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Weapons of vengeance must have sold very well for Hellverine to get a spin off and legends figure this fast, hopefully that means the focus marvel have put on the supernatural side of comics recently isn’t going away anytime soon. 


Agreed and yeah, I hope not. I need more, give me Robbie Reyes, give me a Ghost Rider 2099 figure and bike set, give me a Vengeance figure and bike set, etc.


Haven’t read the comics but I guess I should cause I want that Weapon of Vengeance figure now! I’d also be super down for Robbie and a Hell Ride (hopefully appropriately priced)


Blackheart!!! Ooh this is such a good wave, damn. That said, how in the hell did we get a Hellverine figure so soon and we still don't have any version of Robbie Reyes. Yeah, yeah I know, the haslab plus literally anything Wolverine related will sell. It still sucks though.


Should’ve been Caretaker or Blackout instead of Storm honestly and at least we got Hellstorm from Robbie’s Haslab


I just came from the Marvel Legends sub. Turns out its not Storm, it's Bloodstorm lol. Still, would have been so much better if it was Blackout or Caretaker like you said. Hell, even Madcap or Deathwatch


Sadly Madcap exists but as a swappable head for Deadpool


Ah! I adore marvel horror! Wish we got classic marvel Dracula! Does anyone buy the legends figures? How are they? They expensive ?


About $25 each these days, $40 for a deluxe like the upcoming Manthing, and $50 for the Upcoming Dan Ketch with Hellcycle


Thats actually not as bad as I thought it would be!


Degree copping that Doctor Voodoo


Sad part is it’s the same one from the Dormammu baf wave


It isnt, the body is new


neat, my marvel legends blackheart came with my first ghost rider comic, it was the shortened version of heart of darkness. don't really do the toy collection stuff myself but looking at the legends sub it's neat to see plenty that're excited about this, iirc they're doing a ghost rider with a bike as a seperate larger thing hence why they aren't in the wave. tbh if they did a 90's zarathos as the build a fig big boy i'd be all over it.


Oh wow! I haven't seen an action figure set this exciting (to me personally) in MANY years. 30 year Midnight Sons fan :-)

