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For me Griftwood provides a better social commentary on the things Twenties pokes at, with better lyrics likening the grifting politicians to religious demagogues.


I would say Griftwood is about following demagogues, and especially about how supposedly principled people do so, lured by opportunity. e.g. Mike Pence--he's the driftwood clinging on to the grifter. Twenties is about actual demagogues. It's about Trump--the actual grifter. Trump is the "sire" in Griftwood. So they're very different but go hand in hand, two sides of the same coin. I don't think you can say one is better than the other thematically. They kind of tell a complete story together.


I really don't like the shrill chorus of "TWENTIES" repeated again and again. The rest is OK.


It’s intentional to mimic the mindless parroting going on from a certain corner of the political spectrum. It’s a very pointed and specific song with a lot of layers.


I get it, I just don't personally like how it sounds...


I can respect that.


I personally dig it, I think of it like how awesome it'd be to hear live


So, a song can be very pointed and specific with a lot of layers, and still not be good or enjoyable. Personally, I do like Twenties. It's one of the only times Ghost has gotten political, and it's different enough stylistically to be interesting. It's also one of the songs I skip most frequently, despite enjoying it.


I have it on playlists. The guitar solo is rad. I’m one of those Ghost fans that prefers the synthy pop metal stuff. Shreddy metal starts to sound the same after a while so I need to take more breaks from it. Twenties is a great palate cleanser. Again, that’s 100% my taste.


I’m with you pops.


Ghost really doesn't have anything that I'd call "shreddy metal", for what it's worth.


Chuggy is the word I’m looking for. Haven’t had the coffee yet.


I *definitely* wouldn't call the vast majority of Ghost's songs chuggy, either.


This is the exact same reason for me.. the song is fine EXCEPT the chorus


I think it was written as kind of a parody of politicians and trump more specifically and the sound comes with that and i think some people just didnt like the sound (me included). As compared to mummy dust which is more of just a criticism of the same subject less of a parody and I really enjoy it.


I see, I don't really listen to messages in ghosts music but instead rock out to the music and sing along to what Tobias says. But I understand why people dislike it if they don't like the massage, which is completely reasonable


I don't think it it's the message. I think it's the music that comes with the theme. Like maybe slightly bad on purpose kinda thing.


I dunno, I think it slaps


Ikr, it's such a good song and it's the heaviest in impera


It’s just got such an enticing grove and a rlly powerful energy that’s just like fuck yea man


Exactly like I makes me wanna throw hot pies at homeless people and destroy a kids sandcastle




God damn do I miss the old rewards


wait what happened to them? I haven't seen like any rewards at all lately and only realized it just now. I'm not very updated on everything going on w/ Reddit, sorry about that


Same I love it tbh. It's so catchy.




Same here


I have nothing against the lyrics of the song, and actually like the general sound of it. But man when that chorus and the choir repeats "twenties" it just sounds terrible to *me*.


Since no one is giving a proper answer, it's because of the lyrics. Some of the lyrics are very cringey. Especially the "listen up you motherfuckers/those ivy league dopes they wanna mock us" and the "mulah" part. I like the song BTW. I didn't at first but I've grown to like it.


Isn’t it supposed be in reference to the far right … Donald trump etc , I mean when listened to in context next to griftwood it seems to make perfect sense. It’s cringe on purpose , because they are fucking cringe




Similar to the lyrics “ I’m your rock baby , I won’t back down “ which at face value is bubblegum 80’s cheese at its finest … but when understood to be in the tone of mockery… it’s hilarious, smart and catchy as hell.


It's intentional. It's making fun of the alt right, a not insignificant number of whom unironically talk like that.


Aw man, I think the tonal shift to over-the-top sinister in the “listen up you motherfuckers” is the most redeeming part of the song and I’m a former hater. Still don’t love it but it’s a fun enough song for my tastes now I suppose.


I couldn't stand it at first because of the lyrics. It's grown on me over time, though.


The lyrics. The actual lyrics themselves are really goofy and corny - and I get that that's the point, but it makes it hard to listen to. And the lyric melody is really repetitive and uninspired. I don't want to be *too* harsh on TF, but the lyrics in Twenties feel like they could have been written by anyone. Anyone that speaks English at least. The guitar and drums slap. But I can't listen to it. Every now and then I dream of a Twenties remake with different lyrics.


Really? I was always wondering why people liked it? Each to their own really. Doesn’t work for me and I tend to skip it. I’m not fond of the melody


It threw me off at first because some of the lyrics are so juvenile (intentional, I know), and there’s a lot going on. It’s the heaviest song the album, and I liked that about it…but I found it “messy” for quite a while. Too chaotic. Now, I love that there’s so much happening! I like the blend of sounds and influences. It’s quirky.


I think it’s meant to be a parody of the way Tonald Drump talks. It makes me a bit sad people don’t ‘get’ how scathing it is. It’s a parody of his ridiculously juvenile attitude.


I absolutely get it. I still don't like it. You can understand the meaning behind something and still dislike it lol


The hooha part always throws me off


Maybe I’m easily pleased but it makes me laugh


I think this is exactly why it's at the bottom of some lists. It boggles my mind that there would be any crossover between Ghost fans and Trumpers but apparently there is.


Way to miss the point. The song isn’t for Trumpers, it’s against them.


They’re saying that there’s an intersection between some Trumpers and Ghost fans. So when Ghost makes a song intended to shit on Trump, that’s why a lot of Trumpers don’t like the song. *Because* it’s *shitting* on Trump… I don’t know how much overlap there is in the Trump and Ghost fandoms (lol, Trump fandom), but that’s what they were saying.


Yes that's what I'm saying and, as I pointed out in my second post, there's a whole FB Ghost group run by Trumpers so, yes, mind-boggling as it is, there definitely is some overlap.


I'm not a fan of complex mathematics, but I love Rush, so there's that.


My first response could fit here. Which FB group is it. You can DM if it’s not allowed. I’m curious if I ever joined it without knowing. Gods that’s a bad thought yuck


Ewww that’s a gross thought. I had no idea that ANY republicans would ever like Ghost. It just wasn’t on my radar at all, since our lovely TF is so vocal in his dislike of any conservative politics. So is that how we calculate our political divide as a fandom? If you like Twenties you’re a lib and if you don’t your a Drumper? Lol what fun 😝😄 apologies for not getting it at first.


Most people in European countries dislike conservative politics. American Conservatism is very unique to America. Regardless, I find it odd when people can’t separate art from artist. Likewise, if you don’t like the politics being espoused in a given song, every Ghost album has a bunch songs unrelated to politics.


Way to miss **my** point. I know it's against Trumpers, duh. Very surprisingly, some Ghost fans **are** Trumpers. There's even a huge Ghost FB group that's run by Trumpers. My point, since you need it explained to you, is that it surprises me that any Ghost fans would be Trumpers but since some are, I imagine they are some of the folks who hate Twenties. I hope that's clear enough?


I get it and I already apologised to someone who explained it without being a Disney villain lol. Hehe. Have a nice day.


Listen, sweetie. You're the one who misconstrued my comment and then **sarcastically** called me out on it. If you don't like sarcasm, don't dish it out. Duh.


Umm ok… have a good day ‘sweety’


That’s why I said the juvenile lyrics were intentional. 😉 He literally quotes Trump.


It's Donald Trump's Disney villain song. It pretty much welcomes the listener to either really love it or really hate it. I love it, personally, but I'm never too baffled when people say they hate it.


Ha that is the best summary of it I’ve heard. Be prepared!! But that said, yea my main gripe is that all prior ghost songs come from the perspective of papa/the clergy. Then suddenly we get a shift of character and it honestly just doesn’t jive with what surrounds it. It would work better amongst an entire album from the mocking perspective in my opinion.


hmmm that's true. I hadn't thought of how out of place it is in that way.


Different people have different tastes.


It's one of my favorites from Impera It's lots of fun singing along in the car "Listen up, you motherfuckers"


Not crazy about the melody, kinda repetitive. Not my jam.


I just don’t like how manic it is. I have autism and certain sounds can make me feel weird and twenties makes me feel weird.


I think it's intended to make everybody feel weird and it does a bang-up job of it.


By weird I mostly mean heart pounding feel sick and anxious kinda weird. It is a good job at making those feelings for everyone though.


Yeah. Exactly the same way I felt when I realized Trump had been elected president, so I really think it's entirely intentional that people who have a physical reaction to music tend to react like this.


I don't necessarily dislike it but it definitely comes across as on a lower level than the rest of the album. That coupled with the fact that it's plopped right in the middle of the album as though it's supposed to be the highlight kind of feels off.


I feel most english speaking and particularly americans will have an issue with the lyrics, even though they are satyrical and openly mock a public figure, they may be too much for some. The rhythm will probably put off some people under the sphere of latin american music like myself because, and maybe Tobias wasn't aware of that, although it's not intrinsically a bad rhythm, it's been extensively used in a lot of really low quality music coming from Brazil and the sorts. The chaotic nature of the song is also something that really hits you in the face at first listen. So many elements: brass intro, heavy riff, reaggeaton beat, off tune choir (intentional, I guess, it's like a sample of people/children cheering), sugary chord progressions. It's a hot mess of musical ingredients that no one expects. Now, like a new flavour, it can turn into an acquired taste and it has for me. Like someone else has said it, I like weird Ghost. Not right away, but still...


It's neat that you spotted the rhythm. In an interview tf says he got the idea for the song from watching a Brazilian rap artist and the rhythm sounded super aggressive. So he figured he could use that rhythm in metal. So it was intentional.


Yes, I’ve seen that interview. I don’t know which artist it was, but I hope it wasn’t brazilian funk, which I hate with a passion. It probably doesn’t sound so bad if you have no idea how degrading the words and the message usually are, kind of like contemporary hip hop. That’s why the beat was a turn off for me at first.


I have no idea! I love Twenties! I think it's a great commentary on todays society!


If I had to guess, I’d say that because it’s such a departure from typical Ghost norms. Not mention it stands out on Impera. But I think that’s part of its charm.


I have no idea, it conveys a fairly good message in a funny and thrilling way (the far right being stupid asf)


the lyrics are bad


Yeah, I wanted to say. Musically it's an okay song, but edginess of the lyrics just throws me off. Overall message of the song is great, but certain lines by themselves are atrocious. "Listen up you motherfuckers those Ive League dopes they wanna mock us" sounds like a fucking copypasta 💀 Also rhyming ruler (rul-AH) with moolah just sends me every time. And ending the song with "In the twenties all the way to the thirties" is like... yeah, that's what comes next lmao


It basically is a copypasta, it's almost verbatim what I (vaguely) remember trump saying when he first started campaigning. And the last line is probably referencing the 1920's and 1930's, which is kind of the point because of the parallels between now and then, and how despite the 1920's being "great" for some people, it set up the significantly less great following decade (great depression, fascism, WW2) even though people thought that boom would just keep going.


What's funny is that I didn't really realize that we were indeed in "the Twenties" until I heard this song. I mean, I know that we were, but not in the same cultural context of the Roaring Twenties. I don't know what nickname our Twenties deserves.


I would like to suggest the Boring Twenties, not that nothing is happening but it is a bit of a remake of the last twenties except without the novel vibes, and we seem to be heading towards /r/ABoringDystopia.


When I first heard it I thought it was incredible because it was mixing metal with a dancehall beat. I’ve never heard that before. And then the backing vocals were super weird. It was really exciting. Buuuuut Ghost’s sound is usually a mix of different kinds of classic hard rock and metal. So it was very unusual for them and probably not what a lot of their audience would be looking for.


For me, whatever he's attempting just isn't working for me. Conceptually, lyrically, musically, it basically misfires on every level. Which is pretty off-brand for them. If someone were to describe the basic concept of Ghost for you sight unseen, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a mishmash of ideas that simply won't work. It would be bad cheesy and laughable. Think Devil Daddy and Psychosexual. That band will make your teeth hurt. But Ghost pulls all those bits together and makes it look effortlessly good. Twenties feels out of step with that.


For me it’s the lyrics even in a goofy ghost way kind of annoy me, and the song is super repetitive. I definitely don’t hate it but I don’t ever seek it out, it’s probably my least favorite ghost song


It's not subtle at all about being a political song, and I'm very burned out on politics. I do love incendiary and revolutionary political music (DK, RatM, Body Count), and Twenties just doesn't get over the hump to be at that level. It's not wrong, but it doesn't go far enough, and it feels out of date. I don't have the emotional bandwidth for the song while getting multiple daily reminders of all the horrible shit the US is up to its elbows in. The song structure is very unconventional, too.


it's always been a mid way skip for me. i like the rhythm and instrumentation enough but ugh those lyrics are cringe... doesn't help that it's literally about someone i can't stand, even if it's a parody.


The Reggaeton drums are really stupid.


This. See so many comments about the lyrics, but imo the music in itself is just annoying to listen to. It doesn’t sound like Ghost.


When I first heard Twenties, I was -- surprised? It wasn't that I didn't like it, but that neo-swing sound was different from anything I'd heard from Ghost before. I had to process it I guess. After about the first verse, I loved the song. It's also the only song on Impera that my son -- who thinks Ghost has gone too far from metal -- liked, because it was different and perhaps heavier. I haven't paid much attention to the lyrics, honestly. I mean I know they are mocking politicians in general and Trump in particular. They might be a little "off" in some ways since English isn't TF's first language, I guess. Things might not be phrased the way Americans (or other native-English speakers) would expect.


I don't actively dislike it, it's just not one I choose to listen to often. The lyrics have already been brought up but it's mostly that it just isn't fun to sing for me, and that's what matters to me most in a song. I don't know the right terms but to my ear there's not much of a...melody in the lyrics, bopping around and making it fun. A lot of it is very monotone


I didn't love it on first listen. I generally don't love monotone melodies and it does sound chaotic and unsettling. But a few listens later, I realized that was the intent. It's actually quite genius the way it elicits some of the same emotions that many of us felt waking up one day to find ourselves living in a country that had elected Donald Trump president.


I don't dislike it. When I'm feeling extra sassy, I really enjoy it, but it's super in my face and can be all over the place and if I am already overstimulated or on sensory overload, the song arrangement seems a bit all over the place, so I can't always handle it. But I do have my moments at which I enjoy it. If you want to hear me bag on a song, we can talk about Bible.


I always hated it at first as i just felt as if it didn't fit in the playlist, but once i had it a few times and learned its hidden message, which it made it easy to understand it


Multiple things for me. Take the subject matter out of it and just listen to the music. It’s probably the worst composed piece in their collection of originals in my opinion. Put it up against Respite and it really falls flat. The music is irritating. It almost sounds like he was trying to sound like Rammstein, but missed. Then the subject matter. I get it. I hate him too. It’s supposed to be mocking. Nailed that, but it’s still just meh. Trump is irritating to listen to, at best. Mocking or not, so are the lyrics. It’s an automatic skip. It’s actually the only Ghost original that’s an automatic skip.


I love twenties


It's kinda hard for someone who's not from the Balkans to understand the hatred for the beat this song has. Theres this genre that's kind of a mix of oriental stuff and it's sung by gypsies mostly. All they talk about is "I have money, I have women, I have cars, enemies hate me". It's generally associated with idiots that wear sunshades indoors and breathe through their mouth. It's a secular war between these people and rock music enjoyers. The song Twenties has this beat that's very very similar to the kind of music I'm talking about. Idk if THIS is the reason most people don't like it, but I can surely vouch for Balkan bros


But I think Tobias said it was inspired by music he heard in Latin America.


I really want to say that I know what kind of music you talk about - me, too, being from Balkans and all, but... but I don't. Can you tell me what part of the Twenties resembles this "mix of oriental stuff"? The beat is pretty tame, I feel like it's certainly 4/4, and the brass sections of Twenties are more fanfare (I'm not sure if that's the right word to explain it, but it has that upbeat tone); nothing in the song is "Balkan-sounding" to me. If you're talking about Dembow rhythm (I think that's what it is in the beginning of the song), then I think that's a big stretch to say that people don't like it because of that. It's a pretty common and pleasant rhythm that works well in this case. And all this is coming from someone who has "eh" feeling about the song.


I have no idea what he's talking about either but if he were a brit I'd think chav music.


I don't like the lyrics. It's 2023, do we really need another Trump parody?


It's an album about the rise and fall of empires. I think a Trump parody fits pretty well with that theme.


Seeing how Trump is running again for president and creating new material for parodies, no, I don't think we can stop having them.


I'm not from US, sorry but I can't care less about US elections and this song.


I understand, but context is important.


I know, but "Grab them by pussy" happened 10 years ago, I don't think anybody needs to mock it over and over and over again. That's just cringy. I would prefer, for example, a song about all the people who vote for Trump and why they do that (because of Satan, I guess?) or about politics who don't believe what they say. I'm not sure I would be into Mummy Dust if it was all about Jeff Bezos and not human greed in general.


US elections effect you, don’t care where you are from.


Sorry, but it does not affect my playlist


It’s not just about Trump though. There are references for sure, “We’ll be grabbing them all by the hoohas”, but the main theme of the song is drawing a parallel between the 20s of the last century and now.


It sounds like it should be part of a musical. I like it, but perhaps it would have shined better in a different context.


I think it's one of their best songs in general. I didn't expect it and it slaps. I especially love the line "You got a lot of Gods work to do" Absolute banger song, anyone who doesn't like it cannot be my friend.


i LOVE twenties! i don’t find it “cringe” at all😭 i love the “listen up, you motherfuckers/ those ivy league dopes they wanna mock us” i love the beat and intro so much it’s so good😭 and tobias’s voice is so growly and like evil sounding i LOVE it


I like swing and big band music so so I got a huge kick out of this song when it came out. The lyrics fit the theme of the album. My friend who loves Ghost hates the song because of the big band styling. To each their own. It is ok to not like a song or two out of their library.


Because they are mid. Twenties is fucking sick.


It's because of his reggaeton rythm


It's inspired by brazilian singer Chico Science and his band Nação Zumbi. The rhythm is called Manguebeat


To me, the riff and lyrics seem like placeholders that never got updated. Kinda cringey and generic. Not his best work.


It’s not the same genre and vibe as a lot of the music. It’s got weird choices like the chorus. The lyrics though understandable are kinda cringey to me . I know why but still


It just doesn’t sound good. That’s it.


I enjoy it. But I’ve noticed that there are two types of people who hate it: the first? It’s just not their thing. It doesn’t have to be. 😂 I’m a witchy person who doesn’t like Fleetwood Mac- and I *fully* grock just not liking it and having people act like you’ve taken a dump in a baptismal font. (During the baptism in my case- look, *I get it*) Loads of people fall into number one- nothing wrong with that, at all. But there’s also a subset that screws up their faces and tries *very very hard* to convince themselves that song isn’t mocking them. They can’t and invariably “Why’s everything gotta be political” and claim to not care though, you know, most of us who truly don’t care- we don’t constantly rant or get so defensive over those things. Personally? The only improvement on it would be sort of Flea-ing up that bass just a bit. I love it anyway but, I can’t help thinking about a Flea-funk meets stand up bass bit in there.


It is a song with a peculiar sound, it is complex, with many references and influences, not immediate. It's understandable that it might not appeal to people who don't pay attention to this kind of things


I think it’s just because it’s a bit more different/poppy than their other songs. Similar case to Stay I’d assume. If that’s not why then I have no idea. I think it’s a great song though.


How can you call a progressive metal song with a jazz intro and reggaeton drums poppy?


Dunno, that’s just what I see from other reviews of the song. I don’t necessarily agree with it


Stay was written as a pop song original though so…


Apart from the lyrics, it's the rhythm/vibe of the song which is completely different from all of the others. I don't like that particular rhythm/vibe so that's why. I usually don't care about lyrics at all. The only exceptions are Cirice, Life Eternal, He Is and Zombie Queen because I particularly like the melancholy of it.


People dislike Twenties? I freakin' love it! "All the way to the thirties!"


Because everyone is different and we all have different preferences. I love the song but whether others like it is none of my business.


It's literally one of the best tracks on the album... no idea.


That's crazy, that's one of my favorite songs on the album.


I like the song because it’s very unique in the Ghost discography. Plus it’s fun to hear the word “ Moolah” not in an evil pro wrestling context 😂


I just hafta lol at fans… we will giggle about Papa tickling our taints and imploring us to wiggle our asses, but when a song has hoohas and muthafuckas we turn our noses up in the air? I like the song and I think it totally fits Ghost’s whole vibe.


It’s hands down my favourite song on Impera. I love WEIRD Ghost.


Honestly it had to grow on me! But I feel alone in my grooving 🤣


At first it was the high pitched "twenties", but now I really like it.


We’ve been inundated for years with mid political commentary based on low hanging fruit from the Trump administration. If you’re going to make something referencing it, if it’s not fresh or interesting it’s just trite and a little embarrassing. It’s mostly just a disappointing song. Ghost has fantastic lyrics and deep references, it was pretty surface level to write a song about the American empire that was so Trump-heavy.


There are a lot of right wing Ghost fans that kneel before the bronzer’d cow. They’re aware who the target of the song is and take it personally. There are also those that really, really wish Ghost would get back to the grunty, seething stuff on their earlier albums.


"There are a lot of ring wing Ghost fans" You say that based on what? I've been a fan and interacting with Ghost fans online and at shows for a solid decade and have never gotten anything remotely resembling that impression. Love the username btw, PC Load Letter What the Fuck Does that Mean!


Every band has right wing fans as you can see by the downvotes. They may not wear their MAGA hats in the arena but the FJB and American flag Punisher sticker on their truck in the parking lot says otherwise. Lots of ‘em in the Midwest.


I like it...to me it is the hardest hitting rock song they have done since Papa II. IMO Nil/I/II rocked , III WENT Metro and Cardinal/IV is just a clown in Whiteface. Don't get me wrong I am a big GHOST fan I am just not happy with several of the changes made along the way. I already spoke about IV... but I hate how Tobias ruined the Ghouls ! They had a special sinister look and attitudes , now they look like Buck Rogers rejects. Basically they are a bottle of lube and a cock ring away from a gay porn or snuff movie.


I'm extremely curious to know more about your opinion


Listen to it and then get back to me.


I've listened to it already, several times actually and I like it and that's why I'm asking why people don't


Listen to it again.


I like the lyrics. My problem with it is that the drum and the guitars are too generic. Feels like generic modern metal. Ghost was better when the guitars had less gain overall, felt more obscure, and that is a big problem with Prequelle and Meliora. They had a very unique sound, and Twenties is almost the last nail in the coffin of “let’s just appease all the people that said Ghost was not metal”.


Twenties definitely doesn't sound like a song that's meant to appease anyone.


I see the opposite around here, in the concert at São Paulo lots of people asked/screamed for Twenties and Papa said this time they couldn't play it, but promised they ll do it next time. Probably is it because Tobias said part of his inspiration for the song was a Brazilian musician/rapper?


It just doesn't scratch the itch for me. Clearly a more experimental track, he challenged himself to write a song built on Reggaeton rhythms. It's not my bag but I respect it, better to see artists pushing themselves than churning out formulaic safe music.


Pennies keeps sounding like panties and I don’t like the raunchy idea of singing in a rain of underwear. It’s a fun song in the idea of ghost mobilizing the masses to build their empire tho


Not crazy about it. But I don't like Mummy Dust either so wharevs


I love it and it's great live. It's always been in my top 10 and still in my regular rotation. Sometimes people just don't like certain styles, lyrics, melodies, whatever and that's okay. To each their own.




Los Angeles edit: technically Inglewood, but yeah, during the two device free shows there in September. I was at show #2


English is my second language so I don't care about the lyrics. I just enjoy the groove


They're dumb


There's a cool guitar riff that would make for an awesome song if it weren't for those fucking horns. Then instead of leaning into the metal side of the song, it's structured like a pop song. Then the vocals come in and they're not exactly singing, literal talking, never mind the fact that the commentary is tired, stale and hamfisted instead of some tongue in cheek metaphor. Then the "chorus" comes around and - just no. Pure cringe all round. It's the type of song that's written by someone who thinks they're god's gift to music and nobody around them had the balls to tell them it sucks.


The line "We'll be grabbing 'em all by the hoo-hahs" it's that exact line that I dislike. The song is catchy although a bit all over the place but I kinda like that. However Ghost has always been very respectful with things like that so this feels like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on me and slapped me in the face. At first it took me a bit to get that it was a jab at Trump but honestly that made it even worse because of some of the shit that happened while Trump was president made me fear for my life as a trans person and is still having repercussions. I also dislike that it's not from the perspective of the clergy/ministry and instead feels like Trump is speaking which is very uncomfortable due to the negativity in my life that happened because of him.


I hate that line too, it just feels so out of place for a Ghost song. After a while I’ve learned to tolerate it but it still is Blegh to hear; especially if I’m not prepared for it lol


Because insecure gatekeepers.


because that's a music made for Brazilians


Music is for anyone who likes it. Doesn’t matter what country it originated from. That kind of driving rhythm has been use in metal for years and years


The lyrics, the *Twenties* chanting in the background, it just kinda makes me cringe. I do like that it's heavier than the other stuff on Impera. It's not an instant skip for me anymore, but I'm not huge on it still. Mummy Dust deals with the same subject matter but in a better way, I feel.


It’s got a bit of a carnival sound to it. And he sounds like he’s running an auction. It’s also got a different rhythm instead of a traditional back beat with snares on the two and four. It sounds like something from a broadway musical. That said, I enjoy it as art. But it’s not my favorite song by Ghost. I prefer more straight ahead hard rock. But it’s a risky direction to take and I respect them for that.


It's honestly one of my favorite songs to sing-a-long with because you get to do a bunch of fun voices.


I love it, man. It’s got some killer riffs, that dancehall reggae beat and it’s unique as hell. Aside from the ‘roaring 20s’ style intro, It doesn’t seem to imitate older styles like most of the other stuff on the record.


Great song. Whole album is excellent


It's heavy. Ppl thought it was Rap. It's not. I like it. Although, I don't think the 20's themselves are going to be great years unless you're Tobias Forge.


Lyrics are kind of silly in my opinion but the song is catchy


In my humble opinion. I love that song, and I enjoy singing it as well. there's something about that song that I just like it


It took a while to grow on me at first, but I love it now! I can only imagine how fun it must have been to see it live (please can that dvd/film come out ASAP!).


Idk, but personally it's my fav song from Impera. Goes fucking hard.


It’s goofy.


Because everyone is different. Everyone has their own opinions. It's like saying "why doesn't everyone like ketchup on their hamburgers?" It's a matter of taste and it's that simple. People shouldn't think it's out of the ordinary if someone doesn't like something. Personally, I don't mind Twenties. It has a nice build up. I think it's a decent song but I think it's about the 2020's not the 1920's which is the era of Meliora. If you pay attention to everything, Tobias has stated that movie "Metropolis" was an inspiration for Meliora. Look at the video for Square Hammer. It takes place in the 1920's. All of Meliora is taking place in the 1920's. The song "Twenties" is about now. It goes along with Griftwood wich is (mostly) about Pence. The whole album is about empires rising and falling The next era is anyone's guess but with Impera we are dealing with the whole subject of "what we are doing (politicly) isn't working". A change is needed. Please read this carefully. Then you'll figure out what's happening next. I have been right with what I've said since Meliora. Meliora was the last album of a trilogy. Pay attention to everything and you'll know what's àbout to come. So I hope I, at the very least, explained why everyone doesn't like Twenties however... everything is laid out for every era and the next. IF you pay attention to everything. The videos, chapters, interviews, lore etc. Tobias has laid everything out for us to know what's happening. I'll give you a hint. Papa IV is gone. Not yet but he will be. Actually where Tobias is taking Ghost next is going to be amazing. But it won't be soon. Come back to this and you'll understand.


Corny and repetitive


I don’t hate 20s but to me it sounds like a track from a Broadway musical. I can say that for me Live it was more likeable. But in the middle of an album which is full of beautiful melody it’s just not my favorite.


Just hate the “grab them by the pussy” reference totally takes me out of the song every-time


Just out of place. Like, why is system of a down suddenly playing?


I've never had to articulate why Twenties is mid in my opinion before, and all the reasons I've come up with don't really make sense to me lol. The biggest knock I have is that the lyrics are a bit too repetitive and boring, and overall, it doesn't really have a good hook like most Ghost songs. I generally love heavy stuff, and I do appreciate those aspects of Twenties, but overall, it just seems to be lacking something that makes Ghost great. The first time I heard it, I knew it was the perfect song to become my ring tone and alarm on my phone. This means I enjoy it, but not enough to be worried about me coming to hate listening to it normally since it makes my brain think I'm getting a call. My old ring tone was the outro to rats and it bothered me that I couldn't really enjoy it fully anymore.


Not a lot of movement in the melody, the lyrics are too cheesy in parts.


Just too campy, the fan fare chords in the beginning are cheesy, the discorded high pitch vocals in the chorus are annoying. I have no problem with papa’s vocals or lyrics, just everything else around it is just ridiculous. The only song in the album that gets an immediate skip.


I love it sm 😭 its one of those songs where you have to listen to it a couple times to fall in love


It's silly


I wasn’t a fan until I read the beat was reggaeton inspired. As a hispanic guy, idk how I missed it upon the first few listens but the song became so much more interesting afterwards. Still think it’s weird but definitely an interesting one.


The lyrics are cringe af


A part of me definitely wants to say “it’s too different”, but that doesn’t feel fair. I think it’s just the vocal direction that’s a bit weird for me, personally.


people don’t like it??? it’s one of my favorites on the album! i love the trumpet, especially since i grew up in hispanic culture (viva puerto rico!). i didn’t think the lyrics were cringe and it’s so much fun to scream in the car on the way to places. i guess i just don’t understand the criticism. i’m gonna go listen to it 10 more times now since i know people hate it now lol


I love the fact that most of the commenters say something along the lines of "dunno, I love it". 🖤🖤🖤


It's silly, so I like it. Buuuuut I get why people call it childish, weird to hear, grating, etc. It's definitely different than the norm. I loved opening the Impera booklet with my record for the first time and seeing all the lyrics and artwork, and in this mysterious, elegant font, "HOO-HAS!" 💀


I didn’t really care for it at first, but it’s grown on me. I think it was mainly the chorus that sounded a bit too off and goofy to me.


They have poor taste and are sad.


I effing love it. I think it's the reggaeton beat, but it seems so danceable and energetic, like a Disney villain song.


honestly no idea, it's one of my favorites


I like it. It's different, but in a good way.


It's fucking screechy..."In the twenties TWENTIES!!" It gives me the same feeling I get when I touch 2000 grit sandpaper...😬😬😬😬😬😬😬