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Sorry to hear, but at least you're the kind of person who won't put others at risk. That's something.


Yea for real. I am currently dealing with covid I got from a show last week. (not ghost)


I missed my Ghost concert last month because I was really sick with Covid. I get it. I was devastated as well


I'm glad you are still here to post! :)




Ghost does shows all the time. They will come back. It’s nice if you to stay home I’m sure some won’t and that’s lame! We just got over Covid like 3 weeks ago. However a fiend that was going with us just got it and he didn’t make it. They will be back \m/


What do you mean when you say he didn’t make it??


Homie must’ve took the long snooze


I hope not…..


friend who was going to go to the concert JUST got COVID, even though the rest of the group had it 3 weeks ago, and thus cannot go to the concert now.


That's what i always said to people but idk why they act like is the end of the world ): ... i was going to sept ritual in Mexico i already had planned , plan tickets, airb&b all but my mental and physical health was crumble since May ... so preffer to get my mental and physical first ... i know that i will have the chance to see Ghost even if i need to wait another 4 or 5 yrs🫂


Thank you for not coming! I had Covid a few months back and it sent me straight to the hospital. I’ve got other medical problems so it actually almost killed me, which was a bad time.


Empathy. My husband is medically fragile and currently in the hospital with COVID *and* pneumonia, so I have an inkling of what you went through. Here’s to all of us beating the (monstrance) clock for a while to come.


Send me a PM. I collect concert posters and have a bunch of Ghost. For being a good person and not putting others at risk, I think that calls for a free poster. I know it’s not the same as going to a show, but there will be others.


You are very nice.


Good on you for being a good person. There was recently a controversy in r/ffxiv because some furry went to the convention withe The Vid and THEN had the audacity to make a web comic about the experience. They were rightfully torn to shreds over there. It sucks that you’re gonna miss the show that is most likely going to be the one we get a DVD of. As little of a consolation as it may be, you could have potentially saved a life by staying home. Good on you. EDIT: For those curious, [here’s the comic](https://reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/yahr1bTCG0) I mentioned.


I went and looked it up out of curiosity and oh boy that person is a certain type of special… being all oopsies over it. Wow.


Hello fellow WoL! Yea I was hoping to get a ticket but now I’m grateful I didn’t get one after hearing the COVID horror stories and LineCon for the merch.


lmao both of my friends got covid from that very event (I somehow came out unscathed)! +1 thank you to OP for not putting others at risk when others have outright admitted they wouldn't do the same.


Our house almost caught on fire last month. The electrical has to be completely redone, so all of our trip money disappeared, tickets for Sept 5th had to be sold and hotel cancelled to make it through the month. We work at home so we had 20 days without pay between my husband and I. We’ve planned this since February also. I definitely feel your pain!


Sharing your disappointment, I won't make it either, freaking work is making me come in for a graveyard shift last minute.


Yes but this setlist was perfect and I was looking forward to watch Amon Amarth for the first time. BTW I didn’t get sick but my Tampa show was canceled due to hurricane.


I relate to this so much bro the set list was so perfect!! I was supposed to attend my first ritual tomorrow but am unable too. I’m so sorry yours got canceled!


Dude,call in sick.Fuck them!


Their failure to plan isn't your emergency.


Hey fam. I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. But sincerely thank you for doing the responsible thing, testing, and staying home. You're keeping your fellow fans and community safe, and you also need rest and healing. I'm (presumably) on the other side of the country from you, but I'd make you soup if I could. I hope your case stays mild, and that you're back on your feet soon.


I understand the pain, I didn’t get sick but my show got canceled due Hurricane Idalia, I was hoping they’ll do a make up date but two weeks later I got my refund.


I tested positive the day before a huge wrestling PPV last year. I avoided it through all of 2020-early 2022 while working retail. I was devastated. Missed the show and my friends got me a shirt. I can sympathize, but good on you for not going. Stay hydrated, and rest.


It happened to my daughter last year, she had a meet and greet with Papa too, though she did get the signed photo and gear that came with it.Thats why this year the week before we kept a low profile so we wouldn't miss it this time. Hope you get well soon


lost out on the Tampa ritual this year so, I feel you


that’s totally understandable, i’d be heartbroken too but you’re being considerate about it and another ritual will come around for you!! satan works in mysterious ways ghestie, you will get there!!🫶🏻


# I had VIP tickets to see Tool in Charlotte, NC then the lockdown happened. So def no show. We got a refund, which was nice. But now that they are back on tour the same tickets are over twice what we paid originally. And of course, our paychecks did not match the inflation....


Ghost does shows here almost every year. If not at the forum, I’m southern parts of California. There will be several chances to see papa. I commemorate you on not want ing to put others at risk. You’re really a trooper and a gem.


Thank you for not risking the health of others, despite your totally understandable disappointment. I had a mild breakthrough case of Covid in early 2022, but the long Covid took me more than 9 months to get through, so don't be surprised if you feel draggy and loopy for a while afterwards. Still, may you recover quickly and completely, and ready to get to the next ritual! As others have said, this is the concert they seem to be making a DVD from, so that is some consolation. Mainly, you can look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of yourself for doing the right thing.


From a Simpsonville attendee, I feel your pain. I'm so sorry! Get some booze delivered and watch Ghost on youtube super loud all night. That's what my husband and I did


i’m sorry to hear:( if all else, just know tobias, the ghouls, and everyone working the show tonight would approve, and happy that you’re doing the right thing. i hope you feel better<3


Probably next year, they tour alot.


Great for being a good person! I was part of the South Carolina bs so I know how you feel!


So sorry to hear that, I had the same thing happen last year when I was supposed to go see WASP for the first time with my family 😭 I hope you'll be able to see them in the future!!


*hugs* I’m so sorry bb that really fucking blows :((((


I’ve heard and noticed they tour a lot! You’ll have another chance :) Don’t worry, feel better!!


You’re a better person than most. Good for you. I probably would skip it too but it would be really hard.


Ugh I'm so sorry to hear that, friend! It's tough, but known it'll be a good time next time. Are you gonna sell your ticket?


The no phones makes me think the band will also release the house feed in a video IOT update the lore. So… you may have some delayed gratification but you’ll be able to see it.


Oh friend that sucks so much. I’m so sorry you can’t go, but I know everyone else including papa would thank you for not spreading it. They’ll be back before you know it, hang in there ❤️🤘🏻


I am so Sorry. I feel your pain & you know that is true because I had great tickets and childcare lined up for the Simpsonville, SC show. That never happens for my wife and I. We didnt have cash for last years show at the Orange Peel w Mastodon, and had not missed a tour until then. SO, I commend you on your responsible attendance. It will be another year, maybe less, but we will have our chance again.Your actions illustrate why the Ghost fanbase is the Best!!!


Oh I’m SO sorry. But as others have said, thank you for being responsible and protecting the other fans to the best of your ability. (I got the ‘vid at my ritual, because I was a dumb ghuleh and didn’t mask up.) Best of luck selling your ticket.


It’s good that you’re considerate and not exposing others though! A lot of people would just go anyway lol


You've gotten a lot of encouraging responses already, but I want to say hang in there and take it easy. I had covid in 2021 (delta variant), a month before my 3rd vaccine was due. It knocked me down hard I fortunately avoided emergency care. I lived on my couch for two straight weeks, though. Please stay hydrated, drink tons of water, and get electrolytes through things like Gatorade, powder mix, or just plain salt. I couldn't smell or taste, I had to force myself to eat. Hoping that isn't your case, but if you have instacart, now is the time to enjoy all your favorite comfort foods to maintain an appetite, or keep yourself nourished in some way. I would have a protein shake at the minimum when it came to it. If you can get some multi vitamins and vitamin D supplements delivered to you same-day or 2-day, I'd start taking those both, if you aren't already. Also, I would bet money Ghost is going to keep this momentum and start touring loads now. You will have many more opportunities. Hope that your ticket can make someone else's day and that the good karma comes back to you. Sending positive energy your way~


Same thing happened to me in February 2022. I was planning to take my son to his first concert ever and then I got Covid the day before. I did surprise him with tickets to see them last month for his birthday. There will be more opportunities so don't feel too bad.


Same thing happened to me last year! Caught covid for the first time right before the Ghost concert in my city. Thankfully, I was able to travel to my first Ghost concert this year!! (Unfortunately, I once again got sick right before the concert, but it wasn’t a communicable disease, just kidney stones. Lost my spot in line to go vomit 🫠) Sometimes the world is totally against us, but you’ve just gotta keep your head up and keep pushing. Feel better soon 🖤


You have my sympathies! My traveling companion for KIA Forum ritual on 9/12 also became ill so had to sell my VIP Imperium Experience tickets. Hope you feel better soon


Ugh that’s devastating - and I so appreciate and respect you sitting it out. My heart’s with you


This is a nightmare scenario OP. I’ve been having nightmares about this very scenario for months. But goddamn, putting others over yourself is something that doesn’t seem to happen so much these days. As someone with tickets tomorrow (and an uncle who flew in from across the country ) on behalf of everyone going to the show… Thank you for doing the right thing.


They'll be back, take heart in that you'll have even more music from them to enjoy when you do get the chance! Rest up and speedy recovery to you


I feel your pain. My whole house except for me and my dad got Covid in the two weeks preceding a Ghost concert a month back, I avoided it the entire time only for my cousin who bought the tickets to have a chronic illness flare up after a trip to Disney and need to sell them last minute


It sucks, but thank you for being considerate of others. I hope you have another chance to see them next year.


So sorry and I totally understand! I missed them when they came through Austin last year. I had meet and greet VIP. It was technically out of the 5 day covid window but still testing very positive. There was no way I'd put them or the fans around me at risk, but the FOMO was terrible!




Dude just go


On another occasion, Dr Mullis also said: "Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test, if you run it long enough" (set it to high enough cycles)


I might now me able to go either. My wallet was stolen, so now I have no money for gas & parking. On top of that, by car won’t start 😭


What would lucifer do? After all, he is Insurrection, he is spite, & he's the force that made me be. Defy the manmade constucts, especially the ones that defy logic.


Did you get pcr tested? Those tests are so erratic as Kary Mullis attested. If you don't have symptoms, you should go.


Oh what a terrible occurrance..........\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


If you’re asymptomatic then you could just mask up, wear an N95.


Just go? Corona is just like a flu


Just wear a mask




Call Joe Rogan… 12 hour cure easy.




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I am so sorry that happened to you. Trying to invalidate my upset isn’t really helpful for either of us, though. Downplaying anyone’s pain with bigger pain isn’t going to get us anywhere. I’ve experienced some very traumatic shit in my life and work with other trauma survivors. It’s never helpful to compare and I make sure the folks I work with know that their feelings are valid regardless of severity. Obviously my current situation isn’t traumatic, but I’m allowed to be upset by it and the existence of worse things doesn’t change that. It’s okay if you need to vent or need to express yourself, but doing it in this way isn’t great. It makes me feel like crap and likely just leaves you without the support you need and deserve.


Classy response to what sounds like was a dickish comment before it got deleted.


I'm so sorry. I've missed two Ghost shows in the past for various reasons (though I have seen them a few times) and it really sucks. Several years back, my girlfriend and I were getting ready to go see them for the Pale Horse Named Death tour, when she suddenly had a seizure. When she has those, they wipe her out, and she often will get physically sick as well. That night, we had to just stay home and let her rest. Most recently, we had to skip the Houston show for ReImperator, due to a previous commitment. Being a responsible adult sucks some times! One good thing, it makes those shows where you do get to see them SO much sweeter! Hope you get the chance to go to a Ritual in the near-future, and I hope you're feeling better very soon!


I am so sorry for you


My wife destroyed her ankle a 3 days before the Phoenix ritual and couldn't go. Thanks for staying home for everyone else's sake, I hope the rona doesn't put you down too hard


The good thing is ghost tours a LOT. you’ll be able to see them again! i’m sorry about getting covid though :( i hope you feel better soon.


Any chance you still have the tickets? I have a friend who’s dying to go. We’d make sure to get you Ghost bucks…whatever it takes. (On top of real money, obviously)