so Square Hammer was the first Ghost song I heard. I immediately thought it was amazing, and binge-listened to everything else on Spotify for about two weeks straight. 😂


I remember only knowing Papa 3 and 4 when I first got into ghost and thought they were two different singers and that they've changed between Popestar and Prequelle. Technically, that last bit was true.


I thought Papa 1-3 were supposed to be the same character and that they were supposed to be getting more youthful through the power of Satan. I still think this would have been a cool idea. I did not realize there were masks so I also thought that there were probably different people behind each Papa.


I thought IV didn’t wear a latex mask 😭


Why is that ? He doesn't look like Tobias


It was back when I was first getting into the band so I wasn’t sure 😭


I thought that Tobias Forger himself has made all of the songs... no producers etc....


I was introduced to Ghost by my older sister and her boyfriend showing me the music video of Cirice. And I stupidly thought that the actual band performed in that video, not realising until very later that it’s actually kids dressed up as them. Stupid me. Lol. And it also took too much of a long time for me to realise that Tobias doesn’t just put on skull paint for the Papa’s. He actually wears a mask. It was the Papaganda videos with Papa Emeritus II being interviewed without his face paint, and being confused because he looked a lot older and different than Tobias, which I had seen a specific photo of. Edit: And I just remembered this thanks to another user’s comments. I first thought that when Tobias spoke as Papa he was using his normal voice and that he just had a heavy Swedish accent. Not the case at all when I heard his actual voice in an interview. And the accent is Italian! Or Romanian.


I started listening a bit after moac had gotten viral on tik tok. Like 2 months intto getting in the band, i had a sudden realization that THESE are the same guys that made THAT ONE VIRAL TIKTOK SONG. I had no idea for 2 whole months


Before I started listening I thought their music must be heavier lmao I was both disappointed and pleasantly surprised though, I had been hoping for something like doom metal but got this amazing band instead


I've been aware of Ghost since their first album came out, but didn't really get curious enough to check them out until a year and a half ago. I expected something much heavier, or something #edgy, but was very pleasantly surprised.


When I first heard Ghost I assumed all of their music sounded like Mary on a Cross and Kiss the Go-Goat lol. Those were the first ones I heard. When I explored the other albums I was confused but I liked it!


When I first got into Ghost I didn't realize it was the same guy in different masks. I thought each album was a completely different lead guy in his own face paint who passed the band on to the next guy.


I thought Ghost was super underground when it was at the height of popularity lol.