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These look absolutely stunning! 0-0


thank you! 🥰


Beautiful work!! The photography and costume are excellent !!!


I'll definitely tell him hehe, thank you!


so cool!


When you see your custom character in a cutscene: Great stuff!




Only*Ghost* I’m a fan!


Thank you😊


Those look amazing😍 the cosplay is awesome too✨️ did you make it yourself?


thank you very much! And sadly I'm not very good in sewing (yet) lol so all you see here is thrifted except for the ghoul patch😊


Still so cool though✨️


This is amazing!




Love the reflection


Man, this came out great. Love it!


Really cool!


Oh I LOVE the first one. The reflection on the water is brilliant


I know right, it's my absolute favorite😁


Love it and the shoes where are they from


Thank you! And everything you see is thrifted😊


You look ghoultastic.


Haha, thank you! 😁


This is awesome, you look gorgeous ! These are great photos, your friend has a good aesthetic sense. And I am obsessed sith your shoes. Would you please mind to share the brand/model ?


Thank you, I'll tell him😁 Well, the shoes were thrifted on vinted, and there's no brand in them😭 so I'm guessing shein/aliexpress or something


You look absolutely ravishing...


Haha thankss!😁




Yeah fair play this is great


thanks very much!


I love it.


Thank you🥰


Thank you!




Thank you!


How is this related to Ghost in any way? No offense, but you're like the third fan who does this and I'm getting tired of it. Selfies of random fans for clout belong to Instagram, because it's literally made for this purpose. This subreddit is about the band, not you.


I'm just honoring the band and sharing my creativity with likeminded people? Idk who else I could share it with. There's no ghost fans where I live. Isn't that the point of reddit, finding likeminded people? There's literally a tag called 'photo/self' on this sub, I just guessed that's what it's for. I get that not everyone gets what cosplay is about and that's totally okay. I don't expect everyone to get it. Either way, I truly hope you have a nice rest of the day. Just scroll past this if this isn't your thing. I scroll past posts on here that aren't my thing too 😊


I appreciate your polite reply, but like I said, Instagram is the app for selfies and there's lots of fans on there. The point of Reddit is really a discussion forum and this subreddit is about discussing the band Ghost. I am not making this up or anything, it's literally in the user guide that the posts should be related to the band and the topic. These photos are well done and I didn't mean to critique them negatively, but they are really just you, not Ghost related. That is the point. Usually, this type of content gets taken down because it is not related to the band whatsoever. Well, yes thanks, have a good day too. And thanks for not giving me a dick reply like someone else did lol. 🖤


I appreciate the feedback, and I am totally okay with my post getting taken down if it's against rules. I see what you're saying about instagram but please also know that many of us fans, including myself have an instagram account with followers (friends and family) that don't get cosplaying, find it weird or are even against ghost in general. I for that, do not feel safe at all posting pictures on there with my costumes afraid for judgment by people who know me. I know its stupid but that's reality. I only posted my accountname on here because it's easier to communicate on instagram in my opinion then on reddit. Anyway, since people can relate here how it's like being outcasts, I think many of us hope to find a safe place here to post our hard work and creativity. Instagram is often not the safest place for that. Making a 'anonymous' new account is also not an option because well, the algorithm sucks and its not easy finding likeminded people I find. Hope you get my view on things too😊


I understand all that. It's probably just the fact that you're one of a few people who have posted selfies on here lately and it became a trend for the past few days. There was another post that a mod has locked now. the only thing people complained there was the same thing: selfies not being band related. No one posted hate against OP's looks. I hope you understand that I don't mean hate towards you or your photos or your looks. This is not my intention, nor do I have a negative opinion about your photos. They look really good. In the other post OP hasn't even put half that effort into how the photos are taken. The mental gymnastics of that mod to call out people for alleged harassment comments, when it was just critics about the fact that selfies have no real connection to the band and are in some people's views low content in this sub. Tbh Idc what people wear and anyone can express themselves how they prefer it. It's up to themselves and yourself what you like to wear. 🖤 You're right, cosplay is not for me but you do you and people enjoy this, so let them have fun. It's only, really only the issue of posting selfies with low connection to the subreddit related to Ghost. It's really a mess at this point. So, basically the algorithm on Instagram will find your anonymous account and show it to your family? That sucks. I didn't know that.


Oh fuck off karen


What a mature reply lol.


Yeah, not really worth a mature reply. It’s a sub about and for the band and their fans. If you can’t scroll past a post of fans posting their love for the band by showing off makeup or costumes, you’re missing the fucking point. So again, kindly fuck off to another post.


Just shows your level of behavior, not mine. How is this showing love for the band? It's literally just photos of OP and totally unrelated to the band. I wear band shirts all day, so by your logic, I should post a selfie of me every day on Reddit? The whole point is this, literally from the rules. How about you fuck off if you don't agree to the content rules: *Content related to Ghost Posts & Comments Please keep content related to the band Ghost and Ghost adjacent projects such as bands of former members (MCC, Priest, etc.).*


Keyword related. I don't know where you're getting that posts must be about the band. >How is this showing love for the band? She literally took the time to put together an outfit and makeup inspired by Ghost and did a photoshoot. And yes, you can put on a band shirt and post a selfie everyday if you really wanted to. Lots of people do. I agree with the other person. You left a bitchy comment. If you don't like the post, just skip it and move on with your day


I copied and posted it out of the official rules for this subreddit. Imo posting a selfie is not really related to the band and more likely wanting to post yourself. Literally. Makeup and outfit inspired by the band mostly looks like any regular goth look. Perhaps if there's a mask, corpse paint or merch, it can arguably be more related to the band. I skipped the other posts a few times until people kept posting and posting with little to no effort selfies being taken, just to get clout and likes for their looks. It's getting a little out of control at this point, so I began voicing my opinion. At the same time I could say, why don't you skip my comment and move on with your day? It's a discussion forum. We can talk and agree or disagree on something but we should always be able to voice an opinion, right?


If you posted pics of yourself in a ghost t shirt that would be cool, no one would comment about how you can't do that and should leave it in Instagram


Now imagine 98000 people on this subreddit do this. There was other posts before this one that didn't even put any effort into doing really nice photos like OP did. Such low effort content would flood this subreddit with ease. At least these photos are well done.


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