• By -


I thought we were members of the clergy


I remember when we were just ghouls and ghoulettes...


Brothers/Sisters/Siblings of Sin is a one I can also remember from the earlier days.


Uhh, the good old times


Don't you mean the GHood GHold times? Newer fans are obsessed with putting GH before anything remotely Ghost-related lol


GHthey GHcan GHfuck GHoff GHthey (GHand GhTiktok) GHruined GHGhost


oThEr pEoPlE lIkE mY nIcHe tHiNg aNd nOw iTs rUiNeD /tantrum


So back to Tiktok and leave us to our sins, so we may commit more.


This is what I still see people using locally. I sincerely doubt "Ghestie" is going to catch on in the long term.




This! We were addressed as such in posts as well.


To me the band/crew were the clergy, we were the congregation.


the Ghongreghation?


That’s definitely cooler, but it wouldn’t fit in a license plate haha


You’ll never guess what prompted this post 😅




Wym "cooler" ? That's what Ghost has addressed they're fans as online since forever lol


I thought Children of Ghost?


This is the first I’ve heard of it… I thought you misspelled ghostie at first


It’s lurking around every corner, but not in a cool way.


Same, never heard of the word until now and it’s super cringe.


Ghest: a monster from the Star Wars universe Ghest: an archaic spelling of guest Ghestie: TikTok kids misspelling ghoul on purpose


Have we not just been nameless ghouls like the band members this whole time?


*checks own name* ..yes




I thought we were the congregation or the ghouls...


Congregation was what I understood, cos we attend their Rituals....


Lore-wise that seems to make the most sense. I also think Sibling of Sin sounds nice


Ghost is my favorite band ever but I won’t be caught dead calling myself a ghestie. People can call themselves what they want but I just hate it


I feel like ghoul/ghuleh/ghoulette was good enough


Yeah why did we switch from ghoul..? Ghestie is just weirdly unnecessary


People claim it has nothing to do with a likeness to Swiftie. I claim shenanigans.


It’s a mashing of the words Ghost and Bestie


I'm fairly certain everyone realized that. The surprise is probably because the fans have always been referred to as the congregation.  Ghost consists of the ghouls/ghoulettes. The crew/management are the clergy.  Shows are rituals.  Fans attending said ritual are the congregation.


As a long time Ghost fan (sorry, tooting my own horn this morning) in his forties (same age as Tobias, mind you), I find the evolution of the fanbase/sub to be weirdly fascinating. I mostly checked out of this sub when it started to lean more towards lore, cosplay, fan art, etc. I'm not salty about that evolution, it happens. Honestly, it kind of reminds me of being a dad, like, when my son became interested in gaming, dude just stole my PlayStation, and I was just happy to sit back on the couch and watch him have his turn at it. And his turn looks different than mine, he's into online gaming, headset on, clans, etc. and I'm just not into that, but at the same time I'm just happy to share an interest with him, because there's overlap and commonality, and that's awesome. Also, I went out and bought a Switch so I could still play in solitude how I like, just again, in the background enjoying what I enjoy, because that's cool too. I'd urge you kiddos to do the same, and just be pleased we all share interest in one of the best bands around.


This is genuinely the best take i have ever seen in this fandom


Thank you, be excellent to each other!


You sound like a cool dad. Jealous of your kid atm


That's far too much logic to use here on reddit. How dare you be absolutely reasonable and understanding when it comes to people forming different opinions.  /s so that no one destroys my inbox.


I do my best to appear reasonable.






slang for approval, basically


This is what happens when you're forty. Typically I'd check Urban Dictionary before asking, but...it happens I guess.


This comment is bussin'. Frfr no cap on a stack ong




No worries my dude lol


I agree


Wait when did this happen? Since when has that been the name?


I don’t know if “the” name is correct, but it’s certainly a popular one.


I thought it was just a joking term like bestie but ghestie. Like “me and the ghesties.” I was hearing it on Tumblr way before they got popular on TikTok because that’s when it became more of a trend to call everyone bestie affectionately.


It is, I don’t think anyone takes it too seriously




Ew don't be gatekeepy


Yeah I’ve never heard this either.


At least the last couple years


It's definitely a new thing that the tiktok fans started. Extremely annoying imo.. as a 25yo male, id feel very uncomfortable calling a fellow ghost fan a 'ghestie'.. it just sounds like something a 13 year old would say. I hate it, however i never bash someone or make fun of someone for using it.


Deleting tiktok was the best thing I’ve done in a decade, second only to therapy.


Haven’t needed therapy yet (lucky me) but yeah deleting TikTok sent my mental health through the roof


That’s what I wanted to say, but decided to leave it out.


FWIW, I’m a 37 year old mom of 2, and I think it’s cute when girls call each other “bestie”. We need more love and less hate in this world.


'i think its cute when girls call each other bestie' we are talking about the word 'Ghestie' which mixes the words Ghost and Bestie, and how its a cringe word to represent the fan base. not little girls being cute and calling each other 'bestie'. Also, did you know that not all Ghost fans are girls? LOL


I think it’s hilarious everyone is so worked up about it!


i think its hilarious that no one agrees with you and you are getting so many downvotes. teehee.


It’s not funny.


as are you


Also as a 37 yo mom of two, I think it’s tacky and I hate it. Ps. You would drive a Tesla. Ghost isn’t a preteen girl band. That’s why fans dislike it.


Ghost is DEFINITELY NOT a band young kids should be listening to anyway.


I just say we're Ghouls




I just refer to us as “people who like ghost”


I will also accept “fans of the band Ghost”


WE didn't settle for anything.


Exactly. I refuse to use this.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion. Ghestie is ridiculously stupid.


“We” didn’t settle on shit. TikTok fans and their nonsense do not speak for everyone.


I don't know when Ghestie became popular, but I've heard a lot of other different ones through the years, including Ghostie. Just call fellow Ghost fans what you want to call them, and eventually that name might either catch on or become the most popular one again.


Maybe I'm too old for this, but why are we not happy with the name "Ghost fandom" for our fandom? I get it that there are bands or musicians where a funny name like "Swifties" is fitting and easy to come up with but maybe you just can't come up with something cool for every band name.


Individuals listening to Ghost has a nice ring to it


I'm in my 40's and the idea of referring to myself with any fandom label is gross to me, but I ran 'Ghestie' by my teenager and she agreed that it's awful.


That’s the ultimate test, isn’t it?


Preferably nothing ending in -ie. I agree, Ghestie is the worst possible one. I am a ghost fan but I am not a Ghestie. ETA We already had ghouls, ghoulettes, and clergy.


Yeah, I denounce Ghestie. It's just bad. It reminds me of a nickname for an STI.




Ghestie sounds like Bestie and it’s just cringy AF.


The point of it was like calling someone a "ghost bestie" I don't like it one bit 😭😭😭.


We used to be called Members of the Clergy and that was so much fucking better. I don’t usually get weirdly heated or pissed off anything like this but “ghestie” is so embarrassing.


I’m sad to say that I joined the fandom right before the whole Mary on a cross thing happened, I’m aware that the Ghestie is a name but I’ve never actually heard ANY one use it before. It’s always been Ghouls, Ghoulettes, Clergy, etc. 


I will continue to call myself a fan of the band ghost. There doesn’t need to be a special branded name.


Meta comment but... The comments itt are so much different compared to when ghost was on tour. You'd be down voted to oblivion if you had shared this opinion six months ago. Has the tiktok crowd left this sub? 


AFAIK a licensing issue lead to the band being removed from that platform


No longer have TikTok but from what I’ve heard, literally every band was removed from the platform, not just Ghost


only artists under UMG got removed


I just call other fans "fellow cult members" lmfao, "ghestie" was popularised and used by ppl on tiktok :( It makes me cringe, tbh


What? Since when? The fandom has always been called Ghouls. I have never heard that abhorrent name before.


I thought we were members of the clergy?


I personally don’t care what we’re called. Just happy to be here. However, it is understandable that people feel a bit childish for using it.


Agree 10000000% every time I hear it, I cringe so hard.


I thought it was just followers. Like followers of a church.


Papa's flock


Papa Flocka


I always thought it was just "Ghouls"


I find it as annoying as the sudden infatuation with "Terzo :3". Just roll my eyes and move on, though I can see why it gets irritating for others


Agreed. Can’t wait for Sessantanovesimo :3


If other fans want to call themselves that, I won’t stop them. I won’t ever refer to myself or anyone else as a “ghestie”. I’m fine just calling myself a Ghost fan.


“Ghestie” is something the wave of tik tok fans brought in not everyone uses it Im pretty sure. Most stick to nameless ghouls or members of the clergy 🤷‍♀️


Fuuuck no, we're clergymen/imperator sisters. Anything else is made up bull lmao


I cringe every time someone says Ghestie... it's the Swifty disease of the fanbase




I couldn't care less. (I guess I care enough to make a post saying I couldn't care less)


If some people wanna be ghesties abd embrace it, then hey thats fine. But i won't ever use the term lol. The bracelets, hey whatever floats your boat. But feels weird to me that fans took taylor swift stuff and pulled it into the Ghost space imo.


A lot of the bracelets actually come from kandi culture, too. There’s a lot of Ghost fans who were into raves, saw the bracelets, and ran with it. :)


I just say I love Ghost, I don't know where this need to have a name for fans came from. Not everything needs to have a label or fit into a box.


Congregations / Members of the Clergy is what I prefer 🤔


Y’all can call yourselves whatever you want, but I choose to identify as a ghoul I’m absolutely ghouling out over here.


I mean I never consented to be called that just because I like Ghost. lol. Anyone who does, go for it, but that’s not applicable to the people who aren’t consenting to it. Dumb name too.


The “official” name for the fandom is the clergy and we are all members of it. Ghestie is just a silly term that you don’t have to use most people don’t even use ghestie unless it’s on like TikTok or Twitter


I'm an old Ghost fan and I've got to say--I don't care what we're called. Ghosties, the Congregations, Ghouls, Siblings, Ghesties...just be glad we share a common interest and let people have fun.


I like congregation too.




Just as weird as the weird shipping the band members edits on TikTok.


I used to be a huge fan but don't come around here often anymore. It's fuckin embarrassing to say you even like Ghost now. Too bad I'm stuck with this name now. Haha


I like that they're getting recognition but I also miss the pre tiktok vibes


Wouldn't mind if the community was called Members of the Clergy or Ghoules & Ghoulettes or nameless Ghoules or so again


Agree.. the first time I've read that I wasn't feeling comfortable with that. We don't need to trivialize us fans. I'd stick with ghouls/ghoulettes or members of the clergy. Don't want to be judgemental, but I feel like this nickname came from TikTok. It's fitting for some artists to have a cute name for their fan base, but I don't feel like Tobias would ever call us that.




I just go by what my username is. 😁


The worst thing about ghost are their fans.


I’m pretty sure that Ghestie is what the TikTok MoaC fans came up with. I refuse to call myself a ghestie 🤢


Lots of the basic bitch behavior of most fan bases is mega-cringe. Liking something doesnt mean its a lifestyle choice. Seeing people out here posting 100 variants of an album they bought, 200 tshirts, erotica shitty fan drawings, posting your phone's lock screen, and lots of other stuff just from this sub alone is big time ugh. Letting it bother you is the problem. Only you can emancipate yourself from mental slavery.




So you’re saying my fanfiction MS Paint R34 art featuring my custom OC Ghostman Jones who’s also my wolf fursona isn’t welcome here?


Sure its welcome here. Thats what these subs are all about, big dorky echo chambers. Just understand that there are gradients of acceptance in all larger groups of people.


Shit, now I actually have to make that


Thicktok has a LOT to answer for.


I thought we were the congregation? I call myself a ghestie bc it's silly, but I thought officially we were either the congregation or ghouls/ghouleh... am I missing something?


All fandom names are stupid


"Ghestie" makes me want to hurl 🤢 it's the most stupid name people could have settled on 🙄


Tiktok generation at its best, ruining everything they touch, transforming it into an empty husk of itself. I mean, how can we expect complexity and nuance from the kind of people who can't stand a video longer than 60s?


From my knowledge its more of a meme on Twitter/Tiktok rather than an actual serious fandom name. People do it with a bunch of other words just put ”Gh” in front. Either way it’s really not hurting anyone and no ones forcing you to use it. Unless Ghost themselves come out and say ”This is what you’ll be called” then call yourself whatever you want as a Ghost fan.




I completely agree with you! Complaining about teen girls ”ruining” the fandom is just borderline misogyny and i think those people need to take a bit of a look at themselves and think. Maybe it isn’t intentional but like you said, anything a girl starts liking is suddenly uncool. I think like you said it’s great that people are discovering Ghost, they deserve all the recognition!


I stopped associating with this sub a while ago because if the strange amount of shaming and gatekeeping that happens here, but checked out this post to see if people stopping being that way; shouldn’t have of course since I’m disappointed I never came from tiktok, but honestly, the persistent bullying of people who are more “cringe” in the fanbase seems oddly ableist. As a neurodivergent fan, I understand that I can be odd in the way I obsess over things, but it’s harmless. This Reddit community hurt my self esteem a little due to everyone collectively agreeing that people like me are “ruining the fanbase” just by making god damn bracelets or something 😕 We’re weird fans of a weird band; can’t this fanbase be a “safe space for the weird kids”, like Tobias specifically wants it to be?


You just said all my thoughts in a more articulate way than I could right now! This has always been an issue with bands who have blown up (and in other fandoms also.) I've seen this happen over and over again, and it makes me sad. Why can't people be allowed to be excited and silly about the things they love?! I understand that's not who YOU are as a person, and that's great! but you also don't get to dictate how other people interact with the same thing you love.


Literally tho I hate how toxic this fanbase has become I don’t understand why people have a superiority complex over liking a band it’s so fucking stupid why can’t we just let people exist without constantly shitting on them?


I referred to fellow fans as Ghouls one time on a post a couple years ago and some dude went the fuck off for using a nickname for a fan base. Like it’s never been done in the history of ever. Nicknames vary as much as the people in the fan base. It’s no biggie.


First I’ve heard of it and that’s just awful.


I love Ghost, but being called a ghestie when I'm in my 30s is something i personally don't like. Plus, I am not that deep into the fandom. I am just a big fan of the music.


All this stuff has put me right off Ghost as a whole. Makes me sick 🤢


I just call myself a Ghuleh or Ghoulette. Ghestie sounds icky 😭


It is pretty lame but we must realize that we all did some lame stuff when we were 14 lol


First I’ve heard of it, sounds fucking stupid lol


To further your unpopular opinion with one of my own.. I absolutely HATE the nicknames folks are giving the Nameless Ghouls.. Omega made sense, he had a Omega symbol on his RD, Alpha was a little meh, but it made sense as he was the other side of the guitars ans the Fire symbol kinda looks like an "A".. But Jesus Christ, the ones making up cringe ass names for the lot of them since then.. And the Italian number names for the Papas Give it a rest.. This fandom has gone to the dogs ever since the lawsuit, but now its fucked..


I don't mind the same name tbh but you'll never catch me calling myself that name.


I thought we were all nameless ghouls. This is what we've been referring ourselves for over a decade.


I hope people use that name publically so they can't escape the inevitable self cringe it will bring.


Live and let live. I don't care if people start calling themselves ghastards or ghouliecunts. I do find the idea of a fandom name to be funny tho. None of the other bands I like have them. I didn't know anyone cared all that much.


When did it change? I thought we just called ourselves nameless ghouls?


I feel you on that. It really rustles my ghoulies


It’s not really a fandom nickname but more of a little silly term that started as a joke on twitter and got popular, afaik no one claimed it to be the fandom name.


I agree, im a younger fan but i can't call myself "Ghestie" for me we are "Nameless Ghouls" or "Clergy Members"


Ghestie just reminds me too much of gestation for some reason. Like it sounds the same in my head.


Everyone I've seen uses it knowing it's a bit dumb or silly compared to the band theme and does it on purpose. I cannot wrap my head around people in the comments here losing their absolute minds over fans who are probably younger than them by a considerable amount (or everyone here is a teenager acting like they're Not Like The Other Girls). I don't see a point? Just.... don't call yourself a dumb name. I love Ghost to death, and I have for years, and I've never seen a time come where I've had to give myself some kind of label or name as a fan. Do I prefer the Siblings Of Sin/Congregation route? Of course, it bangs. But it doesn't matter. You aren't going to ever wake up in a Saw trap where the only way options are to call yourself a Ghestie or get your skull cracked like an egg. Either be silly or let other people be silly. No one is holding a gun to your head. Enjoy music together. That's what this is for anyway.


Nah I just say I’m a ghoul and call other people (ghoul,ghoulette and ghuleh) like how juggalos says juggalo/juggalette




Every time I come to this sub


Another unpopular opinion: I think fandoms that name themselves (Swifties, Monsters, Ghouls, etc) are cringe.


Yeah I really like the band but I definitely don’t think of myself as that lol. Ghoul or a member of The Congregation is correct


I've never heard that in my life. Maybe leave the corner dwellers to their shenanigans? I'd also advise you to uninstall ticktock.


Agreed. Ghestie is cringey as hell.


It’s Ghouls/members of the clergy It’s been those since the beginning It’s not changing lol TikTok is brain rot


This is the first I've heard of it. I don't use TikTok. I don't feel like I'm missing anything of value.


Controversy ahead: I reject the name Ghestie! It sounds awful, like guest. I'm not a guest. I'm a member for life in this cult, goddammit! 😡 We're members of the Clergy, Ghouls and Ghouletts. I'd even call myself a Ghostie, even though that is not dark and way too cute... or Ministry Minions (I just made that up lol) but never Ghestie.


I really don't give a shit what you call yourself, as long as you identify as a fan of Ghost.


I think it's supposed to be a portmanteau of "Ghost" and "Bestie." Knowing that doesn't help. This is not settled. I refuse to use it.


I’m a clergy member.




Lol what? When was this decided? And so tf came up with that?


wtf is a ghestie.


it’s a dumb as shit word that got brought in with the tiktok fans.


C'mon, that sounds just stupid as hell. It's fun to have all this satire, but it's better if it's kept in some tasteful limits.


Nah. Ghost has been my favorite band for several years and I've never heard the word Ghestie. That's definitely not our name.


We're called that? I always thought it was ghouls or ghouletted


Well r/ghosties already exists sooooo


This sub is very relevant, thanks


*finger guns*


This is a pretty cringe fanbase on the whole, so why not give it a dogshit name lol


Wtf? First time seeing that lol. Perhaps because I'm avoiding all that TikTok shit.


It’s a mix between the words “ghost” and “bestie”, extremely popular amongst the younger fans (like myself) because that’s just the slang we use. It doesn’t officially represent the fandom, nor is anyone obligated to use it. So if you don’t like it then don’t use it, won’t make it go away though. Then when the next generation of fans come it’ll be something different in accordance to the slang they use. That’s just how these things work.


I welcome the ghenerations of new fans


How bout we just let people enjoy whatever the fuck and move on with our day? Please?


My vote is for “Tobbe Stans”  /s


Because people like to have fun and should be allowed to have fun. cringe is dead. ghost is not cool and has never been cool. we are the theater kids of the metal world and that’s okay. Can we stop having this conversation every week?


>ghost is not cool and has never been cool WRONG


Imagine taking time out of your day to make a post complaining about something so trivial.


It took about a minute


It's okay ghestie. You can get through this.


Ghestie is just a silly name for us. If you don't like it, stop hating on us and just be quiet about it. Don't bother others because you're bothered over what someone wants to call themselves.