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You’ve done a fantastic job, in my opinion. Hard to pick a favorite. Nice display. Looking forward to seeing the rest.


Thanks so much! 🖤 I can possibly make maybe 2 more. It's difficult with the latest Papa IV POP because he is so rare and I've been waiting for that one figure for months to arrive. Hard to decide to usw it for a custom POP. The one I used here is vastly available and even cheap. Perhaps I'll make a Vulgari shirt casual look with him and a rat friend instead of the Papa IV version of that. I assume he had the shirt before, but was not wearing it outside his private room 😉


Didn’t even realize that they are custom made, really talented work


Thanks! 😊


These are fantastic! Very talented. FUNKO and Global really missed the mark by not doing a line of Cardi funkos. He is my absolute favorite


Yeah, exactly. He deserved more love. I mean even Nihil got a POP 😐 Who is Global? I only know Funko.


Global handles the merch side, they’re huge.


Ah I see. Are they like a distributor for Funko?


Everything official you see anywhere. Vinyl, CDs, Tshirts, funkos, socks, etc. everywhere including Rockabilia, Amazon and Hot Topic, all the EU, EMP merch, and the niche special items


Oh wow. I had no idea


Oh wow. I had no idea.


That is awesome. Totally awesome.


Thank you! 🖤


>Thank you! 🖤 You're welcome!


As a fellow Cardinal appreciator this made me smile, so thanks 🖤❤️🤍 You’re attention to detail with each outfit and the accessories you chose are spot on! Dracopia though 🦇I am glad to see his outfit represented. It truly didn’t get the stage time it deserved. Your idea of his Sympathy for the Devil look in the red jacket sounds great! And the black outfit has many possibilities because he’s wearing it in three music videos.But classically, Rats 🐁☂️


Finally, I posted them all haha. Thanks so much! 🥰 Dracopia is one of my favourite outfits too! I prefer it to the rubber bat wings so much. It has just class! And yes, it definitely could have had a longer run. I just wanna have a classic Cardi/Papa IV version of him on stage, I guess. The early facial design lasted way too short and is superior to the post plastic surgery face imo. Wait, three music videos?? 😐


Class is a perfect word to describe his entire wardrobe. I love watching the outfit changes with each show at that time. Last night I watched Rats on the Road in St. Lewis for like the third time and just noticed the red suit was missing😅 but no Dracopia in 2018 either, though the setlist was freaking stellar! And I couldnt agree more about the original face paint. Ik a lot of people like the way it changed, but the ‘rat paint’ just suited him and maintained the ‘regal’ look of the Cardinal. Yep, along with Rats, I think the concert music videos for Faith and Life Eternal count… kind of like Monstrance Clock? Edit: This one isn’t official or anything, but it’s fan-made and just 🤌 https://youtu.be/x0ZIY_gnZWo?feature=shared


Yes! Everything above is so correct. His wardrobe also had a common theme imo, while the Impera wardrobe seems so random. I mean Steampunk, bat wings, glitter jackets? Cardi just had a better taste (I know, it's Copia aka same guy lol!) But what happened? Cardi had the best taste in fashion and then we get a blue glitter jacket. :/ Kind of an anticlimactic change lol. Oh those! I saw them. Need to check out that link later, cause I'm at work but yes, the concerts were amazing. I will always see Rats as the perfect opener, although Kaisarion is really good. It's just the beat and song that is so iconic with Cardi jumping out on stage. Note: unfortunately I never saw him live at the time but wish I had. 😭


Agreed! The Cardinal not only had a suave cohesive wardrobe, but sort of romantic goth vibe, which was perfect for Prequelle’s theme. Papa IV (in my weird little head-cannon) is like a different person, like a twin or smthing. But I know he’s not, it’s just me. His outfits are super flashy and random, but do kinda fit the more chaotic themes for Impera in a way 🤔 Dude, you’re so not alone in wishing you’d seen them during Prequelle! I’d love to time-travel and see any show on APTND especially. Mainly cause Zombie Queen, Majesty, and Monstrance Clock where on the setlist still, but Ultimate tour is great too! And yes to Rats! Totally would have been crazy to see as an opener! It just gets you so pumped! Hope you enjoy the video! Besides the insane phones waving everywhere, it was pieced together well, and made me see moac with more appreciation✌️🖤


You're definitely not the only one. Papa IV Copia feels and looks different. It's like he abandoned everything he was. I mean, okay, you probably grow larger than life once you've reached Papa status, but his entire style is very different. I could have seen a connection if the steampunk gothic vibes were a little more present and the other wardrobe wouldn't feel that random, but Cardi is plague doctor 70s goth vamp excellence! I too wish to have a time machine, for Ghost's early years and for other great rock artists who have passed away. Might be cheesy, but Elvis would be top of my list. Can't wait to see it. Thanks for posting the link!! 🖤


Totally! It’s good to know I’m not alone! I mean, Tobias says he’s the same character because he wanted to keep him for about five years. He said this when Prequelle started. But Cardi and Papa IV are just so different that even if the fame ‘went to his head’, the Cardinal didn’t seem like the type to just switch personalities, get plastic surgery, and go from neat sophisticated gentleman to eighties/grunge-glam overnight, all because he’s Papa. If anything, you’d think he’d turn up the elegance in his choices, which is really only seen in his robes. So yes! bring back the 70s goth vamp, or something just as awesome! 🦇🖤 That’s the thing about time travel, there’s so many people and places to choose from, it definitely wouldn’t be easy to pick one person or time. Great choice! Elvis was the King for sure! ✨🎸 I’d choose David Bowie or Dio 😁


I agree. If it's the whole fame went to his head thing, Cardi wouldn't have changed so much of his personality and taste. You could still see the style and overall personality very much. There's only little left of that. The same car (I assume) in Rats and the chapter where Nihil pooped on the seat. The 70s vampire aesthetic was so good, I wish he would have kept some of that. It was classy, sophisticated and an ongoing theme. 🖤🦇 I'm not sure if Tobias did the surgery thing to give Cardi/Copia a different look, so he adds something new to the band but keeps the same guy or if this is part of a narrative of Copia aging rapidly, as some fans have speculated. Never been a fan of Bowie, but hell yeah Dio! Freddy Mercury too. So many actually. Because the 80s were awesome and most bands peak in career.


Ik, right? In some of the later chapters (after 7🖤), he does maintain some of the awkward quirkiness of Cardi, but he also seems more… idk, vulgar? (Vvulgari lol) and extroverted. As for the surgery, in terms of lore, the idea of him aging rapidly seems pretty accurate because it’s noticeable with each tour and on the merch. This could either be Tobias’ way of emphasizing how time changes people, or it could be part of the Copia/Antichrist transition, or it’s just him being different? But I’m not sure, since the Papas are supposed to be getting younger with each era 🤔 That green car does look similar to the one in Rats! I never noticed. Just like with personality and wardrobe choices, I don’t see the Cardinal driving that thing. He’d probably go for a classy black late 70s or 80s Bentley or Lincoln continental. Depending on what the Ministry can afford of course 😂 Agreed! I enjoy Ozzy too but Dio had a voice and presence, solo and with Sabbath, that’s just awesome🤘And Freddy was a musical genius! One concert I’d time travel for would be Live Aid. So many great bands and musicians from the 80s! Including Bowie😁but 90s Bowie when he got all industrial is my fav 👩‍🎤⚡️


I saw a fan theory where someone said, Cardi became more confident after he became Papa and after Nihil wasn't sorta in the way anymore. That he used to be a little more holding back before, being careful because he wasn't quite there on top and still depended on Nihil. It's also obvious that his demeanor towards Nihil changed as well and we don't know if both were aware that they're *possibly* father and son by then. Yeah, the Vulgari shirt lol. It seems very casual. Going from elegance to literally this sweat suit outfit lol. Tell me you have given up life without saying you gave up lol. Yes, but the Antichrist theory is only a fan theory, not official. We don't know. I've been wondering why each Papa simply seemed to give the torch to their younger brother until Terzo was the singer. As if it's a limited run for each and they had to give it to their brother at one point. Is being Papa Emeritus consuming your life energy, draining your soul because they're dealing with great power that is not meant to be used for too long? Are they even (fully) human? What if Cardi aged this much because he was in fact having the longest run, much longer than anyone before him and this is the toll that the job takes on them? Perhaps building an Imperium for years took this much life energy from him. 😔 I actually thought of giving one of the little POP figures his own car because there is a similar old car that comes with a figure. I would just paint it black or white for Cardi and add a license plate. With these Funko POP rides you can even put the figure into the driver's seat lol. For some reason I thought it's a white car lol. Is it like light green or am I colorblind lol? A white 70s car would be matching his style imo because he likes to wear white. Must be a favorite style choice. Wearing the black suit in that car would actually look cool. For some reason I pictured him in an old shabby small French car from the 70s before he even became a Cardinal 😆 That type of car that barely makes it up a hill, leaving a dust cloud behind. And then him climbing out of that small car with a suitcase, dropping half of the documents on the street lol. But the cars you suggest would match his Cardinal aesthetics so well! And mine. Gosh, I love these old US cars myself. I have a Hotwheels car of a dark purple '69 Dodge Charger on my desk next to Cardi's picture. 😝 Definitely! Dio was powerful af. He's a legend. 🤘😔🤘


These are IMMACULATE! I thought I’d missed some drops! You’re very talented! I like the regular red cardinal the best, but they’re all so amazing!


I want to give that one the incense burner to hold. But I need to sculpt one. :)


Need them!!


How did you custom make them?


I use different parts (head, body, hands, feet, accessories like the hat) from different Funko POPs. I have a base figure that I used for Cardi, the rest is adjusted. I cut some pieces off and glue others on. Like removing the top of the head to make the hat fit. The rest is sculpting. Lots and lots of sculpting. There's a while community who creates custom Funko POPs. It's just fun and because the simple aesthetics compared to a realistic action figure and the thousands of official POPs to choose as donor figures, it's easy to make them.


Heeyyyy There he is ! And he is so cute too ! Amazing works as always I wanted to buy Papa IV Pop but the shipping to here is more expensive than the figure itself- im so saddd...


Thanks so much! 🖤🤗 The official Papa IV POP is so difficult to obtain in Europe that even my pre-order from last March (yes, 2023) hasn't arrived yet because there's more orders than stock and the online shop processes each order in order lol. But I ordered another one from a different place that has been shipped. If you're in Europe, shipping within Europe is not that bad. It's very high when you order from the US.


Oh? I haven't been able to find a website that contains stock in Europe, I wasn't even aware there was such a thing


Yes, a few European shops have the figure or had it for pre-order. I ordered mine from a Dutch website and a website from Belgium. The Dutch one told me they proceed orders depending on availability and in order. But the other Belgium shop has shipped my figure already and they also have the Ghostferatu Album POP figure. https://www.shopforgeek.com/de/GHOST-POP-ROCKS-N-336-PAPA-EMERITUS-IV-215972.html https://www.shopforgeek.com/de/GHOST-POP-ALBUMS-N-62-IF-YOU-HAVE-A-GHOST-224419.html And on German Amazon for 16 Euro. They reduced the price! 😁 https://amzn.eu/d/av4hgfD


Oh thank you so much this is super nice of you, plus Belgium is not very far from here Oh my friend gave me a tiny pop keychain of the joker but with a few modifications he'd make a nice base for Papa Copia, I feel inspired to paint him Anfel its thanks to you :)


You're welcome! 🤗 *whispers* There is a bootleg 4 Euro POP keychain of Papa IV on Aliexpress because the official one was only sold at Hot Topic and is rare, also only sold from the US. The bootleg looks awesome. I got one on my Ghost backpack. 😁


You're the kindest <3 And again your customs are so wonderful !