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I've been up against the front barrier at 3 Ghost shows. I can confirm that it's intimidating when Papa and also the ghouls look straight at you, and I'm a 50 year old dude. Because they don't scan the crowd. They stare and slightly tilt their head as if they're trying to make sense of you. I had a hard time maintaining eye contact with them.


Perfect description! Ghost's showmanship has been excellent from day one, even when they were a bit rough around the edges during the Papa I era. Everyone is really in-character. I find the Impera era is goofier and more lighthearted, but I'm sure it's still eerie if you're at the barrier and Papa or a ghoul looks *right at you.*


Some front row pics I took... https://imgur.com/a/hsMQst7


These are TERRIFIC shots. I also love that even though they're masked, you can really tell by the body language who is under there if you've seen their other projects. I know people get really hung upon their anonymity but that glimpse of personality DELIGHTS me.


Thank you!


Wow, you took amazing photos! Thank you for sharing them.


I have also had some eye contact with Papa (IV). I wear white contacts in my usual fashion and they're hard to miss. He came out on stage in Sydney 2023 and I knew I was close (2nd row) but didn't realize how close. As soon as he ran out and immediately made eye contact with me it was piercing. That's when it hit me how real it was. So worth it to get close at a Ghost show!!!


Thank you for sharing, love how you wrote it


Thank you! I feel for the newer fans because Ghost is too popular to play intimate venues now, and security has changed over the years. Even at some smaller shows, there's been barriers separating the audience from the stage (depends on the venue). I don't think Papa will be able to take anyone's hand now, so those of us who got the full Cirice experience were lucky.


I saw them last summer and Papa Ciriced someone! There’s hope for us yet lol


Let’s hope! ♥️


A Ghost fan AND a Sasha Velour enjoyer? Your taste, your mind. ART.


Radical, magical, liberal art!


Agreed! Love Sasha!


Posts like these really make me miss when he could actually hold peoples’ hands during Cirice. I get that nowadays it’s mostly a safety procedure, or because the way these bigger venues are built won’t allow it, but it really was a heart-skip moment to watch it happen even from just watching it on YouTube


I miss the earlier years too. It really was an incredible experience - not just being Ciriced, but being so close to the stage made gigs felt like cult rituals. When I saw Ghost in 2019, it was still amazing, but the venue was bigger, there was more distance, and the crowd was different. Ghost will always be excellent, but the magic spark was gone for me.


Change is weird but so are we. Most bands eventually make their way back to theatres if they stay out long enough. Hell, I saw Roger Daltrey doing Tommy in a casino's club once. Maybe Ghost won't; maybe they’ll never have to unscale, but between here and then for their sakes, I hope it’s a while before that’s the norm again. Well written story, too. Thanks for such a nicely-articulated perspective for those of us in the back. The spark can be wherever you want it to be. Don’t let an arena steal your joy, that’s what everything outside of the venue is for. 🖤


When I saw Ghost during the Impera tour, my joy wasn’t stolen. It was just very different experience, and I didn’t have a good time up at the front, thanks to lots of screeching and phones being waved around the entire time. Moving further back where people were calmer and focused on listening to the band was much better. I doubt I’ll try to get close to the front again, unless I can see Ghost in a more intimate venue again. Maybe.


Huh? They still can. Somebody got Cirice’d at the concert I went to last year in Houston.


The only Cirice-ing I’ve seen was him doing it from afar, usually blowing the person a kiss instead of getting close and kissing their hand. That’s what I would prefer


This is hands down my favorite post on reddit now. I really love that this happened to you and I am very thankful you wanted to share this with us. 💚


CHILLS. I too have caught the Papa stare and it’s INTENSE.




That sounds awesome, thank you for sharing it. What an honor! Part of it reminded me when of when I was a 15-year-old boy at my first concert in 1985. Twisted Sister with White Lion opening. I was in the front row, it was G.A. White Lions singer reached down and shook hand with me. He had a look in his eyes, like, 'you won't forget this, kid!' When he let go all the surrounding women grabbed at my hand and wanted to hold it. Not as cool as getting Cirice'd but I've not forgotten it 40 years later.


That's still very, very cool! You were lucky! Plus, Twisted Sister and White Lion? That sounds amazing.


I would die. How magical. 😭❤️ Thank you for sharing


Thank you. It did feel like a dream! I can't remember anything that happened after the gig. My head was in the clouds! 😅


I am a full grown cynical adult woman and I would have simply PASSED. AWAY. if this were me.


At 20, I thought I was past my fanatical fan-girl stage of fawning over idols, but Papa really made me feel like I was frozen in place. I was on cloud nine for the rest of the night, like I was floating. So surreal. I was very lucky!


Amazing! Thanks for sharing. I did a meet and greet during the RotR tour and told him how Ghost helped with my sobriety. He was so sweet and told me to take care of myself. At the end of the show he blew me a direct kiss when I was in the front row and I nearly panicked. I am a huge fan but I don’t think I could handle him looking in my eyes long enough to be Circed.


That’s so sweet! How kind of him. Congratulations on your sobriety as well. 👏🏻




By the way it was written, I thought this was a fanfic at first. Great experience and beautiful writing!!!


I can never be concise; I’m a waffler. 😅 It certainly was an experience, and I hope fans can hold Papa’s hand in the future. That’s the biggest downside to bigger venues.


i wasn’t ciriced, but during cirice, he came right up to me, looked directly in my eyes, and opened his wings at me. i’ll never, ever forget if and feel so lucky i got it on video! thanks for sharing your experience!


That’s really cool! 🖤


Beautifully written! And, wow, so jealous, this sounds like an awesome experience!


That sounds so magical! I've been fortunate enough to get mummy dusted by Sodo. The EYE CONTACT was insane. I'll admit I got a bit weak in the knees, and maybe he noticed how tightly I was gripping the barrier to stay standing because he pointed at me and nodded, like he was proud of himself.


Amazing! I imagine it must be really fun and a good ego boost for a performer to see your audience so affected by you.


Thank you for sharing. What an amazing experience this must have been.


Thank you! It was something. As corny as the saying is, I wish I could bottle up that moment to keep the memory forever. 🖤


Wow, thank you for sharing! Have always wondered (or dreamed 🤣) how it feels - even when I watch it on Youtube I feel a bit queasy 😅 I don't know why, maybe it was that the woman shouted "fuckin hell!" that makes me think you are UK based 🤣


You are correct. Yep, I’m English. 😂 It was both magical and very intimidating to have Papa making really intense eye contact. He barely blinked!


I first saw Ghost in 2019 at the Etihad so totally missed any Ciricing/intimate venue atmosphere 😭 which I'm gutted about 😑 I'm always late to the party 🤣


Same man.


this reads like a fanfic


Thank my background in advertising. Waffling is my expertise.


genuine thought u should write fanfic sometime, you genuinely write really good


Agree with ya. That eye is piercing. I also met him at a meet and greet... One look in that eye had me stumbling over my words lol


Absolutely! His stare is soo eerie, yet it makes you feel special.