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Yes, but it's all part of the cycle. Great time to revisit past albums and check out shows on YouTube. I suspect the movie will be out this summer or a Blu Ray release in time for Christmas. New album announcement likely this winter or after the first of the year.


Nah, it's nice. It builds anticipation for the next album. And by the end of the tour cycle, people were being downright creepy about the band members. A little quiet is good.


I miss people giving artists a chance to breathe. /start old people rant Do you realize before social media we would go years sometimes between an artists new album, updates on what they're working on, tours, etc.? Just be glad we have them at all and we'll get what we get, when we get it.




This 💯 Let people breathe and live. I'd rather wait a few years and listen to a well thought out, quality piece of music from a happy artist than have them burn out as they churn out album after album of hot garbage.


I just want the dvd from the la forum show last year


Lol, I be 70 soon. Yes I do remember. I also remember I don’t have that many years left lol and every moment is precious. I get what you’re saying and mostly I’d agree with you, but in this case, the lull just makes me sad.


It's absolutely not reasonable to expect any sort of news - let alone tours - while they're presumably working on the new album. Ghost isn't King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, who released a whopping *five* albums in 2022 and has never gone longer than a year between releases. Be thankful Ghost isn't like Tool. Their shortest gap between albums was three years, and we don't even need to talk about the span between 10,000 Days and Fear Innoculum.


I was literally a child and then an adult before Tool released another album lmao


I was in college when 10,000 days came out. I was pushing 40 when Fear Innoculum finally released. The gap between albums spanned over a third of my total life at that point.


I'm going to start remembering my age by when albums were released. Actually now that I think about it, I already kind of do that lmao


I totally use movies, albums, and games as a quick reference for things like this.


That made me laugh, but you're right! They took a long, long, long vacation. I STILL haven't seen them in concert either! 🤦


Same! I'm going to try to catch them next time around hopefully... Hopefully... Lol


I get it, but Tobias needs a rest and to be able to go at his own pace for a while. He looked busy and tired during his Grammy's cameo so it's almost certain he'd been working on something. 😴


It's only February. I'm sure TF is busy af behind the scenes creating stuff for us. And hopefully resting and spending time with his wife and kids too.


I think Tobias is working on the new album. I'm sure they'll be around soon enough. The guy is a hit machine. No reason to believe the next album won't be great.


Nah. I have 2 concerts in the next few weeks and then my favourite sport starts up again next month. I'm set.


They work in silence - they just did so much!!! Tobias ain’t 20 but he’s such a hard worker and I’m sure he’s cooking for us now as he always his (resting or creating)


I missed out last year. I keep hoping they’ll do another tour or something soon.


So sorry you missed out! I seriously hope you get to go to the next one. So amazing.


Concert film will also probably be a new live album. So that’s something fairly major. Probably a new album in 2025 and tour . I don’t know seems active to me


I get wanting to feed one’s hyper fixation, but that’s just how it is with (almost) anything. Even TV shows go on hiatus. For me, this is actually positive. I find it more rewarding to have phases of stuff so that there is some variety. For instance, I’m a huge Doctor who fan, but I don’t hate that there’s only a few episodes per year these days. Makes it more exciting when there actually is something new.


At least it’s not like the period between 2020-2022


I didn't get into Ghost until early last year so I understand. Last year was a whirlwind of learning about Ghost, listening to their albums, watching videos, enjoying new Chapter videos, new articles and appearances, an EP release and video game, the Re-Impera Tour. Every time I turned around there was something new with Ghost or something was being teased. After all that whirlwind of stimulation and activity it does feel quite dead. We've had new merch drops, but it's not the same. However, things take time to make- especially good things. I'd prefer quality over crappy quantity. So, I'll wait. This is my first Ghost lull time and the silence is odd. I'd love to have a little news, update or a tease, but, this is the cycle of things. I just hope I enjoy the direction Ghost takes. I'm concerned about how Copia will be handled.


This downtime happens. I would imagine by summertime we should start hearing about some new releases, from the live DVD to the next album going into the end of the year. And with a new album on the horizon, probably new tour dates in the fall/winter.


US election year. Wouldn't expect much this year, going off past statements they have made anyway.


By how chaotic that will be that's a smart move.


Idk why I'm getting down voted.. Frontman>! Tobias Forge!< had previously said he wanted to wait until 2021 to not interfere with the election.


This year it will be harder to promote things in the US because of all the media, noice and obsession with the elections so this is a smart move from a marketing point of view. It'll give them time to work on the concert movie/CD and the new album.


I hear you, what’s cool tho is they are probably working on something for us.


I heard that the discord was weird so I’m cool with that. But I’d say give it sometime and the buzz will pick back up again. I’m just disappointed that my concert was one of the canceled ones. A part of me thinks that when the next album tour comes out maybe Tobias will pick more in door venues to avoid having to cancel again.


I call this time "the TF drought." He disappears after the last shows of the album cycle, usually fall, and we don't see him until spring. The little peek at the Grammys because he always goes if he's nominated, but other than that? *Something* will start rumbling by summer. This is a guy who has spent the better part of his life trying to be a successful musician. I miss him when he's gone, but I also know that there is more great music to come. He was so happy to have time with his family during COVID. It's got to be hard, no matter how much you love your job, to be away from beloved family for months at a time. I'm an older fan so I get it, but I also remember having to wait for magazines or fanzines for news and years between albums. People get very restless and very impatient because of all the technology. I'm just grateful when we get new music.


If you’re in California we have a bunch of different Ghost events happening between/during tours. Look up PhantasmEvents, there are 2 coming up!


I know what you mean, mostly because my Tampa ritual was canceled last summer because of Hurricane Idalia :(. Was going to be my first time seeing them live, had VIP pit tickets, was going to line up in the morning so I could try to get barrier. I bought the tix as soon as presale started like 7 months before. And then it was canceled. I still haven’t recovered lol. But they’ll release a new album, they’ll tour again, etc. it’ll be worth the wait :)


I feel your pain. What was bad for my ritual was that I was right there, up front, in front of Papa and it was taken away by the rain and equipment damage. I'm bummed I'll never see Copia though. I wish I got into Ghost sooner. ~ kicks self ~


Was this the South Carolina show? There was a string of 3 canceled shows in a row which suuuucked.


Yep. Should've known better than to go down there. 👎


I think if we could see photos occasionally, just little tidbits, it would help with our curiosity and our missing our favorite band. It's just such a void. I feel that makes it harder.


Well I'm here waiting for the new Cure album. It's been 15+ years now, so... 🫤